Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 27

Damona wanted to switch. I can feel her excitement to fight the two dragons. But knowing Damona is my demon, if I will let her fight it will be bloody hell.

The two giant black dragons were now chasing after us while breathing fire to attack us.

“Oh, c'mon, Alex. I was itching to kill the beast!"

Damona, I will let you but promise me that you won't hurt the smaller black dragon.

“Okay! Let me finish these beast's!"

We all screamed when the giant black dragon released a big amount of fire. It almost hit us. The smaller black dragon almost fell down but he managed to go up faster. The lightning almost hit us, good thing we managed to avoid it or else we'd be grilled meat.

I closed my eyes quickly and let Damona take over my body because I don't know how to fight the dragons. I have loved dragons ever since I was little, so I cannot hurt them. I immediately feel the strong force that pulls me up.

Damona’s POV

I can feel the excitement rush through my veins when I open my eyes. My hands were itching some blood---the blood of the beast. My eyes glowed in silvery-red color then I turned at my back. Layla gasped when she stared at my eyes.

"D-Damona...” she stammered in shock.

"Hold on. I will fight the beasts." I said and their eyes widened.

Sabrina and Azrael nodded hesitantly. I smirked and didn't waste any time and I stood up from the back of the smaller dragon. I wasn't bothered by the strong wind and the rain. I can keep up with the strong force.

I can see nervousness in their eyes but I ignore it and fly away from them.

This time my hair color was visible. It is not Alex's brown curly hair anymore, it's my reddish straight hair that almost reaches my feet. My hair got soaked and I hated it, I stopped the rain using my power. I closed my eyes and felt the gravity around me. Tilting my head into the directions of the two beasts, I let out a devilish grin. I cannot wait to take their soul and be mine.

I saw my whole body flowing with my enormous power. My bones in my back were cracking up and I know my other half will come out. I cried in pain when my black wings came out for the first time. I can feel my blood running behind my back because of the sudden movement of my wings but it healed quickly. Now, my eyes were burning like hell.

I spread my wings widely and then I saw the two dragons stopped mid air while growling at me. I grinned. Truthfully, I can make them vanish in an instant but I wanted to play with them. I have never felt this much excitement rushing through my whole system. I'm eager to see them suffer. I guess, I'm a pure demon.

The two giant dragons roared and blew fire in my direction but I quickly dodge their attack. I also release a huge amount of magic fireballs towards the two dragons as a counterattack. They didn't expect it and groaned loudly. But I wasn't expecting the other dragons to blow fire on me causing me to cough but of course fire won't work on me. I'm a demon so I didn't get burned. Fire is my main source of power, their fire only fuels me and gives me more strength.

The sound of our wings is the only thing that makes a rattling noise in the whole place. I notice the sun setting and it's a good thing for me. I saw the others together with the smaller dragon resting on top of the big rocky mountain while watching us. Should I give them a show?

Third Person's POV

Azrael couldn't help but be amazed at the demon girl. He still couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Damona's back with black wings coming out slowly and her eyes had a shadow of a burning fire like hell. He must admit to himself that Damona is like a Demon Goddess. It's like Damona is possessed with another personality. She was fearless, wicked and a player as well. She also screamed danger and a black aura covered her entire body.

Damona let out a cheeky grin and playfully attacked the two giant dragons. Damona wasn't thrilled by the constant breathing of fire from the giant dragons, she wanted a more exciting and bloody fight. But she enjoyed the attention she got from the two giant black dragons. As Damona spread her wings, her eyes also shone brightly staring straight at the two dragons. The two giant dragons growled loudly and flew faster to attack her. Their loud groan almost stung her ears but it gave her spirit a boost.

The two dragons let out a huge amount of fire and breath towards Damona but she swiftly dodge it and return the fire to the dragons that made them growl loudly. Damona summoned her weapon, it was her black bow and arrow that was burning with fire. She quickly aimed the arrow at the distracted dragon and released it quickly.


The dragon roared and growled in pain when the arrow hit its one eye. The dragons release more fire in its mouth because of anger and pain. Damona flew towards the dragon and summoned her death sword. The two dragons are flying towards her direction and she wanted to rip them apart. A devilish grin plastered in her lips, in a swift motion, she was already in front of the giant dragon then buried her death sword into its eyes. She pulled out her sword quickly and avoided the fire when the dragon released a lot of fire. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The dragon's loud roaring and growling made everyone flabbergasted and covered their ears. All birds and insects flew away with too much noise because of horror.

One dragon dropped to the ground and its impact caused the ground to shake rapidly. Sabrina, Azrael, and Layla immediately jump towards the smaller black dragons back before the rock mountain will collapse beneath them.

The other dragon attacks Damona nonstop furiously. They were changing attacks towards each other. The dragons was so infuriated to see the other dragons drop to the ground with one eye close and bleeding, meanwhile, Damona was grinning wickedly because of excitement. With one eye, the other dragon managed to fly back towards Damona and breathe fire. Damona quickly dodged the fire and returned it back to the giant dragon. All at once, the two dragons release a big fire towards her direction. It doesn't faze her at all, instead, let out a cheeky grin and summoned her death glowing rope. She flew towards the fire like a flash without the knowledge of the dragon. The dragons were stunned to see Damona come out from the fire in front of them and they're too late to notice the glowing rope that wrapped their mouth tightly and it prevents them from breathing fire. Their growling was stuck in their throat while wiggling.

Damona grinned and teleported at the back of the infuriated dragon. The dragon wiggled and flew furiously in a zigzag direction while trying to get Damona to fall down on his back. The other dragon used his tails to attack Damona but the latter quickly avoided it and tangled the two dragon tails in one. Again, their growled and fire breath was stuck in their throat that made them cry in pain. They wanted to burn the little demon and turn it into ashes but it looks like it was an impossible mission.

Now, the two giant dragons feel fear for the first time while looking at the real beast in front of them who was laughing devilishly.

Damona summoned again her death sword and this time she was aiming the dragon's heart. She was hungry and the dragon's heart was tempting her. But, the other spirits, especially Alex, prevented Damona from eating the beast's heart.

The two giant dragons were confused why Damona stopped attacking them with the sword. It looks like Damona was fighting herself.

Meanwhile, Sabrina, Azrael and Layla saw how Damona stopped attacking the dragons. They knew that they were having a conversation in their heads and they can tell it wasn't good at how Damona reacted. Damona grabbed her head and screamed loudly. They were having a fight now and Damona's enormous power was flowing, it makes them almost suffocated. Damona has no control over her hunger. She suddenly wanted to eat flesh like a monster. The other spirits weren't happy about it. Alex regrets letting Damona in front. Damona screamed again loudly and released more fire and it burned the trees around the island.

The dragons are now too afraid while staring at the demon in front of them having a fight in herself. They too---were almost suffocated and because of the lack of oxygen they breathe fire in their noses. Having been deprived of air, the two dragons were falling to the ground and struggled breathing because of the glowing rope that wrapped tightly in their mouths and burned their skin. While looking at Damona, Azrael was worried. He wanted to help but he doesn't know how. What could a werewolf do in times like this? He can't even fly. Azrael suddenly felt a burning sensation that flowed through his veins. It was like it's tearing apart. He screamed loudly, Sabrina and Layla gasped in shock when Azrael was falling into the ground swiftly. The smaller dragon flew faster to catch Azrael but it stopped when they saw Azrael's body glowing causing them to cover their eyes as the light was almost blinding them.

A few minutes later, the light faded and their jaw dropped when a creature flew higher--it was an angel. The angel who had a feathery, white and vast wings rattled a noise and flew towards the struggling demon.

Damona's eyes glowed when she saw the angel in front of her. Damona suddenly gets frozen while staring at the angel who had the face of Azrael. His feathery, white and strong wings were shining so bright causing her to gasp in awe.

Their gaze connected and it looked like they couldn't tore their gaze away from each other. Suddenly, Damona's eyes turned back to silvery red color and was no longer imitating the fire. It was oddly calm and looked lost while staring intensely at the angel's mesmerizing golden brown eyes. The angel's presence oddly calmed her down. She felt the strong connection towards the angel.

"Azrael?" she whispered the name of her mate. The angel smiled and extended his one hand to her. Damona stares at Azrael's hand and slowly reaches for it.

The moment their hands touch, a sudden force came out from the both of them like something exploded. Damona cried in pain but Azrael didn't let go of her hand. Azrael was glowing and he saw Damona struggling in his grip while screaming in pain. Azrael pulled Damona closer to him and engulfed her into a tight embrace.

When Azrael engulfed Damona in his embrace, the latter suddenly became quiet and returned the embrace. Their hearts beat in sync and made erratic sounds. Damona hugged Azrael tightly. "Are you really Azrael? Our Azrael?” Damona whispered and looked at Azrael's eyes intensely while her heart was still beating rapidly like it wanted to come out in her rib cage.

Azrael nodded and smiled. "I---I thought you're a werewolf? But... y-you're also... an angel?" Damona said while stuttering.


"I'm confused," she stared at Azrael's golden brown eyes and then touched his flawless face, “Then, you're a hybrid too?"

"I guess?" Azrael said while smiling.

Their moment was interrupted when they felt the intense heat coming from the burning forest. "What have I done?” Damona mumbled guiltily. Azrael let out a sigh.

They saw the two giant dragons still struggling from the tightrope Damona had wrapped in their mouths and tails.

“Alex, I'll let you in front now, I changed my mind in killing the beast's' Damona said to Alex.

“Thank you, Damona’

"Azrael, I will let Alex in front now. I know she can help subside the fire before it burns the whole island.” Damona mumbled.

"Okay, thank you, Damona.” Azrael answered and he was surprised when Damona kissed him before she closed her eyes. Damona's appearance started to change, her reddish straight hair turned to auburn brown curly hair and her wings slowly vanished.

When Alex opened her eyes she was stunned to see Azrael an inch away from her face, too close to her liking. Azrael was holding her and it burned her skin. She quickly pushed Azrael and stayed away from him but it was a wrong move because she was falling down into the burning forest. She was too shocked to scream and to react.

Azrael flew faster and caught her bridal style. Their gaze met and everything became a blur. All Alex sees is the intense stare of an angel. She was in awe while staring at Azrael and she couldn't understand why her heart beating abnormally like it was going to come out in her rib cage.

Azrael flew higher and a smile plastered on his lips when he saw the look on Alex's face. It was priceless, yet, so beautiful like a Goddess.

Alex got back from her trance and looked down below the burning forest. Her eyes suddenly glow brightly when she saw the dragons who were currently in pain because of the rope that wrapped in their mouth and tails. Her heart stung to see them in pain.

This time she got out of Azrael's grip slowly and floated in the air. Azrael just looked at her with a smile that she returned back. Alex saw the smaller dragon weeps while looking at the two giant dragons while the fire was surrounding them.

Alex didn't waste any seconds and teleported in front of the two dragons. The two dragons were in a pitiful state. Alex 's eyes glowed more brightly and used her power to unwrap the rope that tangled the two dragons.

The two dragons growled in relief and flew higher while releasing the fire that was stuck in their throat. Alex concentrated on her power, she closed her eyes and felt the energy around her making the fire grow more furiously. The intense heat was too unbearable and probably will turn something into ashes but since Alex's body is not affected that much by the intense heat, she can endure it longer. Her power radiates off her body and the green and blue magic glow surrounds her.

A moment later, the water from the river was dancing furiously and it was going higher and higher like a mountain. The water was surrounding the burning island. Alex miraculously sweated harder while controlling her power. She was also shaking because of releasing a vigorous amount of magic. Her body tenses and later on, she screamed loudly while controlling the water. She was trembling and her body was aching for forcing herself too much.

Before the water enveloped the whole island, Alex teleported herself in front of Azrael. She looked so exhausted but she managed to smile at Azrael then fell unconscious. Azrael quickly caught her in his arms, wrapping her tightly.

Now, the whole burning forest was covered with water and the fire was now gone. The water slowly evaporated and returned back to normal. When the fire died, the whole place was enveloped with darkness. The only noise could be heard was the rattling sounds of wings.

Sabrina, Layla and the smaller dragon were still in shock of what happened. It happened too fast and all they could do was watch.

Even the two giant dragons were flabbergasted at the scene. They were looking at Alex who's now unconscious and growled loudly. Azrael thought that the two giant dragons were going to attack them but he was surprised when it suddenly shone brightly. It happened too fast and before he could react, the light covered them and when the light was gone, the two giant dragons were nowhere to be found. But, he saw something flickered in Alex's wrist and when Azrael took a look closer, he saw a tattoo of the two dragons.

"What is the meaning of this?" he mumbled confused.

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