
Every day with her was a bliss. I’d lost count of how many times I’d taken her. Each time it was different. Better than the last time. But much to my surprise, kissing her was my favorite. She’d melt against me, her slim fingers wrapping around my bicep or nape. Depending on the position.

Bottom line, I was insatiable when it came to Branka Russo. I wanted to make her Mrs. Nikolaev. Except, I didn’t think she was ready.

Every single corner of my Russian family home was slowly being replaced by Branka. The hallways where old ghosts lurked became brighter. Branka’s shadow replaced them. The balcony from which my mother took her own life no longer reminded me of that fateful day. Now it reminded me of Branka’s moans. The night before I bent her over the rail and pounded into her like my life depended on it.

Maybe it did. Maybe she was my cure all along.

As I owned every inch of her body and whispered of our future together, I still wanted more. I wanted her words of love. Those remained locked tightly behind her beautiful lips.

We had time though. I’d earn it. As long as she was with me.

We were back in our bedroom. We spent a lot of time in our bedroom. It was my favorite room for sure. Branka’s too. She admitted to it, although it might have had something to do with the fact that I couldn’t keep my hands to myself.

But I also wanted her to admit the feelings she had. Maybe it wasn’t love for her – yet – but she felt something. I wanted to own it. I needed to heal every ounce of her old pain. From now on, the only pain she’d ever have was the one connected to pleasure and thorough fucking.

I studied the hickey on her breast with pride. Like a fucking teenager.

“Did you live here when you were a kid?” Her hair was in my face, over my chest and her cheek pressed against my heart.

“On and off,” I told her. “Before my mother died, we stayed here. Afterwards, we stayed in New Orleans and came here only when Father demanded it.”

“Were you close with them?”

“Tatiana, Vasili, and I were close.” Vasili was our father, mother, and brother. “Alexei too once we found out about him.”


“He’s our half-brother,” I clarified while her slim fingers roamed my chest. “He has a different mother.”

I never talked about our family. Fucking ever. With Branka, I kept finding myself saying little things here and there. I couldn’t decide whether it was good or bad. But I knew one thing for sure. It didn’t make me bitter like before.

“Your mother?” I questioned her. “Were you close with her?”

Her shoulders stiffened and I thought she wouldn’t answer.

“No, not really,” she whispered, her face still buried in my chest. “Father had beaten down her spirit way before I was born. There wasn’t much of her left.”

The cruelty of her father was known by many. He was in alliance with Benito King for a reason. They were both cut from the same cloth.

“Did he beat down your spirit?” I asked softly.

I knew the answer, but I wanted her to say it. I wanted her to know how fucking strong she was and be proud of it. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She lifted her head, meeting my gaze.

“It was what he hated the most about Alessio and me,” she murmured. “No matter how many days he’d have us beaten or tortured, we’d still fight back. No matter how many days he left us in the dark basement, we’d still hang on to the glimmer of hope. He couldn’t control us or break us the way he had mother. Mia was on her way to becoming like Mom.” I could feel her neck bobbing as she swallowed hard. Fuck, if I could go back to twenty-five years ago, I’d kill her father the moment she was born. If only I knew. “It was the reason Alessio took her away. He never said it out loud, but he could see her slowly dying in front of his eyes.”

My hand traveled up and down her smooth back. “He should have taken you. He shouldn’t have left you behind.”

She stilled, but she didn’t confirm it nor deny it.

“I gave Father a run for his money though,” she said, her tone cold. “He might have convinced me that Alessio would never come back for me, but he knew the day I submitted to him, I’d be a corpse.”

One thing was certain. Branka would never cower in front of anyone. No matter what.

Our gazes held. Unspoken words lingered. The old ghosts lost their power over us. Only the two of us mattered.

I watched the rise and fall of her breasts, tempting me. She looked fucking gorgeous, her curves tempting me.

Her fingers came up to my biceps, drifting featherlike down and down until they came to my hand, skimming over my fingers.

“What do these tattoos mean?”

She traced them lightly, one finger to another. “Different things.”

She flicked her eyes up and then back, focusing on the phoenix. She re-traced it, her touch feather light.

“A phoenix,” she murmured softly. She moved to the next one. “What’s this one?”

“It’s the hamsa.” Her brows furrowed, so I explained. “The hand-shaped symbol represents protection and healing.”

“Are the phoenix and the hamsa connected? Rise and healing?” It didn’t surprise me that she connected the dots. I nodded my answer. ‘You want to rise with each new death and heal.’

She understood the meaning. We might have been apart for all those years but something kept us connected. On a fundamental level, we were very much alike. We both went through life, hiding ourselves behind a mask while deep down, we slowly healed ourselves.

In our own way.

“Have you healed?” I asked her.

She took a sharp breath, then slowly exhaled. “Sometimes I think so. Other times, I still feel like that little girl stuck in a dark basement.”

I nodded in understanding.

“You’re strong,” I told her. “Much stronger than anyone gives you credit for.”

Her lips curved into a soft smile. Different from all others.

“I think you’re the only one who thinks so.”

“They’re idiots for not seeing it,” I told her. “You might not have scars and ink, but you’re just as badass.”

She chuckled lightly, her fingers skimming down my forearms, until her fingers intertwined with mine.

“I had them, you know.” When I cocked an eyebrow, she explained. “Scars. Some were really bad.”

I saw them. That photo of the little girl with her knees pressed to her chest and scars over her body was tattooed in my mind. It was my justification every time I killed an abusive fucker who dared to do something like that to another human being.

“My sister had a lot of scars too,” she continued in a soft voice. I hadn’t seen the full extent of Mia’s scars but the ones I saw were really bad. It sent red rage burning through my veins. “I begged Alessio for plastic surgery. I didn’t want to live the rest of my life hiding behind layers of clothes. There was too much I hid already.” A shuddering breath left her, and her fingers squeezed mine. She didn’t even realize she was doing it. “Alessio agreed to pay for plastic surgery only if I agreed to talk to a therapist.”

Silence followed. Not an uncomfortable one, but full of past ghosts.

“Mia talked about you all the time,” I told her. Her eyes flickered to me, the dark storms passing through them.

“You knew her?” I nodded. I could practically see wheels spinning in her head, connecting the dots. “Both of you served in the military. With Jason.”

I nodded again.

“She loved you,” I said. “Maybe even more than your brother.”

Branka’s neck bobbed as she swallowed. “I was happy she got away. But also mad I got left behind.”

I could understand the feeling. I wasn’t left behind physically but I was never good enough for our mother.

“That’s all she talked about. Coming back for you.” Mia’s connection to her sister and brother was unlike anything I had ever seen. I was close with my siblings, but Mia depended on them. Mentally.

“You killed the men who hurt her?”


A heartbeat passed. “Good.”

Silence danced in the shadows. Hers. Mine. Ours. But I knew together we’d beat them all. Fuck, if I had to give up hard core sex, I would. For her I would. My control was going to shit around her anyhow. Maybe it was her I needed all along to break my chains and the need for control.

I laughed at the irony of it all. She made me come harder than ever before and I barely even spanked her. Control was pretty much non-existent when I touched her. Decades of BDSM and it took a virgin to send it all to hell.

“Sasha?” Her voice was hesitant. She avoided looking at me, staring at our bodies tangled between the sheets. Hers flawless and mine a carpet of tattoos.


She bit her plump, pink lip.

“I don’t know if I can give you what you need.” My heartbeat paused, watching her. If she asked me to let her go, I didn’t think I could. I wasn’t that strong. “But I want to try. If you want to do–” Her voice trailed off.

I placed two fingers underneath her chin, forcing her to look at me. “Try what?”

“Your kind of sex,” she murmured.

My chest tightened. I knew how hard it was for her to give someone control of her body. The fact that she wanted to give it a try meant that maybe, just maybe, she’d learn to love me.

And me, I was so deep into her that even the word ‘love’ faded in comparison.

Her delicate throat worked up and down with a swallow.

“Just promise me you won’t look at me differently if I lose my shit.”

There was only one way I could even look at her. With the maddest, deepest obsession.

“Kotyonok, you don’t have to-“

“I want to.” The stubborn tilt to her chin confirmed her determination. Branka wanted to live, not just exist.

I cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“I promise,” I vowed. I’d cut off my balls and my dick before I’d hurt her.

She nodded and her hands wrapped around my neck. Her nails lightly scraped against it. I could see her pulse thundering beneath the soft flesh of her neck. I slid my hand to the back of her head and fisted her hair, pulling her head back to look at me.

“Do you trust me?”

Bu-boom. Bu-boom. Bu-boom.

Three heartbeats was too long of an answer. I’d have to work harder.

“I trust you to stop,” she breathed. “And not hurt me.”

I tugged her hair to bring her closer to me, our lips almost touching.

“I’ll cut my dick off before I hurt you, kotyonok.”

She briefly closed her eyes and when my mouth pressed on hers, a shudder rolled down her body. “That sounds painful,” she said half-teasingly. “And a waste of a really good dick.”

A smile grazed my lips. At least she loved my dick.

Moye serdtse,” I said. Her eyebrow rose. “At any time you want me to stop, you say moye serdtse.

Her lips curled up.

“You want me to call you my heart right as we’re about to get freaky in the bedroom.”

My chest rumbled with laughter. “Freaky, huh?”

Her gray eyes pierced mine as she stopped touching me and she shifted slightly. She lowered her hands and her fingers curled at the hem of her dress and she slowly pulled it over her head. Tossing it onto the floor, she stood in nothing but her red bra and thong.

A rush of blood ran to my groin. Her gaze came to mine, the vulnerability in them gutting me from the inside. She was so beautiful, it fucking hurt to look at her. I wanted her to see herself the way I saw her. Perfect.

Every. Goddamn. Inch. She was just perfect.

I studied every inch of her and all I saw was perfection. Her nipples pushed against the thin material of her bra and her panties split into two thin lines, inviting me to devour her. My eyes flickered to her face and the deep need in them had the power to fucking destroy me.

My dick throbbed and tension tightened in my body. This obsession with her ran deep. It was part of each breath and instead of easing with each day, it fucking grew and grew.

My hand gripped her hair and I tugged it backwards, then skimmed my lips against her ear.

“What’s the safe word?” I asked, my voice rough.

“Moye serdtse.”

Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pulled her against me. “If it’s too much, tell me and I’ll stop.”

“I want you to enjoy it.” Insecurity touched her voice and stabbed my heart.

She felt so fucking good, her soft body against my hard one. She smelled even better. “Trust me, I’d enjoy and like anything. As long as it’s with you.”

Her body molded into mine, grinding against me with a soft moan filling the room.

“Kneel.” She immediately obeyed, her knees touching the plush rug. “Suck my cock.”

Uncertainty crossed her expression and I took her chin between my fingers. “What is it?”

She frowned, then immediately squared her shoulders and her gaze lifted to mine.

“I’ve never done it.” God, her eyes shimmered like stars. Her hands reached for my belt and worked my belt buckle. Normally, she wouldn’t be allowed to touch me until I gave her permission. But then nothing about her was normal. She was an exception to all my rules.

“Show me what you like,” she demanded uneasily.

God, I was already hard and she hadn’t even touched my cock.

“Da.” Yes. My voice was a hoarse groan.

She pulled my boxers down and wrapped a hand around my hard dick, stroking gently. My cock twitched, needing more. I wrapped my hand around hers, and showed her how I liked it. Her mouth parted, her breathing hitched and a blush stained her cheeks.

I tugged on the skin hard, up and down, pre-cum already glistening on the tip of my shaft.

She licked her lips, then glanced up at me. “Y-you are so beautiful.”

If I died right now, I’d die happy. With her eyes watching me like I was her whole world. My heart pounded hard, the adrenaline rushing through my veins. This was better than the chase, more satisfying than killing the scum on this earth.

She slid her tongue up my shaft and it set my skin on fire. Heat spread across my skin, up my stomach and tightened my abs. Fuck, at this rate I wouldn’t last long.

I clenched my teeth, a groan vibrating in my chest. Her eyes lifted up, her tongue licking my dick like a lollipop.

“You’re doing good, kotyonok,” I rasped. Too fucking good.

My hand came to her hair, my fingers gripping her mane. “I need to take control. Will you let me?”

She blinked her eyes and I wasted no time. “Deep-throat me, kotyonok,” I demanded as I pushed deep inside her mouth. I pushed her hair back from her face so I could watch my cock disappear in that beautiful mouth. “Tap my thigh when you need to breathe.”

She took me deeper, holding eye contact with me and obeyed. I’d never guessed she’d never done this before. It was so fucking good. Or maybe it was just her. It was so good because she was mine and I was hers.

I glided her head back so I could push my cock deeper into her throat. In and out. In and out. She made little humming noises around my cock, the vibration sending shudders through my body.

My little kotyonok enjoyed this as much as me. She pressed her thighs, rubbing them together.

What little restraint I held back, it snapped. I pushed deeper into her throat.

“All of it, kotyonok,” I ordered harshly.

She gagged but didn’t tap my thigh. She took me deeper, sucking me off, refusing to stop. The heat built at the base of my spine, growing hotter and unstable.

“Relax,” I rasped. “You’re doing so good, love. So fucking good.”

Another hum. She relaxed her throat and she took me deeper in her mouth, taking every fucking inch of me.

“Fuck, kotyonok,” I growled, my voice a deep rasp. “That’s it.”

Her head bobbed. Her eyes watered, but she refused to stop sucking. My heart thundered with the force of lightning breaking the sky. I held her hair back from her face so I could watch her expression.

She pushed her one hand between her thighs and her moan vibrated through my cock as she continued licking my shaft. Sucking and then taking it back in all the way.

“Do. Not. Touch. Yourself.” My voice was harsh. My control was gone. “That pussy is mine. Only my hand will make you come.”

She obeyed and looked up at me, her eyes shimmering and watching me with so many fucking feelings, I could easily convince myself she loved me. I pulled back slightly, and her little protest had me thrusting back deep into her throat.

The vibrations from her moans traveled all the way up my spine, the sounds of the gurgles coming from her throat so fucking erotic. I expected her to tap out. She didn’t. Instead her nails dug into my thighs, holding on. I came the hardest I ever had. The orgasm burned through my spine, wild and hot, and I came deep in her throat.

She swallowed, her cheeks stained with a blush and little tear streaks.

“Every drop,” I ordered, not that she was wasting anything. Her gaze remained locked to mine, her tongue darting out to lick my cum from the corner of her mouth. Then she wiped her mouth with the back of hand, her hair a wild mess and falling down to her waist.

Jesus fucking Christ.

She looked like a fallen virgin. A totally ruined virgin that didn’t seem to mind sinning with Satan’s spawn.

“I liked it,” she murmured, her eyes soft.

I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her up onto her feet and slammed my lips to hers, kissing her deeply and sliding my tongue into her mouth.

I was ready for another round, my dick hardening. She sighed into my mouth like I had just given her pleasure when it was her that had given me the blowjob of my life.

“Get on the bed,” I ordered, my voice thick with gravel. “On your hands and knees.”

She barely hit the mattress and I already stripped off the rest of my clothes.

I came up behind her.

“Ass up.” I slapped her ass to punctuate the order.

She followed the order while I kept my eyes on her, watching for signs of panic. She knelt, her eyes on me but no fear reflected in them.

“Hands and knees down, kotyonok. Get comfortable.”

She hesitated for a flicker of a moment. My hand landed on her round ass and she quickly obeyed.

I grinned, then rubbed her ass. “That’s my good kotyonok,” I praised, her ass pushing into my palm. I spread her thighs with my hands and found her so fucking wet, her juices glistening between her thighs.

Inhaling deeply, I savored her delicious scent lingering in the air. It drove me crazy.

“You’re so wet,” I said in a hoarse voice as I pushed my finger inside her thick, wet folds. “Is that from sucking me off?” Her moan was my answer.

“Don’t move unless I tell you,” I rasped.

The real punishment is my keeping her here.

“Okay,” she murmured.

Her obedience pleased me and by the flush of her skin, this was pleasurable for both of us.

She looked over her shoulder, her gray eyes clouded with lust.

“You please me so much, kotyonok,” I praised as I stroked her round ass. She pushed back into my touch again. Just like a kitten. Normally, it wouldn’t be something I allowed but with her, it fucking pleased me so much. To know she wanted my touch.

“Relax, kotyonok. I know what you need.”

I strode over to the back wall and picked up a leather flogger, then came back to Branka, still on her hands and knees waiting for me. Her ass in full view. Her juices inviting me. She was so fucking perfect.

I trailed the soft tendrils across her skin.

“What’s the safe word?” I asked her again. I wanted to make sure she remembered it.

“Moye serdtse.”

“Good. Now eyes forward.”

She turned her head around. I took my place behind her, tracing the flogger over her ass over my handprint marring her skin. I swirled it so just the tips grazed her skin.

A surprised moan slipped through her lips. My lips tugged up, then I brought the strands of the flogger closer to her skin. Her ass clenched, a soft hum vibrating from her.

I lifted the flogger up, then brought it down, whipping her on her ass once. She drew in a sharp breath, then looked over her shoulder.

“You like that, kotyonok?”

Her ass clenched, her thighs rubbing together and a pool of wetness trickled down her thighs. Her body loved this but I needed her mind to love it too.

Her tongue darted, swiping across her lips. “I think so.”

I let out a relieved breath. Then with a satisfied smile, I drew my arm back and whipped her again. A pink mark bloomed where I struck her. So fucking gorgeous.

“Such a good kotyonok,” I murmured, praising her.

Gently, I skimmed the flogger over her ass. Her scent filled the air, intoxicating me. Moaning, her body shifted forward, sinking to her elbows. Her body craved more of it. Her arousal demanded more. But it wasn’t that which had me getting hard again so fast. It was her trust.

This time, I smacked a little harder, and she flinched, squeezing her ass cheeks. Then I trailed the flogger up her thighs and over her graceful back. Her skin glowed under the moon that peered through the windows.

I traced the leather flogger back down and stopped at the dark hole of her ass. Her fingers curled into the mattress.

“I’m going to own your ass one day.” Her response was her dark hole clenching and a soft whimper. My heart pounded with force, the need to claim her buzzing through my veins. I trailed the tassels lightly over her reddened skin between her ass cheeks, then to her pussy.

I flicked her pussy lightly. She squirmed. I flicked again. Then I dropped the flogger and rubbed her entrance with my fingers.

She was so fucking wet. Swollen and glistening.

I needed to be inside her. I needed to fuck her until the entire room was spinning for both of us. I poised my cock against her warm, clenching pussy. Thrusting inside her hard, her body fell forward. My hands came to her hips, pulling her back up.

Being inside her hot, wet pussy was my heaven. Her insides clenched around my cock, her dark hair falling down her beautiful back. Holding her hips with one hand, I gripped her auburn hair, wrapping it around my fist twice.

Pulling her head back, I forced her face to mine and I took her mouth. Her back against my chest.

I slammed into her hard, over and over again.

“My kotyonok needs this,” I growled. “You need me to own you.”

“Yes,” she moaned, her body swaying forward. Her hips bucked and I tightened my grip, speeding up my tempo, fucking her like a madman. Up until now, fucking was for her. This was for us.

I slammed into her harder and harder, closing my eyes to savor how good she felt. Her pussy strangled my cock. Her moans and whimpers filled the room. I gripped her throat, thrusting in and out of her, hard. Violent. Consuming.

I fucked her hard, all resemblance of control out the window. Flesh slapping against flesh.

“Blyad,” I growled. “I’m coming, kotyonok.”

Her pussy exploded around my cock. Branka twisted her head to look at me, her face flushed and her pleasure-glazed eyes watching me. Something in her gaze had my heart glowing. Her sighs urged me to go faster and harder. Deeper.

My balls slapped against her ass cheeks. I reached around and rubbed her drenched clit. She screamed her orgasm at the same time I roared my pleasure with her name on my tongue. And the whole time, her insides clenched.

Hot lightning struck the base of my spine and the powerful orgasm ripped through me with the force of a 10.0 earthquake.

Our breathing was heavy, our bodies slick with sweat, I could feel the thundering of her heart. My cum dripped out of her cunt. I had never seen a better sight.

My hands stroked her body, roaming her soft skin. I held her close to me, my mouth skimming the soft skin of her neck, then her shoulder. Shudders rolled down her spine.

“My beautiful kotyonok,” I murmured against her skin.

Once our breathing eased, I pulled out of her and goddamn it, I already missed her pussy. I turned her over and laid her on her back.

“Stay here,” I ordered her, then disappeared into the bathroom. I grabbed a clean washcloth, soaked it in lukewarm water, then returned to her.

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