Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 70

Alice's POV

It's been 3 days since the demons took Angelo. For the past 3 days, we focused on strengthening our fighting skills and powers. At night, I sneak out to practice on how to use the power of the orbs of life and death inside me. I also learned a new skill after I successfully combined the orbs and the white diamond.

Also, I already unleashed Azrael's hidden power and taught him how to use his powerful magic appropriately since it's new to him. Azrael’s power is to summon the high-ranking spirit beast that was sealed away by the councils because of its invincible power, including the Divine Wolf or also known as the Holy Emperor—the strongest among the Spirit Gods. Yesterday, Azrael accidentally summoned the Divine Wolf, and he was having a hard time taming it until he successfully bonded with the spirit when Azrael transformed into his full wolf form. It looks like the divine wolf and Azrael's wolf, Khael, were acquaintances.

"When will Willow wake up? The war has now begun.” Val uttered while staring at the unconscious Willow and let out a sigh.

"She will wake up soon.” I said and closed my eyes as I leaned my back on the chair. I'm not trying to sleep, but to use my divine eyes to see through the entire magic realm. The four walls are being attacked by goblins and monsters summoned by the demons. They've been attacking the walls nonstop, and it looks like the monsters regenerate themselves after being heavily injured by the attack of magic users and other angel warriors. I could feel everyone's fear, but this war was inevitable as well as death.

As I watch the scene in my head, it helps me analyze an alternative way to defeat the enemies, especially Yael and Samael. But I almost gasped when all the dead rose from its gravestone. Then an image flashed in my head. It was Yael and Angelo while combining their powers. So Yael successfully controlled Angelo. Well, let's see how long he could be able to control Angelo.

There were 200 thousand walking dead in a body of skeleton marching towards the four walls separately, 50 thousand by batch. The problem was, all the walking dead used magic that normal magic users could hardly defeat because of the demon'’s soul that Yael summoned from the underworld into the skeleton body of the undead. He really put a lot of effort into executing his plans.

But Yael underestimated me and my sister's abilities. He's cautious, but it's not enough to defeat us because we are invincible. I grinned. How long could Yael be able to control my little brother? That's a wrong move from his side. Did Yael know how to play turning tables? I doubt that.

I fluttered my eyes open and four sets of eyes welcomed me. “Alice? Are you okay?” Xandra asked. “We've been calling you multiple times, but it seems like you are concentrating on something. What do you see?” Demonise said while leaning on the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. I let out a sighed while glancing at Willow.

“The undead are marching towards the four walls. As I estimated, they will arrive a few hours from now, probably within 48 hours.” I said.

“They must've already controlled Angelo,” Val uttered.

I hummed, “Don’t worry, I already have a plan to undo the spell that Yael used to control Angelo’s brain. Let's play turning tables.” I said while smirking. They grinned and nodded.

“Tsk. I know how cautious you are, Alice. I'm not even surprised at all. How did I forget you are the Goddess of Change?” Damona said while rolling her eyes. We all laughed at her.

“Well, let me enlighten you with my plan on how to play turning tables since the enemies outnumbered us.” I said, and they nodded with excitement.

We all sat on the long sofa, and I told them everything about my plans. We are all grinning after discussing my plans.

“This made me so excited!” Val and Xandra exclaimed.

“It will be so much fun if Willow wakes up now.” Damona uttered and sighed

I notice Demonise intense stares at me. “I know there's something you hide from us, Alice. But I couldn't pinpoint what that is,” she said, and all my sisters looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I let out a sigh, “Yeah, you're right, Dem. But I couldn't tell you yet until our mission finished. I'm sorry,” they looked at each other and then smiled at me.

"We understand, Alice. Promise you'll tell us after this war?” they said in unison and I nodded while smiling.

A knock on the door interrupted us. Based on the aura, I know it's Azrael, Sabrina and the others. They came in and greeted us. I looked at their appearance and smiled. They were wearing their combat attire.

“Alice, we are ready.” They said in unison. I nodded and stood up.

"Okay, everyone, there are four batches of 50 thousand undead marching towards the four walls. They will arrive in about 48 hours from now. But those undead use magic.” I said and opened my palm to show them an image of the thousands of undead. They gasped and eyes widened. "Zombies?" they all mumbled.

"Yep, they are zombies, but on another level because each body has a soul of demons.” I said "What?! That's scary!” Michelle and Cybelle both uttered.

“The enemy outnumbered us. How could we be able to fight all of them? There are still a lot of goblins and monsters outside attacking the walls.” Lucia said while the others deep in thought. “Demons are really a pain in the ass. I hope they didn't hurt Angelo.” Sabrina uttered while clenching her fist.

"Don’t worry, Sabrina. Angelo is fine.” I said, and she nodded. “By the way, I have some changes in the plan.” I added.

"What is it?" they asked with a serious expression. I snap my fingers and show our discussion earlier on their minds.

Afterward, they nodded while grinning. “That's a good plan, Alice.” Sabrina uttered, and I gave her a small smile.

As planned, Sabrina, Lucia, and Cyn will go to the Western Land. Xandra, Cybelle, and Michelle in Northern Land. Elaine, Stephen, and other angels in Eastern Land. Damona and Demonise will attack the Demon hideout in the southeast border and fight the Goblin Lord. While Val, Azrael and I will wait outside the cave and wait for Samael, Yael and the Dark Magna Trio to come out.

Since Willow was still unconscious, she'll remain in Central City. Once she'll wake up, she’s in charge of the safety of all the angels and other magic users who couldn't fight.

“Let's go! We better get this done as soon as possible!” Damona yelled and everyone chanted, "Yeah! Let's do this!"

“Everyone, please don't die,” I uttered while staring at them one by one. They all nodded and smiled. Sabrina walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me. “Alice, I know how powerful you are. But... I'm still nervous about your safety. There's no doubt our enemies are powerful, too. Please don't get killed, Alice. I know we will win this war.” she said. I hummed and tapped her back. "Sabrina, this war was inevitable as well as death,” I said as we released the hug. I looked at everyone and continued, “You cannot guarantee your own safety, but you can always avoid death if you take precautions around you. As long as you trust your capabilities, just move forward but don't let your guard down.” They all smiled, and the girls hugged me.

"Everyone, just trust us and have faith in us.” Val said and everyone hummed.

"Sabrina, may I talk to you for a minute?” I asked. She nodded, and we got out of the room into the quiet hallway.

"What is it, Alice?”

"Sabrina, I want you to find something in the Western Land.” I said.

“Sure. And that is?” she asked.

"A powerful weapon that hid in the dungeon of Dalham Village.” I said and her eyes sparkled.

“A weapon?”

I nodded and said, “Yes. It's a black staff with a purple stone at the top and a black dragon design circling at the body of the staff.”

“It's like a dangerous weapon, Alice.” she said seriously.

I nodded. “Yes, it is. But only you could touch the staff, Sabrina.” I said as I imagine the staff that only the royal witch could have.

"Huh? Why?" she asked, her forehead creased in confusion.

“Because it's yours.” I uttered.

"Ha? I don't understand.” she said, now looked more confused than she was.

“You'll know it's yours when you touch the staff, Sabrina. And you must tame the guardian of the staff—the black dragon.” I said and opened my palm, then showed her the image of the staff. "Wow, it looked fancy yet scary.” she mumbled. “Okay, Alice. I'll take that staff.” she said, and I smiled.

"And one more thing, Sabrina. The black dragon is a soul devourer and once the stone turned black, it means it reached its limit.” I said while remembering the last owner of the staff. The last owner of the staff is the merciless Queen of the Witches before they joined the demons to conquer the magic realm. The Queen is Sabrina’s great-great grandmother.

"What?! What if it will devour my soul instead?! Aliceeee!” I chuckled at her reaction.

“That weapon will never devour its owner, Sabrina. Just in case the black dragon attacks you, chant “Kyrios"." I said.

“Kyrios?” she confirmed, and I hummed.

“It's the name of the black dragon.” I answered, and she nodded. “Okay, let's go back to everyone.” I said. We walked towards Willow's room in silence until she spoke. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Alice, can I still call you Alex sometimes?” she asked.

"Of course. Call me whatever you want.” I said, and she smiled.

“Thanks. Hmm, Alex, can I ask you something?”


“After this war, will you go back to the mortal world with us?” I stopped walking and looked at her. I didn't think about it because my focus was on our mission. The war preoccupied my thoughts lately. “I... don't know yet, Sabrina.” I said and let out a sigh.

“You don’t have to answer now, Alex. I'm sorry for asking.” she said and opened the door. Her question repeated in my head. As I stepped inside the room, they were all smiling at me and I smiled back.

"Alice, please be careful.” Elaine said, and I nodded. “Be careful too, Elaine.” she smiled and hummed.

Xandra, Damona, and Demonise transformed into their sexy armored battle attire. Everyone's jaw dropped while my sisters and I laughed at their reaction. It earned a compliment from everyone and compared to theirs. But Azrael disapproved of the attire because he thinks it's too revealing. My sisters just laughed it off and teased Azrael. I smirked because my sisters and I have almost the same design, but different in colors. I couldn't wait to see his reaction later. Afterward, I opened a portal that will send them directly to their destination. Everyone wasted no time and entered the portal, leaving Val, Azrael and I because I still have something to discuss with the elders.

Val and I kissed Willow's forehead and smiled. I know she will wake up soon. Then Val and I transformed into our battle attire. Azrael's eyes widened while staring at me.

"Alice! What kind of battle attire is that?! It's too revealing!” he said, and I saw his ears beet red. Val and I chuckled.

I was wearing a half armored attire showing my cleavage, my curves and half of my legs. My blue and white armor suit fits comfortably in my body and it feels nostalgic. It's been a long time since I wore my armor. I have a blue cape that reaches my knees, and long armored white boots that cover above my knees.

Val wears almost the same design as mine, but her armored color combines red, black and yellow. Her cape is red, and her armor was black and yellow.

“This is our battle attire, Azrael. Stop gawking at Alice's cleavage. Tsk.” Val said while smirking, and Azrael's face turned beet red that made us laugh. Azrael is wearing a black armor attire which has a hidden weapon he could use in case of emergency. He requested that on the bladesmith and crafter.

We left Willow's room and walked outside the castle where all the Elders, Archangel, and Angels gathered while watching other warriors fighting the monsters and goblins outside the walls.

Elder Fana saw us when we reached the entrance and smiled.

"Elders, please take care of Willow. She will wake up soon and she could help protect everyone.” I said.

“No problem, Lady Alice. We will all do our best to exterminate the enemies. We will not waver by the army of the undead. With our holy water and holy light, we can erase them all.” Elder Lucriel said.

“It's better to be cautious, Elder Lucriel. Don't underestimate the army of the undead because they are not normal ones. Those undead can use magic too and regenerate itself like those monsters outside.” I said, and they gasped.

“Thank you for the warning, Lady Alice.” they all said. After discussing some changes of the plan, I opened a portal then Val, Azrael and I entered.

As I opened my eyes, it was dark. So demons covered the entire border with black smoke. We quickly hide at the huge rock when someone gets out of the entrance. There were ten demons and based on their aura, they're strong. I peered and saw the ten generals of the Demon Clan. And one of them is... Vanjoss? Wait, he was already dead a long time ago. Was he also reincarnated like King Helios? I looked at Val and her forehead creased while looking at Vanjoss. “He looked familiar?” Val whispered faintly.

What will Vals reaction if she will remember Vanjoss? I'm thankful she forgot those memories of the past. I just hope they will never get crossed.

“Ugh!” Azrael grunted and I looked at him. A black shadow was choking his neck. Val quickly swung her holy sword to the shadow, and it screamed. I pulled Azrael to me and we flew away from the shadow.

And now all the demon generals noticed us, and they grinned evilly. One of them licks his lips while looking at us. “They look so yummy!” the demons exclaimed. I could feel Azrael's distaste to the ten generals and to Vanjoss. And Vanjoss was grinning devilishly, but I felt like he had an intense desire to kill us.

“Woah, I didn't know you're here, Alpha Azrael. I killed your king, though. Hahaha!" Vanjoss said while grinning but glared at me and Val. King? Did he mean by Stephen?

“Tsk. I didn't expect you're here too, Damon. And King Stephen is not dead. Are you here to take revenge for your father's death?” Azrael said, my forehead creased because he called Vanjoss, Damon. That must be Vanjoss' name after being reincarnated. But why didn't he acknowledge Val? “Lucky bastard. You're right, Azrael. I will avenge the death of my father. Sextuplet, I will make you pay for killing my father!” Vanjoss or Damon said with a devilish grin.

All the ten generals are grinning while surrounding us and showcasing their powers. “Oh, I couldn“t wait to taste the blood of the Goddess.” they all said while licking their lips. Disgusting demons!

“In your dreams!” I said and attacked them in surprise, using my light magic. Val and Azrael also attack the other generals. They're strong but in just a snap of my fingers, their fate was changed. Now, the bloody war has begun.

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