Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 57

Third Person POV

Covered with darkness, the little three-headed snake Lord of the Beasts, Invictus, knew he would get punished forever. He tried fighting the force but to no avail. The darkness keeps pulling him forward into the shadow dimensions while swirling round and round, which dazzled him until the force stopped. Now he's trapped for eternity with nothing but darkness and silence. All his efforts to become the most powerful and fearful creature around the world had vanished like bubbles that burst in the air.

He thought he was unconquerable because the Demon God gifted him with a powerful power, but it turns out everything is temporary and has an end. No one is an exception with your fate being changed. His fate as an unconquerable soul has already been decided, but who could have thought someone has the power to change his fate. A girl he never expected to hold the power of changing someone's fate with an unconquerable soul like him.

If he had just known, he wouldn't have come himself to the battlefield. Who would have thought that his fate would change drastically? He couldn't believe he had a weakness he thought there's nothing. He thought he was the master of his fate, but it turns out the opposite. Being trapped in the shadow dimension means death, but in his situation, it means suffering and torment. The chosen one just sent him to his suffering, and now he experienced the real meaning of suffering.

A deep voice echoed into the darkness and said, “Invictus, you are no longer the Lord of the Beasts. Your sins had tripled for over centuries, and now your destiny is to suffer for eternity and pay for your sins. Repent. Repent. Repent.”

As a tiny, powerless creature, all he could do is nothing but accept his fate. To live alone in the darkness and the deafening silence, or just what he thought because the silence filled with his cries of mental torment. He let out a shrill of agony as images of his past about his wrongdoings, all the soul he took, and all the humans he turned into beasts kept flashing back in his head nonstop. No one could understand his inner torment, which is the worst from hell. He'd rather choose hell than being tormented in the shadow dimension for eternity. It's like his heads are going to explode. “PLEASE! JUST KILL ME! I'D RATHER DIE THAN BEING TORMENTED LIKE THIS! AAAHHHHHHH!" he kept shouting agonizingly and his voice echoed into the darkness, but his torment had just begun. Chanting three powerful spells, Alex's energy was reduced by seventy percent. She felt weak and breathing heavily while descended to the ground. The only sound she can hear is the sound of the wind blowing the poison in different directions. Her vision was getting blurry and her energy drained with using too much power for fighting nonstop. But she used all her remaining power to gather all the poison in one place that scattered everywhere in the entire mountain. The poison formed into a gigantic ball and when there's no poison left; she cast a spell while controlling the poison ball. “Ultimate Life Poison Manipulation!”

The poison ball flew upwards and circled round and round while it's glowing. Everyone watched in awe when the ball got bigger and bigger and the light of the blue moon glowed to the poison ball. Suddenly, the poison ball exploded, and it released a lot of glittering dust like snow. The blue moon lost its glow and the dark sky was replaced with a faint blue sky.

“The sun is rising!!!” everyone mumbled in joy.

As the sun rises, its light reflects the glittering particles and everyone covers their eyes because the light almost blinded them. When they opened their eyes, their mouths hung in awe while scanning the entire mountain like it didn't destroy from all the fighting that happened for two days straight. Meanwhile, Alex smiled faintly while witnessing the mountain slowly return to its life. Plant and trees growing back healthy. She wiped her bleeding nose. It bleeds the moment she used all her remaining power to revert the poisonous substance to create life using the poison Invictus had generated. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She released a sigh of relief, but tears streamed down on her face because she couldn't feel her five sisters anymore. They already ascended into the Promise Land and left her alone to deal with the rest. To wait for her fate—and that is to die on earth and go back to the Promised Land where she belongs. Without her sisters inside her, she felt empty.

She groaned and fell to the ground weakly. Her energy drained a lot and her power is almost down to one percent.

“Alex!” Azrael called while running towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug. A smile tugged on her lips as she returned the embrace. “Are you okay?” Azrael asked and held her face to look for her eyes.

She nodded weakly, “Don’t worry, I'll be fine. I just lost some of my energy for using four powerful spells that use a lot of powers, but it will get back soon enough.” I'm trying to assure him.

“That's a relief.” She smiled and tried to get up. Azrael helped her to stand up, but the two of them suddenly felt weak and something rang on their ears—a sound of a silver sword being pulled out from its sheath. They both looked at Lucian, standing 10 meters away from them, and were holding the silver sword while grinning from ear to ear and glaring daggers at Alex. But they could see Lucian’s struggle to hold the silver sword because of his shaking hands.

Lucian screamed, "Die!!!"

Azrael's eyes widened and shielded his body from Alex while waiting for the sword to stab him. It stunned Alex because Azrael shielded his body to protect her. She tried to push him, but he didn't let go of her.

“Nooooo!!!!l” someone yelled, and they saw Liza running towards them. Lucian was about to stab Azrael, but Liza also shielded herself from Azrael and Alex while closing her eyes nervously. Azrael looked at Liza, dumbfounded. He thought, "Why would Liza sacrifice herself for them?’

Liza closed her eyes tightly, waiting for her death. Their hearts were racing and beat as one because of anticipation.

Suddenly, Alex used her one percent remaining power and forcefully pushed Azrael and Liza away from her. And the silver sword stabbed straight into her heart. She gasped and stared at his wounded chest. Lucian quickly pulled away from her, staring at her with wide eyes because the moment Lucian stabbed the sword at Alex, the dark power left his body. He's not controlled anymore because his task's already done. He trembled and fell on his knees to the ground.

Azrael's world crashes down when he witnesses the sword being stabbed in Alex's chest. He also felt extreme pain in his heart, like he would die any time. He groaned and screamed in pain, but he ignored his pain. Tears rolled down on his face while his gaze fixated on Alex. His world stops spinning and his surrounding blurs. All he saw is Alex catching her breath.

Liza's eyes widened while staring at Alex and Azrael, who were groaning in pain. She couldn't believe that Alex got stabbed with the sword instead of her. Why would she do that? She should let her die. Her lips trembled and tears poured down on her face nonstop. She screamed and stood up, then attacked Lucian, who was in a daze while looking at his bloody hands.

“L-Liza?" he gulped, and he didn't know what's going on. Why were his hands covered with blood? He looked at Alex with a stunned expression. The sword he was holding the entire time already stabbed at Alex's chest.

Lucian and Liza stumbled onto the ground and rolled around. “Liza! Stop!”

“Kill me, Lucian! Kill me! I have nothing left in this world and just let me die!” she said hysterically, and guilt was eating her alive. Witnessing Alex stabbed in her chest, she felt guilty because she deserved to die than Alex.

Meanwhile, Azrael approached Alex weakly while groaning in pain. He tried to pull out the stab silver sword slowly and Alex whimpered in pain. “A-Alex... please hold on! Please don't die!” he said as more blood came out when the sword got pulled out. He put his hands in Alex's wound and tried concentrating while calling the force inside him. As a half-angel, he knew he had healing powers. Hope-filled his heart when his hands lit up through Alex's deep wound, but it didn't heal. “A-Azrael, it's no use. Stop wasting your energy..."

“No! I will do everything to keep you alive. I don't want to lose you, Alexandria.” Azrael said and a lone tear rolled down on his face.

Alex smiled and coughed with blood. Her bloody hands reached for Azrael's face, “A-Azrael, do you know 1 still loathe you for rejecting me, for not remembering me, and for betraying me? The funny thing was, after all the rejection and betrayal, my heart still beats for you.” she gasped for air and coughed with blood.

"Alex! Please don't close your eyes, don't leave me!” Azrael cried nonstop. She smiled weakly, “In a brief period, I learned to love you and I knew you love me too. So, thank you for loving me.” she paused and coughed. “But, Azrael Shepherd, this is the last time you will see me as Alexandria. I want you to be happy. So, I'm taking back the curse I put on upon you. I, Alexandria Vermount, reject you, Alpha Azrael Shepherd as my mate. May you be happy with your second chance mate. L- Let me go, Azrael...” she said as she struggled to say the words. She's almost out of breath and her breathing is heavy. She closed her eyes while smiling weakly for one last time.

“Nooooo! Alex!!! Nooo! I love you and I will always love you. I won't let you go.” he said while hugging Alex.

With eyes closed and faint hearing, Alex said in a low voice, “No, you're going to live. Do it for you and me, Azrael. Please do me a favor...”

"Alex, please I can't live without you! Everyone needs you! And I need you the most..." he said painfully. Tears streaming down his face like a river.

“Please Azrael, accept my rejection now so I can rest in peace,” she said and smiled but coughed with blood.

Azrael cried, “1-1 can't!”

“You can... do... do you trust me?”

Azrael frowned and nodded repeatedly, “Please, Alex, don't leave me, please...”

“I'm sorry, but I can’t stay. This is my fate, Azrael. My fate is to die and go back to where I belong.” Alex said while struggling to breathe.

“Alex, I'm not ready to let you go..." Azrael begged one last time.

"Please, Azrael. Accept my rejection now, before my time ended. There's no hope for me.”

Azrael cried nonstop and force himself to say the word even though it's against his will, “I, A-Alpha Azrael Shepherd, a-accept Alexandria Vermount's rejection.”

Alex smiled and nodded at Azrael, “Thank you, Azrael. Till we meet again in another life.” Azrael nodded while tears blurred his vision. He felt like he lost half of his life. He just let his mate go. For one last time, he slowly leaned down and kissed Alex. “I'll wait for you in another life, Alexandria...” he whispered in Alex's ear.

"ALEXXXXX!" Layla, Sabrina, and King Alexander shouted in fear while running faster towards Alex and Azrael. Tears streamed down on their faces upon seeing Alex's pale face, unmoving and drenched with blood

"Alex, please don't leave me!” Layla let out hysterically while sobbing hard and held Alex's cold hands. But Alex has no energy to talk back or open her eyes, and a few minutes later, she passed away.

King Alexander fell to his knees and cried endlessly. He just lost his daughter. It's like his heart ripped off a million times. “A-Alexandria...” he murmured weakly and screamed while looking up above, blaming himself for Alex's death. How could he explain it to his wife once she wakes up? Sabrina didn't know what to do while crying in silence. Her tears wouldn't stop pouring down on her face. She's shocked to witness Alex's death. Her heart shattered into tiny pieces and her knees weakened. All the memories they shared flashing back in her head. She just lost the girl she considered her little sister. She screamed and released all her frustrations while blaming herself for not strong enough to protect Alex.

Before Alex's soul ascended to Promise Land, she whispered into the air and everyone heard her message. “Layla, please tell everyone about the real me. It's time to let them know. I'm counting on you, Layla.”

Layla sobbed as she nodded her head while mumbling Alex's name repeatedly. She still couldnt believe that Alex left her. What's the use of staying on earth without Alex or Alice and the five sisters? What would happen to her in the future? Is she ready to live without Alex by her side? Meanwhile, Lucian didn't fight back while Liza kept attacking him. He just couldn't hurt the girl. He frowned and looked at Liza sadly. “Liza! Stop! I won't let you die! I won't let my daughter die!!!”

Liza stopped and looked at Lucian with a stunned expression. “What did you just say?”

“Liza, I'm your real father,” Lucian revealed.

“No! Y-You're lying!” she said while shaking her head in disbelief. “My father is dead! And you killed him!” Liza said while gritting her teeth.

"What? Liza is also your daughter?” Cybelle blurted out while looking at Lucian and Liza. She came to confront her biological father about why he killed Alexandria but was stunned when she heard Lucian said Liza is his daughter.

Now, both Cybelle and Liza stared at Lucian, waiting for an explanation. Liza remembers what Alex told her a while ago that she still has family and she will discover the truth soon. Does Alex know Lucian is his father? Will she believe the man who killed her family and entire pack?

“LUCIAN!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!” Sabrina shouted with eyes darkened in so much rage while a dark aura surrounding her and the wind blew harshly. The sky darkened and lightning was striking everywhere. And thunder roared so loud.

Everyone gasped and stood frozen with a shocked expression, especially the witches. They just witnessed the real power of the Queen of the Witches Clan. It is too powerful and suffocating. Drowning in sorrow, Sabrina couldn't control her emotion and power. All she saw is black, and she wanted to kill Lucian. She motioned her hands to Cybelle and Liza and teleported them away from Lucian.

Lucian trembled while looking at her. In just a blink of an eye, Sabrina showed up in front of Lucian and choked Lucian’s neck while lifting him. The werewolf struggled from her grip and gasped for air. Using her free hand, she summoned the silver sword that Lucian used to kill Alex. She lowered him down to the ground and pointed the sword to Lucian.

"You took Alex's life using this sword and in exchange, I will also take your life using this sword,” Sabrina said coldly.

Lucian smiled sadly and said, “Kill me now, Sabrina.”

Without a second thought, she stabbed the sword into Lucian’s chest repeatedly. She put all her strength into the sword and stabbed Lucian again and again while crying and filled with resentment. She just couldn't accept that Alex died.

“I-I'm sorry, Cybelle... Liza..." Lucian whispered before closing his eyes.

Sabrina stood up drenched with blood while staring into nothing in particular and didn't regret what she did. After several years of suffering because of the death of her parents, now it has been given justice. And it also gives justice to Alex's death and the other victims.

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