Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 61

Third Person POV

3 months after the war...

In the hidden Kingdom of Moonlight, everybody gathered at the cemetery at the top of Tibbertan Mountain to pay respect to the dead. They do it every month to show some gratitude for their sacrifices in the war. Queen Leia and King Alexander put flowers on Alexandria's tombstone with a sad smile on their faces. “We will supposedly celebrate your birthday together next year, but you left us, Alexa. And there's not a day I didn't remember you. I miss you so much, my Alexa.” Queen Leia uttered while tears streamed down her face. King Alexander hugged Queen Leia sideways and kissed her temple.

“I hope you are happy in heaven, my child. We miss you so much.” King Alexander mumbled and looked up at the bright sky.

Angelo walked towards them and also put flowers on Alexandria’s tombstone. “How are you, big sis? Did you see a lot of angels in heaven? I hope you're doing okay. By the way, I have to tell you something, but I couldn't say it out loud because there's many people out here.” he said and everyone laughed at what Angelo had said.

The King and Queen let others put flowers on Alexandria's tombstone to pay respect. When everyone's done, Sabrina, Layla and the others walk towards Alexandria's tombstone. They are the last one to pay respect. Together, they put their flowers on Alexandria“s gravestone.

“Are you happy in heaven now, Alex?” Sabrina uttered with a sad smile. Layla said nothing and just stared at Alex gravestone with no emotion but deep inside, she’s still hurt. Because all the memories of the past flashing back in her head nonstop. “I miss you so much, Alex...” she whispered and sighed.

After the ceremony, all the people returned to the kingdom except Queen Leia, King Alexander, Sabrina, Layla, Cybelle, Cyn, Lucia, Michelle, and Angelo. Layla stepped forward, and everyone's attention was on her. “What is it you wanted to say to us, Layla?” Sabrina uttered.

Layla cleared her throat and said, “It's about Alex.” she eyed everyone and continued when they said nothing, “Alex ordered me to tell all of you the truth. I haven't had an opportunity in the past weeks to tell you because you are still mourning her death. But what I'm going to reveal will change everything you think about her.”

"What is the truth, Layla?” Queen Leia asked.

“Almost 19 years ago, you died Queen Leia.” Everyone gasped and looked at Layla in shock except King Alexander. “How do you know that?” he asked with a creased forehead. Layla sighed and said, "Queen Leia died with a baby in her tummy, but the baby also died.”

“What do you mean?!” Queen Leia let out while her heart raced in nervousness.

“You're supposed to die 18 years ago, Queen Leia together with the baby, but you didn't die because of Alice and her five sisters, namely Xandra, Val, Willow, Damona, and Demonise. The Gods and Goddesses resurrect you and the baby in order to save the world because of the prophecy.” "What?" everyone mumbled

Layla continued, “Alice and her five sisters were being punished for the grave sin they committed for taking over the mating thing which resulted in this world in chaos because they mated two powerful beings which shouldn't have happened, but what's done, done. And the two powerful beings are you, King Alexander and Queen Leia. As for punishment, they have to bring back the peace in the world, to unite all races and gather all the lost diamonds because of freeing Callie and reincarnating her.” Layla looked at Lucia and said, “Lucia, you are the reincarnation of Callie. The six sisters saved you from your punishment, but that resulted in them getting punished too.”

Lucia gasped and looked at Cyn while tears rolled down on her face, “Cyn, is that why you called me Callie the first time we've met?” Cyn nodded and looked at Layla with confusion.

"How do you know all this?” Cyn asked Layla.

“Because I am Elaine.” she said, and Cyn's eyes widened in shock. Cyn studied Layla carefully, and he realized. “Elaine! You're also reincarnated?”

Layla nodded, “Yes, because I asked the Moon Goddess to reincarnate me. To follow Alice and her five sisters.”

“Why did you do that?” Cyn asked.

Layla sighed, “I couldn't tell you the reason, Cyn.”

"Wait, Layla, we are so confused.” King Alexander uttered. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Okay, to make the long story short. Alice and her five sisters’ souls entered the dead baby inside Queen Leia's womb. And that's how Queen Leia and the baby came back to life when morning came. Do you remember it, King Alexander?” Layla said.

It stunned King Alexander while looking at Layla. An image flashed in his head. It was him while mourning for his wife's death, but when the morning came, his wife came back to life, which he believed was a miracle.

"Your daughter would have been long dead without Alice and her five sisters in one body. That is part of their punishment, to stay in one body. Because of them, you are alive, Queen Leia." Layla added.

Everyone couldn't believe what they heard, especially Queen Leia and King Alexander. It left them dumbfounded.

"Are they an angel?” Cybelle blurted out.

Layla looked at her and said, “Sort of. But they are a goddess. They are the sextuplet of the Moon Goddess.”

"Sextuplet? So, when their punishment is over, Alice and her five sisters leave the body. Is that right?” Sabrina asked, her heart rate increasing.

Layla nodded, “Yes, because it was just temporary. But Queen Leia, King Alexander... I think Alice and her five sisters also considered you as one of their parents, like Rachel and Dominic. Alice loves you all.” Queen Leia burst into tears while clinging on to King Alexander for support.

"If they are a Goddess, would they come back?" Queen Leia asked hopefully, her face now stained with tears.

"I don't know. I couldn't give you an answer because I am not in the Promise Land anymore." "Promise Land?" everyone mumbled.

"Yes, it's where the Gods and Goddesses lived.” Layla answered.

"Does that mean you are also a Goddess?" Sabrina blurted out.

"You could say that.” Layla replied with hidden meaning.

“I thought Xandra, Val, Willow, Damona and Demonise are just Alex spirits. It turned out they are sisters. A sextuplet. I couldn't imagine it.” Sabrina uttered.

Layla chuckled and said, “If you just see them, you'll get fascinated because they all looked alike. If not for their hair and eye color, you wouldn't recognize who is who because they are quite identical.”

“Really? Can you tell us all about them?” Sabrina asked. She wanted to know the sextuplet.

“I would, but not in here.” Layla said and everyone nodded.

They all walked back towards the gate to Moonlight Kingdom to continue the discussion inside the palace. While on their way to the palace, Layla suddenly felt dizzy. Her surroundings blur, so she stopped walking while holding her head and closing her eyes. Her heart palpitates excruciatingly, like she’s going to die. Then vivid images flashed in her head nonstop, and tears rolled down on her face while gasping for air. “Stephen...” she whispered to herself. “I-I'm sorry...”

“Layla? What's wrong?!” Everyone asked while frowning as they noticed Layla’s heavy breathing. Michelle held Layla for support and asked her if she’s okay. Layla just groaned in pain and fell in Michelle's arms. “Layla!”

Sabrina put her hand on Layla’s forehead, and the girl was burning like fire. “Something happened to Stephen,” Sabrina said

“What?!” Queen Leia said in worry and touched Layla’s burning forehead.

"Stephen sends me a message that he would visit Layla today, something must have happened along the way.” King Alexander let out, feeling anxious.

When they arrived at the palace, everyone separated ways while Michelle put Layla on the bed and tended her little sister. As she sat at the chair beside Layla's bed, she remembered what Layla had said. She couldn't believe that her little sister is being reincarnated. “Layla, do you still hate me for what I did?” she murmured while staring at Layla's face. She held Layla's hand, but she quickly pulled her hand away and groaned in pain. Layla's hand was burning! “Layla!” she blurted out in shock.

Suddenly, Layla's body shook while groaning in pain. “Layla!” Michelle uttered with a petrified voice as Layla's body convulsed. “H-Help! Somebody help! SABRINA!" She shouted and tried to touch Layla, but she couldn't. “Layla, what's happening? Please don't scare me like this!" she cried out in a panic.

Sabrina heard Michelle's petrified voice while calling for help and she darted out her room in a hurry. She met Lucia, Cyn, and Cybelle in the hallway and they raced towards Layla's room. Sabrina turned the doorknob open, and they got inside Layla’s room to see what happened.

"Michelle! What happened?!” Sabrina asked when she saw Michelle in a panic while trying to touch Layla. Everyone gasped while seeing Layla“s convulsed body. Sabrina touched Layla’s burning forehead, and it almost burned her hand. She cast a healing spell to help the girl.

The other just watched Sabrina in worry and Michelle in a panic. Suddenly, someone bangs on the door in a hurry. “Layla! Layla!”

Lucia opened the door, and Stephen barged in while walking like a drunken man and groaning in pain. “Stephen!” Everyone mumbled in shocked.

Layla's body stopped shaking, so Sabrina looked at Stephen, who's in a terrible state. “What happened to you, King Stephen?!” Michelle asked when she saw Stephen's state. The man had bruises around his body and there's a deep cut in his arms. Stephen didn’t answer Michelle and went to Layla. “Layla, I'm sorry, are you okay?” he said while tears streamed down his face. Stephen felt exhausted and he could barely open his eyes. He was catching his breath and clutched Layla's hand, enduring the pain all over his body.

"Stephen, tell us what happened!” Sabrina said with urgency.

Stephen looked at Sabrina and said, “I was on my way here when someone attacked me and dragged me to the woods. I couldn't see his face because of the mask and a hood covering his face. He's wearing a black cloak, and he hides his scent, that's why I couldn't recognize him. He gave me bruises and deep cuts. I thought he’s going to kill me but I'm surprised when a black smoke appeared and surrounded the man, then he disappeared out of my sight. I don't know what happened because it's so sudden, then I cried for help and good thing someone heard me and helped me to my feet. The man tried to bring me to the infirmary but I'm worried for Layla, that's why I rushed over here.”

"Who might it be?” Cybelle uttered.

“Let me heal your wounds, Stephen.” Sabrina uttered and put her hands on Stephen's bruises. It took a while to heal Stephen's deep wounds. “That man used the silver sword to attack me. The same sword that killed Alex.” Stephen said, clenching his fist.

"What? That man must have a grudge towards you, Stephen. Are you sure it's the silver sword?” Sabrina asked for confirmation.

“Sabrina, I know what I saw. That silver sword is the reason I couldn't fight back because it made me weak.” Stephen replied, recalling the scene from earlier in his head.

“That's impossible. I'm sure the person who attacked you is an outsider. Does this mean, someone entered the kingdom? He must've followed you, Stephen.” Lucia said, her forehead creased. “There's only one person who had grudges against me and to all of us.” Stephen said. Everyone looked at him while waiting for him to continue, “Damon, son of King Warrick,” Stephen answered Sabrina's eyes narrowed and said, “What?! That son of a bitch! He must've come for revenge. But it's odd how he disappeared.” Sabrina uttered.

"Yeah. That's strange. Something's wrong—" Lucia got cut off when Layla’s body glowed. They closed their eyes as the light almost blinded them. Unbeknownst to them, the light scattered in the room and Angelo opened the door but froze afterward. He covered his eyes as the light also blinded him.

Queen Leia and King Alexander ran towards Layla's room when they noticed the blinding light and Angelo on the door, but as soon as they got closer to the room, the blinding light vanished and everyone, including Angelo. Queen Leia and King Alexander froze on their feet with eyes widened. “Angelo! Sabrina! Layla! Cybelle!” Queen Leia shouted in fear while King Alexander stood frozen in shock. Queen Leia rushed inside the room and found no one there. She burst into tears as her heart raced in nervousness and in panic. Where are his son and the others?

Meanwhile, the moment everyone flutters their eyes open, a loud gasp escapes their mouth as an unknown place greets them. The light of the two moon illuminating the entire open field. But they couldn't find Layla or feel her presence.

“Angelo?! What are you doing here?!” Cybelle blurted out in shock when she saw Angelo.

“Belle!” Angelo quickly ran towards Cybelle and hugged her. “Where are we?” Angelo asked in fear. “I don't know.” Cybelle said while scanning the unknown place. They notice a forest from a distance, but it's too dark out there.

Cyn gasped as soon as he recognized the familiar air and the two moons. "I know where we are.” “Where?!”

“We are in Magic Realm.” Cyn replied and everyone gasped.

“Are you sure, Cyn?" Lucia confirmed.

“Yes, Callie—I mean, Lucia.”

“But where's Layla?” Michelle uttered in panic and looked for Layla.

“Layla!” Stephen called and scanned the place, but he couldn't find Layla.

Layla is nowhere in sight. They remembered the blinding light that appeared in Layla’s room and in just a blink of their eyes; they found themselves in an unknown place. But the odd thing is, what are they doing in Magic Realm?

“Waahhh! A monster!” Angelo screamed while pointing his hand in the forest's entrance.

Their eyes widened upon seeing a lot of dwarf-like, green-skin monsters running towards them. The monsters create an annoying-terrifying sound because they can't talk like humans.

“Goblin!” Cyn mumbled and cursed under his breath. There are ten goblins running towards them with weapons in their hands. Goblins use an arrow and a small sword.

Sabrina summoned her bow and arrow and pointed it at the goblins. But the goblins suddenly tripled in numbers coming from every direction and attacked them. They have no choice but to fight.

“They're too many. What are we going to do now?” Cybelle mumbled while summoning her double sword. “Angelo, stay by my side.” Angelo hummed while trembling because he never seen that kind of creature in his entire life.

Goblin is an evil creature. Their appearance is almost small like dwarfs, and outright malicious, with hairy skin in green color, having sharp and long ears, big mouth and crooked sharp teeth—in short, ugly. They like to steal weapons, especially gold and jewelry, and any things that can be useful. Also, goblins like to kidnap girls as their plaything, torturing them until they die. They are more cunning than humans, but they are also a cowardly monster once they encounter a powerful being.

“We have to fight them and escape from this place. As far as I remember, we are in the southern part of Magic Realm. I doubt villages still standing in this state. Goblins might have already attacked them, considering their numbers. The only safe place in this part of the magic realm is the Central City of the Southern Magic Realm. The City has high walls which are protected by a powerful clan of angels. We must go there, but it will take days to reach the city and we have to stay alive.” Cyn said. Everyone gulped at the information Cyn had shared. They don't really have a choice but to fight the greedy goblins. But the problem is, there are a lot of goblins coming their way. Will they be able to fight the hundreds of goblins?

"Oh, God, please help us.” Michelle muttered and prayed, hoping for a miracle to save them from evil goblins.

Sabrina’s eyes narrowed and said in a powerful tone, “We have to fight them. Don't let your guard down.” After she said that, she ran towards the goblins and skillfully used her bow and arrow. And in just one shot of an arrow, it killed five goblins in an instant. Everyone followed Sabrina with full determination to save themselves. They have to fight or else they could get killed.

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