Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 17 ~ Revelations

My hand hesitated before I sucked in a breath and knocked on the door that swung open immediately. Anna smiled when she saw me and waved me in.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"I need to borrow some clothes." I said, a little embarrassed.

She laughed and dragged me over to a walk in wardrobe, raking around the pile of clothes littering the floor until she picked up a massive shopping bag and shoved it into my arms.

"These are for you, I picked them up when you arrived." She smiled.

My eyebrow quirked up as I peered into the bag that was packed full of jeans, shirts and even a pair of shoes.

"You're the one that's been putting clothes in my room?" I guessed, feeling a little better that it wasn't Padraig that had been picking out what I should wear.

She grinned and nodded, "You came here in joggers and a shirt, I was worried about your fashion taste so I decided to take control."

"That wasn't my normal choice of outfit, not if I'm leaving my flat, but I didn't have time to change before we were chased out." I pointed out.

Anna cringed, rubbing her arm, "Sorry."

It's fine, really. Your taste is the same as mine...except the dress." I waved her off.

A smug look came over her face and I knew immediately she had picked the dress on purpose.

She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and shrugged, "Padraig and I were tired of watching you and Atanas going round in circles so I decided you both needed a little push. It obviously worked."

I blushed, ducking my head. Anna cackled and patted my cheek playfully before she pushed me out of the wardrobe. She took the bag from me again and sat it on the bed, pulling out various items. I decided to let her continue to dress me, she seemed to enjoy it.

"How was it? Did you enjoy it? Did he confessed his undying love and devotion for you? Is he big?" She rattled off, her grins widening at my obvious discomfort.

Her last question caught me off guard.

"Anna! You can't...that's none of your business!" I sputtered, feeling my cheeks heat even more.

"It sounded like you enjoyed it." She giggled.

Rolling my eyes, my thoughts drifted back. I had enjoyed it. More than I thought I would. I didn't want to tell her that he had indeed told me he loved me, it was something I wanted to keep to myself for a little while but I wasn't quite sure why. Maybe because it was the only secret I had that made my chest feel warm and light instead of heavy.

A bundle of clothes was pushed against my chest and Anna pointed back to the walk in wardrobe.

"You can get dressed in there and then we can go downstairs and find out if the rat in the basement has told Thierry anything."

A small shiver went up my spine at the reminder that Mirdull was so close but I pushed the thought away and did as I was told. Closing the door to hide myself from Anna as I got changed, I set the clothes down. I'd been given underwear today at least but as I picked up the tiny matching lacy set, my eyes bulged.

"I can't wear this, Anna!" I yelled through the door.

"Of course you can! Atanas will love it, promise, and you'll be surprised at how confident it will make you feel. Just try it and if you really don't like it by the end of the day, I'll get you something else." She shouted back through the door.

They were pretty but my scarred body was sure to take away any chance that I could Huffing and grumbling, I put them on, surprised by how soft they felt against my skin. Tugging on skinny jeans that were as tight as a second skin and the off the shoulder top, I was dressed to Anna's satisfaction. The still red and angry marks that Airell had left stared at me in the mirror. It wasn't so sore today but I hated that his fangs had touched me again. My hand lifted to the other side where Atanas had bitten me.

Anna appeared by my side, frowning.

"It'll go away soon?" She said softly as I turned away from the mirror to pull my boots on.

"I hate that it's there at all. I hate that he got into my head so easily. I hate that I couldn't fight him off." I muttered, feeling anger build.

"It won't happen again, and it's not your fault. Airell is powerful but Atanas is even more so." She comforted, linking her arm through mine, "Come down stairs and we can watch the drama unfold."

I smiled and let her lead me out the room, feeling far less nervous as we stepped down the stairs this time. Thierry was speaking to Atanas in hushed whispers and stopped completely when I appeared. I didn't take it to heart, assuming that he was still distrustful of me, but the way the rest of the room's occupants avoided my eyes had me curious.

"Has something happened?" I asked nervously, unsure of whether to go to Atanas or take a seat on the couch.

I still wasn't entirely sure how to act with him. Neither of us were exactly affectionate, but my fear of touch disappeared with him. Atanas ran a hand through his hair and Thierry was still staring at me with something akin to amazement.

"Mirdull talked," Thierry answered bluntly, "about an ancestor of yours."

"Not now, Thierry." Atanas snapped, making me jump.

"She needs to know." Zena spoke from across the room, giving Atanas a harsh look, "Either you tell her or I do."

"Tell me what?" I fretted, looking around the room for anyone who would talk.

Atanas sighed and sat down on the couch, his hand reaching out to pull me down next to him. The room fell quiet, all eyes watching us.

"There is a reason why Airell wants you so badly. You're the key to his plans, or at least you were until he lost his control over you." Atanas began, keeping my hand tightly grasped in his.

"I don't understand." I whispered, dreading whatever he was going to tell me.

I could see how he fought with himself, the thoughts flickering in his eyes. The longer he was silent, the more the tension grew until I felt like I was going to snap.

"Before I tell you, know that this doesn't change anything. It doesn't change what you mean to me."

The look he gave me told me he wanted an answer but the lump in my throat had grown too big and all I could do was nod my head and try to remember how to breathe. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Airell didn't find you by accident, he'd been tracing your family down for centuries. Your family line comes from one of the most powerful of our kind to have ever existed, and that power has been passed down to you. Leyla didn't disappear for no reason, she left to give birth to her child. Airell tracked you down and turned you himself so that he could control one of the most powerful beings on this earth. You." Atanas explained, his watchful eyes waiting for my reaction.

Nervous laughter bubbled up, my thoughts tumbling over one another and leaving me tongue tied. I looked around, waiting for someone to tell me it was impossible, that it couldn't be true, but they all held solemn expressions.

I shook my head vehemently, tearing my hand from his, "Vampires cannot have children."

"Leyla did. Airell wouldn't waste his time chasing after something that he had no proof of. You're far more important than you think," Padraig observed, "I had an inkling of that already though. Anna said she can feel your power, even if you can't."

"You're all wrong. I don't have any power. You saw that yourself, Atanas, I couldn't even best you in a fight." I protested, refusing to believe their claims.

"I can feel it too. It's locked away but it's there. We think that's why he treated you as he did, he was hoping that he'd trigger some sort of survival instincts that would bring that power forth." Zena added, the pity in her eyes making me bristle.

I jumped to my feet, rubbing my face. This was too much to take in. I rubbed my face, wishing I'd wake up from this dream and be back in bed beside Atanas. Leyla was a vampire, there was no way she could have had a child no matter what anyone said. This had to be some sort of lie Mirdull was weaving but I couldn't understand why he would do so.

Una pushed herself off the wall she'd been leaning against and came towards me, making me stumble back.

"There was a story that my father told me, of an immortal women who came to my people for help many centuries ago. She gave birth to a child She'd been cursed to live forever and she couldn't bear to watch her child grow old and die, she warned that many would try to find that child if they knew of his existence and ordered us to hide him in the human world where he couldn't be found. My people did as she asked and we gave the child to a human family. It was said that her descendants held all the strength that she had inside them, that if they suffered the same fate as her, if they became a demon like she was, they would be just as strong. I always thought it was just a fairytale, a silly story my father told, but after hearing Mirdull I believe it to be true." Una stated, "You are the descendant of Leyla."

Backing away from her until my back hit the wall, too many words and cries of denial wanted to leave my lips at once. I shook my head again, gripping my head in my hands.

"Mirdull is lying to you. Even if the stories are true, they are not about me. Why would Airell have let me leave if I was so important to him, why would he not have locked me back in his dungeons the moment I returned to the city?" I asked, confident in what I said.

"Perhaps he realised there was no controlling you. His tactics to make your power reveal itself did not work, maybe he thought letting you go and find yourself would do so instead." Anna suggested, "I don't think Mirdull is lying and I think deep down you know that too."

I slid down the wall, hugging my knees to my chest as I struggled to keep my breathing steady. There was a small part of me that felt silent, as if something I'd always known had been proven true. I was one of the oldest vampires that Airell kept locked away, I'd kept my sanity when all others had lost themselves to the darker parts of themselves, I'd managed to fight of the addiction to Ailill blood when I'd watched others kill themselves rather than suffer through withdrawals.

I was up on my feet and running for the basement door before anyone could blink. The door slammed against the wall and I almost tripped over my feet, stumbling down the stairs. Atanas yelled my name but I ignored it.

Mirdull was on the floor, bloody and unmoving but I grabbed a handful of hair and yanked his head back. Dazed eyes rolled around before settling on me and the chuckle that left him was raw and painful.

"Tell me the truth," I hissed, "I want to hear it from your lips myself."

"Your mother did her best to keep you hidden you know. She knew what you were, what you'd become, her kind had their prophecies as well. Your father on the other hand only cared about how much money he could get for you, he accepted Airell's offer of money for you but you'd ran before Airell could collect, but he found you again." He grinned.

I shoved him him away, standing up to pace again. Atanas appeared at the door, his eyes flicking to where Mirdull sat laughing.

"Airell won't stop trying to get me back will he?" I asked.

Atanas shook his head but it was Mirdull who spoke, "He'll kill every last person here to get his hands on you, and when he does, he'll make sure you never get the chance to run again. You'll serve him like you used to, and you'll win our war for us."

His words were like knives in my heart and I wanted to punish him for it. Boiling rage rushes through me but I wouldn't lower myself to taking my anger out on Mirdull's body like others had on mine. Looking over at Atanas, I could see the worry etched into his features.

"You once told me that people you cared about got hurt, but it's me putting all of you in danger. Airell will come here for me, I could lead him away and you can use the time to make your plans to take down the council. I need to run." I choked, moving to slip past him.

Atanas grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "You're not going anywhere. We're safe here and I promised I would keep you safe. I love you, Shylah, everything is going to be okay. We're going to win and Airell will pay."

My eyes flicked to his and the sincerity I saw had the tears finally falling. Sobs wracked my body but I was pulled into his chest, his arms winding protectively around me. Carefully, Atanas led me back up the stairs, pausing just before we went through the door.

"Remember what Anna and Zena have said, Libertas Mea. You have power and strength inside you, maybe all you have to do is learn to use it. Airell may be old but you have the blood of the first of our kind running through your veins, you are far stronger." He declared before kissing my forehead.

"You don't hate me for having her blood? For being related to her? She took your life from you, she played you just as Airell has me." I mumbled, disgusted.

Atanas shook his head and squeezed my hand, "You may share blood but you are your own person. Her crimes are not yours."

I nodded, sniffing and wiping my eyes. It was difficult to believe his words, especially when I had pages of names of the people I'd killed. Maybe the crimes of my ancestors and the crimes of my maker were not mine, but what about the crimes that were all my own? Did that not make me as bad as them?

When Atanas pushed back through to the living room, only Anna, Padraig and Una were still there. Anna stood and ran to me, practically jumping into my arms. I flinched as her arms wrapped around me but relaxed and allowed myself to seek comfort in her hold.

"Thank you," I murmured, unable to believe that I was allowing another person to touch me so.

Was it too soon to consider Anna a friend, one of my only friends at that? Padraig stood too, giving Una a stern look that had her jaw clenching.

"We thought you and Shylah could use some time alone, to get out of the house. Neither of you have fed in days, with what's coming you need to be at your full strength. You can't hunt in the village but it's not too much of a drive to get to the nearest city. Though I do think you should take someone with you, just in case." Padraig said, folding his hands behind his back.

Anna took a step back to give me some space but the thought of leaving the house now had panic flaring. With everything I knew now, I wanted to stay where nobody could find me.

Atanas' hand slipped into mine, his fingers threading through my own. I could feel his strength as he stood next to me, easing a little of my anxiety.

"Thank you, Padraig, but I think my mate and I need some time alone together. We'll be back as quickly as we can," Atanas replied, his gaze flicking to an annoyed looking Una, "Padraig is in charge while I'm not here."

Una gave a stiff nod, refusing to meet either of our eyes. Perhaps she'd realised there was no getting rid of me now, that to protect her people, she needed me. If Airell got his hands on me, it would only strengthen his cause.

"Be safe," she finally mumbled, bright green eyes lifting to meet mine, "Both of you. We need you both to come back, my Queen."

"I think I might faint..." I joked, unable to believe the complete 180 Una had done.

She smirked, "Don't think I suddenly like you. I may hate you a little less and you are now important to both sides, I'll protect you. We all need you safe. I dread to think how grumpy Atanas will be if he loses you, especially to Airell."

Rolling my eyes at her, I hear the teasing lilt to her voice. She may never say so out loud, but I knew she didn't hate me. For some reason the fact that I made Atanas happy, made her happy.

"Stick to highly populated areas, nobody would dare attack where humans are-"

"I know how to hunt safely, Padraig," I chuckled, "Are we getting to borrow a car?"

Una's eyes widened and she stood, quickly shaking her head, "You're not going near my car, I don't trust that you actually know how to drive, and I know for sure that you've not passed any driving test."

When I looked to Padraig with a pouting bottom lip he laughed, "Sorry, I'm on her side. Atanas' first encounter with a car was only a week ago and I worry about the amount of times you trip when you're walking too much to allow you the keys to any of my cars."

I huffed but they were both right and I imagine if I got a scratch on one of the no doubt expensive vehicles Padraig had, it wouldn't be Airell I would be running from.

"I'll drive them," Anna piped up, "I need to shop for some food anyway. I have my phone on me so I'll keep in touch and let you know when we're on our way back."

Inhaling, the scent of Padraig's anxiety filled the air and not for the first time, I wondered what exactly the relationship was between them both. Atanas' nodded from next to me, agreeing with the compromise and I too felt a little better about having a witch with us. It was only now at the prospect of hunting that I realised how hungry I actually was. My throat was burning, fangs pressing against my lip already. How had it been a week since I'd fed from a human? How had I managed to ignore the growing hunger pangs that were now strong enough that every best of Anna and Una's heart had me losing my grip on reality. Tightening my hand on Atanas' needing something to ground me.

Blue eyes fell on me in concern and Atanas shifted to hold me against his front, "Be quick getting ready, Anna."

Anna nodded, noting my tense posture and ran to find her keys. I held my breath so the tantalising scent of Una's blood would stop teasing me.

"I'm sorry, Libertas Mea, I should have had you fed days ago," Atanas murmured against my shoulder.

"It's alright. I'm a grown up, I should have made sure myself. So much has been going on that hunger was the last thing on my mind," I replied, leaning back against him.

Atanas' hummed, his teeth nipping at the pulse point of my neck, making me inahle sharply.

"As soon as this is over, I will make it all up to you. When we get home from hunting, I want to make you my mate, for real this time,"

His promise was growled and full of anticipation that had that now familiar heat rushing through my body. Only a small part of me was unsure of his proposal, while the instinctual vampire side of me almost growled out her want to claim. Atanas' would be mine, only mine, and I found that that was exactly what I wanted. If we were going to war with the council, I wanted to do so as Atanas' mate, if I was captured by Airell, I wanted to see the fury on his face when he realised I belonged solely to another, and if I died, I would die having been mated to the only man that had ever made me feel safe.

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