Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 71

Third Person POV

The second great war now happening in the entire magic realm. Demons forces are unstoppable with the desire to conquer the entire magic realm and universe. That was the Demon Lord Samael's biggest dreams, and he must fulfill his promise to his demon nation, to give them more power to destroy humanity. With thousands of armies, demons believe it's enough to conquer the entire magic realm.

“VICTORY IS OURS! VICTORY IS OURS! VICTORY IS OURS!" the demons chanted while walking ahead of the army of the undead.

However, all the people in every land who couldn't fight are all praying solemnly to ask the Gods and Goddesses for their grace and blessings, and prayed for the safety of the heroes and warriors who risks their lives for everyone, just to stop the demons from their plans for conquering the entire magic realm.

In the western part of the magic realm, the protective walls and barriers are on the verge of breaking upon the continuous attack of the monsters and goblins led by powerful demons. The western warriors charged their counterattack but a few of them got wounded deeply when the demon monsters with a body of minotaur and have 8 elastic arms attacked the warriors all at once. All the magic users and fairies felt scared and prayed that a savior would come for their rescue. They're hoping the famous sextuplet would show up and save their land.

Inside the Western Castle, the King’s supervisor, Orion, and some knights hurried to the throne room with an important piece of information. When they reached in front of the King, they bowed their heads as a sign of respect.

"Orion, any news?" the King asked. Orion cleared his throat and spoke with a hint of anxiousness in his voice.

“Your Majesty, as Lady Alice said three days ago, a batch of 50 thousands of armies of the undead are marching towards every land and now they have already passed our border. They outnumbered us, and I don't think we can defeat them. Only half of our population could fight those monsters because some warriors got heavily injured. It will take time to heal their deep wounds. I'm afraid it will be the end of us all.” Orion reported with a serious expression. The King of the Western Land, Tyrone, fell in silence while taking in the information. He rubs his chin while thinking of a way to fight those armies of the undead. As the leader of his land, he must show courage and remain calm during this chaos. He knew everyone felt fear because any time, the protective walls and barriers could not hold any longer.

“Knights, I want you to spread the word to everyone on my behalf,” King Tyrone said, and all the knights present in the throne room drew their weapons and bowed their heads to the King. “For the safety of this land, we will do everything you command, Your Majesty!” all the knights said.

"Okay. Inform everyone about the armies of the undead and let them prepare to fight. And you must lead all the weak people and younger ones below sixteen into the safe zone.” King Tyrone command

"Yes, Your Majesty!” the knights replied and wasted no time and left the throne room. Orion stayed to show the happening outside the walls through the mirror and watch the armies of the undead that already crossed the borders. “Your Majesty, there's a portal showing up near the Dalham Village.” Orion said and focused on the portal until three people came out from the portal

“Who are they?" King Tyrone uttered and curiosity built inside him. His gaze fixated on the beautiful woman that radiates a powerful aura. “Who is that woman?’ King Tyrone thought.

“I don't think they are enemies, Your Majesty. Their eyes held no evil intention,” Orion said. King Tyrone nodded because he noticed it too.

“Let's watch them and find out their motives,” King Tyrone said.

“But Your Majesty, come to think of it. The rulers of all lands prohibited everyone to use portals in the entire magic realm. They must be so powerful to open a portal.” Orion pointed out.

“No one can use the portal except Lady Alice. There's a chance that those three people are close to the Sextuplets. If they are the ones that the Sextuplet sent to help us, they must be powerful too.” King Tyrone said.

Orion hummed in agreement, “Yeah. The great Sextuplets really kept their promise to help us in this war.” he said and smiled with a newfound hope.

Meanwhile, Sabrina looked around when they came out through the portal. The portal brought them outside the high walls of Western Land near the Dalham Village.

“That's a lot of goblins and monsters back there,” Lucia said while looking at the western high wall that was continuously attacked by the goblins and monsters nonstop.

"Guys, before we will fight those monsters, I have to look for the dungeon first in the Dalham Village.” Sabrina said.

“Dungeon? Are you looking for something, Sabrina?” Cyn asked with a creased forehead

"Yes. Alex wants me to look for something in that dungeon. A weapon that belonged to me,” Sabrina replied.

“If Alex said it, then we must go there right now and get it done as soon as possible,” Lucia said. Sabrina nodded, and they immediately headed towards the ruined Dalham Village. What will await them inside the dungeon? Will Sabrina be able to tame the legendary black dragon, Kyrios? Meanwhile, in the Northern part of the magic realm, monsters and goblins are attacking the high walls too. Giants and the magic users’ warriors are fighting to protect everyone as the high walls show a sign that it will fall down soon. Leon Kostas and his students joined the warriors to fight the monster. Just as when their force weakened because some warriors got injured, a portal popped up out of nowhere and revealed three people. One of them is the member of Sextuplets—Lady Xandra. "LADY XANDRA! LADY XANDRA HAS COME FOR OUR RESCUE! LET'S THANK HEAVEN FOR SENDING A GODDESS!" a giant yelled, and it gave a boost to everyone and charged a counterattack to the monsters and goblins.

Xandra walked towards Leon Kostas and the superior of the giants while Cybelle and Michelle ran towards the gate to help the warriors. The two older men bowed their heads as a sign of respect to the daughter of a goddess. Xandra remained her stoic expression and looked straight to the two older men in front of her.

“Leon Kostas and Giant Superior Akhil, you must know about the thousands of the armies of undead heading towards here,” Xandra started.

"Yes, Lady Xandra. Senior Kaden saw it in his vision and we prepared our warriors for the attack.” Giant Superior Akhil said. Xandra nodded.

“In that case, let's end this war with fewer casualties,” Xandra said fiercely. The two older men nodded and yelled.


Xandra smiled and in just a snap of her fingers, she’s in front of a giant scorpion. Using her divine sword, the giant scorpion split in half in just a second. All the warriors looked at the goddess in awe and chanted Xandra's name while charging an attack to the hungry goblins and hellhounds. The place filled with screams and clattering of weapons and the sound of blood spilled into the ground —the blood of the monsters. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Xandra, Cybelle, and Michelle are in a fight mode and kill every monster they sighted on. Their actions and bravery motivates all the warriors, especially Leon Kostas’ ten students.

“Everyone, we must not lose to them. Let's show them what we can do! Let's do this!!!” Crusette yelled and ran faster towards the hungry hellhounds.

"HAAAAAA!" Everyone followed Crusette and killed every monster that blocked their way without mercy. Leon Kostas grinned as he saw all his students getting hyped up and in a fighting mode. Now, he could see all his hard work for training those students. His gaze fixated on the young man —Echo Zero Estarossa, the prince of the northern land, and one of his students.

Echo moves like a flash in the wind and his fast speed gives him more advantage. In just a second, he killed a lot of goblins using his gigantic sword that a famous giant blacksmith made only for him. Xandra stared at Echo and smiled. “Not bad, Echo.” Xandra uttered when Echo stopped to greet her. “My Lady, you know me?" Echo asked while his eyes sparkled.

Xandra killed the goblin that attacked her and smirked, “Of course, who could forget a crybaby like you? The one who wouldn't let my sister go.” Echo's eyes widened and reacted. “Huh??!! I'm not a crybaby!” Echo pouted and swung his gigantic sword to split the monster in half.

Xandra laughed, “Nah, my memory was still clear as day. I'll show you after this war. So don't you dare die, Echo!” Xandra said and wink then moves quickly like a wind away from Echo. In a matter of minutes, all monsters and goblins had wiped off using Xandra’s arc of light, not letting a monster regenerate itself and vanished into dust.

Everyone cheered their victory. But it's nowhere near because thousands of undead are getting past the border. “Everyone, it's not done yet. Please get ready to fight thousands of undead!” Xandra yelled and everyone gasped in fear. Xandra felt everyone's fear, but the determination in everyone's eyes to win the war erases their fear and worries. They must save their land no matter what. Now, they must prepare to face the thousands of undead.

However, in the eastern land where Elaine, Stephen and the other angel warriors had gone, the walls already fall down and everything is a chaos. The cries of help echoed in their ears. A lot of dwarves’ and elves sacrifice their lives. Goblins devoured the flesh of dwarves and elves like a hungry beast. Stephen transformed into his alpha king wolf form and attacked the goblins, tearing them into halves and pieces. Elaine and the angels also attacked the monsters using their holy light, and monsters vanished into dust with one blow.

Elaine transforms into a white wolf's form with angel wings and attacks the goblins in a swift movement. The angels gasped in awe while looking at Elaine's transformation. It's their first time seeing a half angel-half wolf. And what surprised them was when Elaine released a lightning striking directly to the monsters and it vanished into dust. The angel warriors got motivated to fight and followed Elaine while attacking the monsters.

Meanwhile, the fight between Alice, Val, Azrael and the ten demon generals has become so intense. Azrael summoned the Divine Wolf, and the two other high-ranking spirits to fight the other generals. It's the Mystic Eagle and the Flaming Lion King. The first three high-ranking spirits. Summoning the three powerful spirits, Azrael lost 60 percent of his spiritual energy and it weakened him. He will let the three spirits deal with the demons while resting and regaining his lost energy inside the magic cube Alice made to protect him from the attacks.

Alice let the demon attack her continuously, and all she did was dodge it while closing her eyes and the demon felt rage because Alice still didn't unscathed with his continuous attack of lightning fire balls. It's like Alice doesn't want to fight him and he couldn't accept it. Unbeknownst to the ten generals, Alice changed their fate while dodging the attack. Alice wouldn't waste her energy for the ten generals because all she wanted to fight was Samael and Yael. To preserve her energy for later, she summoned the beasts inside her wrist, the two black dragons and the gigantic half chlamydosaurus-half anaconda beast that she defeated in Tibbertan Mountains. Alice gives the beasts a boost to double their strength. Alice sends one dragon to head into the eastern land to help Elaine and the others.

Seeing powerful high-ranking spirit beasts around them, the ten demon generals had no choice but to give their best. Demons looked determined and desperate to win the war because of their growing numbers. But their confidence vanished upon fighting the beasts. It's stronger than the beasts Demon Lord Samael had.

However, Val and Damon glared at each other while exchanging a counterattack. While fighting Damon, Val felt like she knew Damon, but she couldn't remember where she saw him before. Her head was foggy, and she cursed under her breath when her head hurt and images were flashing in her head. She completely froze while her gaze fixated on the man that was looking at her fiercely. Her hands are shaking causing her sword to drop into the ground and the sound of metal clashing into the ground echoed in her ears that get back in her trance.

She groaned when her head felt like it would split into half and images flash in her head nonstop. Tears rolled down her face as she recalled the memories she thought had long forgotten and buried into the depths of her heart and soul.

"V-Vanjoss, you are alive...” she murmured while staring at the man in front of her with tears. Damon creased his forehead in confusion. “Hah! My Lady, my name is Damon and not whatever you call me.” he said while snorting and pointed his sword at Val.

“No. You are Vanjoss! Can't you remember me? It's me, Valkyrie!” Val shouted and felt strange when she uttered her name. The name she buried along with the memories of Vanjoss. When he died protecting her, she lost herself. It's like part of her was dead. With the help of her sisters, she slowly returns to her old self, but she has to forget all the memories with Vanjoss for her to keep on living like she promised to him. And that included her name. She didn't let anyone call her Valkyrie, not even her sister and mother, except Vanjoss. Because she will just remember those horrible memories.

But seeing Vanjoss again, breathing and alive. Part of her wanted to hug him, but she knew she couldn't. She has to resist herself because he is now their enemy. She doubted herself if she could hurt him, though.

“Valkyrie?” Damon uttered and Val nodded, hoping he would remember her. She gasped when Damon laughed hilariously. “You're funny, my lady. It's the first time I heard that name. Enough with the talk. Let's fight!” Damon said and made five clones of himself while surrounding her.

They attack her all at once and she swiftly dodge it with her fast speed. Even if her mind got distracted, she didn’t let her guard down because Damon's clones would attack her all at once. The man he used to love now hated her and wanted to kill her.

“Damon! Stay away from my mate!!!”

The fight between Val and Damon stopped when Drelix came and glared daggers at Damon.

“Dre? Val is your mate?” Damon uttered in surprise.

Drelix held Val's hand possessively. “Yes, and don't touch her. She's mine!” Drelix growled that surprised Val. Damon smirked and laughed.

“You're supposed to reject her, Dre. Just like what Zelix did to Willow. She's our enemy and I must kill her!” Damon said while grinning.

Drelix gritted his teeth and his eyes darkened. “You wouldn't dare lay a finger on my mate and my rival or else, 1 will kill you!" he said. Val stared at Drelix and it's like her tongue tied. She didn't expect that Drelix would stand up for her. Her rival since birth is now protecting her. She looked at Drelix's warm hand that gripped tightly on hers, and somehow she felt safe. Her dead heart beat unexpectedly and she subconsciously clutched her chest. “D-Drelix..." she whispered.

Drelix looked at her and smiled, “Val, I will never reject you or abandon you like what my brother did to your sister. I will protect you until I die, my Val.” Drelix said, and it sends a warm feeling into Val's heart.

"Ok then. Since you sided with her, I'll kill you first!” Damon said and grin devilishly then released his hidden powerful aura.

"Val, let me handle him,” Drelix said and Val nodded hesitantly then stared at Damon and realized that the man isn't the same Vanjoss she once knew because that man he used to love was long gone. She watched as the fight between Drelix and Damon began.

But then the fight stopped temporarily when the ground shook continuously and an explosion from inside the cave echoed so loud while a huge fireball was flying into the sky and exploded like a fireworks then small fireballs started falling from the sky like a rain.

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