Queen of Darkness
Improvise and adjust

Chapter 13 - Improvise and adjust

Me:” It was strange to The General and to Robert that I seemed to be immune to Robert, the weeks that followed was filled with research, debate and assumptions. Even though I was angry with Robert, I let it go because I also wanted to know why I was different, seemingly the first person ever to be immune to the powers of a vampire.

One of the theories that arose while we had yet another discussion, this time in Roberts room, was that maybe I was only immune to Robert, but not to others. I did after all fall for Pierré and he was only Vamparic not even a vampire.

The General suggested that we conduct an experiment where another vampire bite me and see if I would be immune towards that vampire. Robert listened to The General but was not thrilled about the idea. I belonged to him and he did not want to be in a position where he could posibly lose me, if another vampire bit me and I wasn’t immune, I would become Vamparic and my loyalty and desires would be towards that vampire.

The General agreed the situation was not desirable and that it was too risky to let another vampire in on what we knew. It would put all our lives at risk, but when The General suggested that he bite me, and if I did become Vamparic, I would still be around and still be there to protect Robert.... Well, needless to say Robert completely lost his shit.

Robert became so angry that he got physical with The General. The General could have easily beat Robert’s ass but because Robert was the King, The General just took the beating, just occasionally blocking to protect himself.

I felt bad for The General, what he suggested made perfect sense to me. Robert was just being jealous and possessive. He wanted me to himself and that gave me an idea on how to defuse the situation, The General was my friend and I didn’t want to see him take a beating, especially one where he could not fight back.”

I yelled at the top of my lungs for Robert to Stop. Both Vampires froze at my sudden outburst as I was completely quiet up to that point.

Me:” Robert, what if we tried it again?... You were in a weakened state when you bit me and you had poison in you... Maybe that’s why it didn’t work.”

Robert walked away from The General, he was calmer and I could see him thinking about what I said. At least my plan worked and he was not going at The General anymore.

Robert:” That doesn’t explain why my seduction doesn’t work on you”

Me:” Well maybe you’re just not as good of a seductor as you think”

I said it without thinking, the words were out before I could stop myself. The General also couldn’t help himself; he gave a loud snort in amusement but quickly stopped himself from bursting out in laughter because Robert was fuming.

Robert yelled at The General to get out and The General obliged but not without giving me a sympathetic look. We both knew I was in deep shit. The General closed the door behind him leaving me alone with Robert.

By the time the door closed Robert was already in front of me. He grabbed me and in a quick effortless motion pinned me against the wall, his body pressed against mine and his hand around my neck. He wasn’t squeezing, he wasn’t even hurting me, he was just holding me in place, enforcing his authority or wanting to instil fear, but that wasn’t really working.

Robert: “Don’t ever humiliate me like that again, are we clear?”

I wanted to laugh at him but I didn’t mainly because the way he held me did something unexpected to me, something I wasn’t prepared for and I hated myself for it... I felt aroused. My lips parted to answer but I couldn’t, my breathing had deepened... Robert picked up on it and he gently squeezed my neck causing me to close my eyes and softly moan against my own will. I thought it was too soft to be heard but Robert did hear causing him to raise an eyebrow.

He immediately kissed my neck and ran his tongue up my neck toward my ear and whispered “if you told me you liked it rough I could have given you pleasure months ago”

This should have upset me, instead I felt embarrassed. I felt weak for feeling this way.

Robert went back to kissing my neck and when he reached the bottom of my neck he bit into my flesh. This time my moan was out of pain. Robert made a grunting sound and I felt his erection press into me.

Within seconds the pain was gone and pleasure and desire took over. Robert’s fangs left my neck and soon after we were kissing hungrily. I gave in to the lust and desire, and let Robert have his way with me. Robert may have been a selfish man but he was most definitely not a selfish lover. He did things I never knew possible and pleased me more than once.”

Alex: “Urgh! Do we really have to discuss the sex.... Just tell me if it worked or not? I thought you didn't have those kinda feelings for him. ”

I laughed at Alex’s remark, because I did notice him squirming uncomfortably and the bulge in his pants. He was not as disgusted as he made out, he was turned on. And turning men on was one of my favorite games to play.... But now was not the time, and Alex was not the one.

Me:” Hmmm okay, well yes I didn't have those feelings towards Robert that's what made me so upset with myself. Afterwards I fell asleep in Robert’s arms. When I woke the following morning Robert was already gone. I thought it strange because I knew he would be eager to find out if it worked second time around.

Even more surprising, The General was sitting on the end of the bed staring at me.

The General: “Robert has been called to an urgent council meeting, he will only be gone for a day or two. I was supposed to go with him but he said I had to make sure you were alright seeing how we don’t know if you are Vamparic or not”

Me: “I really don’t know if it worked, I don’t feel different but last night Robert did make me feel things I’ve never experienced before and I liked it... I wouldn’t mind that again... I don’t know”

I could see The General tense up, he was getting upset and I didn’t want him to be angry with me.

Me: “Look, I’m sorry but I don’t know what It is I’m supposed to feel or want, I can’t help it if I’m not Vamparic, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

The General looked at me for a few seconds then moved closer so that he was sitting next to me, with his hands on my shoulders, looking me deeply in the eyes. “I’m not upset with you or the fact that it may not have worked. I thought I made my feelings known to you when I suggested that I bite you, I want to save you from Robert, I would welcome the chance that you’d fall for me instead... Because... Well because I’m in love with you”

I was not expecting that at all and I was not sure how to react to his deceleration of love for me. Sure I loved the General but as a friend, I was not in love with him. The only thing that came to mind in that moment was how Robert would react if he found out about The Generals feelings for me. He got physical with The General just for him suggesting that he bite me as an experiment.

Me: “Don’t ever repeat those words again, if Robert finds out... He is unpredictable and jealous, who knows what he might do”

The General: “He will kill me without a doubt, I know that, and I don’t care about what he will do to me, but I do care about you, and about your safety... I will keep my feelings secret from everyone but you.”

The rest of the day I spent wondering around, paging through books in the library and practicing new spells. I avoided The General, things were a little awkward. How did I end up in a house with two vampires, both wanting me for themselves, with feeling for neither.

Late that night Robert returned. He was upset about something, the council meeting didn’t go well. Robert needed to get rid of his build up tension and he knew just how to do so.

I was already asleep when he got into my bed. He started fondling me and kissing me, I was only starting to stir when he already had his teeth sink into me. I woke up aroused beyond words. Robert pulled me on top of him and gave me yet another new experience. Complete control.

I wasn’t Vamparic, I was not like the others I’ve seen this happen too. I wasn’t acting like a love sick mindless bimbo running after Robert for his attention, trying to please him and doing anything possible just to be around him, and yet strangely, I was enjoying Robert biting me, I was enjoying the sex, I was enjoying his attention and being with him which normally I wouldn’t have. What I did realize was that I didn't particularly care about giving him pleasure and satisfying his needs... This was about me giving in to my needs, satisfying my own desires.

In the morning I was awake before Robert, and I was the one who initiated another love making session, I don’t know why I did it, I was not into Robert, I didn’t even like him, and that’s when a thought came to mind.

Maybe I was Vamparic, just not to the extent that others would be. It would explain my sudden sexual needs and desires and my sudden tolerance of Robert. I had no way to be sure this was something I needed to figure out but first I had to figure out what was getting Robert all upset....but he was not talking to me about it.

After I had breakfast I made my way to the library, not entering I decided to eavesdrop on Robert and The General who was already in a heated argument. There arguments have become more frequent and more intense. It wasn't normal”

Robert:” What I don’t understand is... You knew I would see her memories when I’d fed on her, so why declare your love knowing I would find out?!”

The General: "I wanted to find out if you could see her memories, she’s not Vamparic so I wanted to test a theory. You couldn’t see any of her memories before, maybe she is suppressing earlier memories because she wishes not to remember, so maybe if her memories were more recent and involved people she might care about, like us than you would be able to see it, and It seemed to work”

Robert: “So you’re telling me this was all a test, you’re not in love with her?!”

The General: “Well I couldn’t tell her my theory now could I?, then you wouldn’t see it in her memories it would be just another irrelevant memory like eating dinner or taking a bath, no it had to be something that stood out, like a secret she needed to keep”

Robert: “I guess that makes sense, but it does not mean I believe you and should you ever try anything with her... You know the consequences.”

The General: “I do, if the matter is now resolved?... What’s the problem you encountered when you attended the council meeting?”

Robert:” Seems our friend Rowan sent word to the Council that Aurora has not been turned Vamparic and her extensive knowledge of us is a danger to vampires.”

The General:” That can’t be... I took care of him. ”

Robert:” Yes but I suspect he had an accomplice, someone who he met before you caught up with him...now the council is not only aware of Aurora, but since Rowan disappeared, they suspect us of his murder. ”

The General:” He tried to kill you, our king and stabbed you with a poisoned dagger. That is a crime surely the council will see his death not as murder but as justice?”

Robert:” I am not worried that we won’t convince them of that, but I don’t know how to convince them that Aurora is not a threat to vampires, and I can’t tell them that she is not Vamparic with all the bite marks on her, that will cause so much suspicion. They are sending Anastasia to access the situation.”

The General:” This is bad, Anastasia is ruthless, and she’s no fool. How can you possible hide Aurora from her....when will she be arriving? ”

Robert:” Probably within the next hour or so”

The General: “What!? Why didn’t you speak sooner!?”

Robert: “I don’t know what to do, all I can hope for is once Anastasia meets Aurora and sees she is no danger, I can convince Anastasia to be lenient.”

The General: “This is Anastasia we’re talking about, she does not know the meaning of the word...it's best I take Aurora and flee, you can say she escaped, that would give us time to think of another plan.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Robert: “You’re not going anywhere with Aurora, I don’t trust your intentions with her... I will handle this my way, even if this means I have to get physical with a council member....this discussion is over, but before you go... I am going to need your neck... I want your blood, I want to see if you are being truthful about your feelings for her.”

The General:” Of cause your highness, but should you not want to invite Aurora in, she’s been standing outside the door for quite some time now.? ”

Robert:” AURORA!.... Get in here Now!, General.... Leave us”

This was bad. Robert was furious when he learned I've been eavesdropping. I slowly walked into the library. I was equally furious with The General, not only did he lie to me about his feelings, he used me to test a stupid theory. I thought we were friends, that we shared something... And now he just got me into trouble by exposing that I’ve been eavesdropping the entire time, and Robert was surely going to punish me for this. As The General moved passed me to leave I looked him in the eyes and stated “I hate you” my back now to Robert as the General backed out of the room while closing the door he whispered “Its best for us both that you do”

He wanted me to hate him. Of cause, he was not lying to me, he was lying to Robert, he does love me. He exposed me right when Robert wanted his blood. Robert would see the truth Instead Robert is now angry with me and sent him away.

Robert: “How long have you been listening?”

I can’t tell him the truth.

Me: “Long enough to hear about the Council sending one of their members to evaluate me to see if I’m a threat”

Robert suddenly looked very worried. “I think it would be best if you just try to not admit any knowledge of vampires... I don’t know if it will work but if you keep quiet and don’t say anything Incriminating, maybe she will look it over”

Me: “But she will see the bite marks”

Robert:” Not if you wear concealing clothing... Go see if you have any dresses that will hide all the bites, Once she arrives accompany her to my study”

I quickly made my way to my room, going through all my dresses until I found an elegant dress with a high neck collar, it hit all the marks, now I just need to stay calm and clear headed and Outsmart a council member... How hard can it be.

Soon enough Helen announced the arrival of a guest. I met Anastasia at the door. She looked to be in her mid-thirties with blonde hair tied in a bun. She looked immaculate with not a hair out of its place. She did not smile or greet me making me feel very uncomfortable. If she was any more uptight she wouldn't be able to bend. The thought made me smile.

I was friendly and advised that Robert was in his study expecting her, I would show her to the study but before I even gave a single step she grabbed my dress by the neck and ripped it open revealing at least two bite marks. I was in total shock and gasped as I tried to cover my neck as best I could.

Anastasia just raised an eyebrow and didn’t say a word. I started leading the way to Robert’s study. This was bad. Robert’s planned had failed. I could no longer pretend not to know anything as I had bite marks. If I did not enter the Study to reveal my state to Robert, than Anastasia would be catching him out in a lie.

I needed to go into the study and I needed to come up with a plan to safe myself from the council. Anastasia would not think twice to end my life.

Only one thing came to mind as I opened the door to Robert study. I’m supposed to be Vamparic. And then I knew what I needed to do.

Me: “Robert darling, are you in here?” I called out in a giddy voice as I pushed the door open and walked in so Robert could see me, or at least see my torn dress.

I sounded ridiculous to myself. Robert looked at me in confusion but luckily just caught sight of my torn open dress, before saying anything. He looked me in the eyes and I could see that same worried look once again but I could also tell he knew instantly what I was up too.

Robert: “Come in sweetheart” I knew that voice, it was his seductive tone... Not working on me but Anastasia didn’t know that.

Anastasia followed me into the room without a word, just observing. I walked over to Robert’s side grabbing hold of his arm, leaning in close, batting my eyes and smiling at him.

Me: “Darling, you have a visitor” .... I pouted “She ruined the dress you bought me”

Robert: “Not to worry sweetheart, I will buy you another.”

I jumped childishly up and down clapping my hands “Yeah!, oh thank you” than Robert grabbed me and kissed me. The kiss went on for what seemed to be ages and it got rather passionate. I felt so stupid acting this way and yet his kiss got me aroused.

Anastasia started clearing her throat as to make us aware of her presence.

Robert: “Sweetheart please excuse us for a few minutes, we need to discuss a few things.... Anastasia, I’m sorry, you know how needy new Vamparics can be... Please sit”

I walked passed Anastasia and gave her the most jealous deathly stare I could “hands off, he’s mine” is all I said to her as I passed her and left the room.

I stood outside the door waiting anxiously, I couldn’t hear a word. After twenty minutes I heard Robert call me “Sweetheart you can come back in now, I know you’ve been waiting outside the door”

Robert calling me sweetheart meant the plan was still in motion. I quickly entered the room, looking her over just like an over jealous lover would. I walked back to Robert’s side, grabbing him around his arm again, showing ownership... That he was mine.

Anastasia: “Thank you Robert, there is just one more thing before I go” before Robert could respond to her request she had pulled a knife from somewhere and flung it straight at Robert”

There was no time to think of a response so I did the first thing that came to mind...I just reacted, I used Magick to stop the knife mid-air. It hovered in one place for a few seconds. If I lost concentration the knife could still move forward.

Anastasia: “Well isn’t this interesting.... The council will be interested to hear that you’ve turned a witch into a Vamparic”

I forced the knife to drop to the ground just as Anastasia flung a second knife at Robert, this time there wasn’t enough time to conjure another spell. The only thing I could do was to follow my instinct, and I flung myself in front of Robert, the knife piercing my back as my eyes met his.

Anastasia:” At least you didn’t try and fool me Robert, your Vamparic witch tried to safe you, she is no threat... If she survives.”

I don’t know what came over me to jump in front of a knife, sacrifice myself for Robert, I believed I was acting on pure instinct but instinct would be to safe yourself not sacrifice yourself. Unless I really was becoming Vamparic.

If it was a Vamparic they wanted it was a Vamparic they’d get. I would have to reinvent myself to survive... I would have to improvise and adjust.

The last thing I remembered was looking up at Robert while he screamed for The General to help, Anastasia giving us an evil grin before leaving the room.

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