Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 67

Third Person POV

As the sun sets into the horizon, the central city illuminates a lot of beautiful floating light colors. It was fascinating to see. But then it became chaotic as the time went by, because an angel suddenly got out of control on her own power—a light magic manipulator.

All the angels and magic users with weak magic in the southern magic realm tried their best to master their powers because only a few of them have mastered it. From the roof, Alice watched the struggles of some angels trying to control their powers. They were practicing all day and night, but there are still other angels who couldn't control their powers. Alice remembers the day she got out of control of her power in promised land—that was 118 years ago.


Alice went out of her room, careful not to make any sounds as she walked through the dimmed hallway. “Cece, where are you going?” Willow mumbled while yawning. She was leaning in her room door without Alice noticing.

“Holy! Lulu??” Alice jumped while gasping in surprise.

Willow chuckled at her sister's reaction, and then she glared at her. “Where are you sneaking in the middle of the night?” Willow asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Ah... ehehehe..." Alice scratched her neck as if she caught her in the act. Afraid they might wake their other sisters, Alice held Willow's hand and before Willow could react, she teleported them in the mountain where there was an abundance of spiritual energy yet too strong to control the force even if you have powerful magic. Alice found the place when she roamed around to find some ingredients for her experiments. She called it Magic Mountain. It was the third time Alice went there, and she was still struggling to control the force.

“Cece, what are we doing here?” Willow asked and groaned because of the powerful force and wind that kept her off balance, but she tried not to fall down on the snowy ground.

“I found this place last month, and I discovered something,” Alice answered.

"What is it?” Willow asked, still keeping her balance.

Alice grinned and said energetically, “This is a perfect place to train my powers! I want to be stronger, Lulu!”

Willow went silent and stared at Alice, who had a big smile on her face while looking at her. “Why do you want to be stronger?” she asked. The smile on Alice's face became bigger and said, “I want to find our father, Lulu,” Willow held her breath and stared at Alice's smiling face.

"Okay! I will start my training now! Do you want to train your powers, Lulu?” Willow shook her head and said, “Nah, I'm not in the mood. Go ahead, I'll just watch you from here.” Alice hummed and walked away from her slowly as she struggled to keep up with the powerful force. Since it's her third time, she got a hang on the force. It took her an hour until she completely felt light and her body adapted to the temperature. She started controlling the air as her body absorbed the spiritual energy.

Willow just smiled while looking at her sister but gasped when Alice cast an air tornado, Alice got out of control of her power because her body absorbed too much spiritual energy. The air tornado went wild as Alice screamed at the top of her lungs because she was inside of her uncontrollable air tornado, swirling around. “Alice! Hang on!” Willow shouted and used her power to control the air tornado, but it just got worse when she also lost control over her power because, like Alice, her body absorbed too much spiritual energy. Willow groaned and closed her eyes while trying to control her overwhelming power.

Alice groaned and gritted her teeth while trying to control the air tornado. Her veins almost popped out as the force got stronger. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her nerves and senses. To control her overwhelming power, she has to be one with the wind and the strong spiritual energy. Her body danced along with the uncontrollable air tornado and kept up with the rhythm. It's like she's dancing with the wind.

Willow opened her eyes and saw Alice dancing with the wind. When she already controlled the force, her eyes widened as Alice's body absorbed all the spiritual energy that surrounded the air tornado. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Willow! I'm fine!” Alice said, smiling widely at her. Willow sighed and gave a thumb up to Alice. She almost gave her a heart attack, though. She just shook her head while smiling.

**flashback end**

Alice smiled at the memory and looked up at the illuminating sky and her eyes traveled to the two moon. As she lay down on the roof, alone and in deep thinking, she couldn't help but feel the pressure of having a powerful power. Saving the magic realm again for the second time, put a lot of pressure on her and her sisters. They didn't know if they could make it this time because she wouldn't deny that their enemies got stronger for the past 100 years. They haven't seen Yael or Samael yet, and the dark magna trio, so they should have to be more careful this time.

She heard a flutter of wings coming in her direction and instantly knew who was coming. She sat up and smiled as her gaze met with Azrael's eyes.

“There you are! I was looking for you!” Azrael said and landed in front of her then sat beside her. Alice rested her head on Azrael's shoulder while smiling, and Azrael wrapped her hand around her waist.

“It's so beautiful up here,” Azrael uttered and leaned his head on Alice's head.

“Yeah. Hmm, Azrael,”


“Will you train with me?” Alice asked

“Sure!” Azrael said with excitement and held Alice's waist tightly, then made her sit in his lap. Alice's eyes widened while her face flushed and looked at Azrael who was chuckling. Their gaze met while their hearts beat in synchronization. And before she could react, Azrael kissed her lips. She smiled between the kisses and responded.

Azrael deepened the kiss and after how many seconds, his lips traveled to Alice's neck, then felt the urge to mark his mate. The feeling is so strong that's why he broke off the kiss before he could go further and couldn't stop himself. Their gaze met with so much intenseness. Azrael held his breath when Alice smiled and said, “Mark me, Azrael,”

“Are you sure?” Azrael confirmed and his heart pounding like crazy with anticipation. Alice nodded and urged him to go on.

Like Azrael, Alice's heart was pounding like crazy and she felt like it would burst out of her rib cage. She closed her eyes when Azrael's lips kissed her neck softly. Alice doesn't know how to react because it's her first time doing so intimately with Azrael. She felt Azrael's wolf's fangs in her skin, ready to mark her. She bit her lips as the strong sensation ran through her spine, and a moan escaped her lips when she felt Azrael's fangs buried in her skin and sucked her blood. Alice threw her head back and inhaled sharply while biting her lips and her hands that wrapped around Azrael tightened.

Azrael felt so turned on upon hearing Alice moan in pain. He took out his fangs and licked the wounds, then it slowly healed. When he opened his eyes, a dim room greeted him. He gasped and looked at Alice.

Alice teleported them into her room when a decision came into her mind. She was thinking about it and while she had the courage; she wanted it to happen, even though she’s a little scared. “It's now or never.’ she thought to herself. “Azrael, mate with me. I'm ready.” Alice said in a hoarse voice while breathing heavily and stared at Azrael's dilated eyes. Azrael smiled and kissed her hungrily. Meanwhile, Damona left the central city and went to the forest outside the walls. With fury, she smashed the ground with her fists, using her infinity power. Her eyes narrowed as she remembered the guy he hated the most. “Helix! I hate you!!! I hate you!!!” she screamed.

With one blow, the entire forest flattened, and an annoying noise caught in her ears. When she looked around, goblins scattered in the ground, wounded. They let out a shrill and the others attack Damona all at once.

A devious grin plastered on Damona’s lips, “Oh, lucky! Die insects!!!” she said and released an ample amount of fireballs and fire daggers towards the goblins. In just one blow, all the goblins vanished like dust. And Damona’s body absorbed all the spiritual energy from the goblins. “That's no fun. They're too weak for me. Tsk.” she muttered and then grinned when she saw a gigantic rock.

She gathered the force in her hands and formed a huge fireball with electricity, then threw the huge fireball towards the gigantic rock. It explodes, gets bigger quickly with black smoke and creates a loud shock-waves. When the smoke dissipated, the gigantic rock turned into small pieces and there were goblins lying in the ground lifeless.

She's about to make the goblins vanished into dust when she feels a presence. And an intoxicating scent filled her nostrils. Her heart beat faster because she remembered what it means.

“Do you hate me that much, Mona?” someone spoke behind her. She held her breath because there's only one person who called her Mona. She turned around and her gaze fixated on the cold- blooded devil psycho. No other than the demon she hated the most, “Helix,” she uttered and narrowed her eyes.

Helix stared at Damona’s silvery red eyes with intensity. He breathed in the intoxicating scent, a heavenly scent coming from the goddess he admired and longed to see. He was watching her when she made a ruckus and killed the goblins. But he couldn't believe that Damona is his mate, and the excitement built inside him.

“Mate,” he said, and it caught Damona off guard and froze on her feet. He walked towards his mate with an intense glare until he could reach her. He's surprised because Damona didn't move away from him like before and he knew exactly why Damona hated him. It's because he kissed her before and he couldn't seem to forget how her soft lips felt pressed to his lips.

“I can't believe this. You are my mate?!” Damona uttered unbelievably. He can't believe it either. Who would have thought that he would have time to see her again? For the first time, he smiled at her.

Damona held her breath in her throat when Helix let out a smile. It's the first time Helix smiled at her and suddenly, he looked so gorgeous in her eyes. But her face flushed when she remembered Helix stole her first kiss, that's why she hated him.

“But you liked it." her inner self said. Ugh, shut up! She couldn't help but turned her back to Helix in embarrassment because she was ogling at him. “Damn! He's so gorgeous!’ she thought and cursed under her breath. She pulled herself together and wore a serious expression.

Helix chuckled at the flustered Damona. “Mona—" Damona cut him off and said, “Go away from me, Helix.” Damona turned to look at him in the eyes. “We are enemies and it will stay that way.” she added coldly, but deep inside her hurts knowing her mate is her enemy.

Helix looked stunned and felt a pang of pain in his chest. He steps forward and in a flash, his face an inch away from Damona's face. He caught her off guard causing Damona off balance and he swiftly caught her in his arms.

Their eyes met, and everything was in slow motion. Both lost in each other's eyes, and could see through their soul. “Mona, I will never let you go. Never again. I was looking forward to seeing you again and now that you're here, I will never let this chance go to tell you what I feel.” Helix said in a raspy voice that left Damona speechless.

Damona pushed Helix away and stood up straight but never breaking their eye contact. Helix words still linger in her mind and her heart race. Helix is too close to her and it made her heart go wild. What was happening to her? She gasped when Helix held her hand and brought it to his chest, then felt and heard his racing heart in synchronization with her. She looked at him incredulously and tried to find meaning in his actions.

“Mona, you can push me away all you want, but Ill stick to you no matter what. You can hate me, curse me for being a cold-blooded devil, despise me as you like, but I'll make you fall in love with me.” Helix said with all his heart poured out. For the first time, Damona saw a deep mixed emotion in Helix's eyes.

Damona closed her eyes, trying to sink in Helix words. It made her heart beat faster and somehow those words bring warmth to her heart. She fluttered her eyes open and stared back at him, “Why?” she mustered.

Helix smiled and stared at her intensely, “I'm always in love with you, Damona.” he said.

"What?" Damona whispered in shock. She didn’t expect Helix would confess his feelings. She gasped when Helix put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. His breath fanning on her face and his intoxicating scent sent a shiver down her spine.

Helix looked at her lips and the next thing she knew, their lips pressed together. She closed her eyes and responded to the kiss while tears rolled down her face as she realized something. She hated him not because he is their enemy, but because he made her feel different after he stole her first kiss. It frustrates her because they are enemies and he is her biggest rival. Like Demonise said, she couldn't accept that she fell in love with the cold-blooded devil, Helix. She broke off the kiss while panting. Helix gasped when he saw the tears on Damona'’s face.

“Mona, I'm sorry—" Damona cut him off using her fingers and stared at his eyes, “I hate you, Helix.” she said and smiled while wiping her tears.

Helix froze and pouted. “We kissed, and you still hated me?” he said.

Damona smiled and pulled away from him, “Idiot. I hate you.” she said and turned her back from him, then looked up at the moon while smiling.

“Thank you, mother. You are the best mother in the world.” she whispered and then turned back to Helix, her other half. She took a step forward and surprised Helix with a kiss. It brought a smile to Helix's lips and captured her full lips. Little did Helix know, Damona’s “I hate you’ means “I love you"

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