Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 68

Willow's POV

Xandra already found her mate, which was Cybelle. I have always known that Xandra likes girls. She secretly liked Elaine back then, but Elaine only sees her as a friend. So she gave up and tried to divert her attention to something else. And I know she had a crush on Cybelle when we first met her. Xandra won't admit it, but as her sisters live in the same body, we felt it. I guess they're fated with each other from the very beginning, because Xandra always had a dream of a beautiful girl that would own her heart. It's finally happening.

As for Alice and Azrael, I'm glad they finally mated and marked each other. I saw everything that happened up on the castle's rooftop. Well, it's about time, anyway. That brought a smile to my face. Meanwhile, Val and Damona left the Central City and went outside the walls. I think they have trained their powers because it's been a long time since we haven't used our power that much. If we stop using our power, there's a possibility that it will weaken. So we must use it every day.

While Demonise stayed in her room, and I guess she’s saving her dark energy. It's the source of her power, after all. One of Demonise’s powers is shadow, and it is too strong. Sometimes, she had a hard time controlling her own shadow, but she completely got a grasp on her dark power when Alice successfully combined the shadow dimension and our infinity power during the war in Tibbertan Mountain.

I saw Sabrina and the others talking to the angels while controlling their powers. But I know they're worried for Angelo. As I've noticed, Sabrina is the most affected among us all. Angelo is her cousin, after all. The fury in Sabrina’s eyes made her more powerful. As expected of the Queen of the Witches.

Anyway, what am I doing? Why do I keep noticing these things around me? Oh, well, it's because of my power. Should I go outside the walls to look for my mate too? As a respect to my mother, I must accept her reward and that is a mate.

Well, should I kill some goblins while looking for my mate? That would be fun. I'm sure Damona and Val were enjoying killing goblins right now. Knowing how they recklessly behave in fights, I'm sure they already made a ruckus. Those two liked to move at night because goblins showed up at night too. Ugh, I forgot, I have to go to those places that Damona ruined. I have to return the forest back to normal. They're really a pain in the ass sometimes.

I took a deep breath and flew towards the gate. The angel guards greeted me in unison while bowing their heads at me.

“Lady Willow, are you going outside?" one angel asked.

"Yes. But I want to use the portal.” I replied. They quickly granted my request and opened the small portal in the walls, and I entered. As I looked around, the portal brought me to a wide clearing. The forest has flattened and I know Damona did this. Based on the spiritual energy I felt around the place, there're a lot of goblins turned into dust. I looked around to look for Damona because I could feel her presence.

My eyes widened when I saw two silhouettes kissing each other. I quickly hide at the big rock beside me. Using my night vision, I looked at the two silhouettes and my jaw dropped. Damona? And is it Helix? Drelix? Or Zelix? Wait—based on his aura, it's Helix!

OMG! Damona and Helix? Are they mates? No way! They are our enemies! Was Helix planning something against us and he only used my sister? I frowned. This is bad.

Well, I know Damona is in love with Helix, and I hope the jerk wouldn't take advantage of my sister's weakness. I don't trust him. Dark Magna Trio, what are you planning? Why did they show up?

I'm sure Damona can manage herself, Ill restore the forest later. I walked away and teleported to the ruined village nearby. There're some pebbles left in the ground and it's so dark up here. I touched the ground, and I heard some noises and footsteps. There're goblins around. No, it wasn't just goblins, but demons as well.

A small gasp left my mouth when I saw a flying knife coming towards me and it almost hit my head. Good thing I notice it. As I looked up, goblins with weapons in their hands were glaring daggers at me, ready to attack. They were grinning and sticking their tongue out while licking their lips as the gross saliva drooling out of their mouth. They're disgusting creatures. I also noticed some demons around and I froze while staring at the demon with a cloak standing on the rooftop, also staring at me. Suddenly, a powerful force calling me and an intoxicating scent filled my nostrils. I never tore away my gaze at the demon, I wanted to see his face. That demon is my mate.

Goblins suddenly attacked me, and I jumped into the trees. I have no time dealing with these goblins for now. As I looked back at the demon in the cloak, he’s gone. No! I have to see him! I continued looking around and I saw him flying away. He's getting away!

Using my vines, I tied up all the goblins and other demons. They squealed and continued wiggling to get out, but it will take time for them to get free from my vines. I flew away to follow the demon in the cloak. Why is he running away from me? He noticed me and flew faster. I also flew faster to keep up with him.

"STOPPP!!I" I yelled, but he didn't listen. “HEY! PLEASE I WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" I shouted, and he stopped. He turned around to face me and his hood slipped out when the wind blew in a different direction. Our gaze met, and I smelled the intoxicating scent again, it's like a sea breeze and lemon grass.

We slowly descended to the ground while staring at each other. As I stared at his cold dark eyes, I knew who exactly he was. It's Zelix, one of the Dark Magna Trio. He is my mate?

“Zelix?" I whispered.

“Willow, long time no see.” he said coldly.

"Y-You're my mate?” I uttered unbelievably.

“Mate? You are not my mate, you are my rival. Mate is fucking useless. I don't believe in such things.” he said while smirking. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. He walked towards me and I stepped backward, but he quickly grabbed the collar of my shirt and choked my neck. My eyes widened at the sudden action.

"Z-Zelix! Get off me!” I uttered and tried to get out from his grasp.

“Listen, Willow. I don't believe that crap you said. I won't allow the moon goddess to dwell on my own life. That's total bullshit!” he said and pushed me. I gasped and stared at him unbelievably. I gritted my teeth and glared at him.

“Tell your mother that I don't need a mate! What a piece of shit!” he spat and glared at me. “We are enemies and I will kill you!"

I can't believe this. He's the same man 18 years ago. He's still a ruthless and egoistic jerk. “Damn you, Zelix!" I said and dodge his attack.

How dare he hurt me? I will never forgive him! “Now, listen to me, Willow,” he said while still attacking me using his dark lava. “I, Zelix, the great, reject you, Willow, the sinner.” he mocked and then wore his serious expression. His words rewinding in my head nonstop and I froze. I felt an extreme pain in my chest and it palpitated painfully. Did he just reject me?

“I reject you, Willow!" he said again, and this time he was grinning, "Does it hurt? That's nothing compared to what Adrian felt when you dumped him and killed him!” he said angrily and released a vast amount of dark lava.

What is he saying? I didn't kill Adrian! I dumped him before, yes, but I never killed him!

I flew upward and attacked him with my vines while grunting in pain in my heart. “Die, Willow!" he yelled, and I felt like my heart shattered into tiny pieces. He attacked me nonstop, and all I did was dodging his attacks. I didn't even notice I'm crying if my vision didn't get blurry.

I wiped off my tears and teleported to his back, then kicked him hard and tied him up with my vines. Zelix fell to the ground. “You are a jerk, Zelix! Screw you! I HATE YOU!" I shouted with all my strength and I almost fell when my vision got blurry and I had a hard time breathing. It's like my lungs almost out of air. Before I lost consciousness, I teleported away from him.

He rejected me? Hah! Damn him! He may rot in hell! Ugh, I hate him! Of all people, why him? Mother, I'm sorry, but I couldn't accept someone like him. I don't want a cold-blooded devil, merciless and egoistic demon in my life.

I clutched my chest while catching my breath. Dipshit, my heart hurts so much. I looked up when something wet poured from above, then the wind blew coldly. The thunder growled loudly and the lightning striking everywhere followed by the heavy rain, pouring endlessly. I let my body get soaked in the rain as I keep on walking into the depths of the woods. I couldn't think straight because of what happened. My heart squeezes excruciatingly and my body gets paralyzed. I can't move a muscle, even my fingers.

My body fell to the ground when my feet bumped at the protruding stone. I groaned, but I didn't get up, and I lay my back on the wet ground while closing my eyes. Am I dying?

Before I fell into my deep slumber; I felt my vines wrapped around me.

Val's POV

I strolled around the ruined village near the eastern part of the magic realm while hiding in the shadows; I saw a lot of goblins lingered around. Not just goblins, but also demons controlling the goblins. I cursed under my breath when I saw a lot of naked women tied up in the ground and post while the goblins are torturing them. I clenched my jaw and my vision darkened. How dare they?!

I was about to help the victims when a powerful aura showed up. I decided to eavesdrop.

"So what are your plans, Damon?”

Drelix? I can't be mistaken, he is Drelix, one of the dark magna trio. The cold-blooded devil!

“I will send some goblins to attack the eastern wall tomorrow night,”

“Good. I couldn't wait to see them crumble.”

“Their wall protection and barriers are getting weaker, it will crash down soon.”

I froze in my position when I felt a powerful force calling me, and an intoxicating scent filled my nostrils. My heart beat faster when my gaze fixated on Drelix, who had been looking everywhere and into the women.

"What's wrong, Dre?”

“I smell something.” I heard Drelix reply, and I hid away from them.

I need to get away quickly. But what about the victims? Ugh, their cries still echoed in my ear. I don't want to risk getting caught by Drelix and especially the man named Damon. He looks familiar and I think I saw him before, but where?

I let out a frustrated sigh. I couldn't believe this. Drelix is my mate. He's our rival, and I couldn't trust that man.

Suddenly, the wind blew harshly, thunder growled loudly and lightning was striking everywhere, then the rain poured down nonstop. My heart palpitates excruciatingly. I clutched my chest with my hands and grunting in pain. An image flashed in my head and tears blurs my vision. Willow! Something happened to Willow, and I need to help her! But what about the victims? What should I do?

"Got you!" someone whispered behind my back. I yelped in surprise and jumped away. What the heck! Why didn't I notice his presence? He's fast!

“Drelix?" I uttered.

"Val?" he uttered and froze. We stared at each other for a while, and the extreme pain in my heart got back in my trance. I growled while clutching my chest. “Val! What happened?!” Drelix tried to reach me, but I stopped him with my palm.

"Stay away!” I uttered while tears poured down my face nonstop because of the pain I felt. Willow, please hold on. I will find you. I closed my eyes and felt frustrated when I couldn't feel her aura. "Val!" Drelix called, but I just shook my head. Before my vision got blurry, I teleported myself back to the southern magic realm. Because of the barriers and rain, I couldn't teleport directly inside the walls, so I'm teleported in front of the gate. The angels saw me and ran towards me for rescue. “Lady Val! What happened?”

"Willow, I need to get to Willow!" I said weakly while grunting in pain.

Someone showed up beside me, and I heard a grunt. When I looked beside me, I saw Damona also grunted in pain. “Sis! Are you okay?” I asked and groaned.

"V-Val! W-We need to get to Willow!" she said and also clutching her chest. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Il know!"

"Val! Damona!” I heard Alice, Xandra, and Demonise called. They were running towards us while also clutching their chest. All five of us were crying.

"Hold me,” Alice said, and we hold her. As I blink my eyes, I couldn't see anything because it was so dark, and the rain made it hard to see. Our eyes glowed and when we looked upward, a gigantic ball made of vines was floating above.

“What is that thing?” I mumbled.

“It's Willow! She's inside the vines.” Alice said. She summoned her scythe and sliced the vine ball. Willow's body fell down and Demonise caught her.

“The spell we put on her heart already dispel.” Alice said

"How come?" I asked

"Unexpected rejection. Her mate rejected her and it triggered her emotion.” Alice replied. Damnit! How dare he reject Willow?!

“Willow, hang on.”

We all put our hand in Willow's chest and we couldn't believe what we had learned why she ended up in this situation. Willow got rejected by Zelix, one of the dark magna trio. I clenched my fist and punched the ground because of frustration. Amongst the six of us, Willow had the weakest heart. She almost died because of a heart attack. We almost lost her because of Zelix. I will not forgive him if something bad happens to Willow.

The rain is still heavy, and we immediately get back to Central City with an unconscious Willow. But this time, Alice opened a portal to enter directly into the castle. The portal brought us into Willow's room. We put her in the bed and we all looked at Willow while releasing a deep sigh. Xandra changes Willow's wet clothes and afterward, we change our wet clothes too.

Alice said Willow is in a coma and she doesn’t know when she will wake up. The rejection really made a big impact on Willow because she wasn't expecting it. The pain we felt already subsided when Alice used her white diamond to seal Willow's heart for the second time, but in return Willow couldn't feel emotion now. We have no choice but to seal Willow's heart or else she'll die. We can't afford to lose her.

"Guys, I have something to tell you.” Damona said, and we all looked at her, “I found my mate.” she muttered.

“Really? Who?" We asked in unison. She looked tense and looked like she's having trouble saying it. We waited for her to spill the name of her mate. Speaking of mates, I don't know if I will tell them because of what happened to Willow. I'm also scared because what if Drelix would reject me too? Would I be able to handle it?

“It's Helix, one of the dark magna trio.” Damona finally spilled. We all gasped and my body tensed. “What?!” Alice, Xandra, and Demonise reacted.

I couldn't believe this. Of all people, why are we mated to the Dark Magna Trio, our biggest rival? What would happen now?

"Val, are you okay? You looked so tense.” Xandra asked. Oh, no! Should I tell them? Now, everyone's attention was on me. Damnit. I blew some air and took a deep breath.

“Drelix. Drelix is my mate.” I uttered. Their jaws dropped while looking at me and silence envelopes the room.

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