
The gates were once again open but manned this time, a tall guy waved Frost and Beetle through then closed the large electric gate by pushing a button, the wheels rolling along a track until it sealed closed with a clunk.

Just over thirty-six hours ago, Kamryn had done full-circle, returning to the place she had fled.

“Feeling a bit nostalgic?” Beetle asked, riding up to the verandah and then reverse parking his bike beside Frost’s.

“Terrified to be honest. You could have been lying to my father for all I know, now that I’m here. Have those three men inside waiting for me as payback”, she added, her voice not sounding the same thought Beetle, pulling the key out of the ignition.

“Give us a minute”, Beetle nodded at Frost who went inside before turning on his seat, looking at Kamryn from an awkward angle. “Said when we pulled over, I'm your ride, my responsibility and on my turf. Not while on my turf. Still gonna fix that smart mouth of yours till I let you go", he said leaning back and squashing Kamryn again.

"I can hold my own, just don't set me up. I'll tear you to shreds till I'm out of breath", Kam said sliding off the seat again awkwardly.

"Still short one end ..." he said getting off more gracefully "... don't mind leaving you out of breath either sweetling", he added walking to the heavy oak doors and holding one open for her to come join him.

"Are you always like this or are you purposefully turning everything I say into an inuendo?" she asked looking up at the big man, his blue eyes reminding her of the ocean.

"Gotta admit I was fucked off when I lost you. Damned close to grabbin' your fender, then you took off, revving the shit outta your bike, fishtailin' the way you did. Was determined to find you, hook or by crook", he said smiling. "Seein' you walk in the kitchen, yep! I was hooked. So yes Ryn! To answer your question, I will turn everything you say into an inuendo till I get what I want".

What do you want?" she asked, now a little breathless.

"See here's the thing ..." he said gently pushing her inside the door "... to always come second".


"Your here, finally", said Stone nodding at his Vice President before looking down at Kamryn, he was taller than Beetle and incredibly huge.

"Welcome Little Ninja. I believe I owe you a free drink on the house for helping to clean out the garbage the other night", Stone said extending his huge hand as a gesture of good will.

Everything about this man was huge Kamryn observed, looking him up and down quickly which had Stone chuckling to himself.

Kamryn placed her tiny one in his and shook, knowing it was not going to end until he let go first.

"Yeah well! Their words were not only offensive, but they were also too old to be re-educated. Figured some sense was better than none so I used my boot".

Stone chuckled again then looked back at Beetle. "The old man appreciate your visit?"

"He did. Said he wouldn't hesitate to offer his trade again in the future. You taking the time to give him that call also meant a lot".

What? What call? Thought Kamryn looking back and forth.

"Hello! I'm Mallie but you can call me Mal. I'm Stone's old woman, or in this case his better half", she said smiling and shaking Kamryn's hand as well. "This is Sonya and my good friend Cryl, girls this is Kamryn", Mal offered, her beautiful green eyes sparkling against her flawless skin.

Her dirty blonde hair tied back in a basic ponytail, but there was nothing basic about Mal, she was simply stunning.

"Hello, I feel like I'm on the back foot. Should have done this the proper way when I came on open night".

"Rubbish", said China coming forward, his Koren features jogging Kam's memory instantly as to who he was. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"You heard what they said". Kam allowing China to shake her hand as well.

"I did. You ... were fast. Promised my wife I won't let things slide next time. You put me back on my arse when you ... showed up", he said trying to find the right words that wouldn't put her off.

"Yeah, well I did think you could have done something sooner; they were speaking foul outside as well".

"Fucking Kung-Fu-Panda", said Beetle rubbing salt into the wound.

"Shut the fuck up Dopey", China countered.

"Come and have that drink Kamryn Tallinger. My woman's been wanting to sit down and have a talk with her hero".

"Not sure about the hero part but that sounds fine to me. I'd like to offer my thanks also for putting my work up on the walls. Only saw a couple of things the other night, didn't think I'd ever return again after Beetle tried to run me down".

She turned and saw him watching her, his hands shoved in the front pocket of his jeans, his stare intent.

"Once he heard what they'd said Beetle added a few more inches to the guys chin and gave an extra black eye. China finally showed a few of us his own skills, putting them back to sleep if I recall", Frost said before turning and heading for the bar needing a cold one, along with all the other men except Beetle who just stood there silently.

"We'll be sitting over there when you two have finished", Mal said walking off with Sonya and Crystal.

"Sorry Sweetling for scaring you like that".

"Eh! Just know you don't scare me now", she said unzipping her jacket and peeling it off.

"Just know now, I've got your back", he said walking off to join the men.


"So, you met Stone because you asked for his help?" asked Kamryn, enthralled with Mallie's story. "And now?"

"Sugar has a bun in the over", Crystal added, drinking some more of her favorite pink concoction, compliments of Edge.

"I have three children already; Mallie's babe will make four. Razors future generation", said Sonya looking around the table.

"Count me out. I've got too much I want to do. Get my business up and running, put some savings behind me. Babies and me are at polar ends", Kam added sipping her water.

"I'm still studying law, having a baby shouldn't interfere if you prioritise and have a good man who'll support you", she said drinking her own fruity drink.

"The man has to prove he prioritises you over all else", Crystal said, looking back at Edge. "His only focus is becoming an endorsed member".

"He's not a member?" asked Kamryn following Crystals line of sight, watching the man behind the bar pouring some more drinks.

"He's a prospect, got to learn to earn. If the President eventually agrees, my Edge then needs more than two members to vote in his favor before he can get fully patched. Then, after that there's still the one percenter's".


"That's another learn then earn", said Sonya seriously. "But enough of that. Tell us about your work?"

That was something Kamryn felt comfortable doing, so she did for the next half an hour. Having the ladies in hysterics when she told them about Beetle's hand cuff dilemma.

"Imagine that in Razors new sex club girls, we could do whatever we wanted to our men, and they couldn't do damn thing. Just the thought has my panties getting wet", said Mallie laughing again, not that she had any on!

"That's not all I've made", said Kamryn who now had the attention of all the men who had heard her last sentence.

"Got yourself some dangerous territory Beetle", said Stone chuckling.

"Seen that work with my own eyes, she's definitely got an imagination that's for sure", said Frost knowing he was once again pissing off his good friend.

Beetle remained quiet which was out of character, China merely observing before he asked, "having second thoughts?"

"Funny you should mention that, second is definitely the way to go". Which confused everyone listening, Spanner included who just got up to go to the men's room.

"Meeting in the conference? The women won't miss us for a beat".

"Yep", they all chimed in one after the other.

Beetle looked over and saw Kamryn laughing, holding court so to speak. Her creations obviously grabbing everyone's attention.

He already knew she was special; it was convincing her of that fact.


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