Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 18 ~ Lost

My entire being was thrumming in anticipation as the city lights came into view. Atanas sat in the back, leaning forward so he could see too. My fangs had been pressing against my bottom lip since we got in the car, the hunger raging through me, burning my throat. I did my best to stay in control, I had no intention of killing any unsuspecting human, no matter what instincts told me to do.

"Keep breathing, Libertas Mea, we're almost there," Atanas soothed, amusement in his tone.

Anna wasn't as relaxed, her eyes darted to me every couple of minutes and I could see the worry in their depths. I wasn't sure if it was concern for how hungry I was, wariness that I'd suddenly attack her, or fear that being so far from the house wasn't safe. Her agitation was only sparking my hunting instincts. Atanas' hand squeezed my shoulder and I looked back to send him a tight smile.

I knew he was less than happy about the danger we were possibly putting ourselves in, but he knew I needed this. As Anna pulled into the still heaving city centre, she became even more restless. She parked on a busy street and sighed, her fingers drumming the steering wheel.

"We'll be quick Anna, and we'll come straight back here," I promised.

She nodded, chewing her bottom lip, "Don't stray from the centre, and I know it might be impossible, but do your best to stay away from any dark alleys as well. The scents of all the humans here should stop any vampire finding your scent too easily."

"We know what we're doing, relax. Don't worry about us." Atanas said, giving her a smile before stepping out onto the street.

Anna's worry still filled the air but she let me go and watched through the window as I took everything in.

Inhaling deeply, too many smells mingled in the air. Alcohol was prominent, alongside many different foods and strong floral perfumes from women in short dresses and high heels heading towards the clubs. Atanas' looked as overwhelmed as I felt. The air was loud with the beat of music, laughter from pubs and the chatter of many humans.

Both Atanas and I were making sure there was nothing near to be worried about before we started moving.

"Ready?" He asked me, his eyes scanning the streets again, this time in search of ideal prey.

I gave him a nod, practically bouncing on the balls of my feet. When he grinned, his fangs glinted under the lights. We weren't hiding who we were anymore, we were giving in. I'd never hunted with anyone else before and the thought of hunting with Atanas sent a thrill through me. We walked through the streets together, slipping through the crowd like silent ghosts until we found what we sought.

I did my best to curb my jealousy when Atanas got lingering stares from young women who were all far more beautiful than me, focussing instead on where I was walking. Drunk humans were easier to compel and the headache they got from us feeding was easily passed off as a hangover the next day, especially as they lost time while we took what we wanted. On the other hand, blood not diluted by alcohol was always better, but we were short of time and needed an easy meal.

Two drunken girls staggered and giggled down into a side alley, the blonde so unsteady on her feet that she had to have her hand against the wall. Atanas' ocean blue eyes met mine and he smirked as he followed them around the corner with me close behind him. We didn't let them get too far, keeping to Anna's wishes of not straying from the centre, even if we couldn't avoid the need to find a little privacy from the busy streets.

All my senses were focussed on my prey. The sound of her heart thumping a little fast and the rush of her blood had my nature taking over. Atanas was first to make a move, grabbing and pinning the leggy blonde to the wall, making the other auburn haired girl squeal in fright. She opened her mouth again to scream but I grabbed and covered her mouth before the sound could leave her lips. She struggled for a moment before I managed to catch her gaze, my compulsion taking a hold.

I hushed her softly, keeping a firm grip until her eyes glazed over and her body slumped. The sound of Atanas already feeding and the copper scent of blood in the air had all my thoughts disappearing as hunger took over. Swift as a viper I struck, my fangs piercing her neck with a pop. Warm blood filled my mouth, and even though the taste was tainted by alcohol, I still savoured every drop. I forgot about my surroundings as I eased hunger pangs, feasting on the woman who let out the smallest of groans.

It wasn't till her heart beat stuttered and her legs gave way beneath her that I pulled back, licking her blood from my lips.

Atanas was leaning against the wall, watching me with heated eyes. My skin was flushed and I hated to admit that it took a lot of strength not to take more from the girl that was now swaying against the wall next to her friend who was sprawled out on the ground. They wouldn't remember anything in ten minutes and they'd continue on their way home with a bad hangover in the morning.

"Do we need to to find you someone else?" Atanas asked, pushing from the wall to come to me.

I shook my head, almost shivering as his hand cupped my cheek, "I'm okay, really. We shouldn't leave Anna waiting much longer."

He continued to study me before he slowly nodded and a smirk curled at his lips. I knew where his thoughts had trailed off to, that if I got hungry again he'd willingly feed me. In a moment of confidence, I took his hand and threaded my fingers through his. Atanas pressed a soft and teasing kiss to the corner of my lips before he pulled me back out of the alley. I was hungry for something else entirely as the woman's blood rushed through my veins, making even the smallest breeze too much for overly sensitive skin. Lifting my hand, I curled it in Atanas' hair, pulling him down so I could kiss him more firmly, moaning as his tongue met mine.

My back hit the wall, his hands gripping my thighs to urge me to jump. I wanted nothing more than for him to take me right here against the wall but the part of me still able to think reminded me that we'd left Anna alone. Fangs grazed over his lip, drawing a small bead of blood that I happily licked up before I placed my hands on his chest to slow him down.

"I don't want to leave Anna alone much longer," I whispered breathlessly, the vampire side of me almost screaming at me for fighting against what was natural.

Atanas nodded, looking a little disappointed but he placed another quick peck to my lips before tugging me back towards the city streets.

The night seemed brighter after having fed, the glare of streetlights stinging my eyes. People parted for us as we walked, instinct telling them to give us a wide berth. Humans may not have known about our existence but something still told them we were different and to be avoided. I was a little skittish, constantly checking my surroundings and breathing in the air to find any scent that seemed out of the ordinary but there was too much in the air to distinguish one smell from another.

Atanas stopped by the car and tugged me quickly behind him, his body tensing defensively. I frowned, going on tiptoe to peer over his shoulder, also going on alert because I trusted Atanas' instincts. My hands almost started to shake as butterflies erupted in my stomach as my anxiety flared.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to find whatever had set him off.

"She's not in the car," Atanas muttered, his eyes darting around.

I could almost have whacked him for setting me off so much over something so small.

"She's probably still shopping, she did say there were things she needed to pick up," I replied, squeezing his arm, "Relax."

He shook his head and released my hand, circling the car, breathing in deeply. He froze by the drivers door, his fangs dropping and when I inhaled, I reacted the same way. Blood. I all but jumped over the car, growling in anger at the smear of blood over the car window. I began to shake, cursing myself for letting this happen. Anna should have stayed at the house, we shouldn't have left her alone when we knew there was danger lurking.

Atanas was looking around again but I knew as well as he did that whoever had taken her was long gone and they'd left no trace of where they'd disappeared to.

"This is my fault," I muttered, curling my hands into fists.

"Don't you dare think that. The council are the only ones at fault here, Shylah. We'll get her back, I promise. We need to get back to the house and warn the others, now," he said firmly.

"No, I want to take a quick look around. There must be some clue as to where they went if we just-"

"It's not safe, Shylah. I forbid it. The best thing we can do is go home and prepare. We will get her back, I promise," Atanas said.

I wanted to argue, I wanted to be able to say I did more than simply give up and go home without even searching a little bit. Slumping, I nodded numbly with hands still trembling, I swung myself into the car. The keys were still in the ignition and that told me she'd been taken not long after we'd left to hunt. She'd not even managed to leave the car...

If they'd managed to move that swiftly, they must have known we'd be here, there was no way they could have found us in the middle of the city so quickly if they didn't have prior knowledge. I didn't believe enough in coincidences to think Anna had simply parked in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Atanas joined me in the car and grabbed hold of the handle above the window. If the situation hadn't been so dire, I might have found his lack of faith in my driving amusing.

I almost screamed my frustration when I stalled the car first try and had to take a deep breath before trying again. The car purred to life and I was actually glad Atanas was holding onto something as I raced through the city streets, cringing as the engine choked and stuttered when I forgot to change gear.

"It would be nice if we arrived back in one piece," Atanas joked, his eyes a little wider than normal as he looked over at me.

I was in no mood for his teasing however, and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

"I'm doing my best," I snapped back.

Tears were blurring my vision and I blinked them away, unable to lift a hand to wipe them away. I could feel the guilt coming from Atanas as he watched me silently cry.

"She's the only woman I've ever been able to call a friend. The only woman I haven't felt judged by," I choked out, slamming a fist against the steering wheel, "and if Airell kills her, I will tear apart the world to make him pay."

"He's taken her for a reason, he won't kill her, he needs her," Atanas soothed but his words didn't help, because he was right.

Airell needed Anna, and I could only think of one reason why, me. I kept that realisation to myself because I knew how it would make Atanas react. I was also sure of one other thing, someone in the rebellion was a traitor.

"He's been watching us," I whispered as the house came into view.

Atanas grunted, "Something I've been wondering about since we realised Anna was taken. Unless Mirdull has managed to get messages to his master, but that's unlikely."

I nodded my agreement. Una hated me too much for being with the council to ever betray us for them and I'd seen the care and love Padraig had for Anna, he'd never put her in harm's way. The rest I wasn't too sure about, but I'd damn well kill whoever it was. It had been a long time since I cared about anyone but myself because of this exact reason, losing people hurt, but I found that I wouldn't have traded my friendship with Anna or my love for Atanas.

A physical jolt went through me and my foot slammed on the brake at the end of the drive. Atanas yelled, bracing himself on the dashboard before sending me a glare. I could tell he was about to berate me before he noticed the look on my face.

"Shylah, what's wrong?"

My hands fell to my lap and my heart hammered in my chest as I suddenly announced, "I love you."

Relief was the first emotion to pass over his features before he broke out into a wide grin, "I know."

My hand itched to slap him at his answer but he chuckled and reached out to squeeze it.

"That's all you have to say?" I grumbled, feeling more irritated as he laughed.

"What more is there to say, Libertas Mea, I've been waiting for you to admit that to yourself for days now, and you know I love you too," he explained, leaning in to nip my lip.

My jaw clenched, "You're so...ugh."

I threw the door open and climbed out, stomping my way to the house. I'd deal with Atanas and his smug ways as soon as Anna was safe. It amazed me that Atanas was remaining so calm. I'd have thought he didn't care at all that Anna was missing if I didn't know him better.

The murmur of many voices from the living room cut short when I stepped in. Pictures had been torn from the walls and vases lay smashed on the floor. I was about to ask what happened but when my gaze fell to Padraig, I knew he somehow already knew about Anna. He'd been the one to make the mess with his bloodied hands.

Atanas took in the scene before him and then walked over to his friend, "What's going on here, Padraig."

He shook his head, unable to talk as he fought with his anger. I could see it in the way his body was tensed up, his eyes squeezing shut.

"A letter was pinned to the door, Dvij found it," Una explained, her eyes flicking to me, "It's from Airell."

I froze and my biggest fear was right, Airell had Anna. With shaky hands I took the letter from her, ignoring the eyes that burned into me. I scanned the letter, recognising the fancy cursive writing of Airell's own hand. It was addressed to me, Little Bird.

"We can get Anna back," I breathed out, knowing what I had to do.

"No, Shylah," Padraig growled, "we'll find another way."

"What does it say?" Atanas asked, frowning down at me.

I took a deep breath, unable to meet his gaze as I answered, "If I go to him, he'll return Anna unharmed. If I don't, he'll kill her."

Atanas' eyes flared electric blue, his fangs dropping down as the hot scent of his anger filled the air. He snatched the letter from me, reading it for himself before shaking his head. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"You're not going to him," He grit out, his power radiating but I already knew that would be his answer.

"He's right, Shylah. We can't trust him and we can't let you fall into his hands, not just because you could be the strongest weapon he has but because you're our Queen, we don't trade our leaders," Elaine added, "We will get Anna back but not like this."

"Our people are ready to move as soon as they're given the word. There's more of us now, and we're strong. Thanks to Mirdull, we know Airell is no longer in Edinburgh and with what happened tonight, we know it means he's here. All we need to do is plan our attack. Anna is a strong witch, I'm sure she can take care of herself until we can rescue her," Lachlan agreed.

As I looked around the room of hardened faces, I knew there would be no arguing with them. They would never agree with any plan I came up with if it meant giving myself back to Airell. Especially with Atanas so set against it. But I wouldn't let Anna suffer as I had under Airell's hands, I couldn't allow it. Instead of voicing so out loud, I tried to keep my expression neutral.

"You're all right, of course. We'll find another way," I said, hoping none of them would hear the lie.

All but one seemed to relax and begin to talk tactics. Atanas' eyes never left mine, his gaze piercing. He knew me better than to believe me, but I stood my ground, hoping my heart wouldn't betray me. Eventually he nodded to himself and took me into his arms. I held onto him tight, breathing in his scent, burning it into my memory. Opening my eyes, Padraig was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

Thierry sat next to him and patted his shoulder, "We'll get her back, my friend."

"We have to, I won't have it any other way. She's mine and I promised to keep her safe," Padraig growled, his eyes flashing dangerously.

And I would make sure that Anna would be back in Padraig's arms. If she had even the smallest of scratches on her, I would never be able to forgive myself. My hands fisted by my side in determination, but my plans would have to wait until daylight, as dangerous as that would be.

Atanas stepped into my line of sight and I worried he had somehow heard my thoughts or perhaps he just knew me well enough to know I wouldn't let this go.

"Promise me you won't do anything reckless, Libertas Mea," Atanas pleaded, pulling back to cup my face in his hands, "I need to hear you promise,"

There was fear in his eyes and it broke my heart to think that it was because of me. I pressed a soft kiss against his jaw and whispered, "I won't do anything reckless."

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