Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 19 ~ Lion's Den

Atanas lay sleeping soundly, but his brow was furrowed in a frown. Whatever he was dreaming about, he wasn't happy and it pained me to wonder which moment of his past haunted his dreams. Caressing over his cheek, I smiled as his features smoothed out, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile.

"I love you, Atanas," I whispered softly before kissing him softly, "That's why I have to do this. You've given me a family, and I have to protect them."

I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince myself of this as well, but the more I thought of the horrors Anna was possibly being subjected to, the firmer my resolve became. Even with that knowledge, when I stood from the bed my heart clenched tight, stealing the breath from me. Atanas reached out for me on the bed, mumbling unhappily in his sleep which only made it that much harder.

This time when I turned away, I forced myself not to look back. My steps were silent as I took the stairs and turned for the basement, avoiding the rays of light that filtered through gaps in the curtains. The jingle of chains had me pausing half way down the cold basement stairs but I made myself continue. The smell of old and new blood hit me like a wall when I reached the bottom and my nose scrunched.

Copper lingered on my tongue.

A single candle lit up a portion of the room but Mirdull was no more than a black shape in the dark while my eyes adjusted to the new light.

"What do you want, Little Bird?" Mirdull muttered weakly, shifting so half of his bloody features were revealed.

I couldn't help but cringe. His eye was swollen and black, his cheek crusted with drying blood. He chuckled at my aghast expression, revealing a red mouth. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Centuries of seeing scenes just like this and still you cannot stand it. How one as pure as you was destined for this is a mystery," he mused, leaning his head back against the wall.

He looked tired, his eyes glazed over. Mirdull had resigned himself to his fate it seemed, and he didn't look like he much cared. There was a blankness in his expression that was more terrifying than seeing his fury.

"You and Airell made sure that I am no longer pure," I hissed, my hands fisting because I refused to feel any pity for him.

He hummed, tipping his head, "We did our best, but I'm talking about your soul. You're here to save that witch aren't you? If we'd broken you down like we'd attempted, there would be no room in your heart for love, or caring, or guilt."

I looked away, not wanting to hear any of his thoughts on my ability to care. I'd spent decades making sure there was nothing in my life I'd worry too much about losing.

"Airell is no longer in Edinburgh is he? He's moved base to the city near here, you'll tell me exactly where," I demanded, crouching before him.

Mirdull considered me a moment before he laughed again and this time I saw the extent of Thierry's work. His fangs had been removed. I did my best not to flinch but the tension of my body gave away my disgust.

"Are you flying back to your cage willingly, Little Bird, all for that mortal? My, my, you really have gone soft. I don't know where Airell's base is, but I'm sure he'll have eyes all over the city now, all you have to do is walk in," he finally said, smirking, "I can't wait to get free of this place so I can play with you again and I will watch every person in this house die when I do. I'll make sure to bring you the head of your lover, or maybe you'd prefer his heart."

My fist flew, cracking against the side of Mirdull's cheek with a sickening crunch without thought. He spat blood to the stone floor but my reaction only amused him. He grinned at me while blood dripped from his chin and I wondered if his time down here had made him a little unhinged.

"The sun's beginning to set, you better fly quickly before everyone wakes. If they catch you trying to leave, Atanas might have you keep me company down here so he knows you're safe," he sang with another round of manic laughter that shook me to my core.

I scampered back to my feet, the echo of Mirdull's madness following me up the stairs. Falling against the door once I'd closed it, doubt began to creep in. Maybe the others were right and I was best waiting for them to make their move. The sound of my own screams in a memory had me shaking my head, my resolve strengthening.

Marching over to one of the glass cabinets that held some of Padraig's treasure, I opened the latch. I'd been eyeing up the small dagger that was showcased within all night. If I was going to walk into a trap, I wanted to have a weapon, one that was easily hidden. Picking it up, I felt only a little guilty at stealing something precious enough for Padraig to own.

"Sorry, Padraig," I muttered, promising myself that I'd bring it back in one piece.

Snagging Una's keys from the table, I bounced on my feet by the front door. The sun's rays were still shining brightly and I'd have to get in the car quickly or risk burning. Pressing the button on the keys, I waited for the tell tale click of the locks on the car before bolting out the door.

I grit my teeth against the searing pain that lit up my skin, doing my best to shield my face before throwing myself into the car and slamming the door shut. I froze, eyes wide as the sound cut through the air. Movement behind a curtain and the shocked face of Zena meant I had to move fast. She mouthed something before turning to yell at whoever was behind her and I fumbled to put the key in the ignition. As soon as the car roared to life, my foot slammed down on the peddle. I pulled away just in time to see Zena yanking open the front door as she yelled my name, the sound muffled inside the car.

She'd tell Atanas straight away, but there was little he'd be able to do until dark and I doubted he'd send Zena or Una after me alone. But Anna would be returned safely to them, and that's all that mattered. Maybe their rebellion would work, they'd win, and I'd see them all again. Hopefully before the last of my sanity was stolen by whatever Airell had planned for me.

I wasn't quite aware of where I was driving once I got to the city. Night had brought with it a flurry of humans going to clubs and pubs and I thought about hunting before finding Airell, to make sure I was at my full strength before coming to the conclusion that it'd be pointless. Parking in a quieter part of the city, I stepped out into the cold, running a hand through my short hair.

"Now what," I mumbled, looking around.

I needed to draw attention to myself but I wasn't quite sure how. Even if Airell had vampires stalking the streets, the city was a huge place to look for little old me. Making sure there were no humans too close, I looked up and did the one thing I was sure would work, even if I felt a little silly doing it.

Vampires had good hearing, and their sense of smell was just as good. Airell would feel me through the maker's bond, he would know I was close. Taking the dagger I'd stolen from Padraig's museum of weapons, I sliced across my palm then lifted my head to yell for my maker.

"Airell! I'm here!"

My voice bounced off the walls of old buildings, echoing through the night just as the scent of my blood filled the air. After a more than a few minutes of deathly silence, I slumped until the sound of a slow beating heart reached my ears.

It wasn't Airell who appeared though, but Morfran. The sight of him was almost enough to make me think I'd made a mistake but I wouldn't let him know he frightened me. His dirty brown hair was matted and dirt was smeared across his cheek.

"Always so dramatic, Shylah," he grinned, eyeing my healing hand, his nostrils flaring as he took in the smell of my blood, "Don't you think we knew the moment you arrived?"

I widened my stance a little and tightened my grip of the dagger. He stalked slowly towards me and from the crazed look in his eyes, I knew that Ailill blood was coursing through his veins. As he got closer, I could practically smell the magic on him.

"Airell must be really desperate if he sent you to collect me," I said, watching his every move.

Morfran barked a laugh, shrugging, "He never sent me specifically, I just happened to find you first. I'll be rewarded when I bring you to him. I hope you don't come willingly, I've been craving a good rough and tumble with you."

It took all my restraint not to attack him and to keep my expression neutral. Losing my temper wouldn't do me any good. I had Anna to think of.

"Enough havering, Morfran. Take me to Airell, now. Before I decide to find him myself and bring your staked body as a present," I hissed.

He scoffed and motioned for me to follow, which I did while leaving enough space between us to bolt if he tried anything.

"Your bond with Airell must be stronger than he thought, you got quite close to finding him without needing me," he mused, leading me towards a large Georgian building with large iron fencing along the exterior. Steps lead down to a basement with blacked out windows and I dreaded to think what was kept down there.

I knew straight away it was where Airell had made his home. He'd always loved his fancy mansions. Eyeing the building with trepidation, I faltered at the steps that led up to the door. I couldn't back out now, no matter how terrified I was, with shaking hands and fight or flight instincts taking a hold while my mind flashed back on memories of torture. Again I reminded myself, I was doing this for Anna, and I couldn't let her down. Morfran was watching me from the door, a teasing smirk curling at his lips. He knew I was scared and it thrilled him.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I forced myself to move but it seemed to take forever to reach the top stair. Morfran opened the door, standing aside to let me in and the hairs on the back of my neck rose as I entered, putting the dangerous vampire at my back.

The inside was just as majestic as the outside with its deep red carpets and gold railings. While it looked empty, I could hear and sense how full the mansion was. There would be no escaping now. When the door clicked shut, I turned to make sure Morfran wasn't planning an attack but it was then I felt the tug of the maker's bond and heard the steps of the man I'd come to fear.

"Welcome home, Little Bird," Airell greeted, his voice low and sultry.

Slowly I turned, struggling to keep my mask of indifference in place, he'd see through it, he always did. He was grinning as his forest green eyes raked over me, his soft features and calm manner hiding the monster that lived within. He came towards me and I took an instinctual step back only to bump into the hard chest of Morfran. Before I could react, Airell grabbed my hand and lifted it to place a feather kiss on the back.

I flinched at the touch of his lips, bile rising. I wanted to yank my hand away but he seemed calm and gentle right now and the last thing I wanted to do was anger him.

"I did as you asked, I came. Now you need to hold up your end of the bargain and release Anna," I demanded, hating that my voice wavered.

Airell chuckled and stepped back, folding his hands neatly behind his back, "Won't you take a moment to rejoice in being back where you belong before making demands of me?"

I hissed, baring angry fangs before stepping up to him. His face was amused as he watched me and he didn't step away from my wrath.

"You gave me your word in the letter you sent," I growled lowly.

He sighed and nodded to Morfran who grunted before leaving through one of the many doors. I relaxed a little, eager to see Anna for myself, to make sure she was unhurt. Airell circled around me while we waited, stepping too close for comfort behind me as he inhaled deeply by neck and let the breath out in a hiss. I stiffened, my heart skipping a beat from fear.

"You smell like him. I can't imagine him forcing himself on you...did you finally give your body willingly to someone, Little Bird?" He asked, trailing a cold finger over my cheek.

My eyes squeezed shut, his touch leaving a crawling sensation over my skin. I wanted to scream, to run, but I was rooted to the spot by fear, waiting for his temper to snap and for it to be taken out on me.

I was relieved when the door opened and his attention left me. Anna's scent reached me immediately, the floral smell tinged with the heady scent of fear. I twisted to see her and her eyes widened when they landed on me. Taking a step forward, I was stopped by Airell's hand.

"You shouldn't have come," Anna whispered, her voice quivering.

"I had to," I replied, glad to see that she seemed unharmed.

There was no scent of vampire on her so I knew she hadn't been fed on, and there was no sign of any bruises nor injury. I could find comfort in that.

I glared at the hands that gripped her arms tight, keeping her from moving. Morfran was smirking at me, sick delight in his expression.

"Let her go now," I said to Airell, moving so I was between him and Anna.

Airell's green gaze flicked between us both. I could practically feel my maker's mind turning and that filled me with dread. Holding my breath, I waited for him to give the order to release her and the longer it took, the more my body tensed. I'd made a snap decision, if he refused to release her, I was going to do my damnedest to save us both. There was no way I would let Anna stay here and suffer, she was too sweet a soul. Even if I only manage to get her out, it would be enough.

But maybe my defensive pose had given my feelings away, maybe Airell hadn't realised how much I cared for her till I'd reacted to his hesitation.

"I think the witch may still have her uses here, I think you'd do anything to keep her safe and unharmed. Am I right?" He inquired, smirking knowingly, "I don't want to have to dope you up on Ailill blood to make you compliant, but maybe there are other ways to get the same result."

Anna's scared eyes met mine and my heart plummeted. I did my best to act dismissive, turning away from her.

"I don't care about her, but those rallying against you do. Her return keeps me safe from their anger, they'd have given me to you to get her back anyway, I came before-"

The back of Airell's hand smacked across my cheek, tossing me to the floor while the sound resounded around the room. My ears rang as I lay sprawled out, the room spinning around me. Blood trickled down my chin from my newly burst lip and Anna's scream was muffled as she fought against Morfran's hold.

My arms shook as I pushed myself up and Airell crouched down, his face hard, "You know better than to lie to me, Shylah. I know Atanas has feelings for you, the fool. Don't make the mistake of thinking I can't see right through you,"

My eyes closed, making tears spill over. It was I that was the fool, thinking I could play Airell at his own game. I'd given away my feelings and care for Anna and she would suffer for it. I couldn't bear to look at her, but I could smell her terror from where I still struggled to sit up. I shuddered as Airell's fingers threaded through my hair but couldn't recoil as his grip tightened, yanking me towards him. More of his followers entered the room, awaiting his orders.

"Take my Little Bird to her cage and make sure the witch is bound where she can see her," he ordered, releasing me to stand up, the heat of his eyes felt on my skin "A few hours of contemplation might make you a little more compliant."

As strong hands gripped my arms and yanked me to my feet, I resigned myself to my fate, to the fact that I'd do anything Airell asked of me to keep Anna unharmed. He'd finally gotten the leverage he needed to make me the monster he wanted me to be.

Airell was still smirking at me as his men lead us away. With so many, a fight would be too risky. I was no use to Anna dead, we'd have to bide our time.

Morfran was practically dragging Anna down the stairs. I cringed as I saw her ankle twist and her body drop only for her guard to yank her violently back to her feet. Her arm twisted at an odd angle, making her whimper. I hissed, throwing myself forward, making my own guards lash out in a blow to my stomach. I gagged, but managed to keep steady on my feet.

"You keep your hands off her, Morfran. If Airell finds her injured, I'm sure he'll take out his anger on you," I warned, hoping fear of his master would be enough to make him more gentle.

He chuckled, not bothering to look back at me but I noted his grip loosen a little and he slowed down enough for Anna to be able to keep up. I relaxed and so did my guards who had been taken by surprise ay my show of sudden strength.

They lead us deeper into the dark, flickering lights revealing the old stone walls that were damp and musty. It was the echo of snarling and whimpering that frightened me more than the creepy lower floors of the house, because I knew what they were and who was making them. This was where Airell kept the lesser amongst us, the turned that had lost themselves to instincts and listened only to their makers. It had been drilled into them that disobedience meant pain, and obedience meant the sweet ecstasy of Ailill blood and a chance of being able to feed.

Morfran paused by a door and nodded towards it, "Show her what's to become of her,"

The scarred guard on my left chuckled as he unlocked the door while the silent bulldog of a male on my right shoved me in. I stumbled onto some sort of balcony and the sight below had bile burning up my throat. I was only glad Anna didn't have to see. Below was a room similar to one in Airell's home in Edinburgh, a place that haunted the darkest of my nightmares.

Vampires in various states of dress, covered in dirt, grime and blood were all fighting over what was left of a human body that was too ripped up to tell whether it had been male or female. I had to hold my breath because the smell of rot was too much to bear as I turned my head away, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Have you seen enough to make you behave? I'd hate to have to toss your witch in there, she's far too pretty a thing to be ruined in this way don't you think?" Morfran whispered by my ear, his lips brushing against my skin.

I said nothing, too worried about trying not to be sick to care if my silence would anger him. Instead of another blow, he motioned for the guards to grab me again to lead way to another door. This time it was a simple cell like I was used to, the smell of damp was almost a relief as I sucked in a breath.

Each of my wrists were grabbed and pulled so they could be chained to the wall and I watched Anna struggle against Morfran who growled and hit her over the head, having had enough of her. Her body slumped, her eyes fluttering shut as she lost consciousness. I did my best to not react as he smirked over at me and chained Anna to the opposite wall, nudging her limp body with a muddy boot.

"Goodnight, Little Bird," he chuckled, walking out, shutting the heavy door and leaving us to the dark.

My ears strained for Anna's heartbeat that thudded steadily and allowed me a small amount of relief. Letting my head fall back against the wall, I could have screamed my frustration because I'd failed my last act of good. Anna should have been on her way home but it was my fault that she was now trapped in this hell with me. At the same time I cursed myself for allowing her into my life the way I had. I'd forced myself to stay away from others to protect them and myself for this very reason.

I didn't want to become like the vampires in the pit, nothing but feral animals that didn't really even care for themselves.

Anna groaning had me lifting my head, watching as she carefully lifted herself up. Her eyes were dazed and she rubbed the spot that Morfran had hit her. Concern for her bloomed in my chest despite my want to brush her away out of self preservation. Perhaps I was already the monster that Airell wanted to be.

"Am I bleeding?" She mumbled, shifting to lean brokenly against the wall.

I breathed in then shook my head before realising she probably couldn't see me in the dark, "No,"

"It's some mess we've gotten into isn't it?" She chuckled, closing her eyes.

I frowned, unable to find the humour that she seemed to considering our predicament. Her eyes scrunched as she peered into the darkness to find me and I ducked my head despite knowing she wouldn't be able to.

"Atanas will come for us, Shylah. We won't be here for long, so there's nothing to worry about," she stated confidently.

I snorted and shook my head, "We don't know that, and we don't know how long it will take them to prepare. Airell won't leave us alone down here. Any minute now he'll come marching through that door and I'll have to do whatever he asks because you got yourself kidnapped."

My words were harsh and unfair, I knew that and as soon as I'd said them, I wished I could take them back. Anna slumped and I could smell the salt of her tears in the air.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," I mumbled guiltily.

"It's okay,"

But it wasn't. My remark had hit my friend deep. I thumped my head back against the wall, pain blossoming. The longer I sat here, the more my stomach twisted sickeningly in dread. I was stuck between self preservation and my need to keep Anna safe. Airell had been smart and I should have known he'd never really intended to set Anna free because he'd taken her for a reason. He was right about one thing, there would be no need to feed me Ailill blood and torture me into obedience, which would mean I'd be fully conscious of anything he wanted me to do. I didn't know whether I preferred not being aware and once more an addict, or being forced to do everything with full consciousness.

"You shouldn't worry about me, I can take whatever they do to me. You don't have to do what they want," Anna worried, her chains clinking as she moved.

"You have no idea what they're capable of, I do. You're not vampire, Anna, you don't heal like I can heal and they won't hold back. I won't let them touch you," I promised fiercely.

She fell quiet after that and we sat in silence. My mind tortured me with all the things Airell could ask me to do and already I could feel myself beginning to slip. I'd been close to falling once before, of becoming no more than a beast. I needed to keep my head.

Hours passed in the dark and my muscles began to cramp from sitting in one position so long but my chain gave me little choice. Every now and again, Anna would repeat her belief that we would be saved but I'd stopped replying. I didn't have the hope she did.

When her breathing deepened, I knew she'd managed to fall asleep and I was glad she was getting rest but she'd need food and water and I'd offer my services to my maker to make sure she got what she needed.

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