Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 78

[At Moonlight Kingdom (Mortal Realm)]

The gigantic waves almost shattered the protection barriers, but the ground suddenly stops shaking and the water also evaporates. Their jaw dropped and looked up at the sky with eyes widened in surprise. It seems like everything just stops for a second, and a blinding light appears at the top of the vanishing tower that is now covered with thick ice. It stunned everyone when they heard the loud sound of a trumpet and they gasped in astonishment when they saw a lot of angels with an arc of light above their heads while flying around the frozen balance tower.

"A miracle caused by sextuplets. Brothers and sisters, the holy spirits came to our redemption! Let's praise the Almighty God and the Holy Spirits!” Senior Kaden said and beamed a smile while looking up, feeling grateful. Everyone sighed in relief with misty eyes while looking up at the balance tower —to witness the angels restore the ruined balance tower.

"Are we going to be saved?” King Gustav muttered incredulously. He felt a whirlwind of emotions while staring at the angels surrounding the half body of the balance tower that was visible in the mortal realm. What exactly happened at magic realm?

Everyone looked at Senior Kaden with hopeful expressions and anxiously waiting for his reply. Senior Kaden smiled. “As the darkness ends, judgment befalls those who are sinners. While we still have time, we have to repent and atone for our sins. It's the only way to get their mercy and redemption. The time has come for them to give their judgment to the sinners. Everyone, let's get on our knees and beg for mercy and salvation.” Senior Kaden said seriously, his voice filled with hope. Everyone nodded and felt so grateful towards Senior Kaden. Without his words of wisdom, they wondered what will happen to them. For sure, they'll feel helpless and doomed.

"Brothers and sisters, let's pray and praise the Almighty God for sending the savior of humanity.” King Alexander said and kneeled while praying intently.

Everyone followed him and also kneeled with hands clasped together. They closed their eyes while praying intently in silence with all their hearts, minds, and souls. Despite the wrath of the earth and nearly falling into destruction and death, they are still standing strong and grateful for being alive. Being alive is a blessing and they must offer themselves to Almighty God and be faithful for the rest of their lives without a doubt. It is rare to have a second chance in life after experiencing the destruction, so they must live life to the fullest with no regrets and always believe in God.

“Almighty God, I ask for forgiveness for all of my sins, for all of my shortcomings, and for being a disappointment and useless child. I ask you in your good heart to save us all from our sins. I am a sinner and I'm willing to atone for all of my mistakes and accept your heavy punishment. Please have mercy on us and save us all. And I'm sending you my deepest gratitude for bringing back my daughter Alexandria and her sisters. I couldn't be more grateful than seeing my daughters and son alive and well. In return, I'll offer and devote my life to you until eternity.” Queen Leia prayed with all her heart while tears streaming down her face nonstop.

Without everyone's knowledge, the light coming out from each one illuminated the entire place. All their prayers went towards the holy spirits as they offer and surrender themselves from their sins and repent.

“Almighty God, please show us your mercy and salvation. I will treasure this second chance and I promise to lead my kingdom peacefully and unite with other races.’ King Desmond prayed intently. “Almighty God, I believe in your powers and I'm hoping to experience your mercy, salvation, and miracles. I am so thankful I am still alive today despite being threatened by the happenings and death. Please take my soul as my offerings. I promise to devote my life to you until eternity.’ King Tyrone prayed; his heart filled with hopes.

“Almighty God, please save us and have mercy on us. I promise to not look down on the other races and I'll lead my kingdom to unite with them for peace.’ King Gustav also pray.

They continued praying until the skin of their knees felt numbed and scraped. But the pain was nothing as long as they are going to be saved.

Suddenly, the balance tower and the angels disappeared and a big swirling motion appeared in front of everyone. It stunned them while staring at the portal in awe.

The portal appeared not only at the Moonlight Kingdom, but it also appeared at different places of werewolves’ pack, vampire kingdom, witches kingdom, demon kingdom, and wizard land. When everyone didn't get into the portal because of surprise, the portal swirling forcefully and produces a powerful gust of wind then formed into an enormous whirlwind.

Because of shock, they forgot to fight the force, and the whirlwind took them by force. Everyone screams out of fear of the unknown and it echoed throughout the place. Suddenly, their voices faded and fell into a deafening silence.

[In Magic Realm]

Pluto narrowed his eyes at Mars in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Mars realized his mistakes and surrender himself and atone for his sins. Now, he’s all by himself and cursed Mars for betraying him They have planned this together for a long time, but he left him hanging in a thread of fate.

With everyone surrounding him, he could never escape. However, he couldn't bring himself to surrender because of his pride. A powerful god shouldn't kneel in front of a mere being like the sextuplets. Thus, he refuses to acknowledge the sextuplets’ greatness. For him, there's no one more powerful than him because he already surpassed the power of Jupiter, the most powerful among the gods.

“You could never defeat me, Alice!" he shouted while gnashing his teeth in anger. Without the support from the underworld, he would now rely on his powers and capabilities. He will show them how powerful he had become during those years of training in the deepest part of the underworld. His eyes turned jet black while his body emitting an enormous dark aura and chant a foreign language to call the spirit of darkness. Those weaker than him felt the immense pressure coming off from him. However, the sextuplets just gave him an icy gaze, like they were expecting him to call the spirit of darkness.

Darkness envelops half of the magic realm, and it was full of lost souls of demons. A gigantic image of Demon God appeared at the back of Pluto-like his shadow. Pluto laughed evilly upon victoriously summoned the spirit of the Demon God. He felt like the most invincible God, closer to Demon God. Now, he was powerful as the sextuplets.

Suddenly, a whirlwind appeared in every direction. It baffled everyone when something came out of the whirlwind. And it rendered everyone speechless upon seeing a lot of beings falling from the sky. Azrael and Stephen's eyes widened upon seeing a lot of werewolves and other races. Their jaw dropped because few faces were familiar to them. Azrael commands the Divine Wolf and Mystic Eagle to shield everyone from falling into the rock and water. But Alice turned the water into thick ice and everyone slide safely. Azrael looked up and smile. He was glad that Alice helped because his two high-ranking spirits couldn't save everyone in a brief period.

Sabrina, together with Elaine (Lyla), Cybelle, Lucia, Michelle, and Cyn, froze on their feet upon recognizing Queen Leia, King Alexander, King Desmond, and Vorges.

“Mama! Papa!” Angelo exclaimed in joy upon seeing his parents. He jumped from the Flaming Lion King and run towards his parents.

“Angelo!” Azrael called, then followed the kid.

Queen Leia and King Alexander groaned and got up. They felt weak at the knees but still looked for the familiar voice that was calling them repeatedly. A delicate, tiny figure hugged Queen Leia tightly, and her tears poured down upon seeing Angelo.

“My baby!” Queen Leia exclaimed in joy and kissed Angelo’s cheek nonstop. She misses him terribly, and she was so glad that he is safe. A foul smell quickly filled her nostrils and almost puke. That's when she noticed the blood on Angelo’s clothes. She felt anxious and scanned Angelo’s body for a wound.

“Mama, I'm fine. The blood is from the demons.” Angelo said and smile. Queen Leia sighed in relief. Meanwhile, King Alexander also sighed in relief upon seeing Angelo safe and sound. But he froze when he noticed the surrounding. He looked up and his eyes widened upon seeing the happening above them. Then he looked at his surroundings, and notice the number of beings from different races. "What's going on?" he thought.

King Desmond, Vorges, and the other rulers looked up with their jaws dropped. Did they come back to the Magic realm? Only then they noticed the sextuplets surrounded by angels, who have an arc of light above their heads—a “halo’.

“Uncle! Auntie!” Sabrina called, and everyone turned to look at her.

“Mama! Papa!” Cybelle also called.

At that moment, waves of foul smell hit everyone's nostrils, and they almost puked. Sabrina and the others chuckled upon seeing everyone's reactions.

"What happened to all of you? Why are you drenched in blood?” King Tyrone spoke and looked at Sabrina’s bloody appearance.

"Earlier, the sextuplets killed all the flying demons in one swoop and their blood scattered everywhere. Then the blood fell on us. It's unexpected, so we weren't able to avoid it.” Sabrina said and felt disgusted at herself.

Everyone burst out laughing amidst the situation they were in. Then they all looked up to witness the happenings above them.

Vorges walked towards Sabrina with a smile. “Sabrina, I'm so glad you're fine,” he said.

Sabrina smiled back and said, “A witch like me doesn't die easily, Vorges.”

Vorges chuckled and stared at Sabrina with admiration. Sabrina felt conscious, and something stirred inside her. She almost gasped when he pulled her into a tight embrace. Vorges didn't care about her foul smell at all. “I missed you so much, Sabrina. You don't know how worried I was when you disappeared. I thought I lose you.” he whispered into Sabrina’s ear. His voice sounded petrified. Sabrina smiled and closed her eyes. She felt relaxed in his warm embrace.

She looked up only to meet Vorges lips. Her eyes widened but later on, respond to the kiss. When they broke off the kiss, they smiled at each other.

"Who are they? They exuded an immense aura. I think they're not an ordinary being.” Vorges asked while looking up at the people who knelt in the air in front of the sextuplets. And then his gaze fixated on the man surrounded by darkness. He felt goosebumps and tremble.

Sabrina sighed. “They are gods and goddesses. I don't know what's going on, but it seems like one god went against them and refuses to acknowledge Alex and her sisters. Before that, the other gods fought the sextuplets. But now, I'm confused about what's going on. I felt like it's a clash of gods between sextuplets.” she said with a creased forehead.

Everyone heard what Sabrina said, and they all trembled in fear. They looked at each other and they come to realize that all races were present including the demons, but they pose no threats because, like them, the happenings also stupefied the demons and tremble in fear while looking up above. Are they summoned together to witness the clash of the gods? If that's the case, it's the first in history.

Meanwhile, Jupiter frowned and dumbfounded while looking at Pluto. He couldn't believe he still had something in his sleeves. That's why he's so confident to face the sextuplets. “Pluto was blind. He didn't see the sextuplets as a pose of threat to his existence. Eventually, he would meet his doom." he thought and sighed.

Unbeknownst to Pluto, calling the spirit of darkness was his biggest mistake. He forgot the consequences of summoning the spirit of darkness; it means sacrificing his life—as a god.

“Pluto, you have given us no choice to give you a chance to atone for your sins. You refused to acknowledge the divine power we behold. Remember, darkness doesn't exist, but light exists. Almighty God created the light to conquer darkness.” Alice said.

“It seems like you misunderstood your purpose as a ruler of darkness.” Demonise said, looked at Pluto with discernment.

“And you also misinterpret the essence of darkness,” Damona said in an indifferent tone.

“Let us remind you, darkness is the source of light. Therefore, light and darkness are both perceived as a harmonious totality at the phases of the life cycle—not to cause imbalance.” Val said.

Pluto gritted his teeth and fuming with rage. However, the words struck him to the core.

"And you failed to recall the reason the Almighty God chose you to be the ruler of darkness,” Willow said flatly, void of emotion.

Pluto stiffened, and Willow's words hit a nerve. He trembles and felt like his body and heart refused to listen to his mind. It seems like those words are a chain that wraps around his body. He was right because when he tried to move, his body felt paralyzed. He tried to transform into dark smoke, but to no avail.

“And last, you let your greed for powers poison your spiritual desire. Your lack of perception of your power fails you to see the importance of darkness to the universe.” Xandra said, then nodded to her sisters.

“We, the sextuplets, as the chosen carrier of the infinite power and the orbs of light and death, have the full power to give judgment to the sinners. Pluto, please accept our divine punishment.” the sextuplets said in unison.

“NO! I REFUSED TO GET PUNISHED! I WILL KILL YOU, SEXTUPLETS!" Pluto screamed as he struggles to break free from the invisible chains of fate.

Alice and her sisters smirked while shaking their heads in sympathy and raised their hands. “Pluto, you cannot escape from the chains and threads of fate. If we pull the strings, your soul will vanish and become one of the spiritual darkness.” Demonise said. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Pluto clenched his teeth in anger and keeps struggling. The spirit of darkness slowly turning into a light that agitates him more. He wanted to choke the sextuplets to death. He fell into their trap to use the spirit of darkness. Completely defeated, he looked at his fellow gods and goddesses in utter disbelief, especially at Mars

“Pluto, I'm sorry. I was wrong to side with you. Brother, please atone for all your sins.” Mars said while still kneeling in front of the sextuplets. Pluto looked at him in disgusts.

Suddenly, the two moons appeared and shines towards them, and Pluto was almost blinded by the light. A portal appeared in front of Pluto and two figures emerge into the light.

"Selene! Dalmir!” the gods and goddesses uttered in shock.

Selene, the moon goddess, together with her husband, Dalmir, smiled at the sextuplets.

The six sisters, except Alice, frowned deeply while looking at the man beside their mother. “Mother, who's with you?” Val asked with a creased forehead. The rest of the sisters just stared at the man. The man looked at them with indescribable feelings. Mixed emotion flooded in Dalmir’s eyes. It's his first time seeing all his daughters and he couldn't measure his happiness. His wish to see all his daughters finally granted.

“My daughters, he is your father. His name is Dalmir.” Selene said with a genuine smile.

Alice smiled at Dalmir and went closer towards his father. She hugged him happily. “I'm happy to see you out of that terrible place,” she whispered.

“I'm so delighted to see all of you,” Dalmir said.

However, the truth shocks the sisters and then froze. The sisters had mixed emotions and they don't know how to react. Selene expected their reaction, but she felt worried that they would hate her for hiding their father for so long.

Alice looked at her father and said, “Give them time. They're just shocked to know you're alive because they thought you're dead.” Dalmir sighed and nodded.

The sisters looked at Alice distantly. But they remained silent and focus on their task.

"You have a lot of explaining to do later, Alice.” Demonise uttered while frowning, when her gaze fell on Dalmir.

“I know. But let's finish this first.” Alice said, and her sisters nodded with a serious expression. Selene and Dalmir looked at the gods and goddesses with utmost displeasure.

Then the sextuplets face Pluto while raising their hands, ready to pull the strings.

"Any last words, Pluto?”

Pluto gnash his teeth in anger and cursed the sextuplets in extreme discontent. Then he laughed like crazy and said, “As long as darkness remained necessary for the phases of the life cycle, my existence will never vanish! I WILL COME BACK AND TAKE MY REVENGE!"

However, his words didn't faze the sisters, and they just grinned. “INFINITE PURIFICATION!" they chanted, at the same time pulling the strings at a slow speed. The angels surrounded Pluto while their hands clasping together and prayed for his soul

Pluto screamed as the light enveloped him. Then the darkness slowly faded. Everyone covered their eyes, as they were almost blinded by the light and it is so sharp to the eyes. And now, everyone was eager to know what happened to Pluto, but the light took forever to dissipate.

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