
Warmth, the scent of pine and apples engulfed my senses as I woke. Something shifted next to me curling further in my body causing me to jump away in full alert. Flashes of chains and whips crossed my eyes and I bit back a defensive growl before my eyes adjusted to Levi and my body slumped in relief. It wasn’t a dream, I was really free, free to do as I wished…free to love Levi.

My wolf whimpered with absolute liberation and I joined him. How could I have been so dumb as to wait so long, to put off such a great feeling for something as dumb as appearances and the ideal cliché family. I had everything I would ever need right here in my arms. Sighing I leant over and nuzzled Levi’s warm neck, closing my eyes to the delicious sparks our skin produced together; not to mention his smell. It was so intoxicating.

I was tempted to lick that one spot I restrained myself to mark last night to get another taste of him.

‘Oh the hell with it.’

Slowly I let my tongue caress his skin receiving a delightful soft moan from him. Smiling I did it again watching his body stretch out in want and not to mention his scent was more pungent with lust. My eyes roamed everywhere over his perfect form till I caught sight of a weird scar across his wrist as he turned over smiling up at me.

My confusion was pushed to the back of my mind as his sexy sleepy smile shone on me and I melted.

“Morning” his voice was raspy with sleep. I leant down inches from his face keeping our gaze connected.

“Morning” I whispered huskily. Dear god he was making me a wanton whore with his damn innocent allure. My gaze drifted down towards his lips as he captured his bottom lip between his perfect white teeth and I lost it with a low growl. I smashed out lips together in hunger for his taste.

I felt his fingers wrap themselves around my blonde locks pulling me closer and my heart raced. His bare leg wrapped around my waist as the sheets tangled between us blocking anymore contact to our lower halves. As passion ignited between the both of us our kiss grew raw and desperate. His nails were growing into my back as we lost control of ourselves.

“Kyle” he gasped. He was trying to separate our mouths to speak but I was too greedy to let him. Circling my arms around his back I lifted his upper body against mine.

“Kyle” he muffled once more this time positioning his hands in between our chest to push me away a bit. Groaning I glanced down at his flushed face and his ajar plump lips gasping for air.

“What?” I asked breathlessly. Levi’s eyelids dropped suddenly in embarrassment and I almost laughed aloud with how cute he was being… wait did I just say cute? Wow I never thought I would ever use that word in a sentence. Oh well he’s what I said, adorably cute.

“Can I a-ask you something?” what was up with this sudden bashfulness.

“Anything” I said as soothing as I could to make him feel more relaxed but if anything he was even more tense as he inhaled before speaking. His eyes were still down casts as he spoke.

“Can you tell me…. why-” he paused. Frowning I lowered my head to get at eye level with him.

“Why, what?” I asked softly lifting his chin up with my forefinger and thumb.

“W-why haven’t you m-marked me yet” large chocolate eyes stared into my grey with such vulnerable insecurity. It about broke my heart. I did this to him; made him self-conscious and unsure where I was concerned to him. I softened my gaze as I stared in to his anxious eyes.

“Levi-” he cut me off before I could answer.

“Is it that you really don’t want me now that you’ve had me? I’m not good enough am I.” he started to rush from the bed but I caught him to my chest, his back to my front as he avoided any eye contact with me. “I knew it; I knew it was too good to be true!” I heard the hitch in his whispered tone a sure sign there were tears bound to be shed.

I shut my eyes as the sudden pain my wolf and I felt at the anguish our mate was feeling… at what I had subjected him to with all my constant rejections. This was my entire fault. I held tighter to Levi’s squirming body as he desperately tried to distance himself from me.

“Stop, stop it Levi” my voice was just a sliver above a whisper as a lump forged in my throat. How could I have been so foolish to do this to my own mate? It shouldn’t have taken being kidnapped and beaten daily for me to realize the mistake I made with him. The torture I must have put him thought. I was no better than the Syrin.

“I’m nothing to you” he cried this time, heart wrenching sobs falling from his lips. “Let go of me!” he begged. “Please let go”

“STOP!” I exclaimed unable to take the pain in my chest. His body froze instantly but he never turned to face me. Sighing I buried my face in the back of his neck, my mouth brushed up against the spot where I planned to mark him.

He didn’t get it. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to mark him last night. I did-oh god did I but I wanted approval from him first. I wanted permission from Levi directly to know that I was accepted, after everything I’ve done to him, that he was forgiving me enough to have him for the rest of my life.

“You don’t understand.” I whispered shakily in his ear. “I’m not worthy of such a gift” and I wasn’t.

I didn’t want him thinking that marking him was just an in the moment thing during sex, it meant so much more to me than wolf instinct now. It meant life or death, it meant salvation… marking Levi would make him my anchor, my reason for living; there was no going back.

“You’re right, I don’t understand” Levi sniffled. I buried my head deeper in his neck.

“I want our last phase of mating to be accepted by you fully not an in the heat of the moment thing. I don’t want to force anything on you that you were hesitant about in the least bit. Do you understand?” I felt his body shift against mine.

“I realize now that you’re my everything; I know it’s too late to say this but you are. Your all I have left but I wanted to give you time to judge my true sincerity about all this. That is why I restrained myself in marking you mine last night because I don’t deserve the right.” Once those words left my mouth Levi turned quickly towards me, his eyes wide in shock but filled to the brim with unshed tears.

He said nothing just stared. Then he moved out of my hold, this time I let him dropping my arms to my side in defeat.

‘I tried’ I thought dejectedly. I watched as he untangled himself from the sheets and stood. His naked body shone beautiful in the early light seeping through the curtains. His back was faced to me before he turned slowly towards me; his face held a softness to it and my confusion surfaced. His arms rose then and he smiled at me.

“Then I accept you Kyle.” He spoke softly.

My eyes widened, ‘Did he just…’

“With everything in me; that’s all I’ve ever wanted from you and if I have to be the one to do it then I will.” He motioned with is hands for me to come forwards.

“So come and make me yours.”

Emotions invaded my chest as I gave into him easily. How could I not, he was everything to me. I got up from the bed to stand before him. My wolf clawed and grasped at his invitation with vigor pushing up and forced me to step aside as my teeth grew into canines. My vision became sharper as he pushed further. Growling I wrapped an arm around Levi’s bare waist and pressed him fully up against me.

He let out a gasp before he reached out between us touched his fingertips onto my lips. I dared not move as he explored my mouth, touch my lip, my teeth and last my elongated canines. My wolf whimpered with need at the gentle caresses he made towards the sharp fangs.

Inching his hand out more he cupped my face and smiled

“Make me yours forever Kyle” his hand moved towards the back of my neck and pulled me down till my face was buried into his neck. “Don’t make me wait any longer.” The whimper he produced was my undoing just then and I gave in to both our desires and did as he asked. Slowly my teeth sank into his tender flesh, blood poured into my mouth. My spirit sank into his as we became one, I felt the moment our wolves met spiritually embracing each other in reunition.

The sound of Levi’s moans reached my ears as the rush of hunger for him intensified along with my senses. His nails dug into my back while I felt the tug in his knees as they threatened to give. Quickly I tightened my hold on him and walked us backwards towards the bed. Wrapping his legs around my waist I sat down with my teeth still attached to him, I was unable to let go. My body began to shake with sudden anxiety.

What if this was all a cruel dream? What if I let go and he disappeared. My grip on his neck tightened as my jaws clenched and my wolf snarled with the same fear.

‘Please don’t let this be a dream’

“Kyle” Levi moaned breathlessly. “You’re ok” he whispered folding his arms around my neck and holding me close. “Shhhh”

I was panting for breath as he tried to comfort me.

“I’m right here Kyle, you’re going to be fine.” Closing my eyes I put my all my faith in him and reined in my restless wolf detaching my teeth from Levi’s neck. I waited for the feel of his warm body to disappear but it never happened. Hesitantly I opened my eyes to see my very flushed and smiling mate staring down at me. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“See, you’re alright” I sighed in relief and sank back on the bed bringing Levi with me. He let out a small laugh and stretched out beside me, laying his head down on my shoulder and arm across my stomach.

I stared up at the ceiling as everything began to settle within me; instead I began to focus on the synchronizing beat of our hearts.

‘We were finally one’

With that thought I looked over towards Levi to find him fast asleep. I reached out and slowly moved his long brown hair from covering his face.

‘He was finally mine’

There was such a peaceful expression on his face that is sent joy running though my body. My hand moved from his face and caressed down his neck where my bleeding mark lay. Quickly I leant over and licked it clean, healing the wound also getting a whiff of his scent that was now mixed with mine and it sent me into a calm state.

I moved to grab the blanket to cover us with when I again caught the sight of Levi’s wrist. Frowning I took his wrist and brought it closer to see the one purposeful slash across his skin and my heart sank. I was suddenly brought back to the time I was held in that god forsaken dungeon and the pain I felt in my wrist during one of my beating. I remembered how my wolf was struck with grief and worry; it was Levi. He was the one I felt that day.

‘What was he trying to do, kill himself?’ my eyes drifted back to his soft and peaceful slumbering face.

It was me; I push him into committing suicide. Dread filled me with such intensity my chest felt like it would cave in.

‘NO!’ a voice growled. ‘They kept us from him! They are the ones who pushed him so far to that point!’ my wolf snarled with vicious hatred for our capturers. Closing my eyes I turned into Levi holding him with such fierceness.

“I will protect you, even from myself if needed. I will never hurt you again” I promise softly to him.

And I wouldn’t.

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