Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 65

Alice's POV

We were currently at the conference room in the Northern Castle, where the ruler of the Northern Magic Realm lives. The King and Queen are magic users but they rule the giants and magic users. My five sisters looked at me with a grin on their faces as I glared at them. They're not even sorry for lying to Azrael earlier.

"Oh, come on! If we haven't done that, you won't come right away!” Val said while chuckling. My other sisters and Azrael nodded their heads in agreement. I pouted, which made them laugh, and I snorted while they kept on laughing.

Tsk. The King and Queen take too long to arrive. I wanted to rest already after this. Earlier, after Azrael and I reunited, the girls contacted me using telepathy. Of course, they knew I was with Azrael. I rolled my eyes and said, “Duh, the light portal brought me to the Southern Magic Realm,”

"And what are you doing there?” Damona asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, Sabrina and the others are here in the magic realm. They're now in Central City,” I replied while playing with Azrael’s hand underneath the table.

"What? How come? They came here before us?” they uttered unbelievably.

"Yeah. The light portal brought them here because of Elaine.” I replied.

“Light portal?” Azrael blurted out, and we looked at him. “It's the same thing that happened to me. The light portal brought me here too.” he added. Now I know how he got here.

"Oh, well, that's because you're an angel. Does that mean you are looking for something or someone?” Willow asked quizzically. Azrael nodded his head and replied, “Yeah, I am looking for my grandparents, but I already know where they are.”

"Have you met them already?” Xandra asked.

Azrael shook his head no and said, “Not yet. I am going to meet them. I've just got my appointment letter earlier—" he got cut off when Val interrupted. “Appointment letter? Does that mean your grandparents are in the Central City of the Southern Magic Realm?”

“Yeah,” Azrael answered.

"Oh, no wonder you are a half-angel. Now we know where you really came from. But how come you are in the mortal realm?” Damona said with a creased forehead. Azrael shrugged his shoulders and said, “I do not know. I grew up in the mortal realm, remember?”

We all nodded, but we are still skeptical about Azrael's real identity. “Well, we will go to Central City together after our talk with the King and Queen.” I said and looked at my sisters, “The elders are looking for us.” I added.

"Oh, really? For what?” Demonise asked, and I just shrugged my shoulders as an answer.

As I looked to my right, I noticed nine people in the room with us carefully listening to our conversation. “Who are you?” I asked with furrowed eyebrows. I forgot to ask their name earlier because of my sisters.

Their eyes widened as they looked at me. “A-ah, I'm Crusette!” the cute girl introduced. She's familiar, though. Have we met before?

“I'm Amara!” a fairy girl introduced while bowing her head.

“I'm Lindsay," the girl with short black hair said. Her faint blue eyes seem cold, staring straight at me. I'm guessing she’s an ice manipulator. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“My name is Martha,” introduced the girl with long raven black hair in tight pigtails. She's a giant who can transform into human form.

“I'm Liam!” the boy with gray eyes said with a wide smile.

“I'm Ethan!” the boy with blue eyes introduced.

“My name is Theodore,” the boy with green eyes said, slightly bowing his head.

"It's Zasper, my ladies,” the boy with blue highlights in his hair said with a wink. I can tell he's flirty the way he winks at Val. Val cringed and stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes at Zasper, which made us all giggled.

“I'm Abraham,” the last boy introduced. He had brown cold eyes, and he looked familiar too. "Where's Echo?” Abraham whispered to Zasper, but I heard it loud and clear. "He wasn't with us when the attack happened earlier. I don't know where he is.” Zasper whispered back.

“They are Master Leon's students.” Azrael said beside me. My forehead creased as I averted my gaze to him, “Master Leon? You have a master?”

He chuckled, “Yes, 15 days ago, the light portal brought me to Master Leon's farm. He took me in and became his students for the meantime while we are waiting for the appointment letter from Central City,” he said.

"Oh, that explains!” I said while nodding my head. I looked at the group and wore my serious expression, “So, are you all prepared to fight the demons and goblins?”

"Y-Yeah..." they stuttered and held their breath as they got intimidated by my stare. My five sisters and I laughed out loud at their reaction.

"Guys, you don't have to get intimidated by us. We're just like you. Alice is just messing with you all Don't take it seriously!” Val said while chuckling. She's really talkative and hyper as always. The group smiled while nodding their heads.

The door busted open and Leon Kostas walked in with the King and Queen, and the four elders of Northern Magic Realm, namely Elder Jonathan, Elder Joshua, Elder Jeremiah and Elder Josiah. We all shot up from our chair and greeted them. The elders and Leon sat in the vacant chair while the King and Queen sat at their respective chair in front of us.

As we all settled in, King Gustav cleared his throat and said, “So, let's discuss our plan on how to stop the demons and goblins. Sextuplet, welcome back to Northern Magic Realm. We will do as you command,”

My sisters and I looked at each other and nodded, “Well, all we need are strong warriors who will risk their lives for everyone. But of course, we will select warriors who will come with us. We want to select tomorrow as early as possible.” I said, and they nodded.

"Okay, that's settled then.” King Gustav said.

Leon cleared his throat and unrolled the large map, then placed it on the center table. “As of now, the demons and goblins have already conquered outside these walls. They aren't normal goblins out there like the one we saw earlier.” Leon said while pointing to some location where he thinks the goblins lived.

I nodded and pointed to the areas outside the walls on the map. “All the lands outside the Northern and Southern walls are all conquered by the demons and goblins now. It's odd how their numbers grow so fast. And our top priority right now is to find out where their main hideouts are. To stop them, we need to attack their hideouts first.” I said. My sisters looked at the map and studied it. “That's so easy to find. Demonise and I will be the one to look for the hideouts while other warriors will stay standby and wait for our signal.” Damona said, and we all nodded in agreement.

"We need to cooperate with the angels, too. Their abilities are of great help.” Willow uttered and everyone agreed.

“Demon Lord Samael is getting stronger from the past years, Lady Alice. Be careful with him because the hybrid Demon-Beast, Yael, has his back,” Elder Josiah said.

“The Gods forbid Yael to enter the magic realm. How did he get in?” Xandra said.

"Yael is powerful. Knowing him, he must successfully enter the magic realm without sweat. But it only means one thing, he is the only one who can enter, not his ally.” Elder Jonathan explained. "And Yael is a hybrid of three genes comprising beast, demon, and wizard, which means he has also the ability to protect himself from any curse,” Elder Jeremiah let out.

"As far as I know, he got the black diamond,” I said.

“Black diamond?” they all mumbled.

"Yes, the black diamond can summon a lost soul and also can take a soul. That diamond called the Black Death,” I said, and they gasped.

“How about the Goblin Lord, Hammond?” Elder Joshua asked.

“I'll deal with him.” Val said with excitement.

As I closed my eyes, the wind whispered something in my ears. I sigh and said, “King Gustav, we must send some warriors now to the Western and Eastern part of the Magic Realm because tonight, goblins and demons will continue their attacks.” he nodded and called the head of the knights. Two hours later, we finished discussing our plans and King Gustav let us go to the Southern Magic Realm to talk to the angels. Azrael bid goodbye to his new friends and Leon Kostas, who he calls master.

Leon looked at me and said, “May I have a minute with you, Lady Alice?”

“Sure,” I said and excused myself from the others. Leon and I walked away from everyone.

“Lady Alice, I think the elders of the Ballentine Family are Azrael's grandparents,” he said.

"What?" I let out in surprise.

"Yes, he said his mother is a Ballentine.” he said. My mind wandered to a certain person.

“Yeah, I remember now. Laura Ballentine is his mother. I have met her twice in the mortal realm before.” I said as I recall the times I've seen Laura before.

“L-Laura?” he stuttered.

"Yes, the one and only Laura Ballentine. But a werewolf murdered her five years ago and her soul already dissipated into dust.” I said.

He gasped and froze. I understand his reaction because once an angel dies, his/her soul will dissipate forever into dust. That's the punishment of living in the mortal realm without the consent from the Gods and Goddesses and running away from obligation and duties as an Archangel.

Laura Ballentine is an Archangel and the eldest sister of Elaine. So Azrael is Elaine's nephew? This is interesting. What would be Azrael's reaction if he found out? Should I tell him or I'll let him discover it on his own?

I studied Leon's reaction, and pain crossed his eyes. Laura is Leon's first love, but he never had time to confess his feelings until Laura left for the mortal realm. As far as I remember, Laura's mission is to find Lord Invictus in the mortal realm. But she bumped into Alpha Diego, who was trying to kill himself back then. But she saved him and helped him recover from the trauma of his mate's death. However, she wasn't expecting that she would fall for Alpha Diego and bear his child. Then Laura lived in the mortal, even though she knew she broke a rule and committed a grave sin. Laura became a fallen angel and lost her title as Archangel.

I glanced at Azrael, who was looking in my direction. He gave me a smile, and I returned it with a smile too. I excused myself from Leon and walked back to the others. Azrael gave me a warm smile, then held my hand and intertwined it. I smiled, and I saw the envied look my sisters gave me. As usual, Demonise rolled her eyes. But I know her real feelings. I cant wait to know her mate.

“What are you thinking?” Azrael asked.

“I was thinking of who is Demonise’s mate. And I wonder if he could keep up with Demonise personality.” I said while chuckling. Azrael chuckled too.

"Cece, you can open the portal now.” Willow said. I nodded and held out my hand to open a portal. A swirling motion came out and my sisters happily entered. Before entering, Azrael and I looked back at his group that were waving at us. We smiled and then entered the portal.

"Woah, after how many years, we're finally back again in Central City!” I heard Xandra say.

“The Sextuplet!” an angel shouted while looking at us. It gained everyone's attention and looked at us with eyes widening in surprise.

The angels surrounded us while murmuring to each other. They couldn't believe they could see us. The angel warriors looked at me wide-eyed until they realized I was one of the Sextuplet.

"Azrael! Alex!" I looked to my right and saw Cybelle. She's alone. Where's the others?

She came to us with eyes widened while looking at me and my sisters in awe. She was blinking her eyes multiple times as if she can't believe what she saw. But I notice her uneasiness and her eyes fixated on Xandra, which has a look of dumbfounded while staring back at Cybelle. What's wrong with them? I can hear their irregular heartbeats too, but it was beating in synchronization. I can sense something good is going to happen.

"Hey, Cybelle! It's nice to see you, my name is Val!” Val greeted while smiling so wide and hugged Cybelle. I heard a very low growl coming out from Xandra.

"A-Ah, h-hi?" Cybelle said while stuttering and released from the hug. She kept glancing at Xandra, though. Willow, Val, Damona, Demonise and I shared a knowing look. Could it be—

"Y-You're my mate? No way!” Cybelle and Xandra uttered in unison. And our mouth hung in awe. I'm right! Holy moly!

Their eyes both widened at the realization and did a staring contest. Oh no, I can't believe this! Mother mated two women? Seriously?

"Alice! You're back!” Sabrina, Elaine and the others uttered while walking towards us. “Woah!” they all mumbled except Elaine and Cyn.

Angelo looked at us with his jaw dropped, “Big Sis, you became six?" he asked innocently. I couldnt help but laughed at his question.

"Sorry, that was funny little bro!” I said while laughing, “They are my sisters and we are the sextuplet.” I said, and I saw him staring at Demonise, then clung to me while trembling and closing his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?” with eyes still close, he pointed his fingers to Demonise. “I know her! She is the beast in the palace! She makes me cry!” he said and our eyes widened.

We all fell silent as Angelos words repeated in my head. After a few minutes, we all burst out laughing. Angelo frowned while looking at us. “What's funny?!” he said while pouting and crossing his arms over his chest. Demonise walked towards Angelo and placed her hand on Angelos chubby cheeks.

“Little bro, that was in the past! I'm not scary anymore, right?” Demonise said while smiling sweetly. My mouth hung in awe as I stared at Demonise. She doesn't like kids, and it's the first time she talked nicely to a kid without scaring them. Maybe she felt bad for making Angelo cry before? Angelo groaned when Demonise pinched his chubby cheeks while giggling. We all laughed when Angelo tried to get away from Demonise. When Angelo successfully escapes from Demonise, he runs away from us. Demonise laughed and looked at Elaine.

"Hey! Elaine, long time no see!” Demonise said and Elaine smiled then hugged her.

"You're getting fat, Dem,” Elaine blurted out as she let go of the hug. Demonise glared at her, “I'm not! I'm the sexiest among my sisters!” she said while raising an eyebrow. Elaine and my other sisters contradicted each other, and they were arguing now who's the sexiest and hottest. I just smiled while looking at them. This brings back old memories. We used to bicker a lot at every little thing.

I averted my gaze to Azrael when he held my hand again. He leaned down and stole a smack kiss on my lips. “You are the sexiest,” he said and wink. I blushed and Azrael chuckled at my reaction.

I saw Cybelle looking at Xandra with a smile. I bet she’s still stunned to know that her mate is a woman. But they couldn't deny the bond that binds them together. I think they need to talk alone. They're both new in this mating thing and they need to sort out every confusion they have to avoid misunderstanding and end up rejecting each other like us before. But Xandra know how painful it was being rejected, so I know she wouldn't do any stupid decision.

'Xandra, you need to talk to Cybelle alone.’ I said to Xandra using mind-link.

“I know, Alice, but I don't know what to say,’ she said anxiously.

"You can do it. Just be true to yourself." I said, and she hummed while glancing at Cybelle.

Mother Selene is very unpredictable. It really surprised me to know she mated the two women. Now, I'm excited about who's next to meet her mate. I hope my sisters can find their mate soon. I'm so excited to see how love will change them, just like how it changed me. These enigmatic feelings in my heart surprisingly change my perspective of view in life. Well, I guess love changes everything.

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