Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 28

Alexandria's POV

I didn't expect my life would take a twist and turns like this. I didn't wish to be a hybrid. I didn't wish to be a werewolf either. I'd rather be a normal girl living in the world of humans without thinking of being chased by many creatures and probably enemies. I envy humans because they can live in peace thinking the supernatural doesn't exist.

Staring into the clear and calm water, the sun kissed my skin and the warm breeze blew my mind. Sitting at the top of this big rock, I am lost in my own thoughts. Though my ear picks up a lot of sound, mostly the sound of talking. The guys are on the other side of the shore, chit chatting about what happened at the fight with the dragons and how Azrael turned into his angel form.

The rattling sounds of the wings caught my attention, it's the smaller black dragon. He came along with us since his home was now all ashes and wrecked, and we named him Darius.

I decided to walk back to the others. Azrael gave me his sweetest smile that made my heart skip a beat. Everytime Azrael smiles at me, my heart goes wild. I returned back the smile. The truth was, I still can't believe that Azrael is also an angel so it only means one thing---he's also a hybrid. He said his mother was an angel and his father is a werewolf who both died 5 years ago for an unknown reason. They found his parents lying in the forest lifeless covered with blood. They were murdered and the culprit isn't identified yet.

It's odd how our parents were being murdered. What if the killer of our parents is the same man? That's not impossible. I knew our case was related. And we will find out who killed our parents.

We were currently on the shore of the second mountain. While I am unconscious, Darius brought us all here. It's a good thing Darius is with us so we won't need a boat to cross the river.

Sabrina smiled when I reached them, standing up she spoke, "Let's go?"

I nodded.

We slowly walked towards the depths of the forest while Darius flew above. The sounds of the crickets and the chirping of birds greeted us. We were on high alert while walking, the beast might show up any time. Sabrina and I walked ahead while Azrael and Layla were behind us just listening to us while we were talking.

Forming my thoughts, I finally asked Sabrina, "How did your parents die, Sabrina?" She stopped for a second and then continued walking. Letting out a deep breath, she finally uttered, "They were found in the hotel room lying on the cold floor, covered with blood and lifeless..." I already knew that but I wanted to hear it from her. I can tell that she was having a hard time telling us but she knew eventually that she needed to let it all out. It's been bottled up inside her chest for too long with no one to talk to. But now, I'm here.

She heaved a sigh, brushing her fingers into her hair with a struggle for words but she still continued, "Before they died that day, they told me about a hybrid being. They make me promise that I will help and protect the hybrid by any means. I almost forgot about it because it's been 16 years since they died. But then I met you, Alex. I knew right away that it was you that my parents mentioned.” I nodded. Why do I feel like Sabrina's parents and my parents knew each other? They were murdered the same day, also Layla's parents. What if they died because of me? I frowned. I blinked my eyes and shook the distracted thoughts away. Instead, I spoke, "So, your parents knew me?"

"I don't know. Maybe." She heaved a sigh again and shrugged her shoulders, "When I was 10, they also mentioned the Tibbertan Mountain. They said, if I wanted answers to all my doubts, I just had to go to Tibbertan Mountain and I will know the whole truth. I don't know what was in that mountain, why they badly wanted me to go there." she said with eyebrows furrowed together.

"My parents also said the same thing. Why would our parents want us to go to that mountain?" I said as my curiosity kicks in.

"We will find out eventually. We are almost there." Sabrina mumbled and I nodded.


The mystery of our parents’ death still lingered in my mind. I couldn't get it out of my mind. I really wanted to know what happened that day. I wanted to remember it. I tried focusing on all my nightmares but I failed---it's still a blur.

It's been an hour since we were walking along the woods and rocky ground but we didn't encounter any species yet. It looks like they notice our presence and hide somewhere. We only stop when we feel hungry again. Sabrina caught four birds using her bow and arrow; and using my fire power, we cooked the bird's meat.

Darius seemed to enjoy himself flying around and sometimes caught birds for us. He seemed to be fond of us a lot---especially towards me. I'd like to keep him.

Damona was still feeling guilty of what she did, she let herself out of control just because of her hunger for flesh. I don't want to be a monster. Good thing we managed to stop her before it's too late.

“Tsk. I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't know the beast's hearts would trigger my hunger for flesh.’

'I know, Damona.' I said back and she became quiet.

We were walking for hours now but still we didn't reach the top of the mountain. This mountain seemed to be very wide. It was already night time, so we decided to stop and sleep for a few hours to save energy. We built our temporary shelter using the tree branches to prevent animals from attacking us while we're asleep. But, I couldn't sleep yet. Sabrina, Layla and Azrael were already fast asleep. I saw Darius guarding us while we were asleep. Darius stared at me when he saw me get out of our shelter. He makes a gurgling noise like ushered me to go back inside. I just smiled and flew towards his back and lay down. He seemed relaxed. I stare at the stars and get lost in my thoughts. I know my parents are watching and guiding me all throughout this journey. I miss them though. Growing up without their supervision is hard, but I tried to remember each word they said to me when they were alive.

I closed my eyes and tried to recall the blur images in my head 12 years ago that became more vivid now as I keep forcing myself to remember.

"Mom! Dad! I don't want to!" I whined when mom and dad put me inside the wardrobe cabinet. "Sshh, sweetheart, just hide here okay? If we say don't go out---you don't, understand?" I nodded hesitantly.

"Are we playing hide and seek?" they looked at each other.

"Yes, but here's the rules. First, you should stay here and don't go out even if you hear a loud sound, clear?” daddy said. I nodded my head in confusion. "Second, don't make a noise until I say you could, got it?" I nodded again at daddy.

"Third rule, if you hear mommy and daddy's voices screaming and yelling, still don't come out and make a noise, you got it sweety?" I nodded and pouted.

"It's not fun at all.” Mommy and daddy looked at each other sadly. But, they smiled at me, "Well, this time, we won't be having fun. Don't forget the rules okay? If you feel like screaming, just cover your mouth tightly, okay?"

I frowned, "Why do I feel like we are not playing? Is something going on?" I asked. Even though I was just 6 years old, I talked like an adult. Mom and Dad looked at each other again like they didn't know what to say.

Instead, they both kissed my forehead and whispered, "We love you, Alexandria...”

"I love you too, mommy and daddy..."

I watched them close the cabinet doors and lock it quickly, then darkness enveloped me. I wasn't afraid of the dark and they knew that. Because it was too dark, my blue and green eyes automatically glow brightly. Then I heard movement around the room, it looks like mommy and daddy were pacing back and forth while whispering sweet nothings towards each other. My heart skipped a beat nervously. I knew something bad was going to happen.

I focused on my hearing when I heard a lot of footsteps, it was three---no, there were five people filling in my parents room.

"Rachel, Dominic..." I heard a man mumble my parents’ name dangerously in a sultry deep breathy voice.

I gasped for air and my breathing hitch in my throat. I immediately got back from my longer stupor while breathing heavily and clutching my chest. I'm almost there but why did I have to wake up?! Brushing my fingers into my hair, I cursed silently in frustration. I feel like crying.

Sensing some footsteps, I looked down and saw Azrael with a sad expression. He climbed towards me. He kept staring at my face then let out a deep sighed. He slowly brought his hand up and I slightly flinched when his fingers touched my cheek and wiped the tears I didn't know were there. I stared at him as I realized he was too close to me, but I felt more comfortable around him. I like the heat that radiates off of his body. It gives me a warm feeling.

Smiling faintly, he asked, "Why are you crying?" I looked everywhere but him. He held my chin up to face him and I met his worried gaze. "Whenever you feel like crying, I'm willing to be your shoulder to cry on. I'm just here Alexandria...I will not leave your side.” My eyes got misty. His words soothe me and those golden brown orbs almost makes me melt.

I bite my inside cheeks when my heart goes wild again. With a new found courage, I pulled him closer and embraced him tightly. And I feel like *déja vu’.

I feel like... home? Yeah...

This is the first time that I initiate contact with my mate. I didn't know his embrace made me feel a lot better. His intoxicating scent lingered in my nostrils, he smelt good. "Thank you, Azrael, for not giving up on me..." I whispered sincerely. I felt his hug tightened around my waist.

"I will never give up on you, Alexandria. I love you and I will never leave you no matter what." he whispered back.

The word 'l love you' rang in my head repeatedly.

“Oh my God!!!"

The girls were hyperventilating and screaming inside my head. But I focus on my heart that goes more wild and beating rapidly like it will come out inside my rib cage. I quickly looked at Azrael with a shock expression. He smiled at me then brought his hand up and held my face while staring straight in my eyes.

My heart is now racing inside my chest, "Y-You love me? W-Why?"

Smiling, he caress my face lightly, "I don't have any reason for loving you, Alexandria. All I know is that my heart keeps beating abnormally inside my chest when I look at you and every time you're near." my heart beat faster and I swallowed my saliva hard. My breathing hitch in my throat because I don't know what to say.

"You love him too, Alex. Well, we all do.’ Xandra said and everyone agreed in unison.

Do I love Azrael?

I stared at his eyes and I got lost instantly. There, I saw a lot of emotion and I can't deny that I already fell for this man in front of me. His face is just an inch away, our noses almost touched. My gaze diverts to his lips and he does the same. I swallowed my saliva nervously while my heart was still racing. I'm afraid he could hear it. My hands that were on his shoulder trembled a little. His breath fanning in my face makes me shiver. Staring straight into his eyes, I whispered, "Azrael, thank you... and I am taking back my rejection towards you.” I hope I made the right decision by giving him a second chance.

His eyes widened and then it lit up. I gasped in surprise when he hugged me tight in pure joy. "Thank you, Alexandria!" he uttered in pure bliss. I smiled widely. I feel like something heavy lifted off in my chest. I feel... happy?

We released the hugged and smiled sweetly towards each other. I took his left arm and lay back down making his arms a pillow. He didn't complain and lay down beside me. We were both staring at the stars above, fascinated by the view. We pointed our fingers if we saw a falling star. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

We all woke up when we heard Layla screaming loudly. I almost fell down, good thing Azrael pulled me towards him. We got up and quickly got down from Darius back. Darius immediately flew above to find Layla. I focus on Layla's voice and breathing. I can feel her not far away from us. I run so fast with Azrael and Sabrina in my back.

I stopped dead on my tracks when I saw a huge beast that was facing Layla who was trembling in fear. I saw a few rounded fruit spilled around Layla.

The beast has a body of anacondas and a head of frill-necked lizard. The beast opened its yellow- colored mouth, unfurled the colorful, pleated skin flap that encircled its head and hissed at us. We all nervously looked at Layla who was in the center, crying because of fear. We all know that this kind of beast is tricky and can move swiftly, so we have to be careful with our movement. I think the beast is 36 feet long and with a body diameter of 120cm. And its frilled neck is 180cm wide. This beast is pretty huge and scary. A chlamydosaurus and anaconda in one body, this is an interesting creature.

But the problem is, how can we get Layla out of the beast's deadly gaze?

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