Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 23 ~ Chance

All my choices narrowed down to one simple question as I stared at the vial of blood that lay mere inches away from my fingers. Was I strong enough to stay in control?

I'd need the strength that Ailill blood could give me if I was to get Anna and I out while Atanas attacked the mansion. I knew we couldn't stay here while it all went down, we'd be trapped, Airell would send someone to get us, or worse, kill us.

"You don't have to take it. We can wait it out, they'll be looking for us when they manage to get in, they'll come for us first," Anna said, relief in her voice.

"We can't. We aren't safe here. Airell knows they're coming, he'll have all of his vampires close. They'll have to fight through an army to get to the basement and I don't doubt there will be Fallen here waiting when they do. Getting out of the basement is up to us," I argued, clasping the vial tightly in my hand, "But I don't know if even this will give me the strength I need."

"Then we need to release the power in you. You need to ascend, to become your true self. Show them all what being a descendant of Leyla really means," she urged confidently.

"How?" I sighed, twisting the vial between my fingers, unable to tear my gaze from it.

"That blood, it strengthens your inner instincts, perhaps that's the key to releasing the power. Atanas said he caught a glimpse of it when you were sparring, that instincts kicked in and took over," she explained, "Perhaps I can use magic to unlock whatevers keeping it hidden."

I shook my head, "What he told you about was me losing to the dark parts of myself. It's what happens to vampires, how they become Fallen."

"No, Shylah. Atanas knows what he saw. At least try it, what's the harm?"

"We don't know when the others are coming. I could take it now and it might wear off by the time they attack. Timing is key, but we can't time it because we're in the dark," I fretted, running a hand through my grime streaked hair.

Anna hummed, "That vampire said to be ready, maybe there'll be some sort of signal?"

"We're in the basement, what kind of signal could they possibly give us that we'd see?" I argued, growing ever more frustrated.

My body was crying out to take the blood, craving the sweet release it would give me from the world. Without really meaning to, I popped the cork out the top but when I leaned down to inhale the heady scent, my eyes flew open. My lips quirked into a smile and then a full out grin before I started laughing.

"What is it, what's funny?" Anna asked, her tone rising in pitch.

"It's not Ailill blood," I breathed out, shaking my head and looking up to thank whatever Gods were listening, "It's Atanas'"

"How?" Anna murmured in awe.

Somehow Atanas and the vampire that seemed to be an ally had been in contact. That gave me hope. There were those here loyal to my mate, I only hoped there were enough to turn the tides of war.

An explosive bang and the sudden shouts of many voices and I was sure that was the best signal we were going to get. We needed to move fast. If Atanas and his men had managed to get inside as I suspected, Airell would be on his way to make sure Anna and I went with him to wherever he would run to next.

"Quickly," Anna hissed, tugging and yanking at her chains in desperation.

I yanked the top back of the vial back off and downed the contents, nearly moaning as the sweet taste of Atanas' blood exploded onto my tongue. A rush of energy flooded through my veins and I couldn't hold back a groan as bones and flesh knitted back together.

"Once we get out of this room, I should have access to my magic again unless whatevers shielding this room is around the whole house," Anna explained.

All I could do was nod until my muscles stopped cramping and when the sound of death cries reached my ears, I knew I had to push past it. I swore I could feel Airell's rage through the maker's bond and I knew he was coming. Gritting my teeth, I grabbed the link closest to the cuff that kept me chained to the wall and pulled. It creaked in protest but refused to snap and I worried that the small vial wasn't enough. Healing my wounds had used up most of its power. Still, I refused to give up.

"Please, if there's a God or Goddess up there, or some other almighty fucking being, please just cut me a break for once," I muttered, muscles straining.

I wasn't sure whether some deity had heard my prayer or whether Atanas' blood had given me a final big boost of extra strength but the chain snapped and I fell back grinning. The next chain broke easily, but the cuffs weighed heavy around my wrist. It'd have to do for now. Rushing over to Anna, the sound of her heart beating fast drummed through my alert senses. She was on her knees, holding her red raw and bleeding wrists out for me. Another thing to worry about later. Her chains broke as easily as twigs in my hands and she jumped up to unsteady feet as soon she was free.

"Stay close to me," I ordered firmly, growing antsy as the echo of fighting grew louder, "If I tell you to run, you run. If I tell you to hide, you hide."

She nodded quickly, her dark brown eyes shining in fear. Her fingers dug into my arm and with a nod, I turned for the door, only for it to swing wide open. I hissed and jerked my head away, my eyes squeezing shut as bright light burned them.

Two vampires came barreling towards us and I stepped in front of Anna, fangs bared, only to realise they weren't interested in my friend. Bruising fingers gripped my arms and I kicked out at the weaker ones knee, hearing a satisfying crack as it snapped. He yelled in pain and dropped to the floor, shuffling away from me.

Airell watched from the door and for the first time I saw something in his eyes I'd never seen before. Fear. The commotion from upstairs was getting louder, only spurring on my will to fight.

He eyed the groaning vampire and sighed, "Get back out there, clear a path for us. Your useless in here now."

The vampire gave me a glare before hobbling out and I smirked. This might be easier than I thought it would be. Anna hovered uncertainly behind me. She couldn't fight, and until we were out this room she couldn't use her magic.

My thoughts had me distracted and I yelled as the vampire left standing twisted my arm, a sharp pain shooting over my shoulder. I cried out my agony, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

Through the blinding pain, I saw my maker dart forward and tried to swing my body around to block him. He avoided me easily and my captor brought me down to my knees before wrestling me down the rest of the way. His knee rested on my back, all of his weight keeping me face down on the dirty cell floor.

"I want her to watch," Airell growled, doing something that made Anna whimper.

I hissed in fury, wriggling and bucking beneath the burly vampire. Fingers gripped my hair, yanking my head up until my neck strained. It was almost impossible to move in this position without my muscles screaming in protest. When I saw my maker with his arm firmly around Anna's waist, his fangs inches from her throat, I immediately stilled.

Airell smirked at me, challenge glinting in his eyes.

"Let her go!" I begged, tugging against the hand that held my wrists behind my back, "I'll come with you willingly if you let her go."

"I've given you your chance, Little Bird, and I find you've yet again disobeyed. Maybe this will finally make you understand that you do not betray me!" he snarled, making Anna cower away.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as his fangs sunk into Anna's throat. I screamed in horror and something snapped inside me as I watched Anna's skin go pale and her eyes roll back as her body slumped. Airell had torn her throat and more blood dripped down her neck than he fed from. My vision tunneled and a thunderous growl tore from my chest.

I bucked again with newfound strength and this time the vampire was knocked to the side. His grip slipped and I rolled onto my back, fangs bared. Blue eyes stared in fear and he scuttled backwards, his gaze flicking to Airell in search of help.

The thump of Anna's body hitting the floor had me spinning back around, staying crouched defensively. Expecting the same expression on his face, I was surprised to see the bloody triumphant grin. His eyes were shining with delight and he stepped over Anna's body with little care.

"Finally," he purred, reaching a hand out for me as if I would even think of taking it, "If I'dve known it was fear for another's life that would break the spell keeping your power in place, I'd have killed your family in front of you."

"Fuck you," I hissed, turning my body so I could keep both Airell and his henchman in my line of sight.

I'd long suspected that he'd murdered my family but hearing him confirm it sparked my rage.

Anna was still alive but her breathing was laboured and blood still pooled on the floor. Her heart skipped a beat and I tensed. I wouldn't lose anyone else that I loved.

"Come, Shylah. Don't make this more difficult than it has to be," Airell warned, stalking towards me.

I could feel the shift of the air to my right and ducked down, narrowly missing the fist of the blue eyed vampire. When I turned to face him, Airell moved too, grabbing my wrist and yanking me towards him. Blue eyes came at me again and I kicked his stomach, watching in amazement as his body flew back and hit the wall with so much force that his neck snapped. His body slumped but he'd be back on his feet in a matter of minutes.

"That is but a taste of the power you now have, let me show you how to use it. You want to be Queen, and you can be but you want someone powerful and respected by your side, not someone weak like Atanas," he murmured by my ear, keeping my body tight against his.

The maker's bond wrapped around me but I pushed past the haze it tried to pull me under easily.

I chuckled darkly, "You're confused, maker of mine, you're not respected, you're feared. That's the difference between you and Atanas."

Swinging my head back, I grinned at the crunch of Airell's nose and then yanked myself forward out of his grip. Somewhere close, a door slammed and the sounds of fighting were finally clear. They'd broken into the basement. Blood dripped from Airell's nose and he looked suddenly conflicted. If he stayed, there was a chance he'd be captured, if he fought to take me with him, I would slow him down.

I widened my stance, ready for an attack. I didn't want to let him get away, but I needed to take Anna somewhere safe. I could barely hear her heart beat now and I feared losing her. Even if Airell escaped, we would hunt him down, we would find him.

"I will have you," Airell promised, backing away towards the door, "I will be King. I will rule."

I took a step forward to chase as he darted out the door but strangled choking had me stopping. Anna was convulsing, blood now bubbling from her mouth. Making a snap decision, I spun towards her, cradling her in my arms. Her weight hardly hindered me, strength still flowing through my body. Something had changed but I'd ponder what exactly later. I needed to save Anna and find Atanas.

"Stay with me, Anna," I pleaded quietly, running for the door.

The hall was empty and dark and I needed to head straight for the fighting to get up the stairs to the main floor of the house. I would struggle to fight with Anna in my arms but I had little choice. I'd have to choose pushing through, above helping those fighting.

I ran through the halls, trying to remember which turns to take but froze short. The door that lead to where the Fallen were kept was wide open. Wet blood smeared across the walls, dripping down, letting me know it was new and to beware. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Shit," I cursed, looking wildly around for any sign of deranged vampires on the loose.

There was no doubt in my mind that Airell had planned this. If the Fallen got out of the house, they'd cause havoc on the streets, they'd kill and tear apart anything that crossed their path. They'd have to be dealt with before we could go looking for him.

Another spluttering cough from Anna had me shaking my head and pushing on.

The halls became a disorientating maze of twists and turns and I decided following the sound of fighting instead of avoiding it was the only way out. Changing direction, I finally recognised the stairs we'd been dragged down. I was surprised by the lack of bodies but maybe it was a sign that the fight was being won, that Atanas and his followers had managed to push them out of the basement.

A roar from behind me had me rolling my eyes and I spun to meet the oncoming Fallen.

"Spoke too fucking soon," I huffed, laying Anna carefully down by the stairs.

I ran to meet the vampire head on, blocking it's swinging claws and lashing out with my own. It stumbled back but managed to rake across my stomach. Despite the burning pain, I wasted no time in following the blow with a swift kick to its stomach. When it doubled over with a howl of annoyance, I gripped its head in my hands. Pushing my humanity back, I did what needed to be done. Bracing my foot against its buckled leg, I yanked until the neck broke then pulled again. The headless body fell to the floor. Wiping bloody hands on my jeans, I ran back to Anna just as another Fallen came my way.

Swinging my friend back into my arms, I started up the stairs, taking them quickly two at a time. I couldn't waste time slaughtering vampires when Anna had mere minutes left.

But I could save her the only way I knew how...

My eyes dropped to her pale face. Turning her would save her life but it would also strip her of all of her magic and I didn't know if she'd survive that. Few witches could deal with that, not because they were so used to using magic but because their magic was so deeply ingrained in their soul. They're power came from life, and vampires were anything but alive. Yet it could be my only option.

Looking back, I almost gagged at the sight I was met with. The Fallen that had been chasing us had stopped to gorge itself on the one I had beheaded. Tearing my gaze away, I barged through the door only to be immediately knocked to the side. Anna fell from my arms and I had to leave her where she fell while I fought off the snarling vampire whose fangs tore open my cheek.

Rolling, my fingers clamped around her neck, my boot keeping her arm pinned to the ground. She flailed wildly but there was no madness in her eyes.

"Who do you fight for?" I growled, tightening my hand around her neck.

She spat at me and I pressed my foot harder against her wrist until it crunched beneath my weight. She screamed, bucking beneath me.

"Who do you fight for?" I repeated louder.

"Atanas," She choked out, her face going red, "The rightful King!"

Releasing her I stepped back, taking in the fight that still raged around us. She looked shocked and sat up, holding her shattered wrist to her chest.

"Help me find Padraig, his witch is dying," I ordered, quickly moving over to lift Anna up.

Most of the fighting seemed to be on the upper floors, only a small skirmish was being fought across the room. The female vampire watched me curiously as she stood slowly, her eyes taking in my blood covered clothes and the woman I carried in my arms.

"You're her," she murmured, nodding to herself before spinning around.

I bounced on my feet, hating how I had to yet again wait while Anna went limp in my arms. Two other vampires looked towards the female who'd attacked me, dead lying mutilated around them. This female was in charge and that made me curious.

"Orin, stay by the door, kill anything that tries to escape. Joseph, find Padraig and Atanas, tell them we've found Shylah and Anna and they need to get here now!" She ordered fiercely, watching the male run for the stairs where the sound of fighting was loudest.

It was only then I noticed the massive grey Wulver that stood guard by the door. Blood matted it's fur and low growls seemed to constantly rumble from a fang filled mouth. I backed away on instinct as it's hazel eyes observed me.

The woman spun back towards me, lifting her chin, "We pushed Airell's followers upstairs so they're less likely to manage to escape. We're hoping Airell himself is up there somewhere."

I snorted, "He's long gone, and he's released the Fallen."

Her oddly violet eyes widened, her lips parting before she closed her eyes and muttered, "Shit."

A sentiment I shared.

Anna groaned and I crouched, propping her against the wall. The vampire the woman had sent to fetch Padraig was taking too long. Anna was hardly breathing right now and in a split decision, I grabbed the sword that lay by the door and stood.

"What are you doing? You can't leave, I have strict orders-"

"I don't care what orders you've been given!" I snarled, "My friend is dying, she needs help and I refuse to hide down here while others fight. Watch her, protect her and if anything happens to her while I'm gone, you'll be the one to pay."

She swallowed, her mouth opening to argue but she nodded stiffly and moved to Anna's side.

"She's not got long, if you wish to save her, you should turn her," the woman said, eyeing Anna.

I ignored her and ran for the stairs. If she was going to be turned, it was Padraig who needed to do it, not me. Stepping over the bodies that littered the stairs, I took a deep breath, ready to throw myself into the battle.

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