
“So I guess there’s no need to put off the Blue Moon pack anymore” I said taking a bite out of my omelet. Kyle was sitting in front of me at the kitchen table but hadn’t touched his food. Cyrus had earlier come to wake me up when he found Kyle and I tangled together asleep. The blush rushed to my cheeks as I remembered how the blankets barley covered me or Kyle when he came in.

‘That bastard, he said he was going to keep Kyle away for a bit but apparently that was too hard of a job for him’ I grumbled under my breath. Kyle frowned at me and I smiled in innocence.

Well I guess his negligence was a blessing in disguise, Kyle and I were finally a mated couple. But still, I know now not to trust what that buttwipe says.

“I guess” he shrugged. Something was off with him I could feel it. Quietly I got up from the table and walked towards him. I could cheer him up now, right? Slowly I sat down in his lap waiting for him to cringe and push me away but instead he had willingly opened his arms to me. My arms went around his neck.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered softly to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath like he was enthralled by the sound of my voice.

“Nothing at all” he breathed opening those beautiful gray eyes once more and stared at me with such emotions it broke my heart.

“Come here” I said wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and pulled his lips onto mine. I heard him sigh as we connected, the sparks like gentle caresses as they flew between us. I wanted to devour his beloved taste for ever, just bask in the passion of our mating. Our lips moved in unison as desire for each other bloomed. Softly his hands moved around me, one moving up to my waist and the other diving into the back tresses of my hair as things grew heated.

The kiss was becoming less gently and loving and more animal, wild. Suddenly he bit into my lip and I gasped with excitement knowing he would thrust his tongue into my mouth. The taste of cinnamon was potent as his flavor exploded on my tongue. A growl erupted from my chest then as I shifted from sitting sideways to straddling his hips. His breath picked up as I shifted my hips into him in a wanton way. It was then that I realized I hadn’t lain my mark on his skin.

Pulling away from his lips I glanced into his lustful gaze. We were both out of breath as my canines throbbed. My wolf clawed at my chest demanding I do it now. Kyle had only to look at my mouth and instantly knew what I wanted. I gave him no chances to stop me; I was too impatient and greedy to let him. My move was quick as I rushed forwards and sank my canines into the juncture of where his shoulder and neck met.

Kyle’s body slammed back into the chair as a roaring growl left his lips. The spicy taste of his blood hit my tongue and I let out a moan as my body hummed with need and delight. His body was tight and hard as I pushed up against him. The hand that was still in my hair tightened and pressed me further into his neck; my scent and essence seeped into him till I knew it was practically in his bone when I pulled back and my canines retracted.

I looked down at him and froze at the beauty of this moment. Kyle’s head was bent back on the chair, his bleeding neck exposed with my mark slowly closing. His eyes were closed in what looked like bliss and those beautiful full lips slightly opened as he panted for breath. I leant back down and lapped up the streak of blood and gave a kiss to his mark which caused a shiver to pass through him.

“I could just eat you right up Kyle” I whispered into his ear nipping at the vulnerable lobe. The sound of his breath hitching made me smile. It felt so empowering and good to be able to affect him this way.

He was truly mine.

“Well doesn’t it feel all hot and heavy in here.” A voice suddenly said and I jumped turning wards the voice to see Cyrus leaning in the kitchen door way with a knowing smirk. Kyle jerked us up and threw me behind him as he bent in a crouch. I frowned when I heard him snarl. Cyrus straightened his stance immediately giving Kyle a cautious stare.

Come to think of it he had acted the same way when Cyrus came to wake me. It was like he was always on edge but it made complete sense with what happened to him; all that time in the Syrin torture den.

“Hey big guy, we’ve been through this. No one’s going to hurt you” his voice was wary as the two had a stare down. Hair on the back of my neck rose as I sensed the rage and possessiveness of Kyle’s wolf surface. Gradually I walked around Kyle, which he didn’t like as he glared at Cyrus.

“Kyle” I whispered softly trailing my fingers down his neck before cupping his cheek. Once I stood in front of him I forced his eyes to mine.

“Hey, everything is alright. No one is here to harm you or me, ok.” I spoke to him like I would a child that had woke from a nightmare. It seemed to sooth him because his body loosened.

“Good” his gray eyes were lost and guarded as they gazed into mine. This was not good, he was on edge and wound so tight, I knew he was suffering greatly and all I wanted to do was protect him. I turned to Cyrus with a pointed look as he finally began to relax.

“I thinks it’s time to go home, please call our Alpha.” With a deep sigh he nodded and disappeared out of the door way.

Once I knew Kyle was settled down in the room I when to search for Cyrus. Being here was not good for Kyle I was starting to realize, all these new faces around would keep him coiled tight like this. So it was best to just go home where he knew he would be safe and he trusted people. I found Cyrus sitting in a very spacious living room; his head turned when I entered.


“Hey” I sank back in the couch next to him. The TV was on some random station but neither of us was looking at it.

“He doesn’t like me very much that mate of yours.” Cyrus joked trying to keep the mood light. I sighed,

“I don’t think he likes anyone right now.”

“Well, all except you that is.” He stated nudging me with his elbow.

The room was quiet for a while as we sat together. I saw a few of his pack member’s walk by and greet the both of us when I remembered something.

“What happened to that chick form earlier?!” I jumped up in my seat.

“You mean Nadia? I caught her and sent her to a special facility for her kind.” His body was totally relaxed as he talked so I did the same. Just the thought of her around Kyle made my blood boil. Who knows she could have been the one torturing my mate.

“Good because it was her kind that did this to Kyle” I muttered settling back in the couch drawing my knees close to my chest.

“I kind of figured as much,” I snapped my head in his direction.

“You did?” he nodded.

“Well I do apprehend these women a lot and I come across a lot of victims who have suffered at their hands. I believe Lakota is one as well, explains why he never shifts from his wolf form, poor pup.” He explained to me. I just sat there staring at him. ‘Lakota was werewolf?’ well he certainly knew how to mask his human scent pretty well. And that would also explain why my front door was unlocked when no one was home.

“Where is he by the way” I asked.

“Who, the pup, he’s taken a real liking to the horses and sleep out in the stable with them. I would say there all getting along swimmingly. You can’t even take one for a ride without them wanting Lakota by their side; which is weird and goes against nature but ok.” He chuckled with a shrug.

I smiled shaking my head. Well I guess it was good that he took to this place, I could tell the people here were really nice from the few that have greeted me since I woke up.

“So I had Alpha Redding call yours and he told me that they were coming in the next few days or so.” I nodded.

“Cool, so why do you call your dad so formally?” I noticed his body became stiff beside me.

“How did you find that out? Outsiders aren’t supposed to know that” he groaned.

“Your dad told me” I said and he visually relaxed.

“Oh, that’s interesting”

“Maybe your pack and mine have an alliance or the former Alpha and yours were friends or something.” He nodded.

“Maybe” it was silence for a while before I broke it to ask what I was dying to.

“You’re an Elder aren’t you.” the statement brought Cyrus’s head snapping my way.

“You are one observant pup aren’t you?” I shrugged.

“You can say that.” this brought a smile to his face.

“So what are you going to do about your mate? It seems that he’s not a very trusting fellow right now.” Cyrus changed the subject. I sighed, slumping back into the couch.

“Your right, I can’t imagine what those women did to him and in a way I don’t want to know but it was bad. I’m just hoping that he’ll feel more comfortable at home with his family and friends, you know?” I explained and he nodded.

‘That was if he could stand being near any of them.’ I thought.

“Syrin aren’t a joke, I know you probably don’t want to hear this but if he was in their keeping nothing good came from it. We have a lot of rescues from those deranged bitches and not one has fully recovered from the mental or physical trauma that was done to them. So the best advice I can give you is don’t give up on him no matter what because he’s been through hell and back I would assume.” With that I watched him stand and stretch with a big yawn.

“Oh and don’t tell anyone I’m an Elder, that’s supposed to be a secret.” He smirked with a wink and left out of the room.

As I sat alone I thought about all that had happen in such a short time. Wondering what all my friends were up to? Wondering if they noticed I was gone or not… of course they noticed. Those guys were like hound dogs that knew how to sniff me out when I was hiding from them but there was no sniffing me now. I had left is such a hurry I wonder if they hate me for it.

Not to mention Matt’s death would have caused questions, well not that they knew he was dead, since hunters had their own clean up crew, just missing along with me and Kyle. Maybe they thought we all were on some kind of vacation.

“Ugh” I exclaimed dropping my head back on the edge of the couch. I missed everyone, I missed the busyness of the city; even Pope, Spirits help me. But maybe it was time to move on again, with Kyle this time and be a proper mated couple. Spirits know how long I’ve waited for it.

Yeah, it was defiantly time. I- we have been though too much to let this perfect moment pass us by. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Kyle was mine now and he was going nowhere.

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