Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 62

Alice's POV

I heard voices calling my name, and all were familiar. It felt like ages ago since the last time I heard their voices loud and clear. Then it only means one thing... I'm back!!!

“Alice... Alice...” Xandra's sweet voice soothes my ear.

"Wake up, Cece,” Willow called while caressing my hair. I mentally smiled because she called me by my nickname, which I haven't heard for a long time. But only she can call me that because she won't allow anyone calling me Cece except her. She's that possessive.

“Alice, wake up,” Damona said.

“Alice, come on, wake up! I know you're awake,” an impatient voice said, which belongs to Demonise.

“Mother, are you sure she’s awake? She looks dead to me! Look at her face? There's a dark circle under her eyes! Oh, our baby Alice is getting ugly!” Vals voice echoed in my ears. She was taunting me, which was very effective!

No way! Dark circles under my eyes? That's a big NO! NO!

"Aaaahhhhhh!” I screamed and fluttered my eyes open. “I'm not dead! I'm freaking alive! Wahhhh! Give me a mirror!” I said while touching my face.

Laughter echoed throughout the entire room. I looked around me and noticed the twelve councils and my mother in front of me, and my five sisters smiling at me. We are still in our respective chairs eighteen years ago. My forehead creased as I recall what happened before. I gasped as I realized that only our souls separated from our body. And our body is just here, sitting unconscious in the chair for eighteen years.

I tried to stand up from my chair, but I fell on the floor when my knees felt weak. “Alice!” they shouted as they startled from my sudden fall. I looked up at them while chuckling, “I'm sorry. Tsk, I'm such a klutz!” I said, and Xandra helped me get back in my chair while chuckling. They all laughed at me and I pouted. Then the head of the council, Jupiter, cleared his throat, which got everyone's attention

We all looked at him and waited for him to talk. As usual, he had a poker face expression among all the council. “Welcome back, sextuplet. Well, your punishment is finally over and as promised, we will give you a reward for your sacrifices.” he said and then all the council congratulate us.

We all smiled and said, “Thank you.” I kept on switching in my chair because I felt uncomfortable as my body still felt numbed.

“But you're not done with your mission yet.” Jupiter added and our eyes widened incredulously. "What?! That's ridiculous! I thought we're done and free!” Damona whined, her forehead creased in confusion, well, we all are. I couldn't believe it either.

“Not yet, because demons and goblins are attacking the Magic Realm. They've grown in numbers and magic user's can't defeat them all.” Minerva explained.

"Why us?” Demonise let out.

“Because all of you have the power to exterminate the demons and goblins, especially you, Alice.” Juno said, staring straight at my eyes. I nodded.

"Ok, what's our reward after completing this mission?” Willow said. Damona and Demonise glared at her, but she ignored their stares.

"You can do whatever you want and we'll grant you a power you didn't possess yet.” Jupiter said. "Extra power?” my sisters and I looked at each other. “Cool!” we all said while grinning.

“And while helping the magic users exterminate the demons and goblins, you can take this chance to look for your other half in Magic Realm.” mother Selene said.

"Other half? Did I hear it right?” Damona uttered

"Yes, my daughters. That's your reward for your successful mission.” mother replied.

"Yay!" my sisters exclaimed in joy except me. I don't like the idea of having a second chance mate. I just let out a faint smile.

“Tsk. Is the other half really that important?” Demonise uttered, rolling her eyes.

"Of course, sis!" Val said, smiling dreamily. “I can't wait to meet my other half!”

"Well, then. You can start your mission any time you want. For the meantime, we will let you rest before going below, especially you, Alice. Regain your full power first to fight those monsters.” Mars said.

This is another adventure again. This time we will have to fight the Demon Lord and the Goblin Lord together with their minions. As I closed my eyes, I saw the current situation in the Magic Realm. "Are you okay, sis?” Xandra whispered.

"Y-Yeah,” I answered as I opened my eyes.

“Sure you are, but I know you better.” she said with a knowing smirk. I have to roll my eyes because I know what she’s thinking. I guess being with each other for eighteen years let us know each other's feelings. Since we live in the same body, we easily detect each other's mood.

“Tsk.” I grunted in silence and she chuckled.

I looked at the council and said, “Okay, but let me enter the forbidden room.”

All the councils looked stunned, and they looked at each other while discussing my request. They were having an argument while my sisters looked at me with a creased forehead. “What are you planning, sis?” they all said in unison.

I just grinned and said, “It's confidential.”

"What?? Oh, come on! We're your sisters, so please tell us!” Val and Damona said in unison. While Xandra, Willow, and Demonise studied my reaction.

“I'm sorry, but I can't.” is all I could muster. They all frowned at me, but I ignored their stares. I looked at the council when they cleared their throat.

"Alice, your request is impossible. We won't let you enter the forbidden room, you don't know what's in there.” Juno muttered. My lips twitched and stared at them one by one, “Trust me, I know what's in there.” I said.

"What's in the forbidden room that you all are afraid of?” Demonise asked with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Secrets,” I blurted out, and all the councils and mother looked at me, stunned.

“Alice, did you enter the forbidden room before?” Jupiter said with a serious expression. We made eye to eye contact, “I did.” I reveal. My sister's and mother gasped in shock. The council frowned and looked at me wide-eyed.

Silence enveloped the room, and I couldn't help but sigh. “No secret will remain a secret, God Jupiter.” I broke the silence and all the council looked at me with uneasiness. I stood up and walked towards the council, and stopped in front of Jupiter. As I looked into his eyes, it's the first time I saw a God flustered by a mere being like me. “From the very beginning, I know everything. Everything you did to destroy the demon race.” I whispered that only the council heard. “Look, I'm not threatening you all with what I know. Just let me enter the forbidden room. I want to say something to him.”

Jupiter clenched his fist and let out a frustrated sigh, “Okay, just this once.” he said.

“Thank you, God Jupiter.” I said and walked back to my chair. My sisters gave me a questioning look because they didn't hear what I said to the council.

I ignore the stares of my sister, but not my mother. She had a look of guilt on her face.

“Mother, don't feel sorry. I understand why you did it." I said to my mother using telepathy. She looked at me while sighing.

Juno cleared her throat and said, “Good luck to your new mission, sextuplet.”

“Thank you, councils.” we all said while putting our right hand in our chest.

Mother gave us a warm smile and walked towards us. While all the councils rose to their seats while taking a glance at me and strutted out the room, leaving us to reunite with our mother.

“My daughters, I missed you so much.” she mumbled, and a mist formed in the corner of her eyes. All of us rose from our seats and went to mother to give her a tight embrace. Of course, we miss her too and our group hugs. “We missed you too, mother.” all of us uttered while smiling.

"Aw, you make me cry,” mother said while sniffling. I just chuckled as I savored the moment of our reunion after eighteen years.

When we released our embrace, mother looked at me with a smile then caressed my face. “I know what you feel,” she said, then moved her hand to my chest, “Don’t worry, Alice, your heart will beat again.”


“Trust me, it will.” she said and hugged me then whispered to my ears, “I'm sorry for keeping secrets from all of you.”

“It's nothing, mother. I promise not to tell them.” I whispered back.

“You can take your friends in the mortal world to Magic Realm.” mother said loud enough for my sisters to hear.

I released our hugged and stared at her in astonishment. “What? No, it's dangerous for them. I don't want them to suffer again.”

"Okay, it's your choice whether you want them to join in your next adventure.” she said, and it got me to thinking. Should I give it a go?

“Alice, I know you missed them. I'll consider our mother's offer.” Willow uttered. I looked at her and she gave me a nod.

“I'll think about it. Let's go, I want to rest.” I said, and they all nodded. Since I poured all my energy at the last war, I have to rest well to regain my lost energy. Those spells I cited to defeat the Demon King and Lord of the beast really worn me out. My powers are up to its limit and I think just for a few days it will get back.

We bid goodbye to mother, and we all darted out of the interrogation room. As we walked towards our room, my sisters kept looking at me. “What is it you wanted to say? Spill it.”

“Hm, Alice, we may not be in one body now, but we know how sad you were for letting your mate go. Like what mother said, your heart will beat again like it did when we were in our vessel.” Xandra said.

“But that isn't my heart. You all know that.” I said.

"Are you worried that if you met Azrael again, your heart won't beat?” Willow asked.

"Yeah, you know what my condition is and I'm so afraid my heart won't recognize the love I have for Azrael.” I said.

They all looked at each other and then looked at me with a smile. “We're happy you found love, Alice. You went through so much and all we want is your happiness.” Damona said.

“Thank you. I hope you understand my motive why I couldn't tell you about the forbidden room.” I said, and they shook their heads.

“We understand. Don't think about it. You'll tell us when you need to, right?” Demonise said.

"Of course. Like I said, no secrets will remain a secret. I'm just not ready yet to tell all of you what I know.” I said and stopped.

Our rooms are just connected, and mine is at the very end. We say good night to each other before entering our rooms, and I am the last one to enter. As my body felt the soft mattress, I felt relaxed. I closed my eyes and let my body absorb all the spiritual energy in my room. I let my consciousness take me to my haven—my dreams.

I've been resting for fourteen days and it's time for me to enter the forbidden room. But before that I made my way to my sisters, who are now ready for their departure. They are now in front of the portal.

“Alice, we'll wait for you. Please don't take too long in that room. We won't be complete without you.” Val said.

"Don’t worry. It will not take long.” I said, and they nodded hesitantly. They hugged me before parting from me. When they all entered the portal, I made my way to the forbidden room at the tower above the revealing water well. My feet halted at the first step of the stairs. Then I felt the aura of the councils and my mother. I looked at my back and they're watching me.

“Alice, send him my regards.” mother said, and I just nodded. I took a step on the second stair and took another step again. The stairway to the forbidden room is about 2000 steps and the pressure is too heavy, but I already experienced it before so it's lighter for me now. I just took my steps slowly until I couldn't see the councils and my mother anymore.

I continued walking for hours until I reached the last step. The huge double door which was made of thick stone welcomed me and it felt like deja vu.

My silver blue hair dances along the harsh wind. I walked towards the door and placed my hand on the doorknob. The door opened slowly and pure darkness greeted me. I entered the room with my eyes glowing in the dark.

“Father?” I called and my voice echoed in the room.

“Father...” I called one more time.

“Alice? Is that you?” a deep voice echoed throughout the room. I haven't heard that voice for a long time and it still gives me goosebumps. “Y-You came back?” he added.

“I'm sorry it took too long for me to come back. May I see you, father?” I said.

Then I saw him in the corner with gold chains all over his body. His two distinct glowing eyes, the same as mine, pierced through me with longing. I walked towards him and met his gaze. “I'm sorry that I couldn't get you out of here.”

“It's okay, Alice. I'm glad to see you again. But you shouldn't come here. It's dangerous for you. What if Jupiter finds out?” I frown while staring into his eyes.

“Don’t worry, this time I asked his permission. But I came here to ask you something.” I said. “You're looking for the glowing orbs of life and death, aren't you?” he said and laughed.

Suddenly, the wind moaned, and my father's appearance changed. His eyes turned to dark purple with red flecks and looked at me dangerously. “Alice, it's already inside of you. You'll feel it when the right time comes.” he said, using two different deep voices that send goosebumps all over my body. "What?" I blurted out.

“When you entered here hundred years ago and fainted in front of me, I transferred the orbs inside you.” I stared at him, dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that I had the glowing orbs all this time. "How do you know I got the glowing orbs?” he asked.

"Yael told me.”

“My brother? You've met him?”

“Yes, we met during the first great war centuries ago.” I replied

“Be careful with Yael. All this time, he wanted to get the glowing orbs from me. But he failed to get it when the Gods and Goddesses showed up and took me.” my forehead creased.

"Did the Gods and Goddesses know that you have the glowing orbs?” I asked.

"Yes, because they're also after the orbs, especially Jupiter. They lock me up in here until I surrender the orbs to them but I won't let them have it because the Almighty God gave it to me and I must protect what's mine at all cost.” he said while clenching his fist, “You must protect the orbs, Alice.” he added.

“I promise I will protect the orbs, father. And I will get you out of here so that you could see my sisters.” I said sincerely.

“I badly want to see your sisters. How I wish the council would let me see them.” I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Don't worry, father, soon you will see them. I'll do everything to get you out from here.” he nodded. It surprised him when I hugged him. He cried and I couldn't help but felt a strong urge to help him get out of here as soon as possible. I smile as I release the hug, “I have to go, father. My sisters are waiting for me in Magic Realm. After our mission, I promise you'll see them.”

“Thank you, Alice. I'll wait for your return then.” I hummed and bid him goodbye.

Now, before I go to Magic Realm, I have to go to the mortal world to see Azrael one last time before I look for my other half. And of course, to see Elaine, I know she’s waiting for me.

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