Rebellion (Risen Series Bk1)
Chapter 9 ~ Safe Place

Chapter 9: Safe Place


"Where are we going?" I asked for the hundredth time.

I was met with a heavy sigh from Una who muttered something about impatient children under her breath. Rolling my eyes, I slumped back against the seat, staring at the hills and trees that passed by the window.

We'd left the city hours ago and now were driving down winding roads in the middle of the Scottish countryside. I jumped as a resounding thump rattled the car followed by a chuckle from Atanas.

"Damn pheasants." Una chuckled darkly.

I would have admired the steep rolling hills and waterfalls that fell from cliffs to meet the river that ran alongside the road if I wasn't so agitated. Being confined in the car for so long was making me restless. My foot tapped against the floor and I let my head rest against the window, letting out another heavy sigh.

"I can kick you out and you can walk the rest of the way if you'd rather?" Una suggested harshly from the front.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure that would please you greatly but you're stuck with me."

"Unfortunately." She grumbled.

"Now, now, children. Let's be civil." Atanas scolded, catching my eye in the mirror.

"She's the one making sure the rest of us are feeling her irritation." Una snapped back, her hands tightening around the steering wheel, "You should have left her behind."

"Una, please." Atanas pleaded wearily.

Silence fell again, but a small smirk tugged at my lips. At least I wasn't the only one Atanas told off.

The sky was lightening quickly, bright orange glowing from behind the hills where the sun was beginning to rise. Already my skin was itching from the burn I knew would come from the sun's rays. My irritation suddenly turned into wariness.

"It's almost daylight." I pointed out, shifting so I could get a clearer view.

"The sun won't harm you while you're in the car, there's no need to panic." Una assured me, "I'll park as close to the door as I can so you can run inside."

How comforting.

I shifted again, trying to ignore the burn of hunger that was starting up. Una was starting to smell really good...

Gritting my teeth, I hissed as fangs pierced my lip, drawing a small bead of blood. Atanas inhaled sharply from in front of me, our eyes meeting once more in the mirror. They flicked from my face to my lip, his own fangs glinting as he caught scent of my blood. A strange sense of exhilaration filled me, heat pooling between my thighs.

"Drive faster, Una." Atanas grit out, tearing his gaze from me.

Una frowned, looking at him questioningly until she caught sight of his fangs. She lifted her gaze to the mirror to study me then mumbled something, slamming her foot harder into the pedal. The car lurched forward, the engine growling as we picked up to a now illegal speed.

Breathing deeply through my nose, I could pick up the smell of Atanas' arousal and it only pressured me more to give into my instincts. I curled my fingers, pressing my nails into the palm of my hand, using the pinching pain to distract me. I switched to breathing through my mouth and closed my eyes. Focusing on breathing slowly in and out, counting each one, I managed to regain some semblance of control.

Without really meaning to, I drifted off, finding the gentle purr of the engine and the sway of the car enough to lull me off to sleep.

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The mumble of voices disturbed my slumber and I let out a groan of annoyance. I pulled the blanket further up and over me, frowning. Why was there people talking so loudly in my flat?

A chuckle and more murmured words.

I'd recognise that laugh anywhere, Atanas. Frowning, burying myself into my bed, I huffed. Had he invited more girls around to desecrate my home?

"Shylah." He whispered, his finger stroking over my face to tuck a strand of hair behind my ears.

I groaned again, swatting at his hand, "Bugger off, Atanas, I'm exhausted."

Another male laugh rang through the room, this one I didn't recognise. Slowly, the events of last night came back to me and I sat bolt upright. Blinking a few times to clear sleep from my vision, wiping my hand over my face, I took in my surroundings.

I'd been sleeping on a couch in what looked like a living room from the 19th century. Thick, red curtains hung over the windows that let only a sliver of light through. The couches were big and expensive looking, with a massive mahogany coffee table in the centre. The huge fireplace was lit, the crackling of the fire was a comfort, a sound I had oddly missed from my past.

Atanas was grinning, staring at me.

I glared, "What?"

"Your hair is a wriggle a lot in your sleep, it's gotten a little tangled. Nothing a hairbrush won't fix."

I shoved him away and swung my legs off the couch, "You should have woken me when we got here."

He smiled, sitting on the table in front of me,"You were too peaceful to wake and you deserved some rest. I didn't mind carrying you in."

I scowled. The reflection of my hair in a mirror on the other side of the room had my eyes widening and I quickly tried to tame the short blonde locks.

"You aren't happy after just waking up are you? Not a morning person?"

My head whipped up to stare at the new voice. A man was lounging on another couch, his turquoise eyes appraising me. Thick ginger hair curled around his face, barely hitting broad shoulders that filled out the odd tunic he wore. His skin was pale and only a slow, thumping heartbeat could be heard.


Defensive instincts kicked in, my body tensing in preparation for an attack.

"Calm down, dear, I'm not going to hurt you. Atanas made it quite clear that you are one of us and to be protected. I hear you've had quite a rough upbringing in our world, you're an interesting one to be sure. Airell isn't one to turn just any human." He said, his Irish accent strong, "My name is Padraig, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

He winked and I blushed, suddenly wishing I'd had time to give a better presentation of myself. Dressed in grey joggers and a white t-shirt didn't quite suit the grandeur of this place.

"Where am I? What is this place?" I asked, standing up to look around.

Atanas stood too, staying close. I shrugged off his proximity, perhaps he was worried about what I would do.

"This is the Cala-phort, a safe house." Padraig informed me, looking proud, "My home."

I snorted and both Atanas and Padraig gave me an odd look. I shrugged, looking at the artifacts in a glass casing.

"Nowhere is safe." I muttered.

"This place is. I promise. No harm will come to you while you are here. A room will be ready for you soon and the kitchen is stocked with food you can help yourself to. You can even wander down by the coast, the view is spectacular, I can take you if you like?"

He winked, actually winked at me, and I found myself liking Padraig immediately. I couldn't help but smile.

"I've never seen the sea before." I replied.

Both men looked surprised and I shrugged again, not liking their attention. I'd never been near any beaches in my human life and I'd spent most of my vampire life locked away with the council. Once free, I didn't wander very far. I wanted to stay close to what I knew and I when I found the city, I'd not had any reason to travel.

"I'll take you." Atanas said quickly, "I'll show you the beach."

Padraig's gaze flicked between Atanas and I as if trying to figure out a puzzle, a small smile twitching at his full lips.

Now that I was properly awake, hunger reared its head again. I rubbed at my throat, trying to ease the burn. The sound of Atanas heart pounding slowly, the very smell of him, was tempting. I'd never craved another vampire before and I wasn't sure what it meant.

They must have noticed my sudden change in mood. Padraig was grinning again.

"You're hungry." He noted, "I can have Anna come through for you to feed from."

Though I had no idea who Anna was, I knew it wasn't a good idea. My control was slipping, as it had a lot since Atanas had come into my life. I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself.

"I don't think that's safe right now." I admitted carefully, trying to keep my eyes from the man who had become all my senses could focus on, "I haven't fed in a while, I don't want to lose control."

Padraig nodded, understanding, "I can show you to your rooms and try and sort something out for you. There is a small village not too far from here but it isn't exactly prime hunting ground-"

"I'll take care of her, you've done enough for us, Padraig." Atanas interrupted, "I think we both need further rest, it's still daylight. We can discuss what we're going to do and summon the others tomorrow."

Padraig nodded, "I think I understand your'll be sharing a room?"

I choked and gave him an aghast look. Atanas smirked, the look in his eyes making me uncomfortable.

"Just until I get her fed." He replied, his eyes still on me, "Unless she's suddenly decided I no longer disgust her."

"You still disgust me." I retorted, making Padraig laugh.

"Very well then, follow me." He announced.

Padraig led the way up the grand staircase that was carpeted in deep red. Paintings hung on the walls, depicting Jacobean warriors fighting redcoats and various portraits of Lords I didn't recognise. This place could have been a museum for all the ancient art it held. I was so caught up in my admiration, I didn't realise Atanas and Padraig had stopped walking and I ended up bumping into them both.

Blushing, I stumbled back, giving them a sheepish look.

"You can rest here, Shylah. Atanas can take the room next door. I'll leave you both to rest and see you in the evening." Padraig said, bidding us goodbye before disappearing back down the stairs.

I moved around Atanas to step into the bedroom, my eyes widening as I was once again struck by the majesty of the room. There was another grand fireplace, another gold plated full length mirror, and the bed...The bed was a massive wooden four poster with curtains of forest green tied back.

My finger trailed along the silky sheets and I almost didn't want to disturb them with sleep. Everything in here was perfect, far too good for the likes of me. I was afraid to touch anything.

"Padraig doesn't spare any expense. He's always liked the finer things, even when he was human. Don't worry about breaking anything, he'd love an excuse to buy more things." Atanas chuckled.

I jumped, having forgotten Atanas was still in the room with me. Turning to look at him, I noted how he seemed perfectly comfortable. He had grown up around riches and beauty, he'd been a king, how he had resisted saying anything rude about my measly flat was beyond me.

"Why are you still here?" I sighed, wishing he would leave me alone.

"As I said downstairs, I'm staying here until I feed you." He stated, closing the bedroom door.

Being alone with him in the closed off space suddenly had me feeling claustrophobic. I took a step away from him without even realising. The air grew hot and thick as Atanas stalked towards me, unbuttoning the top of his shirt.

My breathing hitched, greedy silver eyes taking in the exposed flesh. I took another step back.

"I'm not feeding from you." I blurted out quickly, backpedalling until the backs of my knees hit the bed.

I'd jump out the damn window if it meant getting away from him, even as electricity sparked between us and my fangs descended at the thought of tasting his blood. Atanas' shirt dropped to the floor.

"Please don't, Atanas." I begged, holding my hands up to stop him from coming any closer.

He didn't listen though, he kept approaching until his now naked chest pressed against the palms of my hands.

"Why?" He asked, frowning slighlty, "Do I really disgust you that much?"

A whimper left me, my eyes squeezing shut. My fingers splayed over his chest, feeling the slow paced beat of his heart. I shouldn't have taken notice of that, because now all my senses were focused on the sound of his rushing blood, the smell of him like fire, the feel of him, the heat of his body burning my very being. I couldn't answer him, my tongue refused to make any words.

"It doesn't seem like I disgust you." He murmured, his hand lifting as if he was going to stroke my cheek before he shook his head and stepped back, "You're hungry. You won't feed from Anna and we can't go hunting as it's daylight. I'm not leaving this room until you feed."

The sudden distance he put between us allowed my senses to return to me. I knew he had a point. I was starving, my throat burned and fangs ached from the need to feed, but I didn't want to lose control in another way. Feeding from another vampire was as intimate as sex and woke urges I wasn't sure I'd be able to resist.

I risked looking up, my eyes meeting Atanas' and the hunger I saw there was too much for me to bear. Looking away again, trying to avoid taking a breath because his scent had become more enticing than I'd ever admit, I sat. The bed creaked as it took my weight.

He watched me silently as I mulled over and debated with myself. If I fed from him, and I managed to resist whatever my body told me I wanted to do, would he then expect some sort of payment? Would he want to taste my blood in return? Could I let him? The idea did send a thrill through me, one that settled as a throbbing between my thighs.

"Okay." I relented, "but keep your hands to yourself."

Atanas laughed at my warning and my eyes were glued to the way his muscles bunched as he did. A smirk curled at his lips and he bowed his head.

"I won't touch you...unless you ask me to."

I rolled my eyes but blushed all the same. The thought of his hands on me didn't seem as off putting as it should have, as I wanted it to.

Slowly, as if trying not to scare me, he came towards me and sat next to me on the bed. He could have been a Greek statue sitting next to me. Inky black hair fell into his blue eyes and the hard lines of muscle under pale skin could have been carved by the gods themselves. The smirk was gone from his face, replaced with a serious expression as he tipped his head to bare his neck to me.

I couldn't have resisted now even if I wanted to. I was on my knees with my fangs sinking into his throat before another fleeting thought of hesitation could pass. The fingers of one hand curled into his hair, my other hand falling to rest on his bicep. His blood hit my tongue and I fell into him, moaning as the spice of him hit my tongue. I'd never tasted anything like it before in my life, not even the addicting taste of Ailill blood came close to this. Atanas let out a low groan as I sank my fangs deeper. Breaking his word, his arms lifted to hold me tight against him.

I took greedily from him, my nails digging into his arm as I drank. His blood soothed the burn of my throat, but even as my hunger eased, the craving for his blood never lessened.

His every breath fanned against my neck, urging me on. As his blood filled me, the scent of my arousal alongside Atanas' was unmistakeable. It would have been so easy to shift my leg, to straddle him and push him back against the bed...

"That's enough now, Shylah." Atanas groaned.

His words brought me back to reality. Feeding may have awoken instincts, but of course he didn't actually want me. I sprung back as if electrocuted, pushing myself back to the other side of the bed.

Licking my lip, making sure I'd cleaned myself of every drop, I kept my gaze on the bed. Shame was a constant companion to me, but the extent with which I felt it now had me dizzy.

Atanas was breathing heavily and I chanced a look up to see his eyes closed and head still tilted. The marks my fangs had left were red and angry, I couldn't believe how violently I had fed, as if possessed. But he hadn't exactly seemed to mind...

"I'm sor-"

"Don't." He snapped, cutting me off, "Don't you dare apologise."

His eyes were blazing when he opened them to look at me and I watched them trail down to my neck with ravenous need. He swallowed hard, pushing himself to his feet and stumbled to grab his shirt from where he dropped it on the floor.

"Sleep now." He said, as if dismissing me from service.

I watched with a sinking feeling as he marched from the room, the door slamming shut behind him. How could I have possibly thought there was a chance he would want to feed from me too? I saw the truth in his actions, he had wanted me because it was in his nature after having been fed from, and that had disgusted him.

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