Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 55

Alexandria's POV

Finally, I completed the six diamonds. I looked at the six colorful diamonds that floated in my hands; in my right hand, it's blue, yellow, and red, while in my left hand are brown, white, and green. They are shining so bright then all of them get inside my palms into my body. I can feel the force running inside my veins and it's quite painful. My five sisters swirling around inside me and groaning. The powers of the diamonds gave me enormous strength. I closed my eyes and let the force pull me up. My sisters greeted me while a diamond was floating above their palms. I opened my palm and a white diamond appeared. Xandra got the blue diamond, Val got the yellow, Willow got the green, Damona got the brown, and Demonise got the red. We circled in motion and raised our hands with the diamonds to meet them in the center. All the diamonds floated in the air and we grip each other's hands while chanting a spell. The wind blew in a circular motion, and the diamonds also circled until they formed into one. It shone so brightly and when the light vanished; it revealed a big round rainbow diamond.

We all smiled, and my five sisters looked at me. “Take it, Alex,” they said in unison and I hummed in response. I walked towards the rainbow diamond and took it. “We're ready.” my sisters uttered. I nodded, then they walked towards me. We sat down in circles and held each other's hands in a tight grasp. We nodded at each other and closed our eyes. I felt the powerful energy surrounding us. When I fluttered my eyes open, I saw everyone surrounding me with a worried expression. Azrael's grip on my hand tightened. I didn’t know he was holding me so I gave him a small smile in which he returned. I looked up and noticed all the battalions of demon beasts with King Warrick and Invictus in the center. A devilish grin plastered on their lips while looking at us like we are their prey. It looks like they are waiting for me to take action. They couldn't go down because of my magic circle that separated us. But King Warrick continued to attack the magic circle using the spear, and any minute, the magic circle would explode.

Suddenly, the snow stopped pouring and the blood moon glows brightly, giving strength to the demon beasts. The Demon God stopped the blue moon from appearing and let the blood moon take over because it will give more strength to the demon beasts, especially for King Warrick and Invictus. They wanted to exterminate me and took my infinite power, but I will not let them.

“Alex, we will help to fight these beasts,” Layla said. I shook my head no. “You're all exhausted. I don't want you all to get hurt. Leave this to me.” I said with full determination. They all disagree and frown. Hmm, I just notice that all werewolves transformed back into their human form with full clothes. It didn't tear apart from the transformation. My sisters and I undo their punishment temporarily, but it will go back after this war.

“But Alex, they're too many. You can't expect us to just watch you fighting all those monsters. It's also our battle. We are in this together.” Sabrina said while her eyebrows furrowed. I let out a sigh. “I'm sorry, but my decision is final,” I said, and they released a deep sigh in defeat. I averted my gaze to my mother, who was still inside the magic healing cube. She's still in terrible shape. I looked at my father and said, “Papa, please send all the warriors home. It will be dangerous for everyone.”

He nodded in understanding and said, “We will send all the warriors except us and my child, let us fight with you. Sabrina is right, we are all in this together.”

"We will fight too.” King Desmond uttered while staring straight at me, and all the vampires nodded. I guess I can't stop them. I sighed and nodded in hesitation. They smiled, then Lucia and other wizards opened a portal for all warriors who survived to go through. They have families, so it's better to send them out from this battlefield because this war has nothing to do with them. But few of them stayed because they wanted to fight until the very end. They said it's their duty as a warrior to fight and to defend the King and Queen.

I looked at everyone and said, “Don't die!” they smiled and yelled, “Let's finish all the beasts!” I smiled and flew upward, waiting for the magic circle to breakthrough.

The others are patiently waiting for the beasts to come to them.

"CHOSEN ONE!" Invictus yelled towards me and at the same time, the magic circle exploded. "INVICTUS!" I yelled back. When the smoke vanished, all the beasts roared and my eyes fixated on the two demons, King Warrick and Lord Invictus. Invictus is now a fat man with a beard. He's different from before. Where's the masculine Invictus? He's ugly before, but now he’s uglier. Damn, what about his true form? I guess... he's the ugliest? My sisters laughed.

“Long time no see, Invictus,” I said while smirking, stopping the urge to laugh out loud because my sisters are still laughing their asses off.

"Yeah, it's been too long. How are you all doing in one body?” he said and laughed aloud, which made me arched an eyebrow.

I crossed my arms and grin. “So far, it's good! But how did you get uglier than the last time we saw each other? You're so... fat?” I said, teasing him a little.

His face contorted and his jaw tightened in anger. "You!" He shouted. Then his eyes narrowed and clenched his teeth while balling his fist.

“Attack!” he ordered and all the demon beasts roared, then flew towards Sabrina and the others. While Invictus and King Warrick were glaring daggers at me.

“This scene looks familiar, isn't it, Invictus?” I blurted out with a wide grin.

“Hahahaha don't be so cocky, Alice! This time, I'll make sure you're all going to die!” he said and laughed evilly.

I scoffed and said. “If you can!”

“Let's stop this bullshit and start the fight!” King Warrick said in eagerness. Is he waiting for his death? He released a black magic ball towards me, but I teleported behind his back and kicked him. Next, I kicked Invictus, but he dodges my attacks.

"You can't kill me, Chosen One. Did you forget who I am?” Invictus said while aiming his blazing big sword at me, but I dodge it with my scythe.

"Of course, I didn't. It's the same word you say every time we meet.” I uttered while kicking his tummy when I found an opening. He groaned and used his black magic to attack, but I avoided it in a flash.

"Hahahaha! I am Lord Invictus and I am the ruler of every bad soul. And I am the unconquerable demon-beast!!!” he said. I rolled my eyes because it's the same word he said centuries ago. Nothing new.

“Well, well, well, not this era. Because you're going to be the defeated Lord Invictus.” I said and teleported away when I felt a presence coming from my back.

King Warrick tried to attack me behind my back, but unfortunately, I sensed him. I can read his moves even if I don't see him. He attacked me again and I dodge it. Invictus also attacked me, but I swiftly avoided it like a flash and give them a hard blow.

I release an ample amount of icy fire magic balls and throw the magic balls at them. They managed to avoid it but not my second attack, which was light magic. They both groaned and when they recovered, they attacked me using their weapons but I dodge it easily using my double scythe. My scythe can shift into different forms and just now, I use the double scythe. They both flew away from me when my double scythe released a blue fire. When my blue fire sticks to their skin, it burns them. They growled in pain and Invictus screamed the loudest since my blue fire scattered on his beard and now it's on fire. He tried to take it away, but it didn’t vanish. I smirked and attacked them like a flash. King Warrick dodges my attack but not Invictus as my scythe slices his arms. Blood oozes in his arms and now he’s in so much rage with eyes blazing in hellfire. A dark, powerful aura surrounding him while he was screaming with full force. His appearance changes little by little, and I think he’s going to transform into his original beast form.

While Lord Invictus slowly transformed, King Warrick already charged his attack towards me using the blazing black spear. We exchange some hard blows and magic. Sh*t, I still have to get that spear. An idea popped up in my head and I grinned.

"Why can't you just die!!!” King Warrick yelled and attacked me continuously.

“Because I'm stronger than you!” I said.

“Hahaha! You're just a girl and you are nothing!” swinging my blazing scythe to his thigh, I managed to slice him and he groaned louder. “I will kill you!!!” he screamed and threw the spear towards me. A grin plastered on my lips because this is my chance to get the black spear. King Warrick is stupid. He didn't know that the black spear was his weakness. It's the only weapon that killed King Helios before. He thought only the light magic can make him weak, but no... without the spear, I couldn't kill him.

Before the spear would stab me to death, I swiftly hold its body. It almost burned my hand because of its force from throwing hard. King Warrick gasped while looking at my hand that swiftly swayed the spear ecstatically. He tried to summon back the spear, but he couldn't.

"What happened?! No! My spear!” he clenched his teeth in frustration after how many attempts.

I laughed, “You made a wrong move, King Warrick. You just gave the spear to me.”

“No!!! I didn’t!" he’s now infuriated and his face reddened in anger. He screamed, and it echoed throughout the place, and all the demon beasts also screamed. A strong aura emits from their body and they get stronger.

I could feel everyone's heavy breathing and low energy. That's because of fighting nonstop. I saw Invictus had already transformed to his original form. He is a dark giant three-headed snake with dark red big eyes. His left eye tinted with silvery red like Damona's eyes. Two horns are attached to only one head in between, and its fangs are sharp and big. And he has thick scales. He roared so loud and followed by all the beasts. He is indeed their Lord.

I gasped when he attacked the other warriors with his tail and they flew away.

“Bwahahaha!!! No one can defeat me! I am the master of my fate!” he said with a loud growl. My grip on the scythe and the spear tightened while planning on how to help the others because I know they couldnt fight Invictus and King Warrick as I could. And the demon beast's strength had doubled when King Warrick used his power to strengthen the demon beast's ability. Yep, he had that kind of power but only worked for evils.

“Invictus! I think you forget one thing about me.” I said while grinning. He stopped and stared at me in a rage. "I am the chosen Goddess of Change and I can change everything, including your fate.” “Nooo! I won't let you!” he growled and released a huge dark magic ball towards me. I avoided it and teleported in front of all the beasts, then released a large light ball, covering all the demon beasts, and they growled in pain. My light magic ball absorbed all the demon beasts. Their screams echoed louder and louder until they vanished into thin air. Like a flash, I flew towards King Warrick and touched his arms. It startled him and he attacked me, but he fell on the ground hard. He groaned in pain, then clenched his fist in anger and screamed.

He tried to use his dark magic, but nothing came out. He trembled and stared at his hands incredulously and tried to release a power again but failed. After many attempts, he gave up and looked at me in so much rage. “What did you do to me!!!” he shouted.

Unbeknownst to King Warrick, I put a spell on him in secret when I touched him a while ago. A spell that I learned when I entered the magical tree in Promise Land over centuries ago. It's called Demonic Power Negation Incantation. A spell that can nullify a demon’s ability.

"Warrick, she nullified your power!!!” Invictus yelled. King Warrick gasped and looked at me dumbfounded.

The wind blew with a strong force, and my hair danced with the wind. My whole body shone brightly and I can feel the power of the six diamonds transferred to my veins. My eyes glow and it changes colors because of the diamonds. “May your soul never go back to the earth and stay forever in purgatory. As the power bestowed in me, I, the chosen Goddess of Change, change your fate, King of the Demon, Warrick. Your life on earth has ended and you'll be punished for eternity in purgatory.” I chanted and King Warrick screamed at the top of his lungs when light magic covered him. I swayed the black spear and stabbed the spear in his chest straight to his heart. He stopped moving and gasped.

Before he vanished, he managed to chant a spell towards me, “Absolute Death Incantation!” Dark magic circling me, then he laughed and words echoed in my ears, “Even an immortal can die and there's no exception with the power granted to me... death awaits you, Chosen One! Bwahahaha!” My heart pounded, and I clenched my fist. Sh*t, I didn't anticipate his moves this time. King Warrick died, but he left a curse that I couldn't avoid and undo because the power of the Goddess of Change couldn’t change her fate. I couldn't change my fate that's why I let destiny decide my fate. A laugh echoed throughout the entire mountain. “Poor Warrick!” Lord Invictus said. “Unfortunately, you can't defeat me chosen one because Warrick put a spell on you! Hahahaha my moment from now you're going to die! Bwahahaha!” he laughed out loud, but I didn't show any emotion. Azrael and the others gasped in shock at what they heard.

"With death accompanied me, still, you can’t stop me, Invictus. I am born to defeat you! For centuries, I let you off the hook to give you another chance in life, but you took it for granted. And now I am ready to change your fate. You are nothing but a tiny creature.” I said while grinning. "How did you know?!" he growled with three different voices, all coming from his three heads. As far as I remember, Invictus is just a normal little three-headed snake in which all heads can talk. He wanted to get bigger, so he offered his soul to the Demon God in exchange for strong powers because he wanted to rule the Magic Realm. A dream which is impossible to accomplish because Magic Realm isn’t him from the very beginning. Fortunately, he didn’t know that our infinite power is... the six diamonds. And I'm glad he didn't find out because it's the only thing that can defeat and destroyed him. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We have not enough time, Alex. Let's finished him before it's too late.” my five sisters said in unison. “Okay.’ I replied, then closed my eyes.

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