I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to rough lips on my throat, nibbling, licking, biting, and hands all over my body. And I was in bed.

For a fraction of a moment, I panicked but then the familiar citrusy scent registered through my hazy brain. Rough fingertips marked my skin, and it wasn’t until his fingers reached for my nipple through the material of my bra.

My lips parted from the sensation.

“That’s right, kotyonok,” he murmured, his breath hot in my ear. “It’s time for your punishment.”

“I haven’t been bad,” I protested weakly.

His chest rumbled. “You almost married another man.”

“That’s in the past,” I murmured weakly while his mouth traveled over my skin.

Through the lust in my brain, I realized all my clothes were gone with the exception of that ridiculous choker connected to my bra and panties via a chain. He cupped my cheek and assaulted my mouth with an all-consuming kiss. He tasted, owned, possessed.

The sensation of his fingers on my nipple overwhelmed me and I moaned into his mouth.

“Beg me to punish you, kotyonok.”

I had no fucking idea what he meant by it. His tongue thrust back inside my mouth while his hands moved to the chain and yanked on it.

“Ouch.” A soft cry escaped me in surprise, my eyes snapping wide open.

A dark chuckle vibrated between us. “Beg me to punish you.”

I eyed him warily. I didn’t like pain.

As if he could read my thoughts, he thrust two fingers inside me. To my horror, I was soaking wet. “Beg me to punish you, kotyonok, and you’ll be rewarded.”

This made no damn sense, but my body didn’t seem to mind the insinuation. His gaze touched my skin. His body came down on mine and I slid my arms around him, his muscles warm and hard. He always radiated heat. Maybe it had something to do with being Russian. Or maybe it was just him.

I loved how big he was. I loved how he made me feel protected. Despite the rough start of our quote unquote relationship. I loved everything about him.

He pinched my nipple again and I gasped, then bit my lower lip. “Beg me,” he ordered while bliss hummed beneath my skin.

Lifting my head, I met his gaze as he ran a rough palm across my cheek and then cupped the nape of my neck. He kissed me while I ran my hands over the smooth of his back. Every kiss with him felt new. Hot. Wet. Obsessive.

“I want your everything,” he rasped and his voice wrapped around my heart. My heartbeats slowed and the raw feelings cut through my chest. It was a good kind of pain. I think.

His chest rose and fell with every breath. He was holding back. For my account, but he wanted this. Needed this. So I’d give it to him. This wasn’t just about him though. It was about me too. My pain recognized his. He had tragedy in his life, just as I had. They were different, but it didn’t mean that they hurt any less.

“Please punish me.” The words slipped through my lips without my permission.

A deep, rumbling growl echoed in our bedroom and his eyelids filled with lust.

I wanted to please him. I wanted to be his everything.

Just like he was quickly becoming my everything.

Taking his hand in mine, his ink stark against my pale skin, I placed it at the base of my throat. He could easily squeeze the life out of me, but I trusted him not to. He stared at me with a feral look in his eyes. I was naked with the exception of the choker Sasha seemed to love so much and laid out before him for his taking. His gaze roamed over me, pausing over my bare sex and wild obsession entered his eyes.

All for me.

“Look at that pretty little cunt,” he growled as his fingers came down between my thighs and glided through the arousal. “So fucking wet. Clenching for my fingers.” He bit my lip gently. “Or is it my cock you want, kotyonok?”

A shudder rolled through me. “Everything,” I whimpered, rolling my hips against his hand.

He flipped me over in one swift move. His hands came to my hips and he pulled them up, so that my ass was up in the air. He ran his hands over my ass, molding the soft flesh to fit his palms. Then he slapped it without warning and a gasp left my lips and my hips arched.

I waited for another slap but it never came. Instead I felt his teeth on my bare ass cheek. First left, then right. I moaned and rocked back against him. But when he licked me from my pussy to my ass, I thought it was game over. A violent shudder rolled through me, threatening to release the dam and send an orgasm through me.

“You look so good on your hands and knees, kotyonok,” he rasped. I thought his voice shook and I turned to watch him. He wrapped those inked fingers around his shaft and stroked it once, then twice. “You taste even better. So fucking good that it makes my balls ache.”

God, why did I find the sight of him jacking off so goddamn erotic?

“Do it again,” I breathed.

His eyes flared and he slapped my ass again hard. “I issue the demands.”

He pushed two fingers inside me, and I sighed as my pussy clenched down on him.

“Your greedy cunt wants this,” he groaned. “It wants to be punished so I can give you pleasure. Nobody but me can give you this.”

Another slap.

Oh, God.”

I pushed against his fingers, urging him to finger fuck me. Tongue fuck me. Anything, as long as he fucked me.

“You’re breaking all my rules,” he said coarsely as he pulled his fingers out. I made a noise of frustration. “I’m supposed to be in control. I’m not. I’m supposed to keep you still. You aren’t.” Slap. “Eyes forward, kotyonok.”

I must have not obeyed fast enough. Another slap. My ass cheeks burned.

“Ow,” I protested half-heartedly and turned back to stare at the headboard.

“You like it.” He was right. The heat spread from my ass all the way to my pussy.

I could feel the head of his cock against my hot entrance and a tremble coasted through me. My fingers curled into the sheets, gripping them. I fought the urge to move against his hard cock, blood running through my veins lit with the need only he could sate.

He eased inside me, his head only and a moan shattered the air. My insides clenched him hard, urging him on.

“You’re so goddamn wet,” I rasped. “You’re taking me so well. This cunt was made for my cock.” I groaned as he slapped my ass again. Right after, he ran his hands over the curve of my ass and squeezed. “Your pussy is gripping me like a tight fist. It was made for fucking, but just for me.”

I couldn’t control my body. I rocked back against him and he pulled out only to push all the way back in. His thrust was powerful and deep. I groaned and dropped to my elbows. I moaned into the pillow as he fucked me harder. Pressure built at the base of my spine and burned through my veins like wildfires. I was so fucking close. His deep, penetrating thrusts sent me to a place where nothing existed but this pleasure.

His hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me up so his chest was at my back while his other wrapped around my throat.

His mouth skimmed against my ear.

“I’ll punish you next time.” His voice was hoarse, and I didn’t think he realized he said those words out loud. “You smell so fucking good.”

He nipped my earlobe, then bit down on my neck and sucked, surely leaving a mark on my skin. He thrust. In and out. Hard and deep. Fast and rough.

I panted, the haze in my brain thickening. My head fell back to rest against his shoulder, my heart pounding against his tattooed arm. His heart thundered against my back just as wildly as mine.

My head lolled on his shoulder, like I was a rag doll.

“Such beautiful tits,” he praised. “I’ll fuck them next. I’ll be all your firsts and your lasts.”

He nipped my shoulders and his hand slid between my legs. And all the while he thrust inside me. Slick wetness. Flesh against flesh. My orgasm exploded through me. Fireworks lit behind my eyelids. I shuddered and clenched around his cock and all the while he fucked me through my orgasm.

He pushed me to my hands and knees, all the while fucking me and holding my hips up.

“Who does this belong to?” he demanded to know, squeezing my ass cheek. He slapped my ass as if he was mad that it took me an extra second to answer. The truth was my brain was fried.

He pulled out completely and then slammed back inside me, hitting my G-spot. A moan rose up my throat and I rocked against him, hungry for another orgasm. He pushed back inside in one hard thrust. My eyes closed and I saw stars.

“Who?” he growled.

“You,” I breathed, his cock deep inside me. My hand came around and rested on his hard ass, my fingernails digging into him. If he wanted to mark me, I’d mark him too.

“Who’s fucking you?” He fisted my hair, pushing in and out of me. Hitting my G-spot every fucking time. “Who’s fucking you, kotyonok?”

“You” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I shattered again as he came inside me. This was the closest I felt to another human being and I feared losing it.

Both of us panted, struggling for air. My muscles shook. So did his, as his arms held me, murmuring soft Russian words I couldn’t understand.

I shifted my face to meet his gaze, questions in my eyes.

“You chase my ghosts away, kotyonok. I’m going to kill yours.”

It was such a Sasha Nikolaev statement. The most romantic thing I had heard.

Except, I didn’t realize he meant it literally.

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