Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 58

Third Person POV

Everyone mourned Alex's death. They couldn't believe that Alex died. Azrael didn't let go of Alex's body and just cried nonstop. There's nothing more painful than losing your other half. It's like part of him is dead. How could he move on from Alex's death? He's not ready to start his day without Alex. The unbearable pain deep down in his heart pierced so excruciatingly as he could die at this moment.

Sabrina and the others tried to talk to him, but he didn't listen to them and lost in his thoughts while trying to imagine the future without Alex by his side. But all he could imagine was a bright future with Alex having pups. He wanted her and only her. But she’s gone. How could he live happily? He will mostly regret everything that happened, and he could never ever live happily unless he is with Alex. He doesn't want any other mate than Alexandria. Because Alexandria will be forever his mate. And he will fulfill his promise that he will wait for Alex, no matter how long it will take for her to come back. He will wait for her patiently no matter what.

Sabrina looked away and wiped her tears, but they poured down again. She sat on the ground while sobbing and held her on both knees then buried her head. Vorges felt sad while looking at Sabrina in pain. He saw how Sabrina killed Lucian repeatedly out of rage. Now Sabrina was covered with dried blood. “Sabrina...” he whispered and walked towards Sabrina. He wants to put his cloak around Sabrina, but he can't because of the sunlight. It will get him burned if he will take off the cloak that protects him. He lowered to level Sabrina and held her shoulder.

Sabrina rose her head and met Vorges's red eyes. “Vorges...” she whispered and choked on her tears. She couldn't help but hugged Vorges while burying her head in the crook of his neck. Vorges looked stunned for a while, then slowly caressing Sabrina's back for comfort. He closed his eyes and decided from now on, he will do everything to win his mate back. He missed her so much. And he will be there for her in a tough time like this. He understands the feeling of losing something important to you. He also lost his mother a long time ago, and it still pains him. Alex's death brings back the old memories.

Meanwhile, Layla stopped crying and looked up. “Alice, please come back. I will wait for you no matter how long,” she blurted out.

"Who is Alice?” Stephen asked with a creased forehead. Layla looked at him coldly and said, “You don't have to know. Don't talk to me.” Stephen looked at her sadly. Hurt crossed his face. But Layla didn't care if she hurt his feelings for treating him like he is nothing to her. She still hates him for cheating on her, and she couldnt forgive him so easily. She loathes Stephen so much that it's hard to forget what happened that day she almost died.

“Layla, I'm so sorry..." Stephen let out sincerely, with remorse in his voice. “I know I screwed up, but please give me another chance...” Stephen begged and kneel in front of her. She just looked at him with no emotion. She let out a sigh, “Get up. Give me some space, Stephen. You weren't there when I almost died because of extreme pain. You won't ever experience the pain I've felt. I don't know yet if I could forgive you. Please know that you ruined my trust.” Layla said and turned her back, then walked towards Michelle, Lucia and Cyn, who were still crying for Alex's death.

Stephen's breathing hitched in his throat and clenched his fist. He cursed himself a million times for being a jerk. Now he lost Layla’s trust, and he doesn’t know how to repair the damage he had done. Some werewolves looked at him in pity. He clenched his jaw and stood up, full of shame. Does he still deserve to be a King after everything?

Meanwhile, Cybelle and Liza stared at the dead body of Lucian, which was covered with blood. They don't feel any sympathy for Lucian, because they had just known he was their father. They couldn't even cry because they knew little about him. Well, Liza knew Lucian all her life. He was there for her all the time, sometimes pampering her with a lot of gifts every birthday. Now that she thinks about it, Lucian became her father figure rather than Alpha Rick, who was so busy training their pack warriors and doing paperwork.

As for Cybelle, she didn't accept yet that Lucian is her father. Seeing Sabrina's hatred towards her biological father, which resulted in his death, she knew Lucian did a lot of terrible things in the past. Also, she thinks Lucian deserves to die for killing Alex.

“Liza,” she called, and Liza turned to her. “Your name is Liza, right?” she confirmed.

"Yes, and you're Cybelle?” she nodded. “I heard Lucian is your father,” Liza said.

Cybelle scoffed, “She's also your father, Liza.” Liza frowned and stared at her. “Then, are we sisters?” Liza blurted out.

Cybelle shrugged her shoulders, “How would I know? He's dead now, so we can't get any explanation.” she said. Liza became quiet and her gaze traveled to Azrael and Alex's dead body. She felt a pang of pain in her chest while looking at Alex's pale face. It should have been her if Alex didn't push her away. Feeling more guilty, tears streaming down her face. Yes, she still loves Azrael but his heart already belongs to his mate and even if she wanted him, she could never have him again because she knew Azrael too much. Seeing how Azrael mourned his mate's death, it will take more time to heal his wounded heart.

“If he is my biological father, the least we could do is to give him a proper burial,” she said, and Cybelle agreed.

However, Queen Leia woke up, and the healing magic cube disappeared. King Alexander quickly went to his wife and hugged her while crying excruciatingly. Queen Leia frowned as she looked at everyone's sad faces filled with tears. "What happened?” she asked, her forehead creased in confusion. “Alexandria died, Leia. I'm so sorry.” King Alexander uttered while sobbing. Leia looked shocked and refused to believe his husband's words. Her eyes roamed around and stopped when her eyes caught Alex lying on Azrael's arm, unmoving. Her heart rate quickens, and she hates what she feels. She nervously released from the hug and slowly walked towards Alex and Azrael while shaking.

When she got closer, a loud gasp let out in her mouth as her eyes fixated on Alex's pale face and covered in blood. It's like her world stops spinning and her vision blurred. She couldn't believe her eyes. She stood frozen as her brain processed what was happening while she was unconscious. A lone tear streaked down on her face without her knowing. “This is just a dream,” she murmured unbelievably. Everyone looked at her in pity. They understand how a mother felt losing her child. It must be more excruciating than anyone else's.

She couldn't move her feet and just stared at Alex's lifeless body. She looked so shocked to say a word and then fell on her knees. King Alexander went to her and hugged her tightly while crying. Everyone looked away as tears rolled down their faces again. It's just so painful to watch Queen Leia mourn for her daughters death.

Queen Leia screamed and refused to believe that her daughter died. “Al, please tell me that my Alexa is alive. She couldn't just die. She won't leave me. Alexa promised me she'll stay alive no matter what. If this is just a dream, please wake me up from this nightmare. I'm begging you! Please!” she cried as tears streaming down on her face nonstop like a river. Losing her daughter terrified her the most.

She slowly approached Alex's body while trembling and crying. Azrael reluctantly let go of Alex's body for the Queen. Her cries got louder when she held Alex's senseless body. “Alexa! Wake up, my baby girl. Please! Mama's here. Mama's here my little angel.” she said repeatedly while shaking Alex's pale face, white as snow. When Alex didn't move, Queen Leia screamed Alex's name and hugged her tightly.

King Desmond felt terrible while looking at Alex's lifeless body and Queen Leia’s sorrow. He looked away when he felt a mist that formed in the corner of his eyes, and he held it while blinking multiple times. He couldn't believe he almost cried

King Alexander couldn't bear the pain anymore and hugged Leia tightly while crying so hard. The pain he felt of losing their child is unbearable, but he knew how excruciating it was for his wife. Queen Leia cried and cried in his chest until she passed out in his arms

Everyone in the Moonlight Kingdom was mourning the death of the Princess and some warriors who died in the war. The atmosphere felt so gloomy, and no one has the energy to celebrate after winning the war. Their hearts ache for the King and Queen and the entire family. And they knew it would take time for the wounded heart to heal.

Queen Leia went to the garden and sat on the bench while staring into space with tears flowing down her face. She's been crying for days, but it seems like her tears won't stop. If she could just bring Alex back to life, she already did. But she doesn't have that kind of superpowers, which frustrates her more.

Meanwhile, Angelo peeked in Alex's coffin and suddenly burst into tears again. He couldn't believe that Alex died. “Big Sis, I hope you are happy in heaven. Don't forget me, okay? Do visit me on my birthday next month. I will get mad if you don't.” Cybelle hugged Angelo for comfort. And Angelo kept crying.

Azrael, Layla, Sabrina, and the others are just watching in silence, drowned in sorrow. They miss Alex so much and the atmosphere felt so gloomy without her. Her death did a great impact on everyone. After a few days of mourning, they buried Alex at the top of the Tibbertan Mountain and built her a statue because of her bravery. They also buried all the dead warriors below Alex's gravestone. When the burial ceremony finished, everyone left while leaving Azrael alone on Alex's tombstone. As the rain poured down, he let his tears also pour down. It's like the pouring rain was in synchronization with the pain he felt. He doesn't care if he will get soaked because he’s not ready to leave yet, to let go. He would never forget Alex because their memories together are the happiest moment that happened in his life. Azrael stayed longer until the rain slowly stopped pouring.

The wind howled and a flapping of wings caught his ears. He looked in the sound's direction and saw a dragon coming towards his way. He stood up and looked stunned when the dragon landed in front of him and Alex's tombstone. “D-Darius?” he stutters with a shocked expression. How come Darius is alive? He witnessed the dragon's last breath. The dragon roared and hissed at him and he stepped back away while covering his face because he thought Darius would blow a fire but it didn't happen. When he uncovered his eyes, Darius stared at Alex's gravestone while letting out a small sound like he was calling something.

It surprised him when Darius lay down in Alex's gravestone while letting out a gurgling sound. It still dumbfounded Azrael while staring at Darius. He couldn't believe that the dragon came back to life. His eyes widened when Darius suddenly dug Alex's gravestone using its claws.

“Darius! What are you doing?! Stop! I said stop!” he screamed, but Darius just growled and blew fire at him. He avoided it and tried to stop Darius again from digging Alex's gravestone. The little dragon won't allow Azrael to get closer to him so he releases a fire while forming a circle around him and Alex gravestone.

Azrael couldn't get nearer because the fire was so big. He couldn't see what was happening inside the fire. He could hear Darius’ wings flapping while groaning and digging. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Darius, the dragon, continuously dug Alex's gravestone until the coffin came in view. He flaps his wings forcefully to shove the remaining soil on top of the coffin. Darius opened the coffin, and it reveals Alex's glowing body. The three tattoos on Alex's wrist and the five pendants around her neck are glowing.

Azrael sensed a powerful aura inside the fire, and his heart was racing. He doesn't know what's going on. Confusion crossed his face as he tried to process what was happening. Darius was acting so strange.

Suddenly, something exploded which startled him. He covered his eyes when the light almost blinded him. He tried to open his eyes and looked stunned upon seeing the light striking into the sky from Alex's tombstone. Azrael noticed that the fire disappeared and a blinding light appeared. It took a few minutes for the light to disappear and he did not know what was happening.

But what shocked him the most is that Darius also disappeared along with the light. He looked so shocked to see Alex gravestone in its original form, like Darius didn't dig the grave at all. Like the dragon didn't show up at all. He's so confused. Was it just an illusion? Or he is just hallucinating? He groaned while brushing his wet hair using his fingers.

He scanned Alex's gravestone and looked for traces of Darius digging the ground. But he found nothing. He let out a sigh and bid Alex goodbye, kissing the gravestone for one last time.

It's time for him to go back to his pack to relay the news about their supposed-to-be Luna's death. Before he turned his back from the gravestone, he whispered into the air, “Alex, I love you. I will always love you forever. Till we meet again in another life.” he paused and smiled faintly then continued, “And I hope in your next life, we will be together and that time I will reclaim you as mine. You are always mine, Alexandria. And I'm yours, forever...”

He finally turned his back and walked away from Alex's gravestone. From afar, he saw some werewolves warriors together with King Stephen while patiently waiting for him. He sighed and walked towards them.

“Azrael!” Liza called when he approached everyone and gave him a small smile. He just nodded at her and said nothing. And then they started their journey back home.

On their way, everyone blabbers about the blinding light which stunned Azrael. “Did you all see the blinding light earlier?” he asked and his heart racing. Everyone nodded and Liza uttered, “Yes, I wonder where that came from. It looks like coming from Alex's gravestone. I don't know.”

Azrael's breathing hitched in his throat. So he wasn't hallucinating at all. It happened. But it confused the hell out of him. He went silent the entire journey while his mind wandered about what happened in Alex's gravestone. Darius’ appearance is still a mystery.

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