Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 56

Third Person POV

Everyone witnessed how the King of the Demon Kingdom couldnt use his powers, even after how many attempts until he gave up. That's when they know Alex nullifies the demon’s power without him knowing. Sabrina knew about two things for the spell to take effect; first, a user needs to chant the spell in front of the being; and second, only a powerful user could be able to chant the spell in his mind and the spell will take effect upon touching the being you will put on a spell, but only a few had mastered it.

That's why it confused Sabrina. How could King Warrick still chant a spell when his power got nullified? Sabrina knew the spell would take effect soon because of the dark magic still circling Alex. She doesn't get it at all because Alex's spell is too powerful to break. Unless the demon expected it? Or something unexplainable happened?

However, she stopped thinking about it for now and helped Alex defeat the giant three-headed snake demon beast. She gathered everyone together with the wizards and their pegasuses. Good thing the wizards stay to help them and let them borrow their pegasuses. Other wizards and warriors of Moonlight Kingdom stay to watch the battle between two powerful beings with extraordinary powers. They were anxiously waiting for the battle to end and who would win. They keep praying for the beast to get defeated by the chosen one—their savior.

Without everyone's knowledge, when the black spear got stabbed on King Warrick's chest, some of his powers returned because the black spear can reverse a spell including the nullification of power but not his fate. After all, no one could change it, but only the Goddess. Since he got stabbed straight to his heart, he knew his time was almost near. With the infinity light magic of the chosen one and his fate being changed, it's too late to escape. And the only thing he could do to get even on Alex is by chanting a death spell. He practiced the death spell for a long time, just for the chosen one, because he already predicted this time would come. If he'll die, he will not die alone. He made sure of it. That's why this war is happening.

Knowing he'd die, he still doesn’t repent his sins and acknowledges none of them. Instead, he’s proud of his wrongdoings for centuries. Especially killing humans and werewolves because he thinks they are just a nuisance in this world and he must exterminate them. Beasts and demons should rule the earth, not humans and other creatures. That's how obsessed he was with powers.

However, his death spell would only take effect if the silver sword will also get stabbed in Alex's heart. So before his soul completely vanished, he used and transferred all his remaining power to control Lucian's mind with the help of the spear’s spirit. He will use Lucian to kill the Chosen One. And in the end, he will earn the last laugh.

Meanwhile, Lucian grunted while holding his head. His mind turned a mess, and he kept hearing voices inside his head. Commanding him to do the orders. His hands clutch the sheathed sword with a firm grip because it urges him to stab the sword at Alex. He tries to control the sword, but the voices still echo in his mind until all he can see is jet black. He doesn't know what happened anymore, and all he saw was darkness.

Cybelle notices Lucian’s struggles. She gasped when black magic surrounded Lucian and when she looked at his eyes; it turned to jet black as an evil possessed him. Cybelle called the others and pointed her hands to Lucian.

“L-Lucian...” King Alexander uttered upon seeing Lucian’s dark aura. And the dark aura he felt is the same as King Warrick.

Azrael's heart rate quickens, his instincts tell him Lucian is going to use the sword to kill Alex. He knew it. “He's being controlled.” King Desmond said and stared at Lucian's jet-black eyes. A gasped escape on their lips.

Liza trembled at the sight of Lucian’s jet-black eyes. She wanted to escape, but she couldn't get out in a magic cage that Michelle made to trap her. Her heart was pounding as she remembered the day Lucian and other demons murdered her family and the entire pack. She trembled in fear and tears streamed down on her face. She let out a sigh of frustration. All she could do now is to watch everything that was happening around her without wasting her energy. “I guess I'm safe here,” she whispered.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Lucian is going to kill the chosen one! BWAHAHAHA!" Vladimir said while laughing, even though he couldn't move a muscle.

Sabrina’s eyes narrowed and kicked Vladimir's stomach until the latter cough with blood. She cast a spell to zip Vladimir's mouth before standing in front of Lucian.

“Lucian! Give me the sword!” she said through gritted teeth. But Lucian laughed evilly and stared daggers at her. “I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" he said in a deep voice.

Lucian growled, but he didn't unsheathe the sword yet and was still gripping it tightly. Sabrina guesses the sword is silver, that's why Lucian can't take it out from its cover yet because as a werewolf, silver will also affect him. At first glance, you could see that Lucian is fighting himself. He was fighting the demons inside him.

Azrael clenched his fist and transformed back into his full wolf form. He growled and attacked Lucian to stop his plan. They rolled over to the ground while fighting, canine to canine. He should get the sword from Lucian no matter what. He won't let him kill his mate.

Sabrina and the others tried to help Azrael, but they all flew away when Lucian released dark magic to attack them all in one swift movement. Only Azrael didn't fly away because he used his angel power to dodge Lucian’s attack. He howled and cried out of pain on his back when suddenly something grew on his back. He roared and a pair of white wings appeared on his back. It's his angel wings. His eyes glowed with flecks of gold and his aura changed. He roared and attacked Lucian again.

Cybelle remained standing expressionless while watching his biological father fighting a powerful hybrid being. Her eyes locked on Azrael, watching his every move, and her heart skipped a beat. She couldn't tear her gaze away from him, admiring his every move. She slapped herself for thinking like that, she’s going insane.

“Pull yourself together, Cybelle. It's Alexandria's mate for fuck’ sake!” she scolded herself.

"You're staring way too much, Cybelle. Alpha Azrael is Alexandria's mate.” Lucia snapped out of her trance. She gasped and looked at Lucia, then sigh. “I know. It's just he's so hot while fighting. Well, you can't blame me. Look at him.” she said while shrugging her shoulders and Lucia chuckled while nodding her head in amusement.

"You should find your mate soon,” Lucia mumbled and Cybelle hummed in agreement. She scolded herself in silence for admiring others’ mates. But she couldnt understand why she reacted like that in the middle of the battlefield. That's just crazy. She should focus on the war.

However, Layla and the others watched Alex fight the giant three-headed snake effortlessly dodging its attacks. Layla wanted to help, but Alex had already warned her in the very beginning that don't interfere in her fight with the Lord of the Beasts. As stubborn as she is, she will help Alex if the situation gets out of hand. So, she didn't tear her eyes away from the fight. Her forehead creased when a blue light flickered at the blood moon. That's when she noticed the moon had two colors, which were blue and red. The two colors were fighting for dominance.

“Look at the moon!” a wizard exclaimed. Everyone's attention diverted to the moon and they couldn't believe their eyes. It's the first time in history that a moon had two colors and the blue one almost dominated the red one.

“Do you think the blue moon will come out?” a vampire said.

“Does this mean, the disaster will end and a ray of hope will shine on us?" a werewolf mumbled, full of hope.

“Hopefully.” Everyone agreed and watched the unnerving fight.

Meanwhile, Alex closed her eyes and called the energy of nature by using the six powerful diamonds—their infinite powers. The giant three-headed snake moaned and closed his eyes upon being blinded by the light Alex releases from her body.

Lord Invictus didn't waste any time and called the power of the blood moon. But he gasped when he noticed the moon having two colors while fighting for dominance.

“This cannot be!!!” he snarled and tried to attack Alex, but his attack reversed back to him and he groaned in pain. He growled and attacked again, using his tail, but like the first attack, it reversed back. He slammed his body hard on the ground, causing the earth to shake. Since he couldn't attack the chosen one, he attacked the warriors. But all the warriors avoided his attacks.

Sabrina and the other wizards and witches rode on the pegasus and flew upwards to attack Invictus. They join forces together and attack all at once. Invictus growled in anger and returned the attacks. Wizards and witches cast a fire spell towards the giant three-headed snake, but it didn't scratch its thick scales and the fire got absorbed. Lord Invictus laughed creepily, “Yes, give me some fire! Bwahahaha!"

Everyone didn't falter and nodded at each other, then cast another spell. Lord Invictus stopped laughing and dodge their attacks. But he didn't dodge a sudden attack by Alex, and he fell to the ground hard. He released a loud shrill when one of his heads cut off. Disgusting greenish-black blood spilled everywhere.

Everybody gasped while looking at the goddess in front of them. Alex's appearance had changed the moment a blue moon defeated the blood moon. Now, the light of the blue moon glowed on her. Her long wavy blue with silver flecks hair danced with the wind, and her eyes turned to silver with gold flecks. Her white, blue dress hugged perfectly in her fit body. A shining sword in her hands tinted with greenish-black blood of the giant three-headed snake demon beast. It stunned everyone, and their mouths hung in awe while staring at the Goddess.

However, Azrael and Lucian are still fighting. The two of them almost had the same level of power, which made it hard for Azrael to defeat Lucian. If Lucian hadn't gained a dark power, he could easily defeat him. When they saw Alex, they stopped fighting for a while and stared at the Goddess. Lucian growled while clutching the sword, ready to unsheathe it. “I WILL KILL YOU, CHOSEN ONE!" he said repeatedly while glaring daggers at Alex. Azrael heard it and gritted his teeth.

“I'll kill you first!” he said and lunged forward to Lucian. They started fighting again and this time, Azrael was in so much rage. He won't let anyone hurt his mate.

Alexandria's gaze wandered around and fixated on Azrael and Lucian fighting on the other side. She noticed the sword that Lucian held tightly. She put two to two together and learned that Azrael wanted to stop Lucian from killing her using the silver sword. Azrael put more effort to get the silver sword just to protect her. She smiled at his bravery.

Her gaze went back to the giant three-headed snake where the other head cut off. She looked at her sword, which was stained by greenish-black blood. Her sword absorbed the blood and now it was blazing with blue fire. Lord Invictus growled and slammed his body to the ground, causing the ground to shake.

She looked at everyone else and said, “I'll handle this beast. All of you must hide in a safe place. He might release his poison soon.” she warned and everyone gasped

King Alexander looked at Queen Leia in worry. “Don’t worry, she’s safe in the healing cube,” Alex said, which made King Alexander sigh in relief and nodded his head and said, “Be careful, my child.” Alex smiled and nodded.

While Vladimir and Liza trembled in fear. Vladimir wiggled, trying to break free from the glowing silver rope tied around his body. A witch took him, which relieved him. Liza screamed while knocking on the magic cage she was in. “Michelle! Please let me out!”

Everyone looked at Liza without sympathy and turned their backs to her except Cybelle while staring at Liza. She doesn't know, but she felt pity. “Cybelle! Let's go!” Lucia uttered and grabbed her, but she stopped Lucia.

"Wait. We should help her.” Cybelle said.

“Please help me!” Liza sobbed and Cybelle felt sorry for her.

“Only Michelle can release her from that cage,” Lucia said. Michelle heard them and said, “Sorry. But I can't release her.”

"What?! Michelle, please! I don't want to die! Please don't leave me! Please! Huhuhu!" Liza cried while begging Michelle.

Michelle sighed and shook her head. “Only Alex can release you, Liza. I don't have the power anymore to undo the magic cage because the power I used came from the diamond and Alex already had it.” Upon hearing Michelle's explanation, she skidded to the ground while sobbing. She doubts Alex would release her because she has done bad things to her. All her life, she put all her frustrations on Alex. Now she felt remorse for all the bad things she did. Is it too late for her? Is this her end?

“I'm sorry, Liza,” Michelle uttered and looked at Lucia and Cybelle. “Let's go.” Cybelle sighed and looked at Liza in pity.

“Nooooo! Don't leave me, please...” Liza cried and lay down on the ground weakly.

"What about Azrael?” Cybelle said and diverted her gaze to Azrael

“Don’t worry, Alex wouldn't let anything bad happen to her mate,” Lucia said, and she nodded. They walked towards the others, who settled themselves in the pegasus.

Immediately, everyone flew away using the pegasuses. But also leaving Azrael and Lucian as they scrambled for the sword.

Liza looked up to watch Alex and the giant three-headed snake exchanging attacks. She coughed as smoke covered the whole place. She couldn't see anything when the giant three-headed snake slammed the ground again, using his tail. Now that she sees how powerful Alex truly is, she messed with the wrong person before. Since it was too late for her, all she could do was watch the fight and wait for her death. Maybe it's time for her to say goodbye to earth. She doesn't have family left anyway, so it's better to accept her fate.

Suddenly, the magic cage disappeared, and it surprised her. Alex was looking at her and said, “Go, Liza. Save yourself.” tears streamed down on her face while looking up at Alex. “Thank you, Alex,” she said weakly and she gulped when Alex smiled at her.

"You still have family, Liza. Soon, you'll discover the truth about your existence. Now, go. Cover your nose as you run.” Alex said and Liza nodded, then transformed into her full wolf form and ran away from the danger zone, never looking back. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Alex averted his gaze to Lord Invictus after making sure that Azrael is safe and Liza got away. As expected, Invictus released an enormous amount of poison towards her. It's a Poison Generation that can manipulate or kill a being when inhaled. She quickly covered herself with the air bubble as a poisonous substance scattered everywhere. It surprised Azrael and Lucian when an air bubble covered them. That's when they learned the beast releases poisonous substances.

Alex opened her palm and the rainbow diamond appeared, then cast a two powerful spell, “Soul Destruction! Demonic Power Negation Incantation!” The wind blew and moaned.

Lord Invictus stopped releasing poisonous substances. His power got nullified, and he felt extremely weak. He saw himself slowly separating from his body. “Nooooo!" he let out a shrill incredulously. Gradually, his appearance changed into his actual form—a little three-headed snake, the same size as Alex's arms.

Alex closed her eyes, and the wind blew harshly. “Darkness Infinity Imprisonment!” Alex and her five sisters chanted in unison and the rainbow diamond goes round and round while releasing an enormous power towards Lord Invictus. Darkness Infinity Imprisonment is the power of the rainbow diamond that dragged a being into the shadow dimension for eternity, with nothing but darkness. And his soul will get punished to the extent and continue to suffer for eternity in darkness.

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