Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 27 ~ Queen

"Well...that was less terrifying than last time," Atanas announced as I finally managed to park the car by the house.

The lights seemed to be on in every room, making it look a little less scary than the first time I'd arrived at its door. Yet still there was a sense of trepidation as I stared at the big double doors. When I closed my eyes to compose myself, I could suddenly hear the sounds of battle raging around me.

Flashes of silver blades, screaming, the copper scent of blood heavy in the air.


I jerked back to reality, loosening my grip on the steering wheel and I was back in the car again. Atanas was watching me with a frown and I hated the worried look in his eyes.

"I thought dying in a car crash would be anticlimactic after all we've been through so I tried to drive carefully," I finally said, undoing the seatbelt and slipping out of the car.

Tucking the keys into my back pocket, I did a nervous once over of my surroundings. Streetlights lit everything in an eerie orange glow that was dulled by thick fog. Water in the air made scents hard to catch and that only made anxiety spike. Damn living so close to the sea.

"You don't have to do this," Atanas repeated for the third time, making me roll my eyes.

But I did, and we both knew it.

Movement behind one of the curtains drew my eyes back to the house, that was more of a mansion now I really got time to study it. Honey eyes caught mine before Kincaid let the curtain drop again. He'd looked relieved to see us and I wondered how chaotic it was inside. I shouldn't have let Atanas come back to Cala-Phort with me, he was needed here.

"Let's just get tonight over with so we can go home," I sighed, rounding the car only to pause at the look on my mate's face.

He shifted on his feet, his eyes flicking to the house and I sighed again, "We're not going back to Cala-Phort are we?"

"No. Until we have things thoroughly under control here, this is where we need to be. We'll hold our meeting for the country leaders here, give them the opportunity to swear fealty. After that, like I said, we can go anywhere in the world, Libertas Mea," he promised with determination.

I nodded, shoving my hands in the pockets of my jacket. He made it sound so simple but it couldn't possibly be as easy as all that. How could he be so sure that the country leaders would bow so easily to him? Rubbing my eyes, I decided I'd leave that for him to worry about. Politics wasn't my forte.

The door swung open before we even started up the stone steps and a grumpy looking boy glared at us. Despite having seen him before, I still couldn't help but stare at the vampire who was stuck as a child forever. Dvij eyed us both accusingly, narrowing his gaze at Atanas as he pushed the door wider.

"You should have been here hours ago," he snapped, stepping out the way to let us in.

I bristled at his tone and wondered how he'd react to me threatening to put him in the naughty corner. My lips twitched and Atanas gave me a look that told me he knew I was thinking of saying something cheeky.

"We had a newborn vampire causing a racket that we had to calm down. I'm here now, and I'm sure Kincaid has managed to hold down the fort in my absence," Atanas replied.

Dvij scrunched up his face, making him look like a grumpy toddler and I struggled to keep a straight face. When his dark eyes flicked to me, I immediately schooled my features, feeling a little guilty. It wasn't his fault his maker had been so cruel as to leave him stuck in the body of a child forever. I imagined it was rather difficult for him, especially as he like any other vampire, would have had needs. Thinking about his lack of sex life had me blushing. Though perhaps he had his ways...

"If you're going to be Queen, you must learn to hide your emotions better, young one," he sniffed, turning on his heel and stomping towards the staircase.

"If I'm to be Queen," I muttered dejectedly.

Atanas chuckled, tugging me in the direction of Dvij, "You are Queen. He's just an arse and he wants this to be over so he can return home. He hates the weather here. Are you ready?"

I wasn't sure exactly what I was meant to be ready for but I nodded anyway. Like Dvij, I wanted this to be over with so I could go home too. Atanas kept my hand firmly in his as we took the stairs up but I could help but look towards the door that led to the dungeons below where the prisoners were. Had they been tortured? Had their screams echoed through the halls as mine had?

Shaking my head, I forced my gaze back to the stairs. I'd ask about what was to be done with them later. If I had to stay here, I'd feel far better if there wasn't a load of quite probably furious vampires locked up beneath our feet...

When we reached the first floor, my eyes widened.

Whoever was in charge of the cleaning deserved a round of applause. While there was still the dark stains of blood on walls and carpets, all bodies and body parts were gone. Yet there was one thing they couldn't get rid of so easily, and gave away the horrors this house had seen; the air was drenched in the putrid smell of death and rot. One thing was for certain, I wouldn't be choosing this place to make home.

My nose scrunched as we passed a room with a wooden door that barely hung on its hinges. The stench that came from it was enough to have me making sure I didn't dare peak inside. I had enough fuel in my memories for nightmares and I didn't need to add to it. But the dark room seemed to call to me, daring me to look inside. My steps faltered, my body twisting away from the door on instinct. My chest constricted and suddenly I'd forgotten how to breathe.

"Eyes on me, Libertas Mea," Atanas growled, making sure I didn't fall into the dark.

His grip was almost painful on my chin as he forced my head up, keeping me facing away from the room that smelt like death.

Silver eyes met blue and I was anchored once more to here and now. I hadn't realised I'd been crying until his thumb swiped away the wet trails tears had left. His fingers were digging into my arm, keeping me focussed and suddenly I felt the urge and aching need to have him. Blue eyes darkened and fangs appeared behind plump lips. Hungry. Just as I began to lean into him, just as I was sure we'd find a room to get lost in eachother until I forgot the horrors of the world, the spell was broken.

Shouting from the end of the hall broke our gaze and my mate growled in frustration. The double doors that lead to the great hall of the house were wide open and chaos seemed to be pouring out from within. Dvij stood in the doorway, but over his head I could make out men and women all arguing at once, their noise so loud I could only make out the occasional word.

"Just like old times," Atanas mused, stopping by Dvij to study the rabble.

Now we were at the door, I could see the whole room was almost crammed full of people. The scent of vampire was heaviest in the air but around Zena, the faster heartbeats signalled mortals, witches most likely. Lachlan stood behind her, his arms folded as he watched the argument with a less than impressed look.

I wanted to cover my ears from the amount of noise they were all making, or scream for them to shut up. It was a barrage to my senses that were so used to the quiet. The heavy sigh I let out cut through the air and slowly, eyes turned to us. The shouts settled down to quiet murmurs and I didn't miss the attention my presence gained that was closely followed by yet more muttering between the factions in the room.

I hated being the centre of attention and I didn't really understand why I'd garnered such a reaction in the first place.

"Atanas, my King!" Kincaid spoke up, his voice a low rumble.

My mate changed in that moment as his title rang through the room. His back straightened, his face became the mask that had terrified me so the first time I'd met him, his emotions impenetrable. Except to me, the bond that now bound us together as mates thrummed between us, I could feel the pride and joy he felt as his eyes scanned the crowd. His position as King had been his purpose in his life as a vampire, and he'd missed it.

He stepped forward and I let his fingers slip from my grasp. No eyes were on me now. I fell into his shadow quite happily. Old habits told me to skulk into a corner with my back safely against a wall, baring fangs at anyone who got too close or even looked in my direction. Yet the part of me that was proud to be Atanas' mate, that wanted to prove I could be Queen, had my stance widening ever so slightly, rooting myself to stay by his side.

"This room is far too crowded to be only those whom I asked to meet here," Atanas said calmly, walking slowly towards the long table in the middle of the room.

"They want to know what's happening. They fought for you, again, they have a right to know," Thierry drawled from where he sat languidly in a chair with his booted feet on the table.

Elaine stood behind him, her blue painted arms folded across her chest. She was glaring at her ex husband with a look that could kill and I was sure he must have been able to feel it. I had the feeling they'd had another one of their spats before Atanas and I arrived.

"And that is why I asked my generals and inner circle to gather, so we can discuss what is to happen. Everyone else needs to get out, I believe there are still Fallen to hunt down, prisoners to guard and Airell to find," Atanas replied, his voice rising, power rolling from him in waves.

Nobody moved for a few moments and I bristled at my mate being so blatantly ignored. I took a step, my hand sliding down to the dagger strapped to my belt.

Dvij tutted from beside me, his hand stopping mine as he gave me a look that said, wait. My jaw clenched but I made no further move.

Atanas' power beat stronger against the walls until I swore they trembled and heads bowed down. I held my breath as vampires bent to his will and slowly began to trickle out of the room. They gave me a wide berth but weren't afraid to throw curious glances my way. I did my best to ignore them but so much attention put me on edge, my fingers twitching on the hilt of my blade. When an arm brushed against mine, I couldn't push down old reactions any longer. My back was tingling with the awareness of many potential threats that were now behind me.

I forced myself to move, despite the disappointment I felt, until my back was safely against the wall and I could see everyone leaving, and everyone that stayed. My lips peeled back in silent warning at the stares my actions gained from those that remained at the table.

Nobody could blame me for my reaction, and I preferred to watch from the outside. I didn't have a head for politics anyway, there was nothing I could add to the conversation. Not unless it was about the bed pubs in town, or the best way to kill a vampire, or the history of rock and roll.

"Will you rebuild the council then? You won't be able to do that until the leaders from around the world have come, so you can choose," Thierry advised, "You'll want those that proved their loyalty to rule as reward."

"I will reform the council, but they will answer to me. Democracy obviously does not work with our kind, I gave our species that chance. I'm taking my place as King as I have said I will," Atanas explained firmly, daring those at the table to question him.

"We will send out word for the leaders to gather but where shall I be inviting them? Here?" Zena asked calmly, settling the tension that had begun to grow.

"No. Not here," I cut in, "I won't spend another night here. Scotland is my home, I wish for it to stay that way. Edinburgh is my country's capital, so that is where we should make our base."

Atanas nodded, the smallest of smiles letting me know he approved without announcing it to the room. My heart warmed a little. The unknown male vampire that had said little during the meeting huffed a breath.

"Scotland is a small country, my Queen. We would be better basing ourselves in a country of power-"

I felt stupid for my suggestion then. Of course I didn't think like they did, of power, strategy, wealth, my only thought was of where I felt safe.

"Scotland may not be a big country but it is old and it is powerful in the ways of magic. It's been respected as the stronghold of Ailill and Laoch, and it will be respected as our stronghold too," Kincaid added on my behalf, his voice deep and intimidating. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Nobody dared argue and I smiled back at the small quirk of lips he offered me. As a fellow Scot, I felt some comradery with him. I would make an effort to get to know him.

Mutters started up again, despite the fact their Queen had made her decision, a decision that had been promised to be hers to make. Perhaps I should have talked it through with Atanas first, for this country was not his home and he knew more of the way vampires worked as a people, a society.

"We can't just up and leave now. There are still Fallen that need hunted down, Airell needs to be found and we'll have to find a place big enough in Edinburgh," Elaine said, running a hand through wild ginger hair.

I closed my eyes. It seemed I would have to spend a few more nights in this hell hole after all.

"That's all manageable. Zena, I trust you can find a suitable home for royalty?" Atanas asked with a teasing grin.

She grinned back and nodded, "A home, a big castle near the city centre..."

My eyebrow rose at that, "You can't expect me to believe you're going to try and buy Edinburgh castle. It's part of historic Scotland. Thousands of tourists visit every month. We won't be a secret for long if there are humans forever wandering through the halls."

"Perhaps not Edinburgh castle then, but there are many stately homes just as big and extravagant," she quipped happily, turning on her heels as if she was going to start her search this very moment...and perhaps she was.

Something gave me the impression Zena had been royalty herself at some point in her life. Lachlan watched his mate leave the room and he became far more withdrawn and quiet than usual, making me frown. I hoped I wasn't that dependant on needing my mate, but as I thought about how I would be acting if Atanas wasn't in the room I realised that perhaps I was, for now, and maybe, for now, that was okay.

"Kincaid, I'm putting you in charge of arranging scouts to hunt the last of the Fallen," Atanas ordered, "We can't let them leave the city, we need to keep this contained or we'll have the eyes of every major newspaper on us."

I tried not to laugh at him thinking that news was still carried around the world via the written word, or types word as it were. Things were far more dangerous now. Phones captured everything these days and the last thing we needed was someone capturing the image of a Fallen. The brutal way they killed would draw attention as it was, forensics would be able to tell nothing human caused the injuries.

Kincaid nodded, straightening up, "I'll have my best on it. So far there's been no reports of deaths, but I fear we aren't going to be that lucky for much longer."

My fingers drummed along the back of the chair I stood behind and I took a deep breath, "I will hunt them down too."

Eyes flicked to me in shock. They all knew I was tired, Atanas more than anyone but before he could argue, I stood tall. These creatures didn't think like us, but I understood exactly how they thought.

"I know them better than anyone else, and as much as I hate it, I'm good at killing them. If I can stop them from hurting innocents, then I will," I stated firmly, meeting Atanas' gaze.

He studied me closely before slowly nodding and Kincaid bowed his head, "I await your orders then, my Queen. My warriors are yours."

I smiled tensely, unsure what to say in return. His warriors, he had said, making curiosity burn through me.

After that, I stepped away from the discussion. They talked about the prisoners, about how to best get word out and I found myself walking slowly to my mate's side. Elaine gave me a quick smile before she was drawn into discussions once more. Too many words and phrases I didn't understand had me at a loss but at least nobody was shouting anymore. Nobody dared to risk Atanas' ire. Especially after watching the way he snarled at the mention of Airell being able to rally vampires to his cause.

We may have won a battle, gained a little ground, but as long as Airell roamed free, the war was yet to be won. Everyone was sure we'd be able to hold our ground and claim ourselves victors, the leaders of our world, but that didn't mean Airell would stop.

"Where could he have gone? Where would he be safest?" Atanas mumbled his thoughts out loud, staring at the many maps thrown on the table.

Red pen had been used to show the different territories and tired eyes scoured over it. We'd been at this for hours and I itched to begin my hunt, to feed on the way, but I had to push my hunger to the side.

"He has allies deeper in Europe I'm sure. Leaders there still cling to older more violent ways," Kincaid advised, tapping his finger over Italy and Germany.

Atanas chuckled but there was a cold humour to it that I'd never heard before, "They'll soon know there is none older than I and they don't want to test me."

"You were his for near three centuries, Shylah. Surely you have some idea of where he'd go?" Thierry said, his dark eyes locked on me.

The way his lips twitched made Atanas stiffen next to me and Elaine's jaw clenched. I didn't miss how he'd worded that; 'you were his', as if I hadn't fought the entire time to because I refused to be his.

"I was never aware of when or where we moved, and o believe that was on purpose. Though, I don't believe he's gone into hiding. I think he's looking for something," I replied as calmly as I could.

"What makes you say this? What on earth could he be searching for?" Kincaid asked in disbelief.

I shifted, unable to lift my gaze from the maps. Cold fingers slid over my hand that rested in the table and I took a deep breath.

"We all know what Airell wants, to rule, unquestionably, whether by inspired loyalty or fear. He wants an army created by him to use as he pleases. He claimed I was Moon-touched, though I don't completely understand the meaning of that but I got the feeling it meant power. And Airell loves power. Though try as he might, he couldn't breed me...something one of his men said made me think he was going to find someone who could breed him an army. For what could he create that would be more loyal than his own flesh and blood?"

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