Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre

When he heard about the paternity test, William started to panic. "What test? She's my daughter. I don't have time for this. Get out of here."

Seeing that William wasn't willing to cooperate, Wade's tone became firm.

"William, if you won't work with us, I'll have to call the police. If Isabelle is really my brother's daughter, I won't let my brother's only child be left outside."

The neighbours watching the commotion were shocked and started. gossiping.

William said, "Don't try to scare me with the police. If you mess with my daughter, I'll fight you."

Wade replied, "Then I'm sorry, but I have no choice. Morgan, call the police."

Then, he pulled out his phone and looked for Magnus' number.

"Before I came here, I talked to Isabelle. I didn't want to bother her without being sure, but if you won't help, I have no other choice. If I'm wrong, I'll take responsibility for what I did today." Seeing Wade and his assistant calling the police, William slowly lowered the bamboo stick he was holding. He looked around at the onlooking neighbours in a panic, gradually giving up his futile struggle. After about ten minutes, the Jenkins Residence's courtyard quieted down.

Wade and his assistant came back inside.

They closed the gate, keeping the curious neighbours out.

Wade looked at William, who was crouching by the doorway with his head in his hands, staying silent. He patiently gave him some time.


Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre

However, Eleanor wasn't so patient. Holding the crumpled document, she kept pressing William for the truth.

But William remained silent, his head in his hands.

Seeing Eleanor getting agitated and starting to push and pull at William on the doorstep, Wade stepped forward and pulled her away. "Calm down. Give him a little time."

"Why should I stay calm? I've poured my heart and soul into raising this. girl for over a decade, only to find out she's not my flesh and blood. I've worked tirelessly to provide for her, to send her to college, and now her family shows up out of nowhere, wanting to take her back. What have I done to deserve this? Do you have any idea how much I've struggled all these years?" Eleanor's words poured out.

Wade nodded sympathetically. "I get it. I feel for you. If Isabelle is truly my brother's daughter, you and your husband would be our family's saviours. We'll make sure to repay you for all the years of care you've given her."

Wade's words struck a chord with Eleanor, and she thought to herself, I didn't expect this guy to be so understanding. With him saying that there must be some benefits coming my way.

Eleanor never had much affection for her eldest daughter, and now seeing her turn into such an ungrateful brat, she thought she was raising her for nothing. But now, it seemed there might be some benefits. So Eleanor wiped away her tears and began to confide in Wade about all the hardships she had endured over the years.

Seeing William's reaction, Wade felt more assured. He naturally felt grateful towards the foster parents who had raised Isabelle for over a decade.

So Wade spoke reassuringly and promised Eleanor a bunch of benefits.

Just then. William. who had been silent all this time. spoke up. "You said


21:52 Mon, 10

Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre

Isabelle is your brother's?

"Where's your brother? Why hasn't he come? And what about her mother?"

A pang of pain flashed in Wade's eyes. "My brother... He passed away over ten years ago. And as for her mother, I have no idea."

Wade lowered himself, speaking sincerely to William, "When my brother left us, he had no clue about the child. He definitely didn't abandon the child. The child's mother must have had her reasons, forced into a difficult situation... They were deeply in love. If you're willing to listen, I can tell you their story. My brother suffered greatly before he passed away. If he had known he had a child in this world, he wouldn't have died."

Thinking about how his brother could have lived a good life with his child, maybe now they would have been a happy family of three, Wade felt an indescribable sense of regret.

Wade said, "William, please, just tell me the truth. Whose child is this?"

After waiting for a while, Wade finally heard William say, "I found her at the back door of the health centre."

The plane touched down in Norward City.

Isabelle walked out from the airport, hailing a taxi straight to the Jenkins Residence.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard of the Jenkins Residence, William recounted the whole story.

Back then, Eleanor was carrying twins. The elder was a boy, and the younger was Layla.

Eleanor struggled to maintain proper nutrition during her pregnancy, and the limited resources/at the health centre led to complications during delivery. The boy couldn't be saved, leaving only Layla alive. After giving birth Fleanor fell into a coma oblivious to her children's


21:52 Mon, 10 Jun U

Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre


situation. With a heavy heart, William went home to fetch essentials for his wife. When he returned to the hospital, he found Isabelle abandoned at the back door of the health centre.

She was barely two days old.

William searched the entire health centre while cradling the child, eventually confirming that she had been deliberately abandoned.

The health centre suggested he take her to the police station or an orphanage.

Looking at the child's little face turning purple from the cold in his arms, William thought that even if he found her biological parents, they might not treat her well. He couldn't bear the idea of sending her to an orphanage.

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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 202 Isabelle Come at the Right Time?

As William thought about the child he had recently lost, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe this was meant to be, like a gift from above.

He pleaded with the doctor to help him out. He wanted to take in this kid.

Back then, unlike now, it was common for families to favor boys over girls, and it was also common for families to adopt children.

The doctor knew that William was an honest man who just lost a child, and thinking that Eleanor wouldn't handle the news of losing a son well once she woke up, the doctor decided to help him out by covering up the situation.

When Eleanor woke up, she found herself looking at two daughters.

After hearing the whole story, Wade was incredibly thankful to William. He realised that if the baby had run into someone with malicious intent, who knows what could have happened to her.

Knowing that William was straightforward, who had been protecting the child as if his own, it was clear he had treated the child well.

Eleanor felt a surge of bitterness after hearing this.

Life was already tough, and now she had been kept in the dark for over a decade, raising someone else's daughter for free. This daughter had never been a source of joy for her, causing her endless headaches from childhood to adulthood.

If Wade wasn't there and had no benefits to gain, Eleanor would have caused a scene with her husband.

After a while, William spoke again, his voice heavy, "Isabelle has suffered with us. Take her back with you, treat her well, and help her find her biological mother."


Knowing that Isabelle is quite opinionated now, William added, "But... only if she is willing to go back with you."

"Thank you, thank you so much. We won't forget your kindness. Don't worry, we'll treat her well. Even though her real dad isn't around anymore, I promise to love her like my own and make up for anything she's missed out." Wade shook William's hand gratefully, expressing his gratitude repeatedly.

"Mr. Sullivan, my husband is a straightforward guy, not one to play games. He's been working on construction sites for years, only catching a break this year when Isabelle got into Taragon University. Thanks to her, I managed to secure a lighter job at the factory. I've worked myself to illness there. You've seen our living conditions. If it weren't for our child, we wouldn't have endured such hardship, enduring ridicule from relatives for half our lives. Despite our struggles, we've never mistreated her. We've finally managed to send her to university, hoping for a better future. As parents, we've dreamed of living better lives, and now you want to take her away after over a decade of bonding. It feels like you're tearing my heart. out..." Eleanor's voice broke as tears welled up again.

"I understand," Wade said, fully comprehending the situation.

"Don't worry, whether Isabelle is willing to come back with me or not, the gratitude we owe you and your family will always remain," Wade assured. With that, Wade took out his wallet and pulled out a card.

"I came in a hurry and didn't bring much cash with me, but there's 75 million dollars in this card. It's a token of appreciation. Please take it for


Even though paternity testing hadn't been done yet, Wade was certain the child was his elder brother's.

Seventy-five million dollars?

Eleanor and Layla were stunned at the mention of this staggering amount.

[UI 202 Isabelle Come at the Right Time?

To casually offer such an enormous sum left them dumbfounded. Judging from Wade's tone, it seemed this might not even be the entirety of his gratitude. It was then that Layla dared to confirm that the man before them was indeed from the Sullivan family in Taragon City, likely related to Bella.

After the initial shock, Layla was overwhelmed with jealousy. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the fatty she used to bully turned out to be the lost daughter of the Sullivan family in Taragon City. Why did that fatty get all the good luck?

Why couldn't any of it fall on me? It seems like everything is going right for that fatty.

Eleanor had been thinking of asking Wade to help Layla get into a better school later, bu never expected Wade to

her 75 million dollars. immediately.

With 75 million dollars in hand, who would worry about not being able to attend a good school?

Besides, why waste time on studying?

"Seventy-five million dollars... "Eleanor was so shocked she couldn't even find her words, her hand shaking as she reached out.

William was equally startled by the amount. Seeing his wife reaching out, he moved to stop her.

Just then, the door swung open.

William stood up from his seat.

"Isabelle?" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Wade heard William's voice and turned around on reflex.

Just a couple of centimeters away. Eleanor watched helplessly as the card

Letretching out in an attempt to reach it but she


Chapter 202 Isabelle Come at the Right Time?

couldn't quite grasp it.

"Hey... Hey..." she couldn't help but blurt out.

Eleanor glanced up, and her heart sank.

Why did this annoying girl come back all of a sudden?

Anxiety surged through her as she worried about the fate of that card.

Isabelle saw the Bentley at the door had Taragon City plates. The neighbors whispered as they saw her, wondering who had come to the Jenkins Residence. When she walked in, she found Wade, whom she had just seen a couple of days ago, in the living room.

Wade called her, "Isabelle ..."

Seeing the excited Wade, along with the deep and complex emotions in his eyes, and glancing at William's expression, Isabelle felt puzzled.

Stepping in with large strides, Isabelle's tone was unfriendly.

"Mr. Sullivan, if your apology brought you here, what exactly are you here for? Me or the Jenkins?"

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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 203 Isabelle's Biological Parents

"I-I'm here to see you."

Wade was caught off guard by Isabelle's return and didn't know what to do. He was worried that Isabelle wouldn't be able to handle it and didn't want to hurt her.

Isabelle walked over. "I don't have time."

She had already given him a chance at the restaurant a couple of days ago.

William looked at his daughter, feeling embarrassed about what had happened, but he still wanted to talk to her. He carefully asked, "Isabelle, why are you back from school? Did something happen?"

Isabelle looked at Wade and said, "I need to deal with some things now. Do I need to ask you to leave?"

Her presence actually overpowered that of Wade, a prominent business figure.

Wade didn't know how to respond, but unexpectedly, William spoke up for him, "Isabelle, he came to see you."

You shouldn't air your dirty laundry in public, but Isabelle didn't see this place as her home, she didn't bother to hold back.

She took something out of her pocket and slapped it on the table. "These are divorce papers. You both need to sign them."

Isabelle glanced at the crumpled papers on the table.

She continued, "Ethan and his dad each get half of this old house." Then she looked at Eleanor,/whose face was stiff. "And that 75,000 dollars in compensation? Dream on."

"Divorce?" Wade looked at the William and Eleanor.


Chapter 203 Isabelle's Biological Parents

"What divorce? Who said anything about divorce? That was just your dad talking in anger. How could you take it seriously?" Eleanor said with at smile, sneaking a look at Wade.

She cursed inwardly, Why did this d*mn girl have to come back now of all times?

Isabelle said, "It's not up to you whether you get divorced or not. But if you don't sign these papers, I'll have you both thrown in jail tonight.

"Not to mention the fraud and theft, just the fact that you stole my exam answers and my guaranteed spot at Taragon University is enough to keep you and your daughter in prison for life."

Even though they didn't know exactly what Isabelle was talking about, it was obvious that she didn't have a good relationship with this family.

Eleanor's claim that they had never mistreated the child didn't sound true.

Wade couldn't hold back and interrupted, "Stealing exam answers and a guaranteed spot at Taragon University? What's going on?"

Wade vaguely remembered his daughter mentioning that Taragon University had granted early admission to a math genius even more talented than James. Later, she said that the so-called math genius had faked it by stealing someone else's answers.

Glancing at Eleanor, who wasn't a nice person, and then at Layla, who was home instead of in school, Wade felt a knot of concern forming in his stomach.

However, no one paid any attention to him.

William sighed, feeling ashamed and unable to face the situation. Eleanor and Layla both looked embarrassed and guilty.

Seeing Wade getting involved in the Jenkins' affairs, Isabelle asked him, "What exactly is your business here?"

Wade hesitated glancing at William and seeking his annroval before


Chapter 203 Isabelle's Riological Parents

speaking, "William, can I speak now?"

William nodded weakly, hunching his back and squatting back down on the doorstep.

Wade gazed at Isabelle's face, his emotions swirling within him.

He struggled to find the right words, his lips moving uncertainly. Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly pulled out his phone, flipping through it until he found a specific photo.

"Take a look at this picture," he said, handing the phone to Isabelle.

Isabelle didn't reach for it, just glanced at it.

It was the photo Wade had snapped that night after he got back home. It was the only picture he had of his older brother and sister-in-law together.

The photo had turned yellow with age, clearly showing its age.

The woman in the picture had finely arched eyebrows and a gentle aura, bearing a striking resemblance to Isabelle in almost every feature.

After quickly scanning the photo, Isabelle looked up at Wade.

Wade tried to contain his excitement as he said, "These are your biological parents. I'm your uncle."

Wade had expected such a bombshell revelation to be met with disbelief from Isabelle. He thought Isabelle would be shocked, seek confirmation from his family, find it hard to accept, get emotional, and maybe

even. grab his phone to take a closer look.

However, there was no response whatsoever. Whether it was towards the family she had been living with for over a decade or towards her new parents, she showed absolutely no emotion. If it weren't for knowing that the child was quite sharp, Wade might


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21:52 Mon, 10 Jun

Chapter 203 Isabelle's Biological Parents


Isabelle's face remained cold and emotionless. If he wasn't mistaken, there was even a hint of irritation in her eyes.

At that moment, William spoke up, "Isabelle, you're not biologically ours. I found you at the health centre's entrance."

William gritted his teeth and recounted the story of finding her again.

"Isabelle, your biological father is my older brother, Brad, the eldest son of the Sullivan family. Your mother is from Suregon and her name is Irene Alcott," Wade added.

Brad, the eldest son of the Sullivan family, was an ambitious workaholic.

Back then, he was too busy striving to take the family business to new heights to even think about his own marriage. He turned down all the marriage proposals arranged by the family.

After their father passed away, Brad became more focused on the company. At thirty-two years old, he still had no plans of getting married.

By then, his two brothers had already started families, leaving him the lone bachelor.

When Brad turned thirty-three, he went to Suregon to do business for a while. Intrigued by the local culture, he accompanied a friend to local theater performance to watch Suregon Opera, and fell in love at

first sight. with Irene, who was performing on stage.

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