Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 64

Alice's POV

As the wind howled in every direction, it whispered into my ears. I closed my eyes as the wind continued whispering, vivid images flashed into my head—a scene where angels bowed and whispered holy words at the Falls of Holy Light. “Why do the elders of the Angels call for my help? My sisters are already there. Haven't they met yet?” I muttered as I fluttered my eyes open

As I reached the last step of the stairs, I looked up and let out a deep sighed. “It must be so lonely up there. Please wait for my return, father.” I whispered into the wind.

Before leaving the Promise Land, I step into the sea of clouds. I got on my knees, put my hand on my chest; closed my eyes, and uttered with certainty, “Almighty, with the power of the orbs of life and death you gave on my father and transferred to me, I'll ask your blessings for all the choices I will make in the future. May the orbs guide me through my journey. Please give me your strength, your grace, and the courage to defeat all evils. And give me the power to heal the broken lands caused by demons. I am Alice, the chosen Goddess of Change and now the bearer of the Orbs of Life and Death, with all my heart and mind, my body and my soul, please consider my sacrifices. Amen.”

I fluttered my eyes open and the thick wind in the sea of clouds swirling around me. Then a blinding light from above, piercing through me and covered my whole being. A warm smile tugged on my lips, “Thank you, Almighty God. Your holy light warmed my whole being, especially my heart.” When the blinding light vanished, screams filled my ear. I creased my forehead because the voices are all familiar. As I looked to my right, it stunned me to see Sabrina and the others fighting some demons and goblins. They looked so tired and they had no choice but to fight.

I wasted no time and opened my left palm. A huge light force came out, and I released it to the goblins and demons. Screams echoed throughout the place and the light covered the entire place, but I saw everything. When the goblins and demons vanished into dust, the light also disappeared. Then the dark clouds vanished, and the sunlight peeked.

"What happened?” Sabrina and the others mumble in shock when they uncover their eyes. “The goblins and demons had vanished! And my wounds, it's also healed,” Lucia said unbelievably while scanning her body.

“I didn't feel tired too!” Michelle said. They haven't noticed my presence yet.

Cybelle noticed me, and she gasped in shock. When Sabrina and the other turned in my direction, their gaze met mine. A loud gasp left their mouth and looked at me dumbfounded with eyes widened. I gave them a warm smile.

“Alex?” Sabrina blurted out. I nodded.

“Sabrina, it's nice to see you all again. But what are you all doing here in Magic Realm?” I asked while walking towards them. But I stopped walking when Sabrina ran faster towards me with tears in her eyes.

My eyes widened as I almost fell down when Sabrina threw her body on me and embraced me like there's no tomorrow while crying. “Alex, you're alive! I'm glad... I'm glad you came back because I thought we're going to die here. Thank you, Alex.” she said while sobbing. I smile and tap her back. “I wouldn't let something bad happen to all of you,” I said. “Sorry it took me long to come here.” She released our hug while wiping her face that was stained with tears. “I thought I will never see you again, Alex. Please don't leave us again, okay?” she said, and I hummed while nodding my head. I reached for her hand and squeezed it, “Sabrina, for once, I never left,” I put my hand on her chest and said, “Because I am always here.” she burst into tears again and hugged me tight.

I didn't know Sabrina could be so emotional like this. This is the first time I saw this side of her. She really missed me. “Your hair, it looked amazing,” she mumbled, then released the hug and stared at my blue hair with glowing silver flecks in awe. I let out a giggle.

Someone tugging the hem of my dress, “Big Sis? Is it really you?” I turned to look at the familiar voice and smile sweetly while nodding my head. Angelo burst into tears and hugged me. “You are alive! You came back!” I tap his back as he sobbed while hugging me tightly. Stephen, Cybelle, Michelle, and Lucia looked like they saw a ghost while Cyn was smiling at me and nodded his head as our eyes met.

Angelo released the hug and clung onto my waist like a koala. I guess he missed me. “How many days have you been fighting those creatures?” I asked as we approached the other that was still in awe.

“It's been 15 rough days and the goblins and demons won't let us rest for a night. They stopped attacking us during the day, but they would come back at night. It's an exhausting day for us. But today, demons also appeared and turned the bright sky to dark for the goblins to attack us,” Sabrina said in an exhausted voice. I couldn't believe what they went through. Fifteen days of fighting nonstop is exhausting. Now that I'm here, I wouldn't let any demons and goblins attack them.

I closed my eyes and felt the wind as they whispered into my ears. Demons and Goblins already conquered all the villages outside the walls. All the villages became their home and their numbers grew so fast. The only safe place in this part of the magic realm is the central city. It was ten kilometers away from our location. “So, where are you going now?" I asked.

“To the Central City of the Southern Magic Realm. I guess, we're ten kilometers away,” Cyn replied while looking at the high walls that were already visible from our distance. I nodded.

"Alex, we couldn't find Layla,” Michelle let out on the verge of crying. I frowned.

"Why? What happened to her?” I asked.

“I will show you what happened,” Sabrina said and held my hand. Our eyes glow as she lets me see the scene in Layla's room. The blinding light appeared when Layla's body convulsed. When an angel desperately sought answers, a blinding light appeared and took them. Is Layla trying to go back to Promise Land? Yet, the blinding light brought them here in the magic realm instead.

"When we opened our eyes, Layla was nowhere in sight and then goblins showed up,” Michelle said. “Don’t worry, I can track her whereabouts,” I said and gave them a reassuring smile. They sighed in relief.

I closed my eyes again and talked to the wind. “Spirit of the wind, tell me where Archangel Elaine was,” I whispered, and the wind howled in every direction. After a few seconds, the wind whispered into my ears.

“I know where she is,” I said, and they all looked at me.

"Where? We've been looking for her everywhere but to no avail.” Michelle let out while sighing frustratedly.

“Layla is in Central City," I said.

"What?" They all mumbled unbelievably.

“Let's go. I'll bring you to her.” I said and opened a portal. A swirling motion appeared, and I ushered everyone to get in. Sabrina and I entered last.

"Woah!" they all mumbled while scanning the view in front of us. There's a huge fountain in the center which produces gold water. It was thick and slick.

"Who are you?!" an angel spoke behind us and pointed his weapon toward us. And in just a snap, all the angel warriors surrounded us while also pointing their long weapons.

I stepped forward and looked at all of them. “I apologize for coming unannounced, may I speak with Archangel Elaine?”

“Where's your appointment letter?” an angel from earlier asked.

“I don't have,” I uttered.

"What's happening here?” a familiar voice butted in. All the angel warriors stepped aside and a beautiful angel walked towards us with a stoic expression.

The angel cleared his throat and spoke, “Archangel Elaine, this group came here using a portal—" “Layla!” Stephen and Michelle let out in surprise and Elaine looked at us with mouth hung in awe. Elaine looked fabulous in her angel dress code, and the holy arc of light above her head gave her more elegance. So, she’s now back in her duty. Her gaze found mine, and I smiled at her. "Hey, Elaine,” I said. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, and she ran towards me.

“Alice! You're back!” she said and burst into tears.

“Nice to see you in your dress code again, Elaine.” I said, and she sobbed while hugging me tightly. “I missed you so much, Alice.” she whispered.

When we released our hug, Michelle called Elaine. “Layla, I'm so glad you're fine.” she said while tears streamed down her face and Elaine smiled at her and asked, “Michelle, what are you all doing here in Magic Realm?”

“It's a long story,” Michelle said, and let out a deep sighed from exhaustion.

“Did you fight some goblins and demons?” Elaine asked and frowned.

“Yes, how did you know?” Sabrina asked with a creased forehead.

“Sabrina, I can smell the blood of goblins and demons in you. And.. it looks like you didn't shower for days,” Elaine said and her nose scrunched up while chuckling.

"Whaattt?” Sabrina and the others reacted and sniffed their clothes and their faces scrunched up at the smell. Yeah, they really smell bad. Sabrina glared at me, “Alex, why didn't you tell us we smell?” she said, pouting her lips. I chuckled at their faces. Earlier, I use some magic around me to prevent the smell from sticking with me too.

"Stephen, you're here too?” Elaine asked while looking at Stephen with a frown. I see something flashed in Elaine's eyes and I couldn't help but grin. Did Elaine develop feelings for Stephen when I'm gone? I couldn't wait to ask her.

Suddenly, vivid images flashed in my head. I closed my eyes and worry crossed my face. Those brats are really a pain in the ass sometimes. Why do they lie to Azrael?!

Wait—What? Azrael also here in the magic realm? Damn. How could I not know?!

"Alex, are you okay?" Sabrina asked while frowning. I nodded and looked at Elaine

“Elaine, please take care of them for a while. I have to go somewhere. It's urgent.” I said in a hurry. "Will you go back here, Alice? The Elders might look for you. What should I say?” she asked. "Hmm, tell them I'll be back. Don't worry,” I said.

"Where are you going, Alex?” Sabrina asked while frowning. Angelo and the others also frowned.

I sighed and said, “Azrael is also here in Magic Realm.”

"What?!" they blurted out in shock.

“I have to go. Something happened to him.” I said and quickly opened a portal.

"Okay. Be careful, Alex. You know what, he misses you the most,” Sabrina said with a smile and I nodded as I entered the portal.

A heavenly fresh flower scent welcomed me and a strong, intoxicating scent filled my nostrils. A scent that I haven't smelled for a long time. I saw Azrael lying down in the wilted flowers around him and his angel wings covered his body. As I walked closer towards him, his sobs got louder.

A smile crossed my lips as I realized something. Azrael is still my mate. He's the one destined for me. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Azrael,” I called. The wind gusted through the sea of flowers.

His sobbed died down and uncovered himself. He stood up and his gaze met mine. As our eyes met, my heart beat faster. My mouth hung in awe. My heart is beating?! I could feel the chains around my heart break. I couldn't believe it. Centuries ago, the Demon Lord, Samael, chained my heart when he failed to make me fall in love with him. He says only true love could dispel the curse, and it's now dispel because of Azrael. He is my true love. Azrael loves me more than I do. A man crying for a woman is a sign of his deep love and loyalty.

My breathing caught in my throat as tears streamed down my face as I stepped closer to him. He's just looking at me as he stood still like a statue in astonishment.

"Am I dreaming? Alex, are you really here in front of me? You came back for me?” he blurted out unbelievably while never blinking his eyes. Is he afraid I'm not real?

I could see a lot of mixed emotion in his eyes. His lips tremble and it looks like his feet glued to the ground as tears rolled down on his handsome face. “Yes, Azrael. I came back for you.” I said and stepped closer.

He walked closer towards me until our face only an inch apart. We pressed our forehead to each other, and I felt like our surroundings moved in slow motion. I feel like it's been ages since we met. Azrael never tore his gaze away from me.

I gasped as he engulfed me in a tight embrace. His shoulders shook and I know he’s crying in happiness. “I'm so glad. I'm so glad you came back because I couldn't imagine my life without you, Alex.” he whispered into my ears and tears streamed down my face. My hand wrapped tightly around him as I let my tears flow down my face nonstop. I rested my head on his chest.

We didn't say a word and just listened to our hearts beat in synchronization. It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I could live like this forever in my mate's arms.

I looked up at him, and he held my gaze. His hands caress my face while smiling. “I still couldn't believe you're here,” he said, and tears formed in the corner of his eyes. “I thought...” I shushed him, using my fingers pressed on his lips.

"Azrael, I'm here. I will never leave you again,” I said while smiling sweetly and reaching for his face to wipe off the tears that rolled down his face. He held my hand and pressed it on his face while closing his eyes. “I will never let you go again, Alex,” he said and opened his eyes to meet mine. My heart warmed when he kissed the back of my hand.

“I love you, Alex. You are only mine forever and for always...” he said with certainty while staring straight into my eyes. My heart was pounding like crazy and his words sent a warm feeling deep down into my heart.

He held my face and pressed his lips into mine. I closed my eyes as he moved his lips, and I responded to his kisses with the same passion and intensity.

“I love you too, Azrael..."

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