Chapter 204 Repay?

Isabelle's biological mother, Irene, had a tough life.

Brad was really drawn to her kindness, sweetness, and how caring she was whenever they hung out. Whenever he could, he'd head to Suregon to see her. They just naturally clicked.

After a year of being in love, Brad proposed to marry Irene.

The marriage of the eldest son had always been on Old Madam Sullivan's mind, so when she heard that her son was finally getting married, she was overjoyed.

But when she learnt that her son was going to marry an orphan without parents, not only someone with poor health but also a singer, Old Madam Sullivan flat out rejected her.

Brad and his family were stuck in a deadlock for two months. Seeing his mom wouldn't budge, he even suggested leaving the Sullivan family, giving up everything, just to marry Irene. Seeing her son obstinately sticking to his decision, Old Madam Sullivan went as far as threatening her own life to make him change his mind.

So Brad was trapped in the Sullivan family like this.

Every time he mustered the courage to go see Irene, his mom would threaten to end her life.

He asked his younger brother, Wade, to go to Suregon and check on the frail and sickly Irene for him.

Before this, Wade had accompanied his brother to Suregon and had met Irene once, but when he went there again, carrying his brother's request, he couldn't find her.


Chapter 204 Repay?

The theater where Irene made a living had shut down, her master who taught her singing and the other apprentices had all scattered. Irene was nowhere to be found. Brad had a hunch that his mom was behind the theatre shutting down.

Unable to bear it, he left everything behind to search for Irene. But even after a whole year of looking, he couldn't find her.

Eventually, Wade found his worn-out big brother and brought him back home.

The once lively Brad became despondent. His search for Irene led to him developing depression, which only worsened over time.

Brad spent two years at home, numbing himself with medication. During those two years, Old Madam Sullivan still didn't realise her mistake.

In the end, after another emotional confrontation, Old Madam Sullivan lost her son for good.

"Y-your dad

He took his own life," Wade said, tears in his eyes.

Isabelle's face remained blank, distant, like he was just a passive bystander.

She was only thinking one thing-how annoying!

"If my brother knew he had a child, he wouldn't have done it..." Wade's heart ached with sorrow and regret.

Along with that, there was also deep remorse.

If he had only been there for his brother a bit more, things might have. turned out differently for him.

"Your mom was always fragile and weak, she left you at She probably... "Wade paused.

he health centre ...

Knowing his brother wouldn't have misindeed Irene Wade believed che


Chapter 204 Repay?

wouldn't have left her child unless her own health failed her.

William felt even more for Isabelle after hearing this.

He asked Wade, "Your mom is so domineering. If Isabelle goes back with you, will she mistreat Isabelle?"

Wade promised William, even swearing on his life, that he wouldn't allow any harm.

But Isabelle's response was cold, "Who said I'm going back with you?"

Looking at her, Wade continued gently, "Kid, I know my family had wronged your mom, and your dad... It made life hard for you out there. You're all grown up now, and I get it if you don't feel any connection to the Sullivans. It's okay, take your time. Whether you want to stay here or head back to the Sullivan residence, I'll respect your choice."

Then Wade told William and Eleanor, "I just said, regardless of whether Isabelle wants to come back to the Sullivan residence or not, we'll make sure to repay your kindness."

Eleanor quickly interjected with a few kind words, hoping Isabelle would remember all the years had taken care of her and not be so heartless.

Isabelle glanced at the card Wade was holding. "Repay?"

Looking at the uneasy Eleanor and the visibly tired Layla, she scoffed, "Repay them for all the years they've abused me?"

Wade exclaimed in shock, "Abuse?"

He immediately turned to look at Eleanor and her daughter.

"N-no, that's not true. Isabelle has always been a handful. Mr. Sullivan, we're not well-off like you. We work hard day in and day out just to make ends meet, looking after three children. Isn't it normal for parents to discipline their disobedient kids? That's just how we raise them. I got scolded by my own parents plenty when I was young. We can't afford to



Chapter 204 Repay?

hire three or four nannies like wear fo

1. do. This child is as

precious to me as my own. No parent doesn't care for their child. Just because we give a little tough love and suddenly it's called abuse. This kid only remembers the bad things," Eleanor defended herself cunningly.

Wade glanced at Isabelle.

Isabelle gave him a cold look. "Didn't you investigate thoroughly before coming in?"

Wade felt a bit ashamed. "We were short on time, so I only brought along one assistant.....

Kid, about the abuse you mentioned?"

Isabelle gestured towards the door. "Go outside and ask the neighbours. Then you'll see if it's discipline or abuse."

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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 205 Sign the Divorce Agreement or Go to Jail

When Wade heard this, his face darkened. He remembered how Eleanor had slipped up multiple times, calling her a "d*mn girl," and how she always had a fiery temper.

The adoptive mother's

happened right when and fake behaviour got

focused on them.

exposed, and it

who had just found the child, was completely

Wade, fuming with anger, was ready to confront her right then and there.

Realising she couldn't keep up her act as the perfect wife and mom, Eleanor just dropped the pretence altogether.

She shamelessly started demanding money from Wade for all the years' worth of living expenses, rent, school fees, food, clothes, and even a sip of water Isabelle drank, plus her so-called hardship fees.

"I might not have treated her as well as the other two, but my family did save her life and worked hard to raise her.

"I'm not asking for much, just 7.5 million dollars. Give me the money, and you can take her right away," Eleanor demanded.

She even thought 7.5 million was too little.

Originally, she wanted 75 million dollars.

"You... "Wade was speechless, having never dealt with someone so unreasonable and shameless.

"You still want money? You abused her! I'm calling the police! Let you rot in jail!" Wade was furious.

At first, when Wade saw how well Isabelle was taken care of and dressed, he thought the adoptive family was well-off. When he found out they weren't,



Chapter 205 Sign the Divorce Agreement or Go to Jail

he believed they genuinely loved her, raising her well despite their tough situation, which he found admirable.

So, in his initial excitement, he impulsively thought about rewarding them. He figured giving them money would also make it easier to take the child back to the Sullivan family.

Never did he imagine this.

"Don't try to scare me. We raised her for eighteen years. No matter what you say, you owe us," Eleanor shot back, raising her voice.

She spewed nonsense, one absurd claim after another.

Her nasty attitude pushed the usually calm Wade to clench his fists in


At that moment, William, who had been crouching by the door, erupted in anger.


William stood up and said to Wade, "I found the kid and raised her all these years. I don't need your gratitude." Then he turned to Eleanor and said, "She called you 'mom' for over a decade, and you still treated her badly."

After that, he turned and went into the room.

He grabbed his pen and quickly walked to the table.

With a firm resolve he'd never had before, he signed the divorce agreement Isabelle had brought.

Slamming the pen down on the table, he said to Eleanor, "I don't want this house either. I'll move out tonight."

Then he turned to Wade and said, "I don't want your money. If Isabelle. wants to mo with vol Vou can take her


Chapter 205 Sign the Divorce Agreement or Go to Jail

"But your family better treat her well. If you dare mistreat her, I, William Jenkins, won't stand for it!" With red eyes and a hoarse voice, he shouted as if raising his voice would give him more strength. William spent most of his life working on construction sites, taking insults from younger bosses without a word.

But this time, for the sake of the daughter he picked up, he stood tall for the first time against the wealthy and influential Wade.

Eleanor lost it right then and there. "Wow! Now you're tough, huh, William? You've been a pushover for years, dragging me along with you. But now that we're splitting, you suddenly have a backbone?! "Why shouldn't I take his money? I've put in just as much effort raising her. Why do you get to decide we don't need it? Oh, I get it. You want a divorce so you can keep it all to yourself, don't you?" Wade and his assistant were completely taken aback by this behaviour as if they had suddenly woken up to reality.

At this rate, Eleanor would keep causing a scene for days on end, so Isabelle pulled out her phone.

"Looks like you're not gonna sign this anytime soon. Well, whatever. Whether you sign it or not doesn't make a difference. Going to jail or getting divorced, it's all the same."

Seeing Isabelle reaching for her phone to call the cops, Eleanor and her daughter started to panic.

"Mom, just sign the paper. I don't wanna go to jail." Layla was scared, grabbing her mother's arm and urging her to sign.

At first, Eleanor didn't believe Isabelle would go through with it, but when she saw her dialling the police, Eleanor panicked.

"Mom, just sign it already."


21:53 Mon, 10 Jun

Chapter 205 Sign the Divorce Agreement or Go to Jail

Under her daughter's urging, Eleanor was forced to sign it.

After that, she sat on the ground and started wailing, lamenting her misfortune and her husband's cruelty, saying she had raised someone else's daughter for over a decade.

Isabelle found her behaviour annoying.

She left William a lawyer's business card, saying calmly, "If she dares to bother you, call this lawyer."

As she was leaving, Wade tried to stop her, but Isabelle threw a cold remark at him, "Don't disturb my life," and walked off.

William watched her leaving, taking a couple of steps forward without even realising it. With tears in his eyes, he saw her walk out of the gate, suddenly looking like he had aged ten years.


Isabelle hailed a taxi and called Timothy, asking him to arrange a place for William in his current job..

Later, Wade also left the Jenkins Residence. He had wanted to give some money to William, but it was obvious that William wouldn't accept it.

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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 206 I Only Have a Brother

Even if he accepted, it was likely that the money would end up in Eleanor's pocket.

So Wade could only postpone it, thinking that he would thank William after Isabelle had done the DNA test and confirmed the identity completely. Isabelle quickly returned to Taragon City by plane.

Around eight o'clock in the evening,

The doorbell of the villa rang urgently.

"I'll go and open it." George stood up from the sofa and went to open the door.

As the door opened, he saw Ethan panting, sweating profusely.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" George asked with concern, then turned to Isabelle who was following behind and said, "It's Ethan."

Ethan quickly walked into the villa, his gaze meeting Isabelle's as he approached.

Isabelle acted as if nothing was wrong, asking, "Took the day off?"

At such a critical time in their senior year, he took leave just for this trivial matter. He could have just called her about it on the phone.

Seeing Ethan remain silent, Isabelle asked, "Did you find out?"

George glanced at the siblings, sensing that something was off.

No, it was only Ethan who seemed off.

Ethan's gaze remained fixed on her.

After a moment, he moved his lips slightly and asked hoarsely, "Did you ...



Chapter 206 I Only Have a Brother.

Did you go with them for the DNA test?"

George asked inwardly, DNA test?

He looked at Isabelle. Who did she go with for the DNA test? sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Isabelle replied, "No. Let's sit down and talk." She turned to pour a glass of water for Ethan, then came back and handed it to him.

Ethan didn't take it, nor did he sit down.

"So, are you

Are you going to do it?

Are you going back to the Sullivan family?

Before Ethan could even ask, Isabelle just went ahead and said, "No."

Seeing George struggling to understand what was going on and not wanting to intrude, Isabelle reluctantly began to explain.

In a few simple words, she summarised the entire story.

"You're Brad's daughter?" George seemed a bit surprised.

After that, he fell silent, lost in his thoughts.

Isabelle grabbed a few pieces of tissue, wiped Ethan's sweat a couple of times, and handed him the tissue, saying, "You don't have to act like..."

It's hard to say "like you've lost your parents"..

"I never really cared about the Jenkins I've been living with for over a decade, let alone some Sullivans that suddenly pop up.

"My real mom and dad were killed by that old hag. What's the point of going back? It's just more trouble for me."



Chapter 206 1 Only Have a Brother

George totally agreed with the last part.

He even felt envious, envious that the Sullivans had such an amazing daughter out there.

"The only reason I'd ever go back to the Sullivans is to settle the score with that old hag and get revenge for my real parents."

They want me to embrace my biological family? That's wishful thinking, really.

Not to mention she was not even the real Isabelle, so she didn't have any emotional attachment to the Sullivans.

Even if the real Isabelle knew it was Old Madam Sullivan who killed her parents, she wouldn't stoop so low as to acknowledge this so-called kinship.

The Sullivans' affairs didn't affect Isabelle's mood at all, and it saved her the trouble of going to court to sever ties with Eleanor.

She picked up the drink on the table.

This drink was just brought by George, saying it was from a business. partner, but since he didn't drink himself, he gave it to her.

Isabelle poured a glass for Ethan. "Want some?"

Ethan just looked at her.

Am I being a bit too cold-blooded right now? Isabelle realised this and softened. her tone, trying to comfort Ethan's feelings.

"Whether it's the Jenkins or the Sullivans, I only have a brother, it's you," Isabelle told him.

Ethan still didn't say anything,

But it was clear that Isabelle's words had a profound impact on him.


Chapter 2061 Only Have a Brother

Knowing he might not be ready to accept it yet, Isabelle gave him some space, so she changed the subject, asking him, "Hungry?"

Ethan shook his head slightly.

"I'll see what we have here."

Isabelle wasn't sure if there was any food at home.

The day she moved in, George arranged two servants for her, one to clean. and the other to cook for her on weekends.

They would leave after finishing their tasks and wouldn't disturb her life.

Watching Isabelle head into the kitchen, Ethan remained silent for a


Then he stood up. "I'm going back to school. Please tell my sister, Mr. Harris."

With that, he headed out.

George stood up. "I'll walk you out."

Ethan declined, "No need."

He walked briskly, his previously injured foot, still somewhat limping, now more noticeable.

It was unclear how he managed to rush in like that.

George shifted his gaze away and was about to sit back down when he noticed a bank card where Ethan had been sitting.

He bent down to pick it up.

At that moment, Isabelle emerged, asking, "Where did he go?"

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Chapter 206 1 Only Have a Brother

George slipped the card into his pocket. "He's gone back to school. I'll walk him out," he said, stepping outside.

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