Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 77

At that moment, Alice's words pierce through their minds repeatedly. They stare at the sextuplets like they've grown two heads. Mars, the god of war, laughed wickedly and took out his bloody spear. "Ha?! Are you kidding me? Are you refusing the order of the gods?! Blasphemous!" He said while pointing his spear at Alice.

However, Demonise was quick to respond and also pointed her death scythe at Mars’ neck and said, "A selfish and sinful god like you should get punished first. May I remind you, you can't take what's rightfully ours.” Demonise said flatly. The other sisters showed no weakness while looking intensely at the Gods. Their incompetence irritates the sextuplets and their lack of knowledge about the sticky situation they were in. Instead of repenting their sins, they choose to challenge them.

“You angered me, bitch!” Mars let out and in just a blink of an eye, their weapons clashed. They fought like a flash.

Meanwhile, Alice and her other sisters looked at the other gods fiercely. The only thing that matters right now is to give their judgment to the gods according to their sins.

"If you're truly blessed by Almighty God, show us what you've got!" Pluto, the god of darkness and king of the dead, challenged the sextuplets and lifted his hands while collecting dark energy from the demons.

"Eager, are we? That's what I like about you, always up for a challenge,” Damona said while smirking and it irritates Pluto. All he wanted was to shut the sextuplets mouth before they spilled their secrets and hidden agenda.

The sisters grinned, and Alice met Jupiter's gaze. "God Jupiter, do you really think we're nothing but troublemakers? To tell you the truth, putting our soul in one body is your biggest mistake. As we become one, our bond becomes even stronger, and it reserves our energy for 18 years, making our body cultivate a lot of spiritual energy and help us resolve our lack of control over our immense power." Alice said.

Jupiter, the god of the sky, remained his stoic expression. “I admit, I made a mistake by trusting your mothers’ idea. However, what's done is done and I am looking forward to seeing the actual abilities of the infinite power of diamond that you kept resisting for centuries. I wonder how you got the six infinite diamonds and used it like your own?” he said, then smirked

"What do you mean?” the sisters creased their foreheads. They don't understand what Jupiter was trying to say. It also confused the other gods and goddesses and looked at Jupiter, puzzled. They have no clue what was on Jupiter's mind.

“I know that you know what I mean,” Jupiter said.

“Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but we have no clue what you are trying to convey. Just say it directly.” Alice said.

“I'm afraid I can't. Anyway, I challenge you to a duel, Alice. If I lose, I'll get the punishment I deserve, but if I win, you will surrender the infinite diamond.” Jupiter uttered. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Jupiter! Are you out of your mind?!" Juno, the goddess of marriage and Jupiter's wife, contradicts. But Bacchus (the god of wine), Vulcan (the god of fire and forge), and Neptune (the god of the sea) agreed to Jupiter's condition. Pluto also agreed, but he had a hidden agenda. He wants the infinite powers of the six diamonds all by himself. The six diamonds will be mine, alone! No one can have it but me!" he said to his mind.

Meanwhile, Venus (the goddess of love and beauty) with Diana (the goddess of the hunt), Ceres (the goddess of the harvest), Minerva (the goddess of wisdom), and Apollo (the god of music and healing), repented and atone for their sins. They just watched their fellow gods fight the sextuplets. They realized Jupiter had gone too far from challenging the chosen ones. What happened before was beyond their control, and it was still unknown to them. They knew something happened without their knowledge and they must have forgotten something from the past centuries. At this moment, they believe the sextuplets because they had witnessed their greatness. Either Jupiter was blind or something unusual was going on. They looked at each other and there's only one way to find out the truth. And that is to ask the sextuplets and the moon goddess Selene.

Minerva went closer to the sisters and smiled. “I'm on your side. I believe in you.” Xandra approached her and held her hand.

"Goddess Minerva, do you repent and atone for your sins?” Xandra asked.

"Yes, I am, because I couldn't defy the order of the Almighty Gods’ chosen one. As the goddess of wisdom, I know you are telling the truth. I don't know what happened but my instinct told me that something unusual is going on here.” Minerva replied.

“You're also a traitor, Minerva!” Juno said.

However, Venus with Ceres, Diana, and Apollo stayed beside Minerva, smiled at the sisters, and then looked at Juno and the other gods. “The sextuplets and Minerva were right. We already defied the divine rule long ago and yet, here we are making it worse and also ruined the mortal realm. And it's because of our greed for powers that we knew didn't belong to us. Jupiter, let's stop this war and rebuild the tower that maintains the balance of both worlds. Promised Land is also in danger and we have no time for this, Jupiter. Let's just repent and atone for our sins and help the sextuplets to save the universe.” Diana said.

For the first time, they believe in the powers of the sextuplets. Instead of fighting them like what Jupiter ordered, they choose to repent and atone for their sins rather than going against the sextuplets, because it's no secret that the sextuplets' power became immeasurable. It was indeed the power of the infinite because the sextuplets’ aura screams more authority and power than them. They have received the grace of Almighty God and Holy Spirits, so there's no doubt they chose the sextuplets to lead the gods and goddesses to the right path. And because of that realization, something rang in their heads.

Mars stopped attacking Demonise and went beside Pluto. “Pluto, what happened?” he whispered. “They sided with the sextuplets and the truth will get revealed soon, so prepare yourself,” Pluto whispered back and then looked at the sextuplets in distaste. His plans got ruined because of them. There was only one person to blame—it was the moon goddess Selene. Because the goddess is the one who suggests the sextuplets’ punishment and he was a fool to believe it's a good idea. He was the one convincing Jupiter to follow Selene’s suggestion. Now, he regretted it, and his hatred for Goddess Selene grew immensely.

“Jupiter, they're trying to deceive you. Don't believe them!” Pluto uttered to try confusing Jupiter's mind. He secretly grinned viciously as he saw the confused expression on Jupiter's and the other gods’ and goddesses’ faces.

"Yes, don't believe them, Jupiter! We must save them because the sextuplets poison their minds to go against us!” Mars said.

"Of course not! Jupiter, we are trying to save you and the others. Ugh!” Venus uttered but winced in pain when something rang in her ears. Minerva, Ceres, Diana, and Apollo also grunted in pain. Fragments of memories flashed before their eyes.

"What happened?” Juno said, then frowned.

Afraid that the sextuplets will reveal the truth to Jupiter and the others, Pluto tried to divert their attention. “This was all Selene’s fault! If not for her, this wouldn't have happened! That useless goddess!” he said with venom in his voice.

Val's dark red eyes set ablaze. “What did you just say?!” The nerve-racking immense pressure came from the sextuplets, turned even more powerful and the force was too strong. In just a blink of an eye, Val choked Pluto forcefully with a fire burning in her eyes. However, Pluto just laughed devilishly and escaped from Val's tight grip as he turned himself into a dark smoke and his laugh was still echoing.

His laugh irritates Val and Damona. If not for respect and mercy, otherwise they beheaded Pluto in front of everyone. “You stupid god! Try to berate our mother again and we won't show you any mercy!”

Pluto showed himself with a sheepish grin on his face. “Just watch me ruin the balance tower! BWAHAHAHA!" he said and vanished. Then the ground shook continuously when the tower cracked and swayed sideways. Everyone got scared and prayed intensely. Hoping for Almighty God's mercy and miracle.

“If I'm going to get punished, I might as well bring you with me! BWAHAHAHA! We were all going to die!” Pluto shouted and laughed.

"We are immortal, stupid. You don't die easily, Pluto. However, our judgment is better than killing you. We will be glad to see you suffer as you pay for all your wrongdoings.” Alice said and closed her eyes to use her infinite power to freeze the tower temporarily. Pluto cursed under his breath upon seeing what Alice did.

"A god shouldn't underestimate others’ capabilities. Be it demons, a beast, a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, a human, and the lowest rank like us. You are all full of yourself and a stupid God." Damona said.

"What did you say?!" Vulcan yelled furiously. He couldn't believe that someone insulted them.

"The real traitor easily deceived you. No matter how powerful you think you are, if you trust so much, someone with evil intentions will easily control your mind without your knowledge.” Alice said, her eyes held no emotion yet still fascinating to stare at.

"Yeah, it's a shame that until now you still haven't noticed it or even realized what's wrong. What a shame!" Val said, and scoffed.

"Hey, Pluto and Mars, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" Alice said

"Who wouldn't enjoy this happening? It's quite satisfying! Seeing everyone in despair will give me more power! HAHAHA!" Pluto said and laughed.

"What do you mean?" Jupiter asked, confused. Neptune and the other gods looked at Pluto and Mars quizzically.

"Come on, Jupiter. Are you even the head of the councils? I thought you're strong and reliable. Was it just a bluff?" Damona purposely said, while raising an eyebrow.

"What?!" Jupiter looked dumbfounded and his mouth agape wide open at the insult he received from Damona.

"You're all hopeless. Well, I couldn't blame you because they used forbidden dark magic. It's an unforgivable sin!" Demonise uttered.

"Let's end this, Pluto and Mars!" Alice said.

"I'm surprised by your courage. It made me tremble... not! Bwahahaha!" Pluto said. But on the back of his mind, it petrified him a bit as he felt the thick pressure coming from Alice and her five sisters. "You two are hopeless. Is it fun seeing everyone in sorrow and despair? Is it fun playing with demons’ emotions?" Xandra uttered coldly.

"It's more than satisfying! Because their sorrow and despair give me a boost, and it makes me powerful. And surpassed the power of Jupiter! HAHAHA!" Pluto said, grinning deviously.

"What's the meaning of this, Pluto?!" the gods and goddesses said, flabbergasted, as they looked at Mars and Pluto in disbelief.

"It is what it is, Jupiter. Mars and Pluto have deceived you for years to satisfy their growing satisfaction. They're greedy and all they wanted was to see the world in destruction.” Alice said. Pluto grinned and looked at Jupiter. "Oh, Jupiter, it's fun seeing you all flustered. Now, how are you going to save the world in the middle of destruction? HAHAHA!" he said.

Jupiter and the other gods gritted their teeth and clench their fists in anger. "Mars, why are you doing this with Pluto? It is not you, Mars." Jupiter said while frowning deeply.

Meanwhile, Alice openly uses her white diamond to dispel Pluto's dark magic that surrounds Jupiter and the other gods and goddesses except for Mars, because he's Pluto's accomplice to ruin the world.

“This is me, Jupiter. You know I couldn't stay put without a war. Because war gives me more power!” Mars proudly said. The sextuplets feel helpless. They're trying to save Mars too, but right now, they changed their mind and will give a heavy punishment for Mars and Pluto.

"You're both ridiculous!" the gods and goddesses uttered unbelievably. Vulcan stared at Mars and Pluto in disbelief, but then something rang in his head, as well as the other gods and goddesses. Now that Pluto's forbidden dark magic has dispelled, Jupiter and the rest of the gods, except Mars and Pluto, have learned the truth as they remember what truly happened before. Alice was telling the truth. Pluto was indeed controlling their minds for years without their knowledge!

As Jupiter learned the truth, he was beyond frustrated and furious in everything that had happened. Fire burning in his eyes because of rage and lightning was striking everywhere. Jupiter was beyond angry! “They have deceived us for years! Mars and Pluto, we won't let you get away with this!" he said while gritting his teeth angrily.

"I'm sorry, Jupiter, but you have no full power to give judgment because it is now our job. We are the ones to give punishment to the sinful gods, Mars and Pluto. And it includes you and the others. Just embrace your sins and let us do the rest.” Alice said.

Jupiter looked at Alice and felt ashamed for his cluelessness. His incompetence as the leader of the council of gods frustrates him, and now he must atone for his sins. A sin is a sin and he must accept the consequences of his action whether he was in his right state of mind or not. It was he who started this chaos. And now, the world is facing destruction

The other gods and goddesses felt the same. They couldn't believe that they let Pluto poison their minds and do things that are beyond their control. And now they must atone for their sins and wait for the sextuplets’ judgment.

“Well, well, well, let's put an end to this war!” Pluto said.

“We'll end your wrath today, Pluto!” Willow said.

Pluto creates a dark ball with lightning and attacks the sextuplets but Alice dodges his attack using her light magic and their attacks collide. Demonise and Damona attacked Pluto in unison, and he fell into the water.

Seeing Pluto under the water, Neptune controls the water and uses it to attack Pluto. Since the water mostly covers the magic realm, it gives Neptune the advantage. He summoned his trident and attacked Pluto. However, Pluto avoided his attack with the help of Mars.

“Your attack was lame, Neptune! I'm still stronger than you!” Pluto uttered. Then he laughed deviously.

“You son of a bitch! I will end you, Pluto!” Neptune said angrily.

Suddenly, two arrows almost hit Pluto and Mars. It came from Apollo and Willow. Pluto looked around and noticed that the sextuplets and the other gods and goddesses surrounded him and Mars. Now, they're doomed, but it never fazed Pluto a bit.

Without a signal, Pluto surrounds himself and Mars with his dark power and blows the black trumpet. The sound almost blocked the gods’ and goddesses’ hearing, but not the sextuplets' because they were expecting it and covered their ears in time. Unbeknownst to Pluto, Alice saw the future and learned his backup plans.

The sextuplets looked up at the bloody sky and saw the portal from the underworld had opened again, and a lot of demons appeared in different forms. There were big and small and most of them were soul eaters. Before the smoke disappeared around Pluto and Mars, the sextuplets raised their hands with the diamonds floating above their palm and combined their infinity powers to lock the portal to the underworld. It prevents the demons from going back to the underworld, and now the sextuplets grinned with excitement. They looked at each other and then flew like a flash towards the demons and in just a blink of an eye, the demon's blood scattered everywhere, making it rain throughout the entire magic realm.

Everyone looked up in terror and screamed as the blood-drenched all over their body. The gods and goddesses looked at the scene with their jaws dropped and mouths agape, wide open. They couldn't believe what just happened. It was so fast, like a flash. Now, the water filled with blood—it was a dark red, almost black color and disgusting.

"Oops! Sorry!” the sextuplets said in unison. Their weapons were shining with the fluid—dark red blood of the demons.

Pluto was beyond outraged. How could his underworld armies of demons get wiped out like that? He tried to open the portal again by blowing the black trumpet, but the trumpet cracked and shattered into tiny pieces

Suddenly, another sound of the trumpet echoed throughout the magic realm and it came from above the tall tower near the passage going to the Promised Land. Everyone looked up and their faces lit up upon seeing a blinding light from the tall tower. Afterward, they saw a lot of angels with an arc of light above their heads and each one held a trumpet, descending from the tower and the others were surrounding the frozen tower.

And that's when they saw the glowing body of sextuplets and each one also wears an arc of light that forms a crown. When the sextuplets fluttered their eyes open, the councils of gods and goddesses kneeled in front of them except Pluto. Mars couldn't help but kneel as well as he realized he was wrong all this time. He was just tempted by the infinity powers that the sextuplets possess. Now, was it too late for him to atone for his sins?

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