Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 26 ~ Carry On, Carry On

The livingroom looked as if a hurricane had torn through it. All the artifacts that Padraig had kept safely in glass cases were strewn all over the floor, some smashed beyond repair. I cringed. I was a lover of historical artifacts and seeing them like this caused a pang in my chest. Anna must have really been in a rage.

"This is a good sign..." Atanas trailed off, coming up behind me.

I snorted, "How on earth did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well, some of these things are hard to break and she managed, that means she's gaining strength at least," he replied, nudging the remains of a vase with his boot.

I hummed. He had a point I supposed. Anna was up on her feet far sooner than I thought she'd be. Sometimes the change could takes days and she was screaming the house down the next day.

Now it was eerily quiet and I strained to find even the slightest sound of movement. Atanas was peeking behind a curtain, narrowly avoiding the rays of a setting sun that would have scorched his skin. I stared at him wide eyed but he simply grinned and shrugged.

I rolled my eyes.

We had both thought it was later. In fact, I was surprised I'd woken up so early, even if we hadn't exactly gotten out of bed straight away. My cheeks flushed, remembering how my mate had taken me again and again until the world was a blur and the memories of the last few days were but a far off nightmare.

As soon as darkness fell however, Atanas would have to go back to the city and I knew I couldn't let him out of my sight but the thought of seeing that damned house again sent a shiver up my spine. I didn't want to bloody walls and shredded bodies.

"Anna, no, please! I got that from Augustus himself, there's no other like it on the entire wor-"

Padraig's pleads were cut short by yet another item smashing, the sound drifting from further in the house. Looking up, I sent a prayer to the gods. If she touched anything else in that hall, I might become just as angry as Padraig.

"You're worried about a few stupid, musty, boring, old clay pots when you killed me yesterday!" Anna screamed back.

Sharing a look with Atanas, we both jogged towards the yelling, hoping to put an end to it. She definitely wasn't taking it well and something gnawed at my gut at the thought my own hand had played in her fate.

The door to the hall was hanging off its hinges and Padraig was standing in the middle of the room with his hands raised defensively while Anna aimed a sharp looking dagger at him. My eyes widened. Quickly, I jumped between them but I'd mistimed it and Anna threw the blade before I could react and move out of the way again.

Blinking in a daze, I stared at the long dagger that now stuck out just inches above my heart. The pain didn't really register until Atanas was by my side. Blood trickled down my shirt, leaving a dark and shiny trail behind it.

"Motherfucker," I muttered, grasping the handle with a shaking hand.

"Shylah! Shit, I'm sorry, I swear I wasn't aiming at you!" Anna cried, running over.

Atanas hissed, his eyes darkening dangerously at the newly turned vampire who stumbled back in fear. Padraig pulled Anna further back but she yanked herself away from his touch.

The blade slipped out easily and I was more than used to the burn as it tugged at broken skin. My body was already healing though, Atanas' powerful blood ran through my veins. I gave Anna a slightly disgruntled look, opening my mouth to berate her until I saw the tears that streamed down her face.

Despite being awake, she didn't look good. Her normally glowing tanned skin looked pale and tight over her face, making her cheeks look hallow. Her eyes were bloodshot and wide, shimmering with the tears that fell. Sighing, I stepped forward to pull her into my arms, holding her tight. It was my fault she was going through this, I didn't protect her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as she clung onto me, sobs beginning to wrack through her.

She trembled against me, burying her face in the crook of my neck. Padraig slumped, looking lost and helpless and Atanas had lost the anger in his eyes. Nobody could blame her for her reaction.

Eventually she calmed down and pulled back, her fingers still gripping my shirt.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," she croaked before narrowing darkening eyes at Padraig and spitting out, "You on the other hand. I never want to see you again, I don't care about your excuses."

Her words might as well have been knives from the way Padraig seemed to curl in on himself. I couldn't bear to see them both hurting so much.

"Take a deep breath for me, Anna. Your emotions are going to be all over the place until your body settles down. Don't say anything you may later regret-"

"I think my reaction is justified! He's changed everything about me, he's ripped part of my soul away. I'm a monster and I'll be stuck this way forever," she shouted, pulling herself away from me.

I flinched, dropping my hands. I knew she didn't mean it, I knew she didn't think we were all monsters, but I couldn't help feel rejected by my only friend. Atanas' jaw clenched and I knew he'd noticed the way I'd taken her words to heart but I gave a subtle shake of my head. We didn't need to exacerbate the situation by him getting involved because he was feeling protective. I could handle a few angry words.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have let Airell anywhere near you, but you could have died Anna. Really died. If Padriag hadn't changed you, right now you would be gone forever, do you understand?" I asked gently, reaching out for her hands again.

Her breathing hitched and I saw the panic wrapping around her the way it had with me. I didn't care if she didn't want my touch, a panicking vampire was dangerous. Grabbing her, I forced her to hold my gaze.

"Breathe Anna," I ordered.

"Why?" she gasped, her hand clawing at her chest, "What's the point?"

I wanted to scream in frustration but I had to remain patient, "Because you have to. I know you're angry, and I understand that maybe this isn't something you ever wanted but it's what's happened. You're still you, and I know you, you're stronger than this. You'll feel a little better once you feed."

She shook her head wildly, her eyes widening and again I had to tighten my grip to keep her close in fear of what she'd do.

"No! No, no, I refuse. I won't feed, I won't do that. I'm a witch, my entire being is centered around giving life, in helping life, not taking it! I won't!" she yelled, her eyes brimming with tears once more.

Again irritation filled me. Maybe that really was what she truly thought; that we were all monsters, killers, takers of life.

"You have to," I said firmly.

More fear, more panic, she tried to free herself from my hold. Her heart hammered in her chest and I wondered if maybe she should have still been asleep, if her body hadn't truly completed the change. She was too shaky, too wild.

"No!" she snapped, finally managing to free herself.

She stumbled away until her back hit the wall and I held up my hand when Padraig made a move to go to her. She needed her space. He gave me an annoyed look but remained by Atanas who let me handle the situation.

"I think you should go back to bed. You need rest, Anna. We can worry about feeding later, let me help you,"

My tone more gentle now, as if talking to a frightened animal. Oh but Anna was far more dangerous than any other animal right now.

"I will never feed. I shall just whither away and die, like I should have!" S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Another growl from Padraig and I was beginning to think banging their heads together might have been the best approach. I sighed, rubbing my face, not knowing what to do, how to make things easier for her.

Anna slid down the wall and hugged her knees to her chest, letting out another heartbreaking sob, "Maybe I'll just wait till daybreak and go stand in the sun."

It terrified me how serious she looked when she said that, the fiery determination that was in her eyes. The panic that gripped me at the thought of losing her had me swaying on my feet before I crouched in front of her.

"Give it a few days. I know how you feel Anna, really I do. This wasn't a life I would have chosen for myself, or for anyone, but it is a life," I said, slowly reaching out to take her hand.

She flinched but didn't pull away this time, red eyes looking up at me. She sniffed and wiped at her runny nose, nodding ever so slowly. I almost fell to the ground in relief. Her gaze flicked behind me to where Padraig stood and her face hardened.

"I don't want to see him," she hissed, turning her face away, her grip tightening around my hand.

The shifting of weight from behind me had me looking back at the men. Padraig looked like he'd been punched as he stepped away and then stomped out the door. Atanas sighed as he watched him leave.

"He saved your life, Anna. He made an impossible decision, don't punish him for it. He's already torturing himself," Atanas said tightly.

I wanted to smack him for adding guilt to Anna's already overwhelming emotions. She had every right to feel the way she did and maybe some space was what she needed for a little while until she came to terms with everything. Then again, a new vampire needed their maker to get through the change...

Anna ignored Atanas, her hand going limp and I frowned.

"I don't feel so good," she mumbled, her head lolling to the side before her body followed.

I caught her before she hit the floor, holding my breath to better hear her fluttering heart beat. I was right, she was still in the middle of the change.

It didn't surprise me that she'd passed out. Her body was exhausted and she definitely needed more of Padraig's blood to help her along. Before I could scoop her into my arms, Padraig reappeared. He shoved me none to gently out of the way and picked her up, once more stomping his way from the room.

Standing, I watched them leave. I was right about one other thing at least; Padraig blamed me for this.

"He hates me," I stated dejectedly.

Atanas wound his arm around my waist and pressed the gentlest of kisses to my shoulder, "Emotions are high. He'll come around, and so will she. They just need time, but what happened to Anna was not your fault. Do you hear me?"

His gaze held mine with fierce determination, filled with his true belief.

"Okay," I whispered, leaning against him and closing my eyes.

Inhaling deeply until his scent filled my senses, I went through the motions of relaxing every tense muscle.

I could almost feel that the sun had finally set without looking towards the heavy curtains and I knew we would have to return to the city. Looking up at my mate, his brow was furrowed. Gently, I smoothed out the creases, smiling.

"What do you plan on doing then, my king?" I asked playfully.

He chuckled and let out a heavy sigh, "First we deal with those taken prisoner, then we need to find out how many Fallen we managed to hunt down. Then I need to reform my council, but I won't make the mistake of leaving them to run things as they like. I'm going to make sure I keep them in check this time. After that, we need to get the word out. I'll ask all territory leaders all around the world to come to wherever I decide to make our new home and each of them will understand how things will be from now on, and what the consequences of defying me will be."

There was a harshness to his tone that almost scared me but I understood that he was angry. Angry because he'd allowed things to fall apart, angry because so many had been hurt without him ruling. We weren't human, we couldn't be a democracy. Just like the wolves, our kind followed only those strongest, those willing to fight to claim their title. At least Atanas would be a just ruler, and I wouldn't let him slip into the dark like Airell had. Though I doubted Airell had really ever been anything but evil.

"We aren't going to stay here at Cala-Phort?" I frowned, feeling something tug at my heart.

Cala-Phort had been the only place that had almost felt like home to me. Definitely the only place I'd felt happy.

"It's Padraig's home, Libertas Mea. I don't think he'd be too happy to play host to council meetings, balls, prisoners and I'm sure the occasional attack," he chuckled, stroking hair away from my face, "We can make any city in the world our home, our stronghold. You need only say where, my Queen."

"I can't be Queen, Atanas. I don't know the first thing about leading and I definitely shouldn't be left to make a decision as important as that," I rebuffed, catching the eye of the old, painted portrait I'd saw the first time I was in here.

Silver eyes stared back at me and I could hear Airell's voice whispering by my ear; Moon-touched. Had Atanas not turned that painting around?

"You'll learn. You've already proven yourself to one of my generals, she was quite taken by your skills," Atanas chuckled, drawing my attention back to him.

"Who?" I asked, stumbling over my feet when Atanas suddenly began walking back towards the livingroom.

"I think you met her when you first escaped the dungeon. Cammi stayed on the lower levels to catch any would be escapees,"

I nodded, remembering the blonde that had at first attacked me as the enemy. There was no surprise that she was one of his general's, but I did wonder why she wasn't in his inner circle. I also wanted to know more about Kincaid. How had he managed to gain his way into Airell's confidence, or had he been on his side until convinced otherwise by Atanas?

"Did you know you frown when your thinking?" Atanas asked in amusement, shrugging on a thick leather jacket.

Blinking, I didn't realise we'd even reached the front door. I shook my head, "Sorry, there's a lot to think about. A lot of questions that need answered, a lot of things to worry about. Airell is gods know where, Fallen are running loose, we need to rebuild the council, Anna is having a meltdown and I'm a fucking queen. Not even the good, Freddie Mercury kind of Queen, and-"

"Who's Freddie Mercury?" Atanas cut in, looking at me strangely.

My mouth fell open and I swore my heart skipped a beat as I stared but of course he didn't know who he was, he'd been locked away for the last century.

"Remind me to let you listen to Bohemian Rhapsody in the middle of the mess we're fixing," I sighed, rubbing my face.

Another odd look thrown my way, his face scrunching, "Bohemian what?"

"I can't even look at you right now," I grumbled, not meaning to take out my frustrations on him as I picked up a random jacket from the hook by the door to use.

"Why are you that surprised he can't do the fandango?"

Spinning, Una stood with her arms crossed, a smirk twitching at her lips. I'm more surprised you can make a joke, I wanted to retort, but instead gave her an unsure smile. Without asking, I somehow knew she was here for Anna. Had she been here the whole time?

My eyes flicked to Atanas' and he avoided my gaze. I bristled, gritting my teeth against the idea she'd heard us. I jumped when she tossed car keys at me, catching them.

"Don't crash, I want it back in one piece. How is she?" she asked, looking towards the stairs.

"Sleeping again now," Atanas answered, sliding his arm around my waist. I tried not to smirk as Una watched the movement.

"She needs time. She's refusing to feed," I added.

Una hummed, starting for the stairs, "Not surprising. I'll see what I can do for her. Wards are up around Airell's place as you asked, Atanas, though I guess it's yours now. My father's nmen will arrive there shortly to take home any Ailill that were there."

When Atanas froze, I knew there had been something I'd missed. I'd not seen any Ailill amongst his men once we'd won.

"None were found alive, Una. I'm sorry," Atanas apologised, bowing his head, "There was nothing we could do. Someone got to them long before we did."

The witch stilled half way up the stairs, her hand tightening on the banister. She never looked back at us and her skin paled. I felt for her, I really did, she'd lost kin. I heard her swallow harshly, heard the way her heart sped up and stuttered. Without another word, she started climbing the stairs again and her movements were somehow heavier.

"How many?" I whispered, looking up at my mate's haunted face.

His voice was so low and husky that I almost struggled to make out what he said next, "The bodies were so mangled and torn apart, we couldn't tell."

It was then I knew what Atanas had kept from Una. It hadn't been Airell that had killed them, he would have at least given them swift deaths so he had time to escape...It had been the Fallen that had gotten to them and that thought made my stomach twist until bile burned the back of my throat. That had been the screams I had heard when trying to navigate the dungeons, death cries.

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