Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 32

I blinked my eyes repeatedly as I scan the whole place. The portal brought us to a grassy mountain. The view is so fascinating. Colorful butterflies were flying everywhere, the intoxicating scent of flowers filled my nostrils and the wind brushed my skin coldly. This is the Tibbertan Mountain?

I looked around and saw the wide clearing of this mountain. There's also a lighthouse with a huge bell above. It's like a warning thing? I guess?

I notice that this mountain is actually huge. I couldn't see the ocean from up here. Lucia was right, we will get lost without her because we have no idea what was in this mountain.

The sun was already setting and I smiled at the view. It was beautiful.

Lucia stomped her feet into a rectangular marble floor and casted a spell. In just a blink of my eyes, a tall white gate appeared. Lucia looked at us and smiled.

"This is the gate going to Moonlight Kingdom." she uttered.

"Wow, this place is so magical..." Layla blurted out. Yeah, I agree.

Suddenly, the gate slowly opened but we cannot see what was inside because of the white light and Lucia ushered us to enter. We all let out a deep breath before going inside the gate. Lucia is the last one to enter.

We all stopped walking when a forest came in view. Lucia walked ahead of us and she had her hood on. "Just walk closely by my side and don't say anything.” she mumbled and we just nodded hesitantly.

I looked at Azrael when he held my hand and intertwined our fingers that made my stomach churn. I smiled at him then walked behind Lucia. Sabrina and Layla walked beside Lucia while asking some questions about the place. It was dark in this forest and the light of the fireflies and the moon are illuminating the whole forest. It's oddly calm in this forest and I liked it. My ears pick-up a lot of sound from afar. A sound of babies crying, laughter, talking, a lot of footsteps and many others that I couldn't tell what the sound was.

After 10 minutes of walking, we reach the exit of the forest. I was in awe when I saw a castle in the distance. It was huge and looked like a medieval style. There's a lot of houses surrounding the castle too.

"We were passing the town before we could reach the castle.” Lucia said and we just nodded our head while scanning the whole place. We walked towards the entrance of the town and a guard was on duty. When they saw Lucia, they just nodded but they stopped us.

"They are with me. Let them in.” Lucia command and the guards automatically let us in. One guard looked at me in awe while staring at my eyes. I just walked passed by them and never uttered a word like what Lucia said.

As we walked, I saw a lot of people laughing and talking. Some were looking at us weirdly but when they saw Lucia they bowed and greeted her. Woah, is Lucia a royal blood or something?

I notice that these people are mixed. Like what Lucia said, this Kingdom consists of wizards, vampires, werewolves, demons and witches, but it was fascinating to see the unity of all races. Not like in the world outside of this Kingdom, where they are more brute and killing everyone who's at fault or if they are found guilty. Some even wanted me dead. I hope this place and the people will not try to kill me if they found out I was a different kind of hybrid.

But, why do I feel like I belonged here? I don't know but I feel comfortable in this place even if it was just minutes ago that we stepped foot in this world.

“Alex, I can feel that most people in this place are also a hybrid." Damona said. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'Yeah, but mostly, they have just two or three genes unlike us.’ Val mumbled.

'Yeah, maybe because this place is for hybrid people.’ Willow uttered.

“This is the right place for us. That's why we feel like we belong here because this is a place for a hybrid people.’ Xandra said.

'Yeah, I can't wait to meet the King and Queen though.’ I said and they hummed. They were excited to see the Royal family too.

I was fascinated when a wizard showed his magic using a wand. When I looked at everyone's faces, they were all happy and seemed like they had no problems.

I stopped walking when someone grabbed the hem of my dress. When I looked down, I saw a cute little girl with a huge smile.

"Do you have candy?" she asked in a tiny voice while still smiling widely. Oh crap. What should I do? I didn't know how to please kids. I frowned. Azrael was about to talk when Lucia spoke.

"Baby girl, here take this." Lucia said and pulled out some candy in her tiny bag. The little girl squealed in joy and ran towards Lucia. "Thank you!"

The little girl giggled and then ran away. I heard Lucia let out a low chuckle. We continue walking while scanning the whole town. Lucia stopped in the front of a horse with a carriage attached on its back.

"Lucia! My girl. You're back!" a big fat man with a mustache approached Lucia and they did hand gestures towards each other then did a high five at the last gestures.

"How's everything going here, Leo?" Lucia asked the fat man.

"Well, everything's fine except the machine.” the fat man, Leo, groaned in annoyance. Lucia let out a laugh.

"Why don't you throw it away? That thing is a hundred years old."

"Hey! It was still useful!” Lucia chuckled.

"Whatever, Leo. Anyway, these are my new friends. This is Alex and Azrael," Lucia introduced while pointing at us, "This is Sabrina and Layla. And guys, this is Leo, my friend.”

We greeted Leo, he smiled and welcomed us. Later on, Leo settled himself on the front of the carriage where he will maneuver the horse and Lucia ushered us to ride in the carriage with four big wheels. It's my first time riding this thing so it excites me. How fast could this thing run? Oh, I feel sorry for the horse.

Automatically, the horse walked at a normal speed. I thought he was going to run but I guess I was wrong. I felt Azrael play with my hands. I looked at him and he just smiled. I smiled at him and let him play with my hands. It felt good when he massaged it.

"So, Lucia, all of you here are hybrid?" Sabrina mumbled. Lucia shook her head no.

"No. There are still others that aren't hybrid. Leo here is a pure wizard." Lucia said and Leo hummed. "But, why was this Kingdom hidden from everyone?” Sabrina asked again in confusion.

"I cannot answer you that because it's not my place to tell. Only the King and Queen can give you an answer. It's against our rules." We all nodded in understanding.

They have a great ruler in this place. I wonder what the King and Queen look like? I'm really excited to meet them. I hope they can help us.

"Are you a royal, Lucia?" Layla asked.

"No. But, I belong to the noble family.”

"Ah, then why are you all alone in your mission?" Azrael mumbled.

Lucia smiled, "They trusted me that I could finish the mission by myself."

Woah, so that's why Lucia is one of the respectable people in this world. Is that the reason why the guards and the people bowed and greeted her?

We stopped talking when another carriage passed by at us and stop. The young man in the carriage was staring at me quizzically. Lucia waves her hands at the young man which the latter returns back with a wave too. Leo and the other man in another carriage greeted each other and chatted a little bit before continuing our journey.

The young man wore fancy clothes. Is he a royal or a noble?

"Lucia, who is that young man?" I asked. She looked at me then said, "That was Lucas, the son of the King's brother.”

"Oh, so he's a royal. That explains his clothing.” Lucia hummed.

After 15 minutes of travelling, the carriage came to a halt in front of a huge tall golden gate. We thanked Leo and we all stepped out of the carriage and stood at the entrance of the closed gate. I heard Leo bid goodbye at us before maneuvering the carriage away. "State your business.” A deep voice spoke.

"It's Lucia and company. I'm back from my mission. May I see the King and Queen?" Lucia uttered in a monotonic voice.

Suddenly, the gate produced a loud sound then it slowly opened. Two knights marched in front of us and scanned our body for weapons. Only Lucia had weapons but they never took it. Once they're finished scanning us, they let us in.

My eyes instantly scanned the whole castle. Wow. It's really a medieval style. It was like I'm back in the early 12th century. The wall is white color while the roof is black color. There's a lot of light post along the pathway and each side of the castle that gives illumination in the whole place making it enchanting in the eyes. Fireflies also lingered around the garden and the flowers were also glowing. Wow, the whole castle was so enchanting. I saw Azrael, Sabrina and Layla with the same expression as mine. They were also fascinated. Well, Sabrina also lived in the castle but her castle was modern style. So, she must have been fascinated to see a castle in a medieval style.

Two knights led us towards the castle. We still had to walk in the long pathway before we could reach the entrance of the castle. I guess it will take us 10 minutes to arrive there. My gaze was still wandering around the whole place. It's just so enchanting and peaceful.

I even saw some knight doing patrol around the castle.

Just like what I have estimated, it was exactly 10 minutes when we arrived at the entrance of the castle. The big golden plated surface double door automatically opened and the knights ushered us to go in

I was in awe when we stepped foot inside the castle. My eyes were shining from all the golden plated surfaces I saw. The walls and the furniture were shining with golden plated surfaces. Big golden chandeliers were hanging at the center too. Two half round staircases with golden plated handrails and white marble floor alluringly sat at the end of the hallway. There were plenty of doors and hallway around us and I don't know which one is going to the throne room. There's also a lot of painting hanging on every side of the walls.

We followed the two knights when they started walking ahead of us. The four of us were still fascinated with the view and I looked at every painting in the walls. The woman and man with a crown on their head captured my attention. I can't explain why my heart suddenly beats faster when my gaze fixated on the picture.

If not for Azrael, I would still be glued to the floor while staring at the picture. "Are you okay?" he whispered worriedly. I nodded and apologized. Sabrina and Layla looked at me puzzled. I just shrugged my shoulders. Layla was about to ask me when the knights and Lucia stopped walking in front of the big double door which also has a golden plated surface. Everything in this castle was expensive. Even the marble floor has a tinge of gold mist.

The door slowly opened and the knights ushered us to go inside. Lucia walked ahead of us gracefully. We just followed her until we reached the center where a man and a woman with a crown on their heads sat in big emperor chairs

Lucia kneeled and bowed her head while greeting the King and Queen. We also kneeled and bowed as a sign of respect.

"Your Majesty and Your Highness, I'm back from my successful mission. I successfully killed the dragon.”

"Good job, Lucia. You never failed to amaze us," I heard the King spoke in a deep sultry voice, "But, who are these people with you?"

Lucia stood up and we followed. My gaze met the Queen's gaze the moment I looked up at them. Is it just me or she was startled while looking at me? I even heard the Queen's slight gasp in shock.

"I met them on the third mountain while killing the cursed dragon. They are here for an answer, Your Majesty.” Lucia uttered while glancing at us.

It was like my feet glued to the floor when two pairs of eyes fixated on me. The King and Queen were staring at me intently. I don't know why but my heart was racing while looking at them. What is this?

The whole room became quiet and no one dared to break the silence.

I let out a gasp when the Queen suddenly stood up and walked towards me, never tearing her gaze away from me while a tear escaped in her eyes. It was like she's afraid I'm not real. I can see it in her eyes.

I swallowed my saliva and my hands were sweating because of anticipation. Why would the Queen react this way?

My heart was still beating faster and my four spirits also felt it and they couldn't stay put. They kept mumbling something in my head.

The Queen stopped in front of me while scanning my whole body then she stared at my eyes incredulously. Her cheeks were now stained with tears and her lips were trembling. It was like she was having trouble forming a word to say. I frowned.

My breathing hitch when she held my face with her both hands. I don't know how to react so I just stared at her quizzically. She was now crying and smiled while caressing my face. I just let her because I felt relaxed by her touch. It's so odd how her touch soothes me and makes me feel better. I felt like I am home or something. It's difficult to explain how I really felt at this moment. I froze when she engulfed me in a tight embrace.

"You found us.” she whispered in my ears in a shaky tone while leaving a kiss in my hair. Why do I feel like crying? Her tears made my heart ache and a tear streaking down my face. I slowly returned the tight embrace. The Queen froze for a moment and continued sobbing. I tapped her back soothingly. My gaze met with the King's misty eyes. He's also crying? Why?

The King also walked towards us with a smile plastered on his lips.

The Queen release our hugged and wiped off the tears that stained both her cheeks. I just saw a crying Queen and King.

The King and Queen both stood in front of me.

I shyly wiped off my tears in front of them. I still don't understand why they were crying when they saw me. "Hmm, with all due respect Your Majesty and Your Highness, but why are you crying?" I asked in curiosity.

They gave me a sweetest smile then the Queen held my left hand and the King held my right hand. My breathing hitched when they put my hands on their face. I gulped and stare at them quizzically. "Welcome home, my child.” they both uttered in unison with excitement in their voice. My heart beats at a quicker rate and their voice echoed in my head repeatedly.

I gasped and froze while staring at them unbelievably. Did I heard it right? My hearing didn't trick me again, right?

But I also heard the others gasped in shock at what the King and Queen said.

"W-What?" I whispered under my breath while my eyes widened, flabbergasted.

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