Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 8 ~ King

Chapter 8: King


The Vampire King.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He was changing the subject and it rubbed me the wrong way. Why did he have to keep playing games with me, after all the honesty I had shown in revealing my past?

"They're just stories, Atanas. Vampire fairytales. The Vampire King is a myth, a legend, what's that got to do with anything that's going on now?"

"You asked for my story, Shylah, and when telling a story, it is always best to start from the beginning." He said, giving me a look.

His face was only partially clear to me, half shrouded by shadows that the candles light couldn't chase away. If he wanted to tell tales in the dark then I had all the time in the world.

"Weave your story then, Atanas." I muttered, waving a hand to let him know he'd get no further interruption from me.

Perhaps whatever fantastical thing he told me would distract me from how much he irritated me. I would be able to tell if what he said was all lies, at least I hoped so. Crossing my legs on the armchair, I propped my head on my hands like a child waiting for a bedtime story.

"I was born before the rise of the Roman Empire. I'm not entirely sure what the year was but I was a winter child. As a boy I remember the first tales of the twins Romulus and Remus, the supposed sons of the God Mars. They were my younger sister's favourite stories, she was a couple of years younger than me but she had the wisdom of one far beyond her years. My father traded in silks and spices from what is now known as Italy, all the way to the exotic cities of Asia. He took my sister, my mother and I with him on his travels, and as I grew I met people of all religion and colour.

"We weren't amongst the richest of nobles, but we never stooped to trade with the poorest either. We were invited to palaces of marble and fortresses of stone to dine and dance with the highest of society. I drank of the most expensive wines and flirted with the most desirable of women; princesses and queens. It was at one of these gatherings that I met her." He began, his eyes glazed over as if he too was lost to the memories he spoke of.

I was entranced already, eager to hear more. His sound was deep and musical, a voice meant to be listened to. I found myself leaning closer, drawn in by his truths. I wanted to know who the woman he had mentioned was, why he spoke so happily until her mention. He laughed to himself, shaking his head at some private joke before he carried on.

"She was beautiful, unlike any woman I had ever seen before. Her skin was as pale as if the moon herself had touched her with its light, yet her hair...her hair held the sun's glow like a halo around her, with golden eyes like dripping honey. Immediately I was a slave to her and she played me as easily as an instrument to her will. She opened my eyes to the world, I left my family behind to follow her, and I fell in love with her. Maybe in her own twisted way she loved me too, but she didn't feel as we feel, not really. She wasn't just a Queen, but a goddess. The first of our kind. She had created hundreds of us, but it was me she kept by her side."

There was pain in the way he spoke now, his features contorted into a grimace. Had his maker controlled him like Airell had me in the beginning? Had she made him believe he was the only one in her eyes and played him the fool?

"What was her name?" I asked quietly, the words barely a whisper past my lips.

"Lelya," He breathed, his eyes closing, "Her name was Lelya."

"What happened to her? Where is she now?" I pressed, trying to ignore the odd spark of jealousy that rose at the way he had spoken her name.

Yet curiosity had me wanting to know everything. Surely the creator of all vampires, one who had ruled over us all as Queen, wouldn't have given that up to let us be led by a council of male vampires that fought and bickered, plotted and tortured...

"I honestly don't know. We had the world at our feet, she ruled over our kind with me as her right hand man. I did whatever ever she asked of me, killed whoever offended her, gave her jewels and the rarest of books, she loved to read ancient texts, Norse poetry, anything she could get her hands on. She was a bit like you in that way.

"Then one day she just... disappeared...vanished as if she never was. I searched for decades, in every corner of the world, every city she had loved, but there was no sign of her. I became a King because she had left her place as the strongest of vampires for me. It wasn't long after that the compulsion she had used on me, that power all makers have over their creations, wore off. She had controlled and manipulated me, used me like her puppet, her play thing. She abused our bond. I grew to hate her. I hated that she had cursed me to live a never ending life. I had lost all my family, my sister who I adored, and friends, to time, she left me alone, and I hated her." He snarled, his expression darkening as fangs descended.

His rage battered the room and beat against me like red hot waves. My breath caught in my throat as I watched his armour crack before my eyes. I stayed silent, just watching him, letting him work through it all. I wanted to offer him comfort but I wasn't sure anything I could do would calm him down and I wasn't exactly the hugging type. Just as the silence was about to get awkward he sighed heavily.

"I got tired of it all. Of leading and fighting, of having friends become traitors and liars, of watching time slip by. The High Council was formed, the supernatural world came together under the agreement to keep us all at peace, hidden from human eyes, to keep us safe. After that, I stepped back into the shadows and let the Vampire Council form. I took no mind of what they did, as long as they continued to follow the rules I had laid out. I drifted into the shadows and became a myth much like my maker had. The stories of the Vampire King became legend and the council had no problem keeping it that way. Until Una came to me and told me of what was happening and I found I was needed to guide our kind once more." He went on, rubbing his face wearily.

I could see his age then, it was in his eyes, eyes that had seen more than maybe any other creature on earth. He was tired in the same way that I was but he still kept going when he was needed. I couldn't believe that I took to his story so easily but his every word had rung with a truth I couldn't deny. It all made so much sense to me.

"Airell knows who you are." I stated, "He had to get rid of you because you could so easily take his place and defeat him."

There was no question in my words, only surety. Atanas nodded.

"You understand now?" He asked, "If you follow me then you are turning your back on the council. It's not a decision to make lightly and I will not hold it against you if you decide to stay out of this mess. It's probably safer for you if you continue as you have done, not taking a side, looking after yourself."

I laughed, "I think I've spent too much time keeping to the shadows. The council have used me for something I don't yet understand but I will no longer be their puppet. I'm on your side. This is bigger than just you or I, maybe it's time I did pick a side. What I've been living is no life, I've had no purpose and no care for anyone or anything else. I might as well be dead but no longer, I want a life."

I used the words he had spoken earlier, about being a toy for his maker. He smirked, sitting up straight.

"Welcome to the rebellion, Shylah."

I grinned, a strange sort of exhilaration flooding through me. I had a purpose for the first time in my very long life. This time, I would be on the right side, a side I believed in. The council had run amuck for far too long, and I had ignored it because it hadn't effected me. But it was ruining lives, humans just like me were still being tortured and abused, Elven were going missing and I was sure it was so their blood could be used to mould the next generation of newborn vampire warriors to fight the ancients war for them. I could make a difference and maybe my name would one day be spoken about in myths and stories.

Atanas and I sat together and for the first time, we were on the same page. He opened his mouth but was interrupted by the door to my flat banging open and smacking against the wall. We both jumped to our feet and my skin buzzed with the feel of magic in the air. My fangs descended, a low warning hiss leaving me.

A shadow that became a panting Una stumbled through the door and she braced herself on the countertop. My eyes widened, and Atanas rushed to her side.

"Una, what are you doing here?"

"Mirdull blabbed, Atanas. Airell knows you're free and he knows you're with Shylah. They're on their way here." She gasped out, "you both need to leave right now for the safe house. I have my car parked downstairs but the council won't be far behind me-"

This time it was Una that was cut off by the sound of the doors on the ground floor being battered open. I could hear shouts and growls echoing through the halls.

"They're here. I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, we're going to have to jump." She said quickly, dragging Atanas towards the window.

Magic thrummed through the air again and my window shattered. My mouth fell open as I watched but my feet were planted on the ground. This had been my home for years, I wasn't going to be chased out.

"Shylah! We have to go now. Jump." Atanas ordered, his eyes panicked as he watched me, and the sounds of many feet running up the stairs got louder.

"This is my home, Atanas, I'm not leaving!" I yelled, shaking my head.

All my belongings were here. My books, treasures I had collected over the years, every memory and beloved item. I couldn't leave. An exasperated look crossed his face and I knew very well how unreasonable I was being but the thought of losing everything again broke my heart.

Una shook her head, "I'm not waiting around to be caught by them, I'll be in the car. She's not worth it, Atanas."

Without further word, Una stepped out the window, falling down to escape the vampires who were coming for us. I stared at the spot she had disappeared from, my mind a flurry of thoughts going by to quick to focus on.

"You need to jump with me, Shylah." Atanas repeated almost pleadingly.

He stepped towards me before suddenly stopping, his eyes narrowing at a presence behind me.

I knew who it was without turning to face him. The bond between myself and my maker flared to brilliant life and I stiffened. My blood was singing, whispering for me to turn to lay eyes upon the one that had gifted me this life.

"You've been trying to sway my Shylah, Atanas, but she is one of us." Airell's cold voice rang through the room and ever so slowly, I twisted to look at him, "She's my most prized and beloved, you won't take her from us."

"You ruined any chance of her staying by your side when you tortured and abused your rights as her maker. I have promised to keep her safe, even from you." Atanas growled out, stepping closer to me.

I didn't have time to ponder the reasons why Atanas was so adamant to keep me safe.

Airell's blond hair was pulled back to reveal a scarred face and green eyes. He was beautiful, despite the scars that crisscrossed along his left cheek. Mirdull stood beside him, his head bowed and shoulders slumped. Three others were with him that I didn't recognise and I was sure I could hear the breathing of others in the hall. If it came to a fight, we would be overwhelmed, even if Atanas was the strongest in the room.

"Come now, Shylah. You're not in any trouble, we won't hurt you. Step away from the traitor, we're your family. Come back with us and we will take care of Atanas. You can't trust him, he's a liar and a danger to our kind, you can't believe anything he's said to you. He's the one that's putting you in danger, my girl."

His words were beguilingly sweet, his palm outstretched for me. Even after the centuries of knowing his true colours, the bond between maker and made still twisted its way around me, pulling me into a false sense of security. My fingers twitched as if to accept his hand, my nature compelling to seek safety in the arms of the one who's blood ran through my veins. I took a stumbled step towards him and his smile became ever sweeter.

Maybe things would be different this time, maybe Airell really did care and want to protect me. That's what the bond told me as it tightened its grip around me.

"That's it, my girl." He coo'd, weaving his spell with soft spoken words.

"For God's sake, Shylah, fucking jump!"

Atanas' voice broke the trance and I twisted on my heel on instinct, grabbing for his hand. He yanked my hand hard and we jumped together with Airell's voice echoing my name only for the wind rushing past my ears to blow it away. Adrenaline rushed through me as we dropped, my breath getting stuck in my throat from the force of air being pushed against my body. I tried my best to prepare for the landing but when my feet hit the ground, my whole body shook with the jarring stop. Sharp pain shot up past my knees and I was sure I was winded as I choked for air. The link between Airell and I was screaming, distraught.

Atanas gave me no time to recover before he was dragging me towards the road to where Una was yelling for us to get in the car I hadn't even taken notice of. The world seemed to be moving too fast around me, I couldn't focus, I couldn't think.

I was shoved into the back of the car, my body sprawling ungracefully over the seats. Choking again, sucking in a breath, I pushed myself up just as Una slammed her foot on the accelerator and I was flung back. It was all too much. My nails sank into the seats, my breathing was harsh and ragged as my stomach twisted and churned.

"Is she alright?" Una asked, speeding past buildings and between slower moving cars.

Street lights were but streaks of orange to my eyes, the sounds of the city suddenly overwhelming my senses. I squeezed my eyes shut, covering my ears with my hands.

Atanas looked back at me, I could feel his gaze burn into my skin and blue eyes clashed with silver for a moment before he looked back at Una. My eyes shut again, needing to block outside stimulation that was too much for my reeling mind to take. Each sharp turn of the car threw me to one side of the car but at least the pain of my legs still healing from the fall was a small thing I could cling onto to stop me from losing my grip completely.

"She will be. Airell tried to compel her, it's hard to go against the maker's bond. She's strong, but it'll take her body and mind a second to come back to us." He told her, unable to hide the concern he held from his tone.

I had no idea where we were going, what lay ahead, or how Airell would punish my betrayal. All these thoughts and fears rolled around my head, making it hard to breathe again. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

All I had wanted was an introduction into Atanas' world and instead I'd been thrown into the deep end.

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