Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 28 ~ Hunt

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My hands shook as I slipped my arms into my jacket, my body alive with adrenaline. Atanas watched me carefully, his gaze flicking to the dagger at my hip. I was going, no matter how he tried to argue any further. Kincaid stood looking as stern as ever by the front door, arms folded over a huge, muscled chest.

"He could still be out there, Shylah," Atanas spoke up, his tone an unhappy grumble.

"That'd be even better. Taking him down alongside some Fallen would just make my night," I sang, giving him a false smile.

He shook his head, fangs appearing from behind tense lips. Kincaid sighed. He'd grown bored of our back and forth, and like me, just wanted to get moving. I was ready for this, more ready than I thought I'd be.

"Why are you so desperate to leave now? It's only a few hours until daylight, something could happen that'd delay your return," he continued, grabbing my arm to force me to look at him.

My jaw clenched and I thought about lying again, but instead I looked away, grinding my teeth together before muttering, "I can't be here while you're dealing with prisoners,"

His grip loosened, the harsh lines disappearing from his face. I glared, angry he had make me speak my truth.

"I can't listen to their screams, smell their blood, hear their last breath,"

"We'll be in the dungeons, you won't even-"

"I will hear," I argued, closing my eyes, "I will. I'm sorry that this is one weakness that I won't be able to beat. I will execute the Fallen, because they are Fallen. Rabid. One step up from animals. I won't watch the execution of people."

Finally he released me, his expression grim and I straightened my jacket. It wasn't that I disapproved of how he'd chosen to punish those that refused to swear fealty to him and I hoped he understood that. They couldn't be allowed to live, it wasn't like they'd grow old or die, they needed to be dealt with.

Kincaid tapped the door handle, expressing his irritation and need to leave.

"I'll be back before the sun rises," I promised quietly, turning away from him to follow Kincaid out the door.

The world was grey with fog again, salt scenting the air. It must have been sunny the day just past for so much water to be in the air. I shut the door behind me without looking back at my mate.

Kincaid stood at the bottom of the steps, looking around and I let him decide where to begin our search. I'd lead us both once I found signs of the Fallen, and I was good at finding their mess. Though it was hard to catch scents with so much water in the air, and the smells of the city mingling so thickly it was almost impossible to distinguish only one particular scent, I was experienced. Cities were my home, my hunting ground.

"Where would they go," Kincaid asked when I finally descended the stairs to stand by his side.

"Where it's busy," I replied, catching his surprised gaze.

"They aren't like us, Kincaid. They don't know to be subtle, and quiet, to pick prey easy to manipulate. They'll go where they smell the most blood and they'll go where there's plenty of it. That's why it's so vital to hunt them down quickly. It only takes one caught on camera for the whole word to become aware of us. Then its goodbye plentiful hunting ground and hello torches and pitchforks," I explained, giving him a dry smile.

He gave me an odd look and started heading towards the city centre, "Your humour worries me,"

I chuckled, my lips twitching. If only he inner commentary was run by a pessimistic comedian. The closer we got to the city centre, the more Kincaid through looks over his shoulder at me. I wondered what he was thinking of his new Queen and hunting companion.

"You're sure this is where we should look? Like Atanas said, it's close to sunrise, maybe the city centre is the wrong place to be," he asked, becoming uneasy.

I rolled my eyes and muttered to myself. Why did my knowledge always end up questioned by burly males?

"Yup. There'll still be plenty people hanging around the bus station and the train station and I doubt the Fallen will have wondered far. They have had to hole up during the day, they won't have had the chance to explore the houses for sale in the suburbs," I chirped.

He glared at me, his annoyance clear, "Do you take anything seriously?"

I hummed, tipping my head before shaking it, "No, I don't think so."

"How does our King put up with you?" he grumbled, turning back to the alley we were walking through.

"Perhaps it's my willingness to explore different sex games," I grinned wickedly while Kincaid looked disgusted.

The cackle of laughter I was about to let loose at the prudish vampire's expense was cut off by a garbled cry. Our eyes met while both of us scented the air, the smell so strong that it even coated my tongue in a very familiar taste...copper.

Someone was bleeding heavily.

I pressed my fingers to my lips, signalling for Kincaid to keep quiet. He nodded and let me creep forward. I doubted how lightly a male as bulky as him could step. He waited behind me while I skulked closer to the corner, the shadows clouding my presence. I held my breath as I slowly leant forward and peered round the corner, and the breath got trapped in my throat.

Throwing myself back, my eyes squeezed shut as I tried to keep calm. There would be no saving the human male the Fallen had pinned against the concrete wall. There was little left to save. The creature fed louldy, slurping and tearing at blood and flesh. The sound had my stomach heaving.

The touch of a hand on my shoulder made me jump, my eyes flowing open to meet the fierce honey brown of Kincaid. He nodded his head towards the counter of the alley and I nodded slowly.

"The human?" he mouthed silently.

I shook my head.

He frowned and for a moment the hard exterior of the warrior cracked. He cared that human life had been lost, something if never have guessed considering how cold and uncaring he seemed. My expression hardened, my own anger at having not gotten here in time to save the human rising.

I shuffled closer to the corner, nodding my head towards the other side. Kincaid nodded his understanding. I'd swing round the corner, catching it's attention, and he'd try and get behind it. My grip tightened on my dagger, my legs tensing in preparation to push myself forward.

Without another thought, I pounced. My body kept close to the wall as I turned the corner, Kincaid becoming one with the shadows as he bolted to the other side of the alley.

The creature dropped the mangled corpse to the ground, a blood smeared mouth opening to show flesh stuck between its teeth. It hissed, long and slow, the sound scraping over my skin. I wielded my blade, widening my stance, and gave it a grin.

"Come on then," I taunted in a whisper.

It screeched, giving me it's full attention as it came running towards me. What was left of a dress swayed around bone thin legs, claws raking at the air. My breathing was coming faster now, the world slowing down as instincts took over. Yet I still wasn't fast enough. Before I could twist out of the way, a long fingers gripped the sleeve of my jacket and pulled me back. Throwing my head back, I narrowly missed the fangs that were dripping with thick blood.

I dropped my weight, throwing both of us off balance. We hit the ground and I managed to bend my knee beneath it to throw it off my body. Rolling, a gluttarel war cry leaving my lips, I pinned the creature to the ground and thrust my blade into its throat.

It bucked, it's scream of pain silent, only the gurgle of blood filling the air. But that wasn't enough to kill it. Sharp nails clawed at my jacket, so sharp that they slipped through the soft leather to tear at my skin. I grit my teeth against the pain, one hand gripping it thin, wiry hair while I tugged my knife across its neck, slicing through muscle and sinew. My actions were all done on instinct as I yanked hard, pulling the head from its body. I screamed again, this time in rage that I'd been forced to keep killing.

Panting hard, shoving myself back to my feet, I looked down at my blood soaked clothes. My hands were shaking. Maybe I should have left this to Kincaid and his men, this was torture.

"You didn't help," I snapped, sensing Kincaid moving in behind me.

"I didn't exactly get the chance to," he chuckled, stepping beside me, his gaze on the body at my feet, "I see why he chose you."

Glaring, I opened my mouth to defend myself.

"Atanas, not Airell, Shylah. I can see why Atanas chose you as his mate and Queen. You're a lot stronger than you look,"

My mouth slammed shut, my teeth smashing together so hard, it seemed to shake my whole skull. I'd thought he'd suggested my ability to kill was what Airell chose me for. The look in his honey gold eyes as he watched me so intensely that I wasn't sure he meant my physical strength was what drew his King to me either.

Swallowing, I slipped the dagger back into my belt, "We can't leave it here, we can't leave what's left of the mortal here to find either."

Kincaid sighed and nodded, nudging the dead Fallen with his boot then eyed the shredded remains of what I thought was a human male. I turned away. Perhaps he didn't care so much for human life after all, perhaps he'd been annoyed it meant more mess to deal with.

"Are we going to just stare at it?" Kincaid muttered.

"You're an ass," I huffed, running my fingers through my hair, "We can't exactly carry it though. We need...bags or something."

More grumbling and Kincaid pulled out the flashiest looking phone I'd ever seen before. I stared, looking for the buttons and then stared some more when he simply slid his finger along the screen. How out of touch was I?

He smirked at me as he held the phone to his ear, and my dislike fro him grew a little more. Arrogant, I decided.

I wandered to the other side of the alley, keeping an ear out for humans, vampires and other Fallen, leaving Kincaid to grumble his orders down the phone. I pitied whoever it was. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Tipping my head up, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. The need to laugh bubbled up but I didn't want Kincaid to think me anymore strange than he already did. Yet here I stood, 300 years old, mated to a man who'd seen the rise and fall of empires, wearing the title of Queen.

"You couldn't make this shit up," I muttered to whatever God was listening, "I bet you all enjoy watching us all down here."

"Who are you talking to?"

Whipping around, I cursed to myself. There went trying not to come off as weird. I simply pointed up and Kincaid slowly lifted his head to stare at a lightening grey sky.

"It's almost dawn, we should head back now before our King sends every guard he has after you," Kincaid noted, narrowing his eyes at the horizon.

I frowned, eyeing the remains, "What about-"

"It's sorted. It'll be cleaned up. We can go home, my Queen," he assured me.

"Do I want to know?"

He smirked, "You're the leader of the vampire race, I'm sure you'll find out all the gory details of my job later."

A shiver went up my spine.

I was happy to head in the direction of the mansion. Grey clouds became streaked with bright reds and oranges and my steps quickened a little. Kincaid seemed uncaring of our race against the sun, whistling happily and even nodding his head at a human who was rushing towards a bus stop.

Relief flooded me when we turned the corner. Atanas stood at the top of the stairs, eyeing the sky with unease. Vampire speed took me to his side, my lips meeting his without warning.

"I told you to be back in plenty of time did I not?" he growled, pulling away from my kiss.

I frowned, feeling a little rejected, "I'm sorry, but we're back in time, safe."

Instead of saying anything, he yanked my quickly inside. In his anger, he nearly slammed the door on Kincaid. Pulling my arm away from him, I glared.

"Don't you dare manhandle me," I warned, giving him a dark look.

He lifted his hands in apology, realising immediately his mistake, "I just wanted you out of the sun. Forgive me, I had no right to touch you like that."

Heart hammering in my chest as flight instincts still flared at being grabbed, I nodded slowly. Kincaid shifted behind me, and the tension grew between us. Atanas stepped further away from me and I happily let him. He should have known better.

"We found one, it's being taken care of. Couldn't make out much about the human it'd killed but I'll have people keep an eye on the news. I'll head back out tomorrow," Kincaid debriefed, folding his hands behind his back.

"We'll head back out tomorrow," I said tightly, giving him a look.

Kincaid bowed his head, "With all due respect, my Queen, I don't think that's wise. While I don't doubt your skills, I don't think you're in the right state of mind right now for this task."

I gaped. My jaw clicked as it hung open and I stared in shock, but Kincaid didn't look apologetic for his words. His gaze met Atanas' and my mouth snapped shut, head whipping around to give my mate an accusing stare.

"Did you ask him to keep an eye on my mental state while we were out and come back with a report?" I snapped, fisting my hands.

Atanas lifted his chin, glaring defiantly back at me, "You were in a dungeon for days being tormented, forced to kill, that leaves scars, Shylah."

"So what, he says I'm unstable so I'm benched? Am I to be stuck here playing good like consort to the king? Shall I bow and curtsey to the fact guests we're to receive who will no doubt have plenty to say about the likes of me?"

"Kincaid, leave us," Atanas ordered, his stormy blue eyes never leaving me.

I rolled my eyes. How easy he played the role of King. Kincaid looked like he was chuckling as he walked past me and headed through on of the doors by the stairs. I stood silently seething, refusing to speak and Atanas looked up at the roof.

"Am I not allowed to worry about you, Libertas Mea?" he finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Of course you are," I grumbled back, allowing myself to soften a little, "But instead of having someone spy on me, you could talk to me. Like a normal person."

He chuckled but shook his head, "You're hardly an open book, Shylah. You don't talk, not about what he's done to you, or how it effects you. Your reactions to things only tell someone so much."

I peeked at him, frowning. How much did my reactions give away? How much had he figured out for himself the exact extent of the things Airell used to do to me? I'd let slip a little, enough that he knew I was probably permanently damaged.

"Then I will try and be, but I'm not ready to talk about any of it yet. Just let me hunt them, it makes me feel useful," I said, hoping he'd accept the little I could offer.

He smiled, slowly reaching out a hand for me. I watched him, noting the way he was very careful about how he moved. When I took his hand, the smile turned to a smirk and he tugged me roughly to his chest, making me laugh. This was the Atanas I liked, the one who knew I wasn't glass.

Fingers gripped my rear to keep me flush against his body, "Invitations have been sent out to the vampire leaders of every country in the world. Zena has found us a temporary home. We'll hold a ball just as good as the ones thrown centuries ago. A chance for them all to swear fealty and for us to feel out who is still on my side,"

I pushed down the panic that rose at being stuck in a room with so many vampires and forced a smile, resting my head on his shoulder as he began to guide me upstairs.

"If there's still country leaders loyal to you, why did they not help us?" I asked, truly worried Atanas thought he had more allies than he did.

"You can't fight for a King that wasn't around to fight for. Many country leaders, supported me the first time I tried to take my crown back. When I lost, I imagine they made peace. Airell didn't have the power to do anything about every single one that rose for me. He was no King," he explained.

"What about those that do still support him? He could come back stronger than before, we could lose."

Atanas gave me a wicked look, one that told me he'd tear the world apart to keep me and all that was ours safe.

"He won't win. Those that support Airell are a danger to peace, to our kind. We've only survived so long because we've kept to the shadows and followed unwritten rules. Rules I'm going to make law. Breakers of these laws will be punished. They'll have a chance to fall in line," he said firmly, determination in his gaze.

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