Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 29 ~ The Grateful Dead

I was more than happy to strip myself of blood soaked clothes that clung to my skin as it dried. A bruise was forming on my side, a startling black and blue against marble white flesh. Eventually I'd go a week without getting into a fight, I promised myself.

Atanas watched from behind me, his eyes meeting mine in the mirror. Things were strangely tense between us and I couldn't put my finger on exactly why. He said nothing as I changed clothes, but I could feel the burn of his gaze on every injury. This had been why he hadn't wanted me to go.

I looked away, focusing on trying not to cause myself to much pain as I carefully peeled of my jeans. The silence was almost as painful as moving.

"How many prisoners met their end tonight then?" I asked, standing in flimsy underwear, poking at the various bruises.

His expression remained closed off and unwavering as he answered, "A few."

I tried not to give him an irritated look at his short answer. Whatever was up his ass, I hoped it fell out soon.

"And those that pledged their loyalty to you, do you trust them? Are they allowed to go free?"

He sighed, moving across the room to pour himself a drink of whatever amber liquid was in the crystal bottle.

I tugged on a clean top that was a little to snug. Even the touch of fabric against my aching body seemed to hurt.

"A few, I believe, will prove themselves truly loyal. Those that Airell threatened or beat into submission, more that don't really agree with his world domination plans. You'd be surprised by how many of our kind are more than happy living in the shadows," he said with a chuckle, a teasing smile aimed my way.

I smiled back, relaxing. Maybe I'd been imagining the tension between us. Perhaps he'd just been struggling watching me in pain. When he passed me a glass of my own, I happily inhaled the burning scent of expensive whisky. I closed my eyes, savouring the bitter flavour. Ah I'd missed drink. Oddly, I hadn't found myself craving one since we'd escaped my flat.

"But there's those that you don't trust? If you let them go, they'll run to Airell," I continued, taking another grateful sip of the liquid that burnt my throat.

"That's exactly what I'm counting on, Libertas Mea." Atanas smirked, clinking his glass against mine.

My lips twitched in amusement, "Bravo, my king."

He grinned, hooking his arm around my waist to tug me against his chest. My breathing hitched, reacting to be being pressed so close to my mate. Dark blue eyes considered me, taking the glass from my hand and placing it on the table. Strong fingers tangled in my hair, tugging so I was forced to look only at him. A thrill went through me, settling as a throbbing heat at my centre.

I was intrigued by his sudden change in mood. Sliding my hands up his chest, I shivered as his lips brushed over my jaw.

"What's got you all hot so suddenly?" I asked, not that I minded in the slightest.

"I like hearing you call me your king," he answered huskily, his tongue flicking out to sooth the sting fangs brought on my neck.

My eyes fluttered shut, every inhale carrying the heady scent of his arousal to me, "You are my King, Atanas."

He pulled back, smirking smugly. His hand slid from my waist to grip my rear, his other hand staying tangled in short blonde locks.

"We have some time to ourselves now. We could make sure everyone is certain of your position by my side?" Atanas suggested, shifting his hips so the bulge of his erection was pressing against me.

I snorted and he raised an eyebrow.

"Not quite the reaction I was hoping for," he admitted in amusement.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Kincaid told me he didn't understand why you had chosen me as your mate. I told him it was because I was up for sex games."

Atanas laughed, a booming sound that bounced off the walls, his grip loosening.

"I bet that got a reaction," he teased, "Kincaid is a little more conservative than the rest of us."

"He was definitely less grumpy when we found a Fallen and had to stop talking," I agreed before frowning, "He doesn't seem to hold much value on human life."

I pulled away slightly, running over the odd ending to our hunt. He'd called someone else to clean up our mess. . . my mess.

"Do you?"

I baulked, my whole body almost jerking at such a question. Atanas watched me carefully, his eyes scanning my face. Did he care about human life? I knew the more the centuries passed, the less human we felt, the more we fell into the dark. We weren't human. There were many times I had to remind myself of this fact. Humans were what we fed on, our prey, but did that mean their lives were worth any less than ours?

Frowning, I removed myself from his touch completely. "Of course I do. The only reason I joined your gang of rebels was to make sure no more humans had to suffer like so many did because of my maker. Like I did. We may need their blood but that doesn't mean they're just food."

Atanas raised his hands in surrendee, watching me work myself up until my final words had almost been a growl. I sucked in a breath.

"He does care, Shylah. We all do, that's why we've done this. Some of us are just better at hiding our feelings. It's a dangerous world and vampires sniff out weakness easily. There are many who don't place any value on their lives, but that doesn't mean they're happy with them being treated like cattle," Atanas soothed, "I'm sorry. My question wasn't me insinuating that you didn't care."

I sighed, relaxing and slumping against the bed. "Sorry. I think the evening just has me a little on edge. Everything's still so uncertain."

Atanas sat next to me, taking my hand in his and I let my body rest against his. Blood still stained my fingers and arms, rubbing off onto Atanas' shirt.

"You might find you enjoy the next few evenings if that's of any comfort," he said, smiling down at me.

I lifted my head, propping my chin on his shoulder with a disbelieving look. His thumb brushed over my bottom lip and I nipped at it gently, waiting for him to explain.

"Vampire leaders from around the world will be here, those that wish to kneel before me at least, those that want to keep the world safe. Which is the majority," he told me, making me roll my eyes.

He didn't need to continue to convince me our kind weren't all cold blooded killers.

"That doesn't sound fun at all."

"What if I told you that such an occasion means you can wear the finest of dresses and jewellery and that Anna will be by your side?" he asked, knowing the idea of Anna being there would help sway me his way.

Jewellery and fine clothes meant little to me, especially if it meant wearing it front of a room full of strangers. I didn't want to be there, but I knew it was now my duty. Atanas was King and I was his mate, I had to be by his side. I could cope with Anna close by, I was sure.

"How is she?" I murmured, frowning.

Atanas sighed and lay back on the bed and I wasted no time in straddling his waist. He watched me with interest as my fingers threaded through his and I pinned his hands by his head.

"She's still refusing to feed. Padraig is at his wits end. I told him to bring her here, for them to both stay with us until she's settled. She was calmer in your presence, and you can maybe help guide her in ways Padraig can't. Both of you were turned against your will and in rather. . .brutal circumstances. Maybe the distraction of a ball will help both of you."

I hummed, unimpressed. I'd never been to a ball before and the idea of dancing and mingling while in heavy gowns that limited movement and exposed parts of me I wasn't comfortable with wasn't exactly appealing. Atanas seemed like he was looking forward to it but being the centre of attention like that was him in his element.

And Anna? I wasn't sure I could help her. I hadn't exactly done very well with her the last time I'd seen her. Forcing her to live this life was cruel. These men believed she would eventually settle and come to terms but I'd seen vampires that simply couldn't. If she didn't accept what she was now, I knew very well she'd either waste away or throw herself into the sun.

Anna had changed in ways we couldn't imagine. Only another vampire that had been a witch would understand her suffering. Part of her soul had been torn away, what did that even feel like? There had to be a way to make it easier on her.

I stilled.

"What if she didn't have to go straight to feeding from humans?" I mused, releasing Atanas' hands to sit up properly, my mind turning.

His hands slid to my hips, his head tipping. "What do you mean?"

"What if she fed from Padraig or me after we fed?" I suggested before laughing at the flare of jealousy that took over his features.

"It's not a long term solution," he replied stiffly.

I nodded, "I know that but it's a step up from her not feeding at all. Once she grows comfortable with that, it might be easier to convince her to feed from a human. We need to try something."

Atanas smiled, squeezing my hip but there was a strain to his face that I couldn't help but notice.

"You don't want her to feed from me." I guessed, unable to help the small flicker of satisfaction that filled me.

Was it bad that I liked that he was that possessive of me? Either way, if Anna was more comfortable with feeding from me than Padraig, that's what was going to happen.

"As long as you don't decide you quite like feeding other vampires, I think I will be okay," he said, sitting up to give me a claiming kiss that stole the breath from me.

Kissing him back, I wound my arms around him, fangs pressing against his lip. "You know I'm yours, my King."

He growled possessively against my lips, the sound vibrating through me. His answer was another searing kiss, hands sliding beneath my top, nails against my skin. I shivered in delight.

Atanas spent the next few hours making sure he'd kissed every part of me before we finally went to sleep, satisfied and exhausted.


"My Queen," a woman greeted, her and her mate bowing their heads as I passed.

I gave them both an awkward smile, still unsure of exactly how I was meant to answer, and still entirely uncomfortable with the title. Atanas held his position with far more grace and dignity than I did.

The halls were still filled with those that had helped us take control and guards stood on every floor with swords at their hip that I eyed with unease. Most of the bedrooms were taken and I had no idea how we were going to make room to play host to vampires and their mates from around the world.

I needed to become more accustomed to my new title and the titles of those that would be joining us. If Atanas and I were royalty, did that make country leaders lords and ladies? My lips twitched in amusement. I really had fallen into vampire Macbeth.

"Who I sleep with is none of your fucking business, Elaine!" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Thierry's voice echoed across the hall and I wasn't the only one that stopped to watch. His brown hair was a dishevelled mess and he was lacking a shirt as he yelled at the murderous looking auburn haired warrior. Elaine hissed, long fangs descending.

"You do this on purpose, you bastard. I don't care who you sleep with, I care when you go out of your way to make sure I know your bed is occupied by harlots!" she snapped back, throwing a hand towards the cowering vampiress covered in only a thin bedsheet.

Maybe I'd also fallen into an episode of Keeping up with the Vampires.

I felt a little sorry for the women caught between the ex lovers spat. She practically trembled as Elaine's rage became directed at her.

"Do you make a habit of sleeping with mated men?" she accused, making her eyes widen in fear.

Zena stepped up beside me, sighing wearily, "At it again are they?"

Raising an eyebrow, I turned to look her. My eyes flicked over her outfit that stood out here amongst the dark clothes of the vampires. A bright patterned halter dress that revealed her flawlessly chocolate coloured skin hung loosely about her slender form. I was jealous of her confidence.

Her arms were folded and she seemed to be watching the growing crowd who were enjoying the fighting couple far too much.

"How often does it it happen?" I asked.

"It's a miracle if they manage a week," Zena sighed, "I think things are worse now because of everything going on."

I wanted to know more, to ask why they'd broken up. In all honesty, I couldn't figure out why a woman like Elaine would want to be with Thierry at all. He was a dick, arrogant and obnoxious.

Their shouting continued, the pair stepping so close that I was worried things would turn physical.

"Should someone make them stop?" I worried, feeling the tension in the air spike until suddenly Thierry threw Elaine against the wall.

The bang resonated around the room and I flinched. I considered Elaine a friend of sorts, she'd stood by me while we fought, and seeing her treated so brutally hurt. Theirry grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head towards him.

Gasping, horrified, I was about to step in but Zena grabbed my arm and the crowd that had gathered to watched lost interest. I didn't understand why until Thierry was shoving his tongue down Elaine's throat. My mouth fell open as the two shared a fierce kiss and I almost died from shock when Elaine shoved him away, grabbed his hand then proceeded to take him and the women he'd been busy with into Thierry's bedroom.

Zena chuckled, patting my arm and I replayed the scene in my head in attempt to figure out what the fuck I'd just witnessed.

"I just wanted a cat," I muttered to myself, "How have I ended up here in the middle of all this."

"A cat would keep the mice at bay I suppose. When you have the time, I'd like to go over the various places I've found that I think might be a suitable home for you and Atanas. Then maybe you can get a cat," Zena said with a wink before continuing on her way down the hall.

I watched her go, wishing I had even an ounce of her poise and elegance. Zena walked like a dancer, shoulders back and head held high. She had catlike grace and I. . .I had more of a skulking fox quality.

Sighing, I turned back for the stairs. The guard by the front doors bowed his head and again all I could muster was a painfully awkward smile. I tried to hold myself with a little more dignity but with so many vampires walking around, I just couldn't. My instincts told me to walk with care, to watch everyone, to angle my back towards the wall.

"Have Anna and Padraig arrived yet?" I asked the burly guard who shook his blond head.

"No, my Queen. Not yet."

I nodded, shifting on my feet and he watched me with unnervingly green eyes. In a blink his features morphed into Airell's and panic spiked. My hand twitched over the blade at my hip which didn't escape the guard.

"I'm not used to being around so many of our kind either, my Queen," he said, offering me a smile.

"Please just call me Shylah," I muttered, looking away.

Maybe one day I'd get used to it, but not today. He frowned but nodded and I realised I'd not even asked for his name. Before I could open my mouth to do so, he cut me off.


Blinking, I felt suddenly uncomfortable. Was I so easy to read today?

"Not at all. My gifts are what put me here. A mind reader is handy to have when there's a threat of attack. I can read the intentions of anyone trying to get in or trying to leave,"

My mouth fell open for the second time today as I stared at the green eyed vampire. Could this day get weirder? He looked amused, and I made an effort to control my thoughts.

"You can read mines?" I asked dumbly, as if he hadn't just told me as much.

Gideon grinned, "Sort of. It's hard to describe. It's not like how books or movies would have you believe it works. Nobody thinks in complete sentences. I get glimpses of images, or words, a general feeling. I can't read everyone's thoughts though. It's easier than one might think to block me out. I don't even get a small sense of emotion from our King. But one must be aware that there's a mind reader in the room, it takes a lot of control to keep me out. Nobody could do that all day everyday."

I was fascinated now, and curious. Reading minds and other abilities didn't manifest when someone turned, if anything it made it more likely that these abilities wouldn't manifest, for the same reason witches so often lost touch with their magic if they were turned. If this man had managed to retain some power, did that give Anna hope?

"Your family were witches before you were turned then?"

He shrugged, his eyes scanning the room. "I don't know. I never knew my family, but I did have this gift when I was human. It grew stronger as I grew until I almost ended up in a mad house. Becoming a vampire dulled it tremendously, and I'm grateful for that."

I wasn't sure why his admission shocked me. Maybe it was because I'd never thought that there would be reasons to be grateful for being a vampire. This life suited some people. People like Airell who thrived on power and pain. Or people like Atanas who just seemed like they were born to be vampire. I'd never been grateful. I frowned.

"It's not for everyone, this life. I think you may change your mind about it. You'd never have met Atanas if you hadn't suffered through what you have," Gideon pointed out before giving me a sad smile, "Your friend has arrived."

His words were true and I considered them slowly, even as I heard a car door shut outside. Would I have rather died than meet Atanas? While I was still in no way grateful, I could put the past behind me to focus on what I had now because I would suffer through it all again just for the small amount of time I'd had with my mate.

Maybe I was a little grateful for the now.

He'd shown me a side of the world and myself I never knew was there. He'd shown me love and care like no other had, even if he was a little rough around the edges. Because of him I'd found friends and a place to call home amongst them.

Gideon's smile grew and I blushed, wondering just how much he understood of my thoughts. There was no time to worry before the door was swinging open and Anna and Padraig stepped in.

My friend looked worse for wear. Her usually olive toned skin was pale and covered in a sheen of sweat. Her cheeks were hollow and dark bags circled her eyes. My heart lurched. Padraig didn't look much better. The Irish vampire looked exhausted and terrified, his face hardening when he saw me. He'd not forgiven me for allowing Anna to be hurt, for forcing him to make the choice he had.

"Anna," I whispered, horrified by the state of her.

Bloodshot eyes met mine and I knew the look in their depths. She threw herself at me, almost knocking me to the ground. I wrapped my arms around her, keeping her tight against me. She didn't cry, I had the feeling there were no more tears left for her to cry, but her body trembled and I feared she would collapse.

"He made me feed," she whispered brokenly by my ear, a dry sob choking from her chest.

Padraig didn't even have the decency to look guilty as I glared at him. Fury flared, my blood boiling and I held her even tighter. To any other vampire, using the bond to get their fledglings to feed was no crime, in my eyes it was an abuse of the bond between maker and made.

"You had no right," I hissed at him, the only thing stopping me from attacking being Anna.

"I'm her maker. I have every right," he argued.

Even Gideon stiffened, his gaze flicking to me. My jaw clenched and I pulled away from Anna but before I could do anything, she grabbed my hand. There was a pleading desperation in her eyes, one I couldn't ignore despite how badly I wanted to punch Padraig square in the jaw.

"Please don't. Just take me somewhere quiet please, somewhere away from him. It's too loud, and bright, everything's too much," she begged.

"You're not leaving my side, Anna," Padraig stated firmly.

Gone was the happy, teasing vampire I'd met at Cala-Phort. I could understand the change in him, he'd almost lost the woman he loved, but I wouldn't stand for how he was treating her.

"I'm Queen, and I say she comes with me," I argued, waiting to see if he'd question my authority.

The few vampires that lingered had stopped at that, watching Padraig. I could see the war happening in his head, and wondered what Gideon could hear when his hand tightened on the pummel of his sword.

When Padraig stepped back and looked away, I wasn't sure whether it was respect for my position, respect for me as his friends mate, or the threat of Gideon readying to defend his Queen that made him relent.

"I trust that you won't let anything happen to her if I leave you in her care this time," he grumbled.

I flinched and Anna let go of my hand to poke a finger against his chest, "She came for me when you didn't. She protected and cared for me when you weren't there. She knew better than to force this life on me!"

He stared at her, unflinching but regret and guilt flickered over his features. Gently I pulled Anna back to me and began to lead her to the bedroom Atanas and I had taken without another word.

Two traumatised vampires needed drink, a good cry, and definitely an in depth chat about the future.

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