Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 24 ~ Blood for Blood

I will start posting chapters of The Risen Series book 2, Way of the Vampire: Revolution on Wattpad next week and I will post the last handful of chapters of this book in the next week or two :)

My boots made a gruesome squelching noise with every step through the halls of the battlefield. Body parts lay limp next to blood splattered walls and I had to avoid more than one vampire bumping into me during a fight. I wanted to stop and help but I had my mission, a life to save.

My ears strained to hear the voice of Atanas or Padraig and I was determined to go room to room. No matter what came for me.

Jumping over a grizzly pair of wrestling vampires, I was stopped short by a sight that had relief breathing through me.

The red headed warrior fought with a giant, bloody claymore, her pale skin covered in blue swirls. When her fierce blue eyes landed on me she grinned, swinging the sword around to strike down the vampire in her way. Elaine seemed completely in her element, a Celtic warrior queen with barely a scratch on her.

"Shylah! I knew you'd get yourself and Anna out," she shouted, barrelling towards me with a wicked smile.

I felt small next to her. While she was most definitely feminine, she was muscled and...scary. My small sword felt pitiful next to her Scottish blade. She would hate me when she found out I'd let harm come to Anna and her wrath was something that terrified me.

"I need to find Atanas or Padraig, now. Anna isn't going to be breathing much longer unless we get her help," I said quickly, my eyes raking across the hall, awaiting her rage.

Elaine had cleared this entire floor by the looks of it, which only added to my fear of her. Instead of turning her skill with the blade my way, she nodded, grabbing my arm and started dragging me towards another set of stairs. There was a look of sympathy in her eyes, but no hatred.

"It isn't your fault, Shylah. Anna will be okay, we'll make sure of it. Padraig and Atanas are both in the thick of it upstairs, stay close to me," she ordered, barely glancing down at the body parts she jumped over, "The battle is nearly won, but that means our enemy will be desperate. They won't fight fair."

My stomach rolled but I forced my eyes up too, ignoring the stench of death. I should have been relieved that she was sure the fight was ours but I didn't care. I didn't care that Atanas would soon take his power back, that we would make sure all was put right. All I could see in my minds eye was the pale face of my friend who could be dead already.

Elaine forced me on, her grip tightening on my hand when she felt me falter. Her gaze turned to me and I nodded at the silent question she asked. I was alright. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Briefly, I lost my grip as we were met with two vampires trying to escape.

"Not on my watch," Elaine muttered, shoving one away from the window he attempted to crawl out of.

The one I was faced with was weak and injured and stood no chance against me but still his eyes were filled with hatred. When he fell to his knees to await his fate, a flash of memory from my time in the dungeons surfaced. Raising my blade, I wasted no time and thrust it through his heart. I had to close my eyes. Each kill seemed to chip away at the last pure bits of my soul.

I swayed on my feet as my stomach threatened to squeeze. Blue eyes in my vision weren't the eyes of the person I wanted to hold me right now. Strong hands gripped my shoulders.

"Not yet, Shylah. Keep going for a little longer," she urged, her fingers twining with mine once more.

Pulling on the last of my strength, I began to run once more with her. Just a little longer.

A growl from my left and I was yanked from Elaine's grip, falling on my side and knocking over the vampire that grabbed me. Elaine hissed, long fangs dropping to add to the fierceness of her being. I bucked, freeing myself from the weight of the male vampire only for him to redouble his efforts.

"Find Padraig, get him to Anna," I yelled as I grappled with hands that tried to pin me down, "Now!"

She looked torn, her sword lifted to help me but the growl in my tone must have made it clear I'd be pissed if she helped. I could handle myself. I knew I could. Elaine muttered a curse before turning away from me and I let out a battle cry of my own as I finally got free of the body pushing me down.

When I caught sight of his face, my breath caught in my throat before rage filled my veins. Morfran.

He grinned, bearing sharp and blood stained fangs at me. The sight of him sent a final rush of energy and strength through me.

I jumped to my feet, wielding my sword. Morfran would not be the one to take my life, that I promised myself.

"I've been longing for this fight," he growled, his fingers curling into claws, "It's just a pity I can't kill you, but I'm sure Airell will let me have my fun with you."

I hissed, allowing myself to become the vampire I was until I felt light on my feet and ready to strike. Would Airell never relinquish his claim on me?

"Do you remember what you told me the price of our dealing was?" I asked, smirking at the wariness in his features.

He widened his stance, rolling his weight onto the balls of his feet and everything seemed to be clearer, easier to read like the world was going in slow motion.

"Blood for blood," I grit out before launching myself forward.

With no weapon, Morfran had made himself far too easy a target. There was little room to manoeuver in the halls so I kept myself centred in the hopes of avoiding being caged against a wall. Like a bull Morfran came running towards me, neither of us willing to back down. His grin matched mine and the phrase "a good day to die" popped into my head. But I refused to be the one to die today.

With a primal cry, I drew back my sword and twisted myself to the side before sweeping my arm up. My blade met little resistance as it sliced into his side, warm blood splattering over me. While my opponent faltered, my eyes flicked towards the stairs. As much as I wanted to run to make sure Elaine had found Padraig, another, angrier, part of me wanted to finish Morfran off.

A grunt had my attention falling back on him. He was struggling to stand while trying to hold the gaping wound close and a swift kick to his back had him falling forward again. I crouched, pinning him much like he had me with my sword at his throat.

"You were different from your leader, and I feared you much less than he, because you could never hide the monster within. I knew exactly what you were and what you thought of me," I hissed, wishing I could take my time to torture him as he had me for over a century.

"You were nothing but Airell's breeding whore, and you couldn't even fulfill that duty for him," he growled back, chuckling even as blood spilled past his lips.

I stilled, frowning, sensing something in his words, "What do you mean?"

Airell had already revealed that he thought that like Leyla, I would be able to conceive a child but Morfran wasn't stupid, he said it now for a reason.

He strained to look over his shoulder at me, still grinning manically, "He's gone to find a Queen of his own and when he gets his hands on you again, I will hear your screams even from where I rest in the afterlife."

I grinned back at him, lifting his head to whisper, "You will find no peace where you are going, Morfran."

For a moment there was a glimmer of fear in his eyes but it disappeared quickly as my blade severed his head from his neck. The satisfaction that filled me should have been worrying but I didn't care.

I was on my feet and running for the stairs Elaine had taken without looking back, narrowly missing Padraig. He stopped when he saw me, shoving me against the wall and my eyes widened as for a moment I wondered if he'd been playing us all along. His hand slid to my throat, tightening until I choked in my fight for air.

"Anna, where is she," he growled furiously, his hand keeping me pressed against the wall.

Shoving him away, I bared fangs in warning. I could understand his anger at me, I'd failed to keep her safe.

"Ground floor, by the main door. She's protected but-"

He was running again before I could finish, jumping down the last of the stairs. I slumped against the wall, breathing hard, my chest aching from the pressure he'd used to keep me still.

My head jerked up at the sound of yelling and I too pushed myself to run again. My legs were trembling with each step and the sword grew heavier in my hand, my wrist beginning to throb with the strain. My body was exhausted.

The hair on my arms were suddenly on end and the electric tingle of magic was in the air. I could sense no malice in the power that was now filtering through the house and hoped that meant it was a witch that was on our side.

I froze at the sight of a one armed female Fallen crouched over what was left of a body, the slurping sound of it feeding sending a shiver of disgust through me. Keeping my steps light, I hoped I could sneak towards the double doors where I prayed Atanas was, without it noticing me. I didn't want to kill anymore, I was tired of being executioner.

Luck wasn't on my side however because with a cringing screech, the Fallen turned to me. Raising my sword wearily again, sighing in resignation, I could have screamed in frustration. Blood dripped from every part of what used to be a human woman, even her eyes were bloodshot and wild. She staggered a few steps, her head cocking to the side.

I was more scared by how animal-like this creature was, by how precarious a vampires grip on humanity was, than any thought of it being able to kill me. Yet there was a small glimmer of something in its eyes, a flash of despair that had me faltering enough for it to decide to attack. Perhaps she was still in there, fighting for her humanity like I had done for decades.

Retreating a few steps, I braced myself, digging my feet into the ground. I ducked low, avoiding gnarled claws that would easily tear flesh from bone. This Fallen couldn't have been here for that long, it was swift and still seemed to be able to strategise. It's attack was more controlled that that of a wild beast.

Silver eyes met the bloodshot brown of hers, "Can you hear me?"

Nothing but a snarl was it's answer, no spark that showed it understood my words. I pushed up, my sword sinking into its abdomen but it barely flinched. It kept clawing and kicking, tearing at my hair, my cheek, scratching my arms as I struggled to keep my footing and push the creature back.

My breath caught in my throat as it launched itself forward in desperation even as that caused my blade to sink deeper into its stomach. All it cared about was the kill, feeding, it didn't feel pain. I grunted as my back hit the wall, and fear flared up. I'd been wrong about whatever I thought I saw in its eyes.

Even with only one arm, I struggled against its brute strength. My only weapon was stuck and unless I destroyed it's heart or tore it's head free, it wouldn't give up.

Sucking in as deep a breath as I could, my muscles screamed in protest as I finally managed to push it away. With a speed I didn't know I possessed, I yanked the sword out and thrust it back into the creatures chest with a cry of exhaustion.

A pierced heart would not heal.

It's features softened until I could almost see the woman it used to be. It jerked once before slumping, its eyes staring blankly at me.

More than anything, I wanted to fall beside it, to give myself a small reprieve. Tears blurred my vision and I felt like a child in my need to fall into someone's arms and be held. How many lives had I taken this night? Would that always be life? To kill or be killed. Atanas had promised me that this would be the end of that life, that when he won, there would be peace. I dearly hoped he was right.

Drawing myself upright, I found myself praying to deities I'd long since turned my back on once more. Or perhaps they'd been the ones to turn there back on me.

"Almost there," I promised myself breathlessly, using the sword almost like a walking stick and the wall to drag myself along.

Moving for the only door I could see, I almost fell to my knees once I could see inside. Standing in the middle of the massive ballroom was the only man I wanted to see. His soldiers stood proudly and only a few of Airell's followers had been left alive, all lined up by the far wall.

The vampire that had given me the vial of Atanas' blood stood with his hands folded behind his back. He could play the part of general well, his very aura screamed warrior. He nudged his King's shoulder and suddenly electric blue eyes were on me.

Once more I was running, my sword slipping past my fingers to hit the floor in an almost deafening clank. The sound drew attention to me and Atanas' men made a move to stop my approach, thinking I was the enemy until Atanas murmured my name.

They watched with curiosity now.

"Atanas," I gasped in a half sob, throwing myself into his arms, my lips meeting his in a heated kiss.

He kissed me back just as desperately between murmurs of love and relief but I didn't want words, I just wanted to feel him, to know he was real and I was safe.

I moaned and he pulled me flush against him, his arms like a vice around me. I didn't care about those that watched, I didn't care that we were in the middle of a room drenched in death, all I cared about was the man I loved had come for me. A cough from his left had us coming back to reality. Now was not the time or the place to seek comfort in his body, as much I needed and craved just that.

Pulling back, his hands cupped my cheeks, his thumbs rubbing over my cheekbones. His eyes searched mine with a wild desperation, as if he couldn't believe that I was real. I was glad it wasn't just me that felt this way.

"It's ours, Libertas Mea, my Queen," he grinned, his blue eyes bright.

I looked up at the carnage, at our injured warriors and those that would never open their eyes again, and wondered if crowns always had to be won this way. He turned my face so I was looking at him again, his expression serious.

"There's still a lot of work to do to secure our position, but we can make sure nobody ever suffers like you did. We're going to bring our kind to heel," he promised, kissing my forehead.

I nodded, believing him and then jerked away when I remembered why I had fought so hard to find him.

"Anna, we need to go!" I cried, grabbing his hand to pull him with me.

He tugged, frowning, "What about her?"

Maybe it was because I was finally with Atanas and no longer felt the need to be strong, maybe I'd just held back the damn so long that it burst, but suddenly I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Airell attacked her, I tried, I did, I tried-" I choked out, finding it impossible to stay on my feet any longer.

Atanas caught me, supporting my body with his own.

"That will be why Padraig left in such a hurry," the honey eyed vampire said gruffly, "I have everything under control here, my king. Go."

Atanas nodded, reaching out to squeeze the vampire's shoulder, "Thank you, Kincaid."

I tried to say my own thanks to him for giving me the blood, but I couldn't find the words. The way he bowed his head to me also, made me think he understood.

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