Chapter 12 - Royals

Alex: “So let me get this straight... Robert is the Vampire king right?, because I haven’t heard of any King named Robert recently”

Me:” Yes... A Vampire king, not Thé Vampire King, One of a few Vampire kings.”

Alex:” So how does that work, how many kings are there and why are they able to go out in sunlight and move around without people noticing?”

I can’t help but laugh at Alex’s questions. It is very clear he still doesn't believe me but that's why we are here.

Me: “Okay first of all, you watch way too many movies because vampires are not at all the way you think.

People’s interpretations of vampires are based on movies, TV shows, books, and I guess... In some aspect it’s probably not a bad thing, because vampires use to be seen as demons or some kind of demonic serial killers.

In short, when the first books were written Vampires were depicted as monsters, and later movies also portrait vampires as killer's lurking in the night but in the modern day it all took a romantic twist and now it's all happily ever after love stories with teen heart throbs. Vampires have become fairy-tale character.

Don't get me wrong, the situation is beneficial to vampires, but unfortunately not true to character. We definitely don't sparkle for one.

Most of the things you think you know about vampires are exaggerated, half-truths, fiction bent to entice curiosity in such a way to make money off the idea but yet just scary enough for people not to go snooping around, or just obscene enough not to be believable.

For instance, vampires stalking humans like pray, attacking them and then draining them of all their blood and leaving them for dead. That's what people believe, it is after all how you see it in the movies or read it in the books, but the truth is vampires don’t attack people.

One of the council rules are that vampires may under no circumstances take blood without permission. When they do take blood, it’s not a lot, never enough to kill a person. Blood is very filling. It would be nearly impossible to drain a person of all his blood. And to drain a person each and every day... it would be the same as telling a person you can't eat just a piece of steak, you have to eat the whole cow. A cow a day. Considering how many vampires exists, that would leave a hell of a lot of drained bodies around.

The only time a vampire could possibly get that dangerously close to draining and killing a person is if the vampire was very badly hurt and in desperate need of blood to survive, in that moment he might not be able to control himself... That’s what happened when Robert bit me. He couldn’t help it, the instinct of self-preservation always wins. The other possibility would be if the person was already very sick and weak or had already lost a lot of blood than they may not be able to cope with the blood loss.

But make no mistake, vampires prefer not to feed from the sick and weak, it’s the life force we are after, why take anything from someone that has nothing to give. It would be like eating food that was already busy to rot. In the animal world it would make sense for a preditor to target the weak and injured but a vampire effectively feeds off the life force of another not the flesh. Best blood is healthy blood and yes we can smell the difference.

The only other time a vampire will take a lot of blood, is when turning a person and even that involves rules. For some reason it so happens that only a Royal can turn a person into a vampire and it’s not a decision vampires take likely.

When they do turn someone, they don’t kill that person either, again not like the movies. They drain their blood yes but stop before the person dies. So the whole vampire killing people, burying them to awake as the undead is utter non-sense.

Vampires don't kill unless it’s just an evil vampire with murderous know, it happens. Some vampires are just murderous just like some people.

Here’s another fact that people know, but for some reason don’t think about... Vampires are not dead... Or undead...or living dead, as some like to label them...see they can't even decide which label describes vampires. These names all refer to zombies anyway ... Think about it, what’s the most preferred method or most well known method to kill a vampire according to books and movies?”

Alex:” I guess... a Stake through the heart?”

Me:” Precisely, so if a vampire is a dead creature he wouldn’t have a heartbeat, so than a stake through the heart wouldn’t do anything... Because it would stop a non beating heart. How do you explain killing a vampire by piercing a non-beating heart.... It makes no sense, unless a vampire has a beating heart, and that would mean... Life. But piercing any living creature’s heart would kill it.

And yet humans are fascinated by watching zombie movies about dead creatures with no heart beat and the only way to kill an undead thing with no heart beat is to cut off it's s head? ..If you believe both zombies and vampires are undead why are there different methods to kill them? ”

Alex:” So you’re saying zombies are real too? ”

Me:” Are you being serious? Of cause not, that's absurd.... Just how much have you been drinking?”

Alex looks at me in annoyance, I just shake my head at his ignorance and continue” Sunlight doesn’t affect vampires in the least...they don’t burst into flames or turn to dust...or sparkle." I give a loud snort-laugh, unable to contain myself

" Sunlight is more of an irritation if you are as pale as me... Sunburn is a real bitch.

It's a simple preference to be active during the night which results in becoming more pale due to lack of exposure to the sun and as a result become more sensitive to sunlight...

Vampires need permission to take blood, so they use simple seduction to make the task easier, and the best time to seduce someone is when they are relaxed maybe had a few drinks, and when it’s not too conspicuous, in other words, with not too many people around to witness... So night time is the obvious choice, places like bars or night clubs are always the easiest places to pick up easy prey.

Vampires don’t have the power to do mind control or erase one’s memories... They find someone that they consider to be easily persuaded and the rest Is just plain seduction but a little bit more powerful...more recently in books and movies it’s been called compelsion but ultimately it’s only seduction with a hint of hypnosis and subconscious persuasion. Once a vampire has the total attention and adoration of a human they are very easily persuaded to give permission for the vampire to drink their blood. In fact they will most likely beg for it. Vampires don't always use this power of seduction to get blood, they will use this to get pretty much anything they want. It's not all about blood, but about power. When they don't use the person for blood, that power over the person doesn't last long. It normally subsides within a few minutes of not being around the vampire. It would leave the person a bit dizzy or feeling a little lost or out of it, but none the wiser.

But when a vampire drinks someone’s blood, it changes everything. Drinking a person's blood allows the vampire to see some of that person’s memories, see their thoughts and feel some of the person’s feelings. It's such an intimate experience that the person will feel completely exposed yet comfortable, to feel so open and bare with no secrets or regret, a feeling of complete trust creates a undescribable bond and combined with the seduction and something in a vampires saliva makes the human obedient, willing, submissive, protective...a feeling of being in love, wanting more, it’s like a drug, and after the initial pain of the flesh being pierced and the burn when the saliva makes contact with the open wound, the toxins take over and it’s immediate addiction, pain turns to pleasure and you feel like you’re on a high than the lust and desire makes you feel good and all you want is more....that’s vampirism.

Vampires are not immortal either, they just live longer because they live off the life force of others, it rejuvenates them, one’s life force increases good health, accelerates healing, vampires don’t heal instantly just quicker, the live longer because they age slower, they can survive on normal food but it’s like forcing a meat lover to become vegetarian.... They get moody to say the least, it feels like when you are suffering from fatigue or when you have the flu, that feeling of weakness, just wanting to sleep, no energy or strength or willpower.

The more blood they consume the healthier they are... Faster, stronger, and living on blood instead of all the junk people consume also assist with the health and long vitality, and for some reason if you consume a lot of blood it slows down the heart rate which in turns make the skin feel colder, so that’s where the idea of vampires being cold comes from. If they would refrain from consuming any blood and just live off normal food, they would still survive... Become more human like in terms of health and age... The best analogy would be to compare it with a person who does extreme exercise, like a body builder for example, someone who spent his entire life day in and day out in the gym exercising, seven days a week, eating healthy, and then one day decides to just quit cold turkey and become a couch potato, only consuming unhealthy junk food, and refrain from any exercise... the way the body changes. He won’t just change over night... but slowly the body looses the tone and muscles, turning it into fat, the body becomes weaker and less firm until at some point the body no longer appears anything like it's former self. Thats what happens when a vampire stops feeding on blood. They become weak and sickly, start to age and will eventually die. The average healthy human lives between 80 to 100 years. The avarage vampire... Ten times that. I might look 30 something but the way vampires age I'm...

Alex: "Three hundred and five" he says in disbelief but there's a hint of astonishment as well, so I just smile before continuing.

Garlic doesn’t bother vampires, unless the individual just dislikes garlic...I’m pretty sure the person who described vampires firstly had an encounter with one and because that specific vampire didn’t like garlic the story was recorded as all vampires hate garlic. Personally I'm rather fond of a bit of garlic in food.

Same goes for Holy water and crucifixes, doesn’t do anything, except it could piss some vampires of especially if they were very religious before they were turned and now they are condemned to hell according to that very same religion they believed in.” it kinda pisses some vampires off. But the whole burning the flesh of vampires thing... Complete bull.

Alex:” So, Are vampires Monsters or Not? ”

Me:” It’s debatable...”

Alex looks at me confused...

Me:” Well, what would you answer if I asked you wether mankind are monsters or not... You may claim they are not but if you look back at mankind’s history and take into consideration all that they have done...the Murdering, wars, rape, abuse, slaughtering’s, animal abuse, destroying the earth and everything in it, pollution, drugs, ... The list never ending... Will you still stick with men are not monsters?

Yes sure, Mostly people try to be good, try to make a difference, try to stick to the straight and narrow and abide by the rules and laws, they to stay out of trouble...for the religious people, you believe that if you live as a good person, you can safe your soul and have the promised afterlife. Mostly...but not all people are good and even the good are not all saints. No human has never done something that wasn’t considered human is that perfect. No one is without sin.

The same goes for Vampires, Most of them want to be good, as far as beliefs go most believe that they are dammed, but even so they also believe that if they live in a way that is good they can be retributed and forgiven.... Unfortunately there are always those few who believe the rules don’t apply to them and break the rules and mess things up for everyone else, those who don’t care about anything or anyone else, only interested in their own selfish needs and gain. That’s why we have the counsel and the rules, just like humans have laws and courts and justice systems. ”

Alex:” So what are these rules you keep mentioning? ”

Me:” It’s fairly simple, the rules are in place to ensure the safety and security of vampires. The whole reason why vampires don’t take blood without permission, and use seduction on their victims is to ensure their existence is kept secret, and for good reason, every so often a vampire gets cocky or slack and humans catch wind of them, which never ends well... Just take the

mass hysteria about Vrykolakas, in Greece in the 18th century.

The Jewett City vampire scare in 1854. There were over 80 exhumations going as far back as the late 1700′s to ensure people that were buried did not come back as vampires.

All over the world there are different versions, different names for vampires, sightings and incidents that dates back to the 18th, 17th, even the 16th century. And how people reacted and the things they did to their dead to ensure they stay dead. Corpses were staked, decapitated, body parts re-arranged, corpses were chained or covered with rocks and cement or burnt. The stories are horrendous and some just plain barbaric and incomprehensible.... And yet none of these measures would be helpful because vampires are not dead come back to life.

People are so delusional.

Public burning of people believed to be witches are well known but there were public executions of people believed to be vampires as well, those were actually more eventful because vampires could actually be killed that way and that’s why it’s not such a well-known historical fact. The Vampires will go to the extreme to ensure their existence is kept secret, the most effective way is to make things sound so unrealistic that it couldn’t possibly be real... Some historical facts are erased, some re-written but if it’s something that makes a huge scene it’s quickly turned into an obscene unrealistic story... The council is good with cover-ups, after all they have been around for a very long time”

Alex:” If vampires have been around for so long... Who was the first, was it Dracula... or is that also debatable? ”

Me: “My point exactly... A story so unrealistic it couldn’t possibly be real... And no Vladimir the III or Vladimir the impaler or Count Vladimir Dracul... Whichever you wish to call him was not the first; in fact he was not even ever a vampire at all. Another fabrication or distraction to keep the truth a secret...the story of Dracula is well known, it captivated people, brought fear of vampires to people but the actual person Vladimir was never a vampire, even though he did exist, it made the story unbelievable because it could not be proven that he was a vampire... Because he wasn’t, doesn’t mean vampires don’t exist... it was only a distraction.

To answer your question, Lilith was the first vampire.”

Alex:” That name.... It sounds familiar but I can’t recall from where”

Me: “Are you a religious man, Alex? Are you Christian? ”

Alex:“Uhmm well, not as religious as I should probably be I guess, I'm Christian and I believe but I don’t go to church as often as I should.”

Me: “So you believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans created?”

Alex: “Well yeah, according to the Bible and if you're going to get insulting about religion I'm going to be very pissed off. That's where I draw the line. I do believe In the Bible, so yes according to the Bible Adam and Eve were the first people created.

Me: “Depends which Bible you read... And before you get all Up in Arms... Just hear me out. First of all, The Bible has been translated into every possible language thinkable... The language most used is English, it is also the language most bibles are printed in.... But English was not the language the Bible was initially written in... that would be Hebrew and later Aramaic, years later it was translated to Greek... Only years later into English.... And from the English version it was translated into all the other languages imaginable.

If you think about it open minded, lot of things were lost in translation or maybe deliberately changed or left out.... Either way if you read the Hebrew Bible or the Dead Sea Scrolls, Eve was not the first woman created. Adam was created from dust... Hence the saying ashes to ashes, dust to dust... And when Adam became lonely, Lilith was created equally... Or to say, in the same way... From dust. The story varies but basically Lilith was not happy as she was created as Adam’s equal but told to be submissive to Adam. So she refused. As punishment for her defiance she was banned to the Outlands or desert as some call it... Where she would most certainly die as there was no food or water.

Keep In mind that in the beginning it was said that man only ate fruit from trees, only years later their descendant Noah was told that they were allowed to kill animals and eat meat. That was hundreds of years after Adam and Eve, they could eat the meat as long as the blood was drained ... Hence some religions still practicing the complete draining of an animal's blood before consuming it.

So legend goes Lilith was taught by demons how to survive in the desert. She was meant to suffer and die but by eating the flesh of wild animals and drinking their blood, she managed to survive.

Others say that when she was outcast she turned into a demon herself when she ate meat and drank blood.

It is written that God made Adam fall into a deep sleep to take out his rib from which He created Eve, so that she would be made from part of him and therefore be submissive to him, unlike Lilith.

Many stories about Lilith seducing men when they were alone and feeding and killing babies turned her into a monster. She has been called many things from demon to succubus. They say she would seduce men and steel their blood and semen.... Just a primitive way of saying she seduced them and fed on them and had sex with them, if you think about it.

In the beginning of the Bible, people aged hundreds of years old. 300 to 600 plus years. Only after God punished man did He reduce their age to less than 100... But Lilith was an outcast and some believe that’s why vampires grow older than humans... She was no longer part of the humans when they were punished.

Of cause she must have had children of her own seeing she had sex with men... She was the first woman and was more beautiful and alluring then Eve... Her children would have lived like her... In the desert, living off meat and blood... The only mention of her having an actual mate is that of Cane, after he murdered his brother, he was punished and banished to the desert... He became Lilith’s first long term mate... They had children. And a whole vampire nation was born out of sin. Lilith who defied God and his rule, who ate meat and drank blood against His order, and Cane banished for being the first murderer... The perfect unholy couple.”

Do you know what Leviticus 17 verse 10 to 17 says?”

Alex: “Can’t say that I do”

Me:10 “And if any native Israelite or foreigner living among you eats or drinks blood in any form, I will turn against that person and cut him off from the community of your people,11 for the life of the body is in its blood. I have given you the blood on the altar to purify you, making you right with the Lord. It is the blood, given in exchange for a life, that makes purification possible. 12 That is why I have said to the people of Israel, ‘You must never eat or drink blood—neither you nor the foreigners living among you.’

13 “And if any native Israelite or foreigner living among you goes hunting and kills an animal or bird that is approved for eating, he must drain its blood and cover it with earth. 14 The life of every creature is in its blood. That is why I have said to the people of Israel, ‘You must never eat or drink blood, for the life of any creature is in its blood.’ So whoever consumes blood will be cut off from the community.

There is also Proverbs 30:14

There are those whose teeth are swords, whose fangs are knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, the needy from among mankind.

And many more... But can you see now, just like the Bible condemns witches it condemns vampires it just doesn’t name them as vampires. Even the Bible speaks of vampires yet you don't believe, and that after you just told me you believe in the Bible... so that’s your biblical history lesson for the day... The last thingi want is to insult you or make you feel that I'm questioning or being disrespectful towards anyone's religion so I think we should just get back to my story now”

Vampires have a hierarchy but in lamest terms you have the council who equals the government. Then you have various states ruled by a king who is pretty much the equivalent of a president. Each royal family consists of a king and their may be a queen and then they may have princes and princesses. But these royal families are not like human families. The king is the leader, if he turns others they all become his children, the princes and princesses, in other words not birthed but created. He can use them any way he wants as they belong to him which means he can drink their blood and have sex with them. A king can make one of them his Queen if he desires but she may then no longer give herself to any other. Only the king may have her blood or have sex with her where as He may still do whatever he wants, unless odcause he instructs her to give her body to someone else... It happens. Some of these vampire are quite perverse.

Kings rule their territories but there are sometime fights or even wars to gain power and to take over other territories.

Kings may pass laws and rules in their territories as long as it does not defy the ultimate laws set by council. There are seven council members at all times, and most of the rules and decisions are made by vote. Kings are required to attend most council meetings where they have a say in some matters and their arguments are taken into consideration but ultimately the power lies with the council.

All the council members were once kings or queens, but if a seat on council becomes available which is very rarely, only kings or queens may apply and if chosen you waive all rights as a royal... You basically lose your kingdom because it would be a conflict of interest.

Each kingdom or state has various vampire houses or as humans like to call them nests... A very strange term, but I suppose this comes from the idea that vampires can turn into bats...which they don’t just in case you wondered. All these houses have a leader or father figure and if he chooses a wife she will be the mother figure, much the same as the king and his royal family but without the power of a royal.

Only a Royal can turn someone, this means anyone from the Royal family. The king, queen, princes and princesses. A lot of the time, mainly the prince’s will go off on their own and that’s when you get all these other lower ranking vampires from. To be clear. A vampire price or princess may turn someone but that's were it ends. There's no grand daughters or grandsons in royals. Any vampire below a prince or princess is just....well a low life vampire.

Any vampire is loyal to the one who turned him no matter which Royal it was but those Royals were made by their king, so all vampires have a loyalty to their king and ultimately belongs to him.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Alex: “So this is everything The General told you? But why didn’t Robert's seduction and him biting you work?”

Me: “Well, that was the question everyone wanted answered.”

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