Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 66

Alice's POV

While walking towards the meeting room where we are going to meet the Elders of the Angels, Azrael keeps sighing and his hands I'm holding get sweaty because of anxiety. Well, he's excited to meet his grandparents. I haven't told him yet that I know his grandparents because I want him to find out the truth on his own. I squeeze his hands and smile at him, “Relax. Take a deep breath, okay?” I said, and he nodded while letting out a deep breath.

We stopped at the big golden double door and it opened automatically. We entered and the elders are already waiting for us. They all stood up and welcomed us.

“Sextuplet, we are glad to have you here,” Elder Emerson said, and all the eight elders bowed their heads as a sign of respect. Woah, I miss this kind of treatment.

I notice Azrael stared at the elders one by one, probably trying to identify which are his grandparents. He looked completely still, like a statue, while staring at Elder Lucriel and Elder Fana. He would stay still if I hadn't dragged him down to sit beside me. Well, the resemblance between Elder Fana and Laura is undeniable. I smile as I see the look on the two Elders while looking back at Azrael. “Who are you, young man?” Elder Lucriel asked.

"Why do you have the blood of an angel and a werewolf?” Elder Fana asked skeptically. I squeezed Azrael's hands, and he looked at me. I nodded at him to go on.

“D-Do you know Laura Ballentine?” he asked, and the elders gasped. All of us just stay silent while looking at Azrael and the two Elders of Ballentine.

"How do you know my daughter Laura?” Elder Fana asked while trying to control her emotion. I can see in her eyes that Laura's death still hurt her. Azrael gasped and stared at Elder Fana. His eyes welled up, and his hands were shaking.

“Because I am...” he paused and his grasp on my hand tightened.

“It's fine. You can do it." I said using telepathy as I squeezed his hands. It stopped shaking, and he took a deep breath, “I am Laura's son,” he said with tears rolling down his face while staring at Elder Fana and Elder Lucriel. Everyone gasped in surprise, especially Elaine, and stared at Azrael wide- eyed. Silence envelopes the room until Elder Fana breaks it.

“You are the one who sent the letter?” Elder Fana asked as tears welled up in her eyes. Azrael nodded.

"Azrael, you are Big Sis son?” Elaine asked, and tears streamed down her face. “Big Sis?" he whispered.

Elaine nodded and covered her face, “Azra... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not recognizing you. Please forgive me..." she said while sobbing. Huh?

Azrael gasped while staring at Elaine, who kept apologizing. “Y-You are Eli?"

Elder Lucriel stared at Azrael and uttered, “You had her eyes...” he paused and stood up from his chair, “What is your name?” he continued while walking towards us and stopped in front of Azrael. Elder Fana also walked towards us and Azrael stood up, “My name is Azrael Shepherd,”

Elder Fana cried, “Shepherd? There's no doubt you're my grandson. Can I hug you?” she said, and Azrael nodded without a second thought. They hugged, and it made me smile because I can feel my mate's happiness. “You must be very lonely without Laura on your side. Grandson, we're sorry for not knowing your existence. Since Laura lived in the mortal, we got mad and turned our backs on her. It is our fault she died.” Elder Fana said while crying.

Azrael shook his head, “No. It's not your fault. It must be their destiny to die.”

Elder Lucriel also hugged Azrael and afterward, he touched Azrael's forehead. “Azrael, your mother became a fallen angel after choosing to live in the mortal realm. With the blood of a fallen angel and Alpha werewolf, you possess a new power. A powerful power which hasn't awakened yet.” he said.

Demonise looked at me with a knowing smile because we both know what Azrael’s new power and I have an idea on how to unleash it. Laura sealed Azrael's power when he was born. When Azrael was born; Demonise, and I were there because it's our mission to know the power of the first born angel-werewolf. It's funny how fate plays with us. Who would have thought that the kid is now my mate? Damn, I'm so old for Azrael! Huhuhu waaahhhhhh embarrassing!

When Azrael and the Ballentine Family finished talking, everyone looked at me as I cleared my throat and spoke, “Let's start,” they nodded and went silent as my voice echoed the room, “We know the situation here in the magic realm, that's why the councils gave us this mission to help this realm. This will be a second great war since our enemies are attacking the entire magic realm again and we're hoping this would be the last war.” I said then looked at Willow and she nodded. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"After the first great war centuries ago, we built four walls and put barriers in the entire magic realm to protect everyone and reserved the hierarchy of every clan, using all our combined powers. But for over centuries, the barriers and walls weakened and won't hold that long after being attacked for a lot of times. Demons knew the walls won't be standing still after they will attack it multiple times using dark magic. Now that their armies have grown in numbers which outnumbered us, we must train all warriors and people who will risk their life for everyone.” Willow explained. Everyone wore a serious expression.

“Yes. And days from now, all the four walls will fall down, then all the demons and goblins will charge their attacks with a new set of armies. And as soon as possible, we must prepare a counterattack.” I said. They all gasped and I could hear their heart rate increase. “These armies are dangerous and unpredictable. So, we must strengthen the angel armies, giant armies, and magic users armies.” I continued.

"As discussed in the Northern Realm, Damona and I will be in charge of locating their main hideouts.” Demonise said.

"Yes. Also, leave Samael with us.” Damona said. Everyone agrees

"And my team will take care of Hammond, the Goblin Lord.” Val said. We all nodded. Val together with Sabrina and others will fight the Goblin Lord.

We told the Elders our plan we discussed with the King and Queen of the North. And our discussion lasted for about three hours, and all the elders agreed to our plans. I know our plan will succeed. “Have you guys noticed Angelo?” Cybelle blurted out while looking around. Everyone shook their heads. I don't know, but I felt uneasy knowing Angelo wasn't around. This is bad. I couldn't feel Angelo’s aura.

“Maybe he's outside playing with the other kids?" Lucia said. I have a bad feeling about this. And whenever I felt like this, something had happened.

“Alice, this isn't good.” all my sisters let out in unison. We really have the same intuition. I closed my eyes and tried to track Angelos aura. “He's not around,” I said and clenched my fist.

"What?!" Everyone blurted out in shock, and Cybelle stood up while her hands shook in nervousness while gripping the table. “Mama will kill me if something bad happens to Angelo!” she said and ran out the room quickly.

"Cybelle! Wait!” Xandra followed Cybelle, and Sabrina looked at me nervously.

"Alex, are you sure? Can you track him again?” she asked anxiously. I shook my head and sighed.

I stood up and darted out the room. “Alex/Alice! Wait!" they called, but I didn’t look back. Instead, I darted out the room and ran in a flash towards the fountain where I sensed Angelos faint scent. I touched the ground and closed my eyes.

"Hey! Can we play?!” Angelo greeted the group of young angels that was showcasing their powers at each other. All the kids looked at Angelo and summoned all their weapons.

“Demon! You are a demon!” the kids let out angrily and pointed their weapons at Angelo.

Angelo stared at the kids in shock, not understanding why they called him a Demon. “Hah?? I'm not a demon!” he denied.

“If you're not a demon, then where are your wings?!” a young boy said.

Angelo froze and looked at everyone in front of him. “You have a dark aura! And only demons have a dark aura!” another kid said while glaring daggers at Angelo.

“That's not true! There are others I know who had a dark aura with a kind heart! 'm—" Angelo didn't finish his speech when a small swirling motion appeared out of nowhere. A hand grabbed Angelo’s arm and everyone froze while their jaw dropped.

“Help!” Angelo tried struggling, and all the young angels flew away when they tried to grab Angelo's free hand. The force is too strong that causes the young angels to lost consciousness when they land on the ground. Angelo cried in terror until he vanished along the swirling motion.

The demons who possess strong spatial magic took Angelo. Despite the powerful spell surrounding the southern walls, demons can still cast a spell.

I fluttered my eyes open and clenched my fist. “Angelo, wait for me. Ill rescue you no matter what.” I mumbled. Yael, I know what you are planning.

“Alice, did you locate him?” Willow asked.

“Yes. The demons got him.” I said.

“What?!” Sabrina and the others reacted

"Why would they take the kid?” Michelle asked

“Because they need Angelo’s power in order to complete their plans.” Damona said.

“That is bad. They will outnumber us in this war.” Elaine uttered.

"What's Angelo’s power?” Sabrina asked.

"Angelo also possesses the power of summoning the dead, but he couldn't control it yet, and Mama Leia sealed his power. Meanwhile, Yael can summon a soul and Angelo can summon the dead. It was a perfect combination.” I explained.

“We must save Angelo before they will control him.” Azrael said. I looked at him and shook my head, “We couldn't make it in time.” I said.

“Then, what are we going to do?” Stephen said.

"Angelo will be fine. As of now, we have to prepare for the war and make sure no one gets near the walls again because demons use spatial magic to kidnap people.” I said.

Xandra and Cybelle are walking towards us, and Cybelle is still crying. Val told them what we've found out and guilt crossed her face. “I shouldn't have let him wander around.” she sobbed and Xandra hugged her.

"Cybelle,” I called, and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry, Angelo will be alright. You know him, he’s clever.” I said while smirking. Her face lit up and grinned.

"Oh, I forgot. Thank you for reminding me, Alex.” she said and grinned while wiping off the tears in her face. Everyone looked at us with a creased forehead. “It's nothing.” I said and wink at her. Xandra glared at me and I giggled. Possessive!

"What are you two talking about?” Val asked while frowning.

Cybelle and I grinned, “Angelo likes to play a game.” Cybelle said.

"And what's the connection?” Val asked while raising an eyebrow.

Cybelle and I just grinned at each other, “Angelo must've asked them to play a game. While they are under Angelo’s spell, it will buy us time to prepare and locate their hideouts. Come on, let's go back inside, I have an alternative plan.” I said. They nodded, and we walked back to the conference room. “How do you know it, Cece?” Willow asked.

"Well, I saw Angelo’s past, and I discovered a lot of things he can do with the spells he learnt on his own.” I said.

“So, Angelo is a spell geek? Nice!” Val said while chuckling. Everyone chuckled.

When we reached the conference room, I looked at Willow, and she nodded. She held out her hand and cast a spell. A magic circle appeared above the table, and a 3D map of the entire magic realm showed up. “Based on what we gathered earlier, the demons must've stayed in this huge maze cave.” I said while pointing to the extensive area in the southeast magic realm, which was now covered with dark energy and fog.

“I found them!” Damona said while navigating the map and enlarged the area where the demons temporarily live. “They are here. I'm sure of it.” She pointed out.

“Damona and Demonise, memorize the lay-out of the maze,” I said.

“Tsk. You don't need to tell us. I already memorized it.” Demonise said while crossing her arms over her chest. Everyone reacted at how fast Demonise memorized the pattern of the maze. I smirked and nodded at Willow to continue.

She hummed, then cast a spell again and a gigantic eye appeared looking at the entire magic realm We can see through the move of the demons and goblins that scattered everywhere outside the walls. There's a lot of them, but they are just insects. My sisters and I can make them vanish in an instant. Well, with the powers of Five Archangels combined, they can wipe out an entire population of goblins as well. But what I'm worried about is the number of dead Angelo can summon. If Yael finds out Angelo’s weakness, then it will be too late for us to stop their plan.

I groaned and slapped my forehead when I remembered Helix, Zelix, and Drelix. Damn, I forgot about the Dark Magna Trio. The cold-blooded devils, merciless, Samael’s son and our biggest rival. The war wouldn't be exciting without them, though.

"What's wrong, Alice?” Val asked. They all looked at me while waiting for me to speak.

"We forgot about the Dark Magna Trio.” I said and my sisters snorted.

“That son of a bitch! Helix, I will kill you!” Damona uttered and her silvery red eyes blazed like fire. Damona hated Helix for no reason at all. She's always annoyed when she sees him.

“Nah! Why don't you accept you're in love with him?” Demonise said while smirking.

“What?! Me? In love with that cold-blooded devil psycho? That would never happen!” Damona reacts, and the bantering between her and Demonise starts again.

Willow, Xandra, Val and I ignored the two and continued our discussions. “We should call the other Archangels,” Xandra proposed.

“They're not here, they're outside the wall together with some of the angel warriors helping the people with weak magic,” Elaine said.

"Why didn’t you join them?” Val asked, her forehead creased. Elaine went silent and her expression changed. When she looked at me, her eyes looked so sad. “They don't acknowledge me yet. They said, I'm not part of the Archangels anymore because I am no longer a pure angel. I have the blood of the werewolf now in which they grew hatred for because they thought the werewolves abducted Laura.” she said and let out a deep sigh.

“Elaine, prove to them you are still part of the Archangels. That you are still the Elaine they once knew.” I said, and she nodded. Her face lit up and smile at me. “Thank you, Alice.”

“It's nothing,” I said and looked at everyone, “We still have 4 days to prepare for the war. Everyone, I'm counting on you.” I said and held out my hand in the center. They smiled and also held out their hand above mine, “Let's do this!” we yelled and smiled at each other.

"And last, don't be afraid to reach your limit. In this battle, there's no room for the weak, so give your all. Trust and faith in me. That's all I needed.” I said.

"Okay!" Everyone yelled and we threw our hands up in the air, then they saluted at me. I smiled. This is it. Angelo, please wait for us. We were going to save you and everyone

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