Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 60

Azrael's POV

As I flutter my eyes open, I'm almost blinded by a light. I blink my eyes multiple times, trying to adjust my sight. A heavenly fresh flower scent filled my nostrils and I felt so comfy. It's like I am lying on the most comfortable, softest mattress ever. As I looked at my surroundings, I noticed a lot of flowers and it smelled so great. I got up and felt the warm breeze on my skin. The flowers were dancing with the wind. It became lively when I touched it and grew bigger.

Wait—what place is this? And where's my car? My heart raced as soon as I took in the unfamiliar place. This place is like a paradise and the air I breathe is different and it's so nice in my lungs. I haven't felt so nice like this.

"Hey! Young man! What are you doing in there?” someone yelled behind me and when I turned to look at my back, a man wearing a green cloak was walking towards me. He stopped in front of me with a questioning look and took off his hood. “Mister, may I know where I am?” I asked and looked at his face. He looks like in his forties. He stared at me and snapped his fingers.

“Aha! You are not from this world. Your clothing is different and I smell werewolf blood in you. Powerful and dangerous. How did you get in here? And in the middle of my farm? Hmm, interesting.” he said and put his hand on his chin while thinking.

"What do you mean, not from this world? I'm confused, Mister. Can you enlighten me?” I asked while my forehead creased. His clothing differs from mine. He looked like a character in a fantasy movie, who always had weapons with him, like always going to a battle.

He nodded and said, “Oh well, come with me and I'll tell you where you are now. I know you do not know where you are.”

I nodded and observed him glancing at the flowers. “My flowers grow beautifully and I guess it all thanks to you,” he said while smiling. Huh? What is he talking about? “Follow me.” he added and turned around. I followed him while looking at the surroundings. How did I get in here? I don't know, but I feel nervous. All I remember was the blinding light appeared out of nowhere when I'm driving. I'm sure I didn't hit another car. What is this place? It really looked unfamiliar. It's strange, but I feel like I belong here. What is this feeling?

“Do you feel like you belong here?” the man asked, and I gasped. My eyes widened a bit. Did he read my mind? “I didn't read your mind, it's just too obvious.” he added and chuckled.

“Yes, and I don't know why.” I replied, shrugging my shoulders

At the distance, I saw a vast mansion, but we are still far away. Is that the man’s house? The man stopped walking in front of a horse and got on the back of the horse. He ushered me to get on behind his back. After I settled myself, he maneuvered the horse.

“Oh, I see. What's your name, young man?” he asked.

“I'm Azrael Shepherd.” I replied.

“Shepherd? Hmm, your name sounds quite familiar. By the way, I'm Leon Kostas.” he said. Kostas? I think I heard it before.

“Leon, can you tell me about this place?” I asked.

He cleared his throat and said, “Of course. You are in the northern part of Magic Realm. This is my farm called Kostas Villa.” I hummed and my eyes widened as the familiar name rewind in my mind. "What? Magic Realm?” I blurted out in surprise.

"Yes, you sound so surprised.” he said. I couldn't help but look at my surroundings in awe. I couldn“t imagine I found myself in Magic Realm. This is a dream come true.

“I grew up with my mom telling me about the magic realm.” I said while my memories about my mother flashing in my head and it keeps rewinding, especially with the scene about the magic realm.

"Oh, I see. But how did you get here on my farm? In fact, Magic Realm is hidden from outsiders and only a few know where the portal is. But this farm is protected, that's why it surprises me to see you standing there a while ago.” he said quizzically.

I sighed and said, “I don't know how I got here. All I remember was a blinding light appeared out of nowhere.”

“A blinding light?” he put his hand on his chin and snapped his fingers. “You must have encountered the light portal.”

“Light portal? There's such a thing?” I let out while he hummed.

"Yes, a light portal only appeared when an angel was trying to look for something.” he turned to me with a questioning look. “Are you an angel?”

"Yes." I replied as I nodded.

"Oh, I see. You're a half angel-half werewolf. Which means a hybrid being. I want to know more about you, young man.” he uttered.

“Leon, can you help me find my grandparents?” I said. Maybe he could help me.

“Your grandparents? Sure. Tell me their name, I might know them.” he said, and hope filled my heart. I hummed. “I don’t remember their names, but I know my mother’s surname. It could help.”

"Hmm, well, let me hear it.” I nodded.

“It's Ballentine.”

“Ballentine?” he gasped. And stopped the horse, then looked at me, puzzled. I waited for him to talk. Looks like he knew my grandparents. That's for sure. “I know them. Ballentine Family is quite popular in the entire Magic Realm.” he said and wore a serious face.

“Really?” I said, without hiding my excitement. He went silent and let the horse walk again. The mansion is now at a distance. Leon cleared his throat and said, “I'll take you to the Ballentine Family, but it will take days or a month to get an appointment. It depends if your request will get noticed. And we will travel for 15 days going to Southern Magic Realm.” That long? Was it too far away from here? Well, he says we are in the north so it must be very far away. Can't we use portals, though? “My grandparents are in the Southern Magic realm? That takes too long to travel. Can't we use a portal?”

"We can't use a portal because it's prohibited unless it's an emergency, so we definitely can't skip routes. Magic Realm has rules you need to follow. We will use the passenger train going there. It's the only vehicle allowed in the magic realm.” he explained while I just listened. This isn't what I pictured out the Magic Realm would be.

“Oh, I understand. Well, a train much better than nothing at all. Thank you, Leon.” I said. We were already in front of the mansion, and we jumped down from the horse.

“Don’t thank me yet. But my help is not for free. I might ask you something in return.” he said while leading me inside the mansion. I followed him while scanning the entire place.

“I'll do everything you will ask, Leon. Just help me." I said, and he hummed.

He grinned, “Well, my favor is just simple and I will ask for it afterward. But Azrael... going to Southern Magic Realm will be difficult.” he said in a serious tone.

"Why?" I asked, and we stopped walking.

“Because the Demon Clan led by the Demon Lord and Goblin Lord have entered the magic realm. They're attacking villages near the Southern Magic Realm. Before reaching Southern Magic Realm, we might encounter them and we have no choice but to fight them.” Leon explained.

“Demon Lord and Goblin Lord?" I blurted out. I didn't know there's Demon Lord beside the Demon King. Who is the Demon Lord? Why haven't we heard about him? Could it be because he is here in Magic Realm?

“Yes.” he answered while nodding his head. Our talk got interrupted when a girl was running towards us.

"Master! Master!”

“Crusette, what's wrong?” Leon asked. The girl was smiling while her eyes twinkled in excitement. “Master, the sextuplet will go down here in Magic Realm next month! That would be 15 days from now!" the girl uttered and squealed. Sextuplet?

“The sextuplet? It's been a long time since we haven't heard from them. Where do you get the news?” Leon asked skeptically.

“From Senior Kaden! He saw in his vision that the sextuplet are going down next month to find their other half and will help exterminate the demons and goblins in the magic realm.” the girl replied. I wonder who they are talking about. As far as I know, a sextuplet is a group of six offspring born at one birth. Wow, that's amazing.

"Are you sure?” Leon asked for confirmation.

"Yes, Master. Senior Kaden said it himself, he had no reason to lie, isn't he?” the girl said. She looks so energetic at her age.

"Oh, I see. That's interesting. They haven't looked for their other half for centuries now. What's a sudden change? Hmm." Leon said, skeptically.

“That must've been a reward from the Gods and Goddesses. I heard their mission is successful!” the girl said while still smiling widely.

“That must be the case.” Leon uttered. The girl looked at me and froze.

"Who's with you, master?” she asked while staring at me.

“Oh, this is Azrael.” Leon introduced me and the girl smiled at me.

"Hi Azrael. I'm Crusette Llama.” She introduced herself. I gave her a small smile.

“Nice to meet you, Crusette. I'm Azrael Shepherd.” I said and extended my hand. She took it and shook.

“Nice to meet you too, Azrael.” she said while smiling at me.

"Okay, Crusette, tell the others to gather at the conference room.” Leon said.

"Yes, Master.” Crusette said and looked at me. “See you later, Azrael.” I nodded at her and she walked away from us.

"Azrael, for the meantime, I will let you stay in my mansion, but you must be one of my students. So from now on, you are one of my students and call me Master Leon. That's what everyone calls me.” Leon said

"Okay, Master Leon.” I said, and he smiled.

"Oh, it's so nice to be called Master by one of the Ballentine.” he said while chuckling.

My grandparents must be that popular around Magic Realm. I can't wait to see them. “Come on, let's meet the others.” he said, and I hummed.

We continued walking and entered a room. All eyes were on us and I saw Crusette smiling at me. There were 10 people in the room, four girls and six boys.

"Okay, everyone, please welcome your new companion. This is Azrael Shepherd.” Master Leon said. “You are a werewolf!” everyone mumbled except Crusette.

“Yes, I'm a werewolf and also an angel.” I said, and they gasped.

“You're a hybrid!” they let out with eyes widened. I nodded.

Master Leon snapped his fingers and said, “Okay, enough. I'm leaving today and I want you to help Azrael familiarize the way in the mansion. That's your task for today. Ill be back at seven in the evening.”

"Yes, Master.” everyone uttered. Master Leon tapped my shoulder and ushered me to go to others. Everyone welcomed me after Master Leon left and introduced themselves one by one, but I will forget their names for sure. They bombarded me with questions and I only answered a few. It surprised them to know I came from the mortal world. I just gave them a small smile.

After bombarding me with a lot of questions about me as a half werewolf-half angel, they showed me my room and the entire mansion. The training room is so big and what I like the most is the library. I asked Crusette if I could use the library and she said we can enter the library whatever we want.

Crusette, Amara and Ethan stayed with me in the library while the others went to the training room. Crusette handed me a thick book—the History of the Magic Realm. And Amara handed me a book about the sextuplet. My interests are in the sextuplet book, but I read the history first, where everything started.

Two hours later, I finished reading the history book, and I learned a lot about the Magic Realm. How all rebel races joined forces and started the first Great War in the Magic Realm. And why werewolves, vampires, wizards, witches, demons and beasts were being punished. And who defeated the first Demon King, Helios, and Lord of the Beasts, Invictus, and I'm stunned to know who it was. I don't know if they are the same person, but my hunch told me they're the same. The name who defeated King Helios is Damona and her five sisters. Is Damona I knew and the Damona who defeated King Helios are the same?

I reached for the Sextuplet book and suddenly my heart rate quickens. Why am I excited? I looked at Crusette, Amara, and Ethan and their eyes glued on their book. So I concluded they were bookworms among the other students.

I flipped the first page of the book, and a picture welcomed me. The picture of the great sextuplet. My breathing hitched in my throat as my eyes scanned the photo of the sextuplet.

"A-Alex?” I blurted out in surprise. And touched Alex's picture. A mist formed in the corner of my eyes. Damn, I missed her so much.

"Azrael, that's Alice.” I looked at Crusette and she gasped while staring at my face. “You're crying...” she blurted out while Amara gulped and looked at me stunned. Ethan looked at me with wide eyes. I touched my face, and it's wet.

“No, it's Alex. She's my mate. She died 3 months ago.” I said while wiping my tears. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Crusette, Amara, and Ethan looked at each other. Then Amara took the book from me and showed me the picture and pointed Alex, “This is Alice,” next, she pointed out the girl with dark red eyes, “this is Val,” then she pointed the girl with blue eyes, “this is Xandra,” next, she pointed the girl with forest green eyes, “this is Willow,” then she pointed the girl with silvery red eyes, “this is Damona,” then she pointed the last one with dark eyes, “and this is Demonise.” I stared at the picture and learned that they are all Alex's spirits.

“I know them all and I already met them. Alice must be my mate, Alex.” I said. Their eyes widened. "For real?” Crusette uttered while her eyes twinkled a little. I nodded.

“Then, maybe they are in the mortal world this entire time. We haven't heard from them for eighteen years because of their mission.” Amara said.

I nodded. “Yeah, I think their mission is to defeat the Demon King and the Lord of the Beasts.” I said. “Demon King? But he's defeated a long time ago.” Ethan said with a creased forehead.

“Yes, you're right, but the Demon God reincarnated King Helios as King Warrick of Demon Kingdom. But Alex and her spirits already defeated him and Lord Invictus.”

"What?" they mumbled in disbelief.

"A war happened in Tibbertan Mountain 3 months ago resulted in Alex's death.” I said.


“Maybe you haven't heard about the war.” I uttered.

"Wait—Alex and her spirits?” Amara blurted out.

"Yes. Now that I see a picture of the sextuplet, I think the sisters are Alex spirits. If I guess it right, the sextuplet lives in one body.” I voice out my opinion. I can't be wrong. And I know I'm right.

"Huh? How is that even possible?” Crusette and Amara mumbled in unison with a stunned expression while Ethan was thinking deeply as he processed the information.

Thinking about Alex made my heart beat faster. I couldn't help but feel ecstatic as I remembered Crusette’s words earlier. The sextuplets are going down in the next 15 days. I couldn't wait to see Alex or Alice again.

“The sextuplets are coming next month, right?” I asked, and Crusette nodded.

For the first time in a while, a huge smile plastered on my lips. Excitement rushed in my veins thinking 1 would see Alex again. Will Alex come for me? I hope so.

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