Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 33

"Alexandria, my baby, you're now all grown up.” The Queen said while wiping the tears that streaks down in my face. She stared at me lovingly.

"You were just so little when I held you in my arms before.” The King uttered while sniffling.

I shook my head in confusion. "I---I don't understand. What are you saying? My parents were already dead." I asked, I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows together. They even knew my name and called me their child. What's going on?

"Let us explain everything.” The Queen said and I nodded.

We all sat on a long white leather sofa that was sitting on the other side of the room. The King and Queen sat across us. Azrael held my hand and pressed it for support.

The King cleared his throat and looked at me then smiled sweetly. “Let us introduce ourselves first. My name is Alexander,”

"And I am Leia."

My eyes widened when I heard their name. I gulped and stared at them while my mouth agape in surprise.

"What's wrong?" The Queen, Leia, asked worriedly. They all looked at me, confused in my reaction. "I know about you." I mumbled. And they let out a surprise gasp.

"How? I'm sure Rachel and Dominic didn't have a chance to tell you..." King Alexander said.

"They didn't." A tear escape from my eyes nonstop when they mention my deceased parents. They knew and I think they were telling the truth. They are my real parents. I put two to two together and I know, the child stated in the book was me.

Azrael hugged me sideways trying to comfort me but I'm still crying. They were also crying while looking at me.

"I'm the child. I now know why they are after me. I am the beast everyone thought that will be the end of them all.” I said while sobbing.

King Alexander and Queen Leia looked at each other. "How do you know about it?" Queen Leia or my real mother asked.

I grabbed my necklace and took out the book pendant. I put it in the center table in front of us and it shined brightly then a big thick book appeared. They all gasped while staring at the book.

"The Gifted Hybrid?" Lucia mumbled while staring at the book.

The Queen was fidgeted in her seats. I creased my forehead while staring at her. "Where did you get the book?" she asked.

I sighed and said, "In Alpha Rick's secret room..."

"This is the book that everyone wanted to get. Because this book has the information about the Gifted Hybrid which is you, my child." The King said while looking at the book.

He tried to open it but he failed and they noticed the spell surrounded the book. I let out a pit of giggles which they all looked at me, smiling. "It actually needs a key to open the book." I said and the King laughed. His laughter was contagious and we couldn't help but join in his laughter.

I shook my head and took my three pendant; the anchor, the ship wheels, and the round object--- which is my scythe. They watched me put the pendant into the cover of the book which they didn't notice the holes. Afterwards, the book shone brightly causing us to cover our eyes.

I saw the pages flipping on its own until it stopped then the light died. I took the book and read the only two paragraphs stated in there.

"Thou shall not anger the gifted hybrid---it will be the end of your life. The enormous power she possessed will be the future of the whole world. Once her emotion will provoke, prepare for the worst. She will be ruthless and evil when the beast inside her awakens. You do not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.” I gulped. This information freaks me out. The beast inside me? What does it mean?

'Yes, Alex. The beast hasn't awakened yet. She is waiting for the perfect timing. So, it's really important to keep your emotions in control. But don't worry, we will help you fight and control her.’ Willow said and the others hummed in agreement.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Sabrina asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry." I mumbled and then continued reading the next paragraph.

"You do not want to unfold the secrets lies about the gifted hybrid for it will bring you to your sufferings---to your death. Be prepared when the beast inside her awakens but do not fight her and run if you want to save your life. Let her fight her own beast, for her to control it fully. Time will tell you why the child was chosen to be a gifted hybrid. Learn to wait and don't rush."

Now, I'm afraid of my own beast. How can I fight my own beast? I hope we will be able to defeat my beast. What if the beast will overpowered us? What will we do?

The book flipped on its own after I read the last paragraph.

"Blue Moon will be the start of the chaos. War between all races will arise. The gifted hybrid should be prepared. They're after her and they will do everything to kill her even if it means their death just to end her life. But, one thing to remember---do not provoke her emotions. Or else you will face certain circumstances later."

A war? Because of me, a war will happen soon. I couldn't help but feel anxious for all the people to be involved because of me. A war also means death

The book suddenly closes and shined brightly. The book became a pendant again and my other pendants also lying in the center table. I took it all and put them all back on my necklace.

All of us were just quiet until the King cleared his throat and spoke, "My child can we talk to you in private?”

I looked at my companion and they nodded for approval. I turned to the King and nodded.

The King ordered Lucia to settle everyone in the guest room. I smiled at Azrael, Sabrina and Layla and mouthed them that I will see them later. The King and Queen stood up and I followed. We walked out of the throne room into the hallway while two knights were following us.

We stopped in front of the door where two knights stood on each side of the door. They opened it and we went inside the room. I scan the whole room and saw a desk with two chairs in front for the guest and then couches for which I think used for meetings.

The Queen smiled at me then held my hand and we sat on the couch side by side. "Can I hug you again?” she said full of excitement. I nodded while smiling. The King was smiling at me in which I returned back the smile. The Queen, which is my real mother, engulfed me again into a tight hug. I closed my eyes and hugged her back.

I feel like crying. This feels like home. I miss my deceased mom who used to hug me like this. But now, I hugged my real mom. And I couldn't believe that my real parents are royal. So, that means I'm also royalty. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

When we released the hug, the King also engulfed me in a big hug. I smiled when he kissed the top of my head while whispering, "I missed you so much, my child.”

After our hugging session, we both settled on the couch while staring at each other. "What am I going to address you?" I blurted out. They smile at me.

"Whatever you want to call us, sweety. You can call us mommy and daddy, or mama and papa. It's up to you my beautiful daughter.” The Queen said while smiling brightly showing her pearly white teeth. I nodded and smiled.

"I can't believe we are talking to you now. This is like a dream.” The King said while caressing my hair. I smile at him.

Then, my expression became serious.

"I... wanted to know the reason why you sent me away." I started in a serious tone. They let out a heavy sigh and nodded.

"When we couldn't fight hundreds of enemies because we were outnumbered, we escaped by the help of Alexander's brother Alejandro, the King of Werewolves and the other Alphas that believed in us together with Rachel and Dominic. My sister Esmeralda, the Queen of Witches, also helps us on our way. But, on our journey, we fought some beast---a very powerful beast. The beast wanted to get your powers when they know you're the gifted hybrid. In order to save you, I gave you to Rachel and Dominic to hide and protect you, and raise you like their own child because we thought we would die in the battle between the beast. We sacrificed ourselves for everyone.” My mother, the Queen explained while reminiscing the scene in her head.

"But how did you survive?" I asked curiously. If they sacrifice themselves, then why are they still alive?

"Some wizards help us and the other groups of all races that have no home. After defeating the beast together, your father and I formed the pack. They believed in our leadership and didn't hesitate to be led by us. We were traveling for two months until we found this place, and put protection by the help of everyone. That's how this Kingdom builds." father said with a look of nostalgia. I nodded understandingly.

"How about the Tibbertan Mountain?” I stated my confusion.

My father, the King heaved a sigh and said, "Some warriors almost found our Kingdom but we tricked them and gave them a name---Tibbertan Mountain. We decided to hide our Kingdom to protect everyone from our enemies. Many years had passed and we recruited some rogues to be part of our Kingdom."

It took me minutes to fully sink in my mind every information I received. But one question stuck in my mind and decided to voice it out. "Why didn't you take me back? I was six years old when I became an orphan and lived as an omega for 12 years.”

"We told Rachel and Dominic to tell you to go here only if you're ready. But it took you long enough to get here. We can't go directly to you because our enemies were still looking for us.” The Queen said while sighing.

"They're now after me.” I blurted out and released a long sigh. Mother held my hand and smiled. "We know. But, we believe in you. We know you can defeat them. You're our child and we are born to be a fighter and powerful." She said that made me smile.

"According to the book, you became a monster. Is that true?” I asked when I remembered it because I really wanted to know.

"Yeah, I just couldn't control my crave after that vampire King bites me. But, after giving birth to you I'm not craving for blood and flesh anymore.” Does that mean, I am the reason why she craves because she's pregnant with me at that time?

"Perhaps, your cravings must be because of me. I am the monster and not you." I muttered sadly. The King cleared his throat and said, "My child, do not ever think you are a monster. You are our treasure that we will cherish forever until the last of our breath. You are not just a treasure for us, but for everyone. They are expecting your arrival. Tomorrow, we will introduce you to everyone. Is that fine with you, sweety?"

I nodded and smiled. My father's words sink in, in my mind. I am their treasure and it made me happy...but, "Wouldn't they freak out if they knew I was the gifted hybrid?" I voice out my thoughts. They both smiled at me.

Then, the Queen spoke, "No. In the very beginning, we told everyone about you and they are excited to meet you. To meet the Princess of Moonlight Kingdom." Princess... I am a princess.

I gave them my sweetest smile I didn't know I could produce. I'm just too overwhelmed to know that I still have a parents---a family.

"I'm so happy to know that I still have parents.” I blurted out and I couldn't help but hugged my mother again. "Mama..." I mumbled while smiling. The word slipped in my mouth comfortably. I heard her gasp and then hugged me tightly. Her shoulder shook and I know my mother is crying. "Thank you, my baby. You don't know how happy I am to hear that from you." she said while sniffling. I smiled widely and tapped her back. I released her and turned to my father who was also in tears now but with a smile on his lips.

"Papa..." I uttered and that made him cry then hugged the life out of me.

"I'm so happy. After all these years, I have just dreamed of this moment that I will hear my daughter called me “Papa’. Thank you, sweetheart, for making my dreams come true.” I chuckled but tears escaped from my eyes in happiness. I hugged him tightly.

Mama joined the hug that made me smile widely. "We love you, Alexandria." they whispered in my ears that made me cry. I was longing for this moment. I used to hear it from my deceased parents. But, I guess I will hear it often now from my real parents and I'm looking forward to it.

"I love you too, mama, papa.” I whispered back. They both kissed my cheeks that made me chuckle. "My daughter is so pretty.” mama said while smiling sweetly.

"But, I wasn't the only one. I have four beautiful spirits too!"

Their eyes widened. "You have four?" I nodded.

“Alex! Tell them we say 'Hi'l" my four spirits said in unison. I laughed.

"They said 'Hi',” they smiled and said 'hi' too to my four spirits. I told them the name and my spirits appearance in case they wanted to be fronted one of these days.

"It's like we have five daughters in one body.” mama mumbled with a smile on her face and her eyes were sparkling in joy. Truthfully, my mother is so pretty and we have the same hair---which is curly brown.

We all laughed and my four spirits too.

Suddenly, I heard my stomach grumble loudly. They both looked at me and laughed out loud. I also laughed in embarrassment. I didn't even realize I was hungry. We cleaned ourselves because we looked like a mess and our eyes were swollen from the crying.

Afterwards, we made our way to the dining area with a smile on our faces. I still can't believe that my parents are the King and Queen. It's like I'm dreaming. A dream that I don't want to wake up. But when I remember my mate, I froze. To make sure I wasn't dreaming I pinched my cheeks but it hurts. So, I wasn't dreaming at all.

"What are you doing, sweety?" mama asked while giggling.

I giggled, "I was just checking if I wasn't dreaming.” Mama and papa laughed.

When we arrived at the dining area, there were few people sitting around the long dining table. I saw Azrael, Sabrina, Layla and Lucia and they all smiled when they saw us. A young man I saw earlier in the carriage was also staring at me with a creased forehead.

A young boy was staring at me intently with eyebrows furrowed together. He was literally staring at me without blinking.

"Angelo, it's rude to stare.” mama said to the young boy.

"Sorry, mother. And I apologize for my rudeness, pretty girl." the young boy uttered shyly and gave me a smile which I smiled back. This young boy is my brother? I have a little brother?

I looked at mama and she smiled while nodding. Mama and Papa sat in their designated chair and I sat beside mama while my little brother sat across me. I looked to my right and smiled at Azrael. He smiled back.

My mouth watered when I saw all the food in front of me. I can't wait to taste all of it. My stomach grumbled again loudly that made everyone laugh. My face reddened because of embarrassment. Papa's loud laugh made everyone in the table stop laughing and looked at him in amazement. Papa cleared his throat and uttered, "Let's eat and we will talk later.” I smiled widely upon hearing the word, “Let's eat".

And I found myself eating all the food I laid my eyes on. It was very delicious! My starving self didn't mind the laughter around me and minded my own business until I felt satisfied and full. I literally zoned them out and all I saw was the delicious food.

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