Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 28

I was nervous today and I don’t know why.

“Emily you look pale” Nat told me as we were sat in the living room.

“I think I need some fresh air” I mumbled standing up

“Why don’t you walk around. Alec is in his office working” she muttered and I nodded

I walked out the house to see half of the pack outside playing. It was a very sunny day.

“Luna!” A little girl shouted running towards me

I sat down on the step as she reached me.

“Hi” I waved and she smiled brightly

“You’re very beautiful luna. I want to be a princess too” she said and I smiled

“You are. Everyone is a princess. Why don’t we make you a crown?” I asked and she nodded

“Luna can my friends come too? Please?” She pleaded and I nodded

“Why don’t you call your friends, and I’ll go get paper, glue and all of that stuff okay?” I said and she nodded and ran to a group of girls.

I stood up and walked back inside, and towards Alec’s office. I knocked on the door and walked in to see he was on the phone.

“What do you mean you can’t get it? I sent out a order yesterday. It should have arrived by now!.... fuck you” he hung up and sighed.

“Is everything alright Alec?” I asked walking closer to him.

He pulled me down to his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

“It is now” he muttered laying his head on my shoulder

“Who was on the phone?” I asked running a hand through his hair

“A delivery guy. What are you doing?” He asked

“I came to get some paper, glue, glitter, basically all craft stuff. Do you have that?” I asked and he looked up at me

“Are you making me something?” He smirked

“If you want a tiara then yes” I smirked back and he pecked me.

“I’ll get you some.” He lifted me up and put me on the table. He stood up and walked to a big closet.

“Why are you making a tiara?” He asked

“Well I met a little girl and she wanted to be a princess. So I’m helping her to become one” I said and he nodded

“I’m going to take a few people with me and go back to our pack house. We still need to bring some stuff” he said coming out with a big carrier bag.

“Oh you are?” I asked as he handed me it.

“Yep. Emily are you okay? You look a little distracted, and pale. I knew I shouldn’t have done it yesterday” he mumbled to himself

“Alec, you need to stop doubting yourself. I’m okay. And I liked yesterday” I blushed slightly as he looked at me.

“You did?” He moved closer to me, trapping me on the table.

“I did” he pecked my lips

“Just be careful Alec” I mumbled on his lips

“Talk to me Emily. Why are you so worried? I can feel it okay” he asked

“I don’t know Alec. I’m nervous. I feel like something bad is going to happen. And I don’t know what” I whispered and he smiled at me

“Emily don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen. Okay? Now why don’t you go outside, because I need to get to the pack house and I’ll be back as soon as I can” he said and I nodded

I kissed his cheek, as he moved back.

“I’m going to go back outside okay. Just be careful Alec” I muttered and walked out the office. I went outside to see the group of girls sitting on a blanket.

“Luna!” The girls shouted and I smiled walking towards them.

“Who’s ready to make a tiara?” I asked sitting down next to them.

“Me!” They all shouted and I nodded


It’s been 2 hours since Alec has gone, and he hasn’t returned. I was busy with the little girls, trying my best not to worry.

“Thank you luna” the girls hugged me and ran off.

I picked up all the rubbish and put it in a bag just as Nat walked towards me.

“Emily. Have you talked to Alec? Liam has blocked the mindlink, and he isn’t answering his phone!” She exclaimed sitting down next to me.

“No Nat. I don’t know where they a-”

“Luna!” A guy ran towards me

“Yes?” I asked standing up quickly with Nat behind me.

“We’re under attack! There’s hundreds of them!” The guy exclaimed and I nodded

“Can you get everyone inside the castle. All the kids, the women everyone who can’t fight. Have you seen Alec?” I asked and he shook his head and ran away to a few people, leading them to the castle.

Alec! I tried our mindlink but it was closed. I couldn’t get to him anyway.

“Natalie I want you to get the pack fighters, all outside. I’m going to call dad” I said and she nodded and ran away

Yesterday mom and dad had left, because they wanted to get back to their own land.

Dad! I opened a mindlink with him.

Emily. What’s wrong! You sound worried dad replied back

Dad we’re under attack,and nor is Alec or Liam here. I don’t know what to do. I told him

I’m on my way. Don’t be nervous. Get everyone safely inside he told me and blocked me out.

“Emily! Are you coming!” Nat shouted and I turned around to see her outside of castle

I walked towards her, just as 20 men and women came forward.

“These are the pack fighters. A lot of them gone with Alec, but none of us can reach them. What are we going to do?” She asked and I felt like crying.

You know that moment, when everyone is relying on you, and you don’t know what to do, except cry? That’s me right now!

“We don’t need them Nat. Everyone go inside the castle. Just stay safe” I said and they shook their head

“Luna it’s our job to protect-”

“I order you to go inside the castle! All of you!” I shouted using my luna voice.

They all lowered their heads and nodded.

“I’m sorry guys, but I need you to be safe. Now go” I muttered and they all walked inside the castle except Nat.

“Nat I want to go as wel-”

“No Emily. I know you’re my luna, but your friend as well. My best friend. And I’m not going to leave you here alone”





“For god sake Natalie! Get inside the castle now, Or I swear I will freeze you and throw you in!” I yelled and she stepped back.

“Glad you got a back bone, but I think it’s a little too powerful” she muttered and I sighed

“Nat- I just want you to be saf-” I could hear running

“Inside Natalie!” I used my luna voice on her and she nodded.

“Of course luna” she mumbled turning around

“Emily! Not luna Nat. I’m sorry” I whispered as she walked inside and closed the door behind her. I twirled my finger around the castle and made a shield.

Thank god I ate a lot of chocolate cake. I have enough energy I thought to myself turning around and looking at the forest.

I’m with you Emily Ava said to me and I rolled my eyes

Of course you are. You’re inside me I smiled slightly.

I could hear the noise of people running closer. I moved back and sat on the step.

Over 300 people walked out of the forest.

Shit! I thought as I saw Cameron leading them.

“I hope you didn’t miss me too much baby?” He smirked walking closer. He stood in the middle of the garden with everyone else surrounding him.

“It’s you? You know Cameron, sometimes I’m really stupid. If I knew it was you, I shouldn’t have been this scared.”

“So you’re not scared me of anymore?” He asked confused

“No Cameron. I’m not. Because there is no point of being scared of a coward” I stood up slowly and he chuckled

“Back bone is getting stronger?”

“It’s not about a back bone Cameron. It’s about not being scared of you anymore. It’s about standing up for myself, for everything you did to me” I explained

“Alone? Where is that dear mate of yours?” He smirked

“Alec? He’s coming” I muttered

“Really? Are you sure about that Emily? I mean last thing I remember is, injecting the whole pack with wolfbane so they doesn’t wake up for hours, at your old pack house” he smirked

“No!” I shouted

“Oh but yes! Did I hit a nerve? Are you worried about Alec more than yourself?”

“Shut up Cameron” I shouted

“Oh but I only started! I think I should give you a little present. Actually it may not be a present for you. Bring it” he motioned to someone behind him.

A guy walked towards him, with a big mirror in his hand and a book.

“You see Emily” the guy opened the book and read a few words. The mirror changed to a picture of Alec in his office with Anna?

“You might want to look at it closer? Can you belive what you mate is doing?” Cameron gasped. I walked closer to Cameron and then stopped, when I could see a clear picture.

Alec was kissing Anna.

“I don’t belive this! Y-You said that you injected him. So this isn’t true” I muttered confused as Alec pulled Anna’s top off.

“But Emily? I didn’t say Alec, I said your pack” he gave me fake sad smile

“No! Cameron stop messing with my head! Alec wouldn’t do that. He loves me!” I pointed to myself throwing the mirror on the floor.

“He loves you? Or does he love his tittle? Don’t you think Alec only wants to be with you because of your tittle?” He questioned walking closer to me and I stepped back.

“No! I know my Alec! He wouldn’t this to me. Alec isn’t like you Cameron. Alec doesn’t want me for my tittle. That’s you!” I yelled at him and he chuckled

“Oh Emily. Always naive” he shook his head

“You know all these people that are here, are rouges right? And they all want you dead” he smirked at me

I looked at all of them to see they had darkest shade of black eyes.

“What my parents did was right! Just because they called themselves a pack, doesn’t make them wrong. They were equal with all of you!” I explained

“No! Your fucking parents, made those rouges a pack! They didn’t want that! But no your fucking mates were the king and Queens. Everything they said had to be right!” A guy growled walking closer to me.

“Adam stop!” Cameron put his hand out stopping him from walking closer.

“This pack wanted to become a pack. My parents didn’t force them!” I exclaimed

“No! They did!” Everyone shouted

“Do you see this Emily? They all hate you!” Cameron said to me

“No they don’t. You brainwashed them all. Including Alec. I know he wouldn’t cheat on me. And Anna is a witch! God knows what she did to him!” I exclaimed

“Really? I’m sure Alec loves Anna. Anna doesn’t need to use magic on Alec. He loves her too much. She’s gorgeous. Anyone would fall for her, and Alec? He’s already been with her. You’re not ready to accept the fact that he doesn’t want you” he smirked and I shook my head


“Emily!” I heard dad’s voice. All of a sudden dad was standing in front of me, growling at Cameron.

100s of wolves ran towards us and behind me.

“Called your little daddy?” Cameron joked and dad shifted and attacked him.

“Emily come” a guy behind me said.

“No!” I exclaimed as everyone shifted and attacked the rouges.

“You have to be safe!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the castle

He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open.

“It has a shield around it, random guy. And this is pack. I have to protect it” I muttered pushing him away and running back to dad who was ripping Cameron from limp to limp.

“Dad stop!” I shouted and he turned around and growled at me.

The rouges that survived, all ran away.

“Dad?” I muttered and he sat on the floor, wounding his heals, by licking them

I looked around to see most people had little wounds, and not a lot.

Dad shifted back with his shorts on and hugged me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“When I told you to make sure everyone is safe, I meant you too” he muttered hugging me tightly

“I’m the luna of the pack dad. Are you okay?” I asked letting him go

“Yeah. I just need to get checked by the doctor. Most of us do”he turned to his pack that was all standing close to us. Someone gave him a pair of jeans and a shirt. Dad wore it and smiled at everyone.

“Thank you everyone for helping me today. Let’s go inside and get you all-”

“I can heal them dad. It’s the least I can do since everyone helped” I smiled and dad nodded.

I touched dad’s chest, closing my eyes, and thought of dad okay, not wounded. I opened my eyes to see dad perfectly fine.

He smiled at me and moved out of the way as another guy walked forward.

After 10 minutes of healing everyone, I got rid of the shield around the palace and Nat ran out towards me.

“I hate you!” She hugged me tightly

“Really?” I questioned hugging her back

“No! Ugh I hate you Emily! Why would you use your luna voice on me?” She let me go

“You had to be safe Nat.” I said and she rolled her eyes

“Sorry to break this up, but Emily where is Alec and the others?” Dad asked

“At the old pack house. I don’t know where Alec is, but the others are there” I said and dad nodded

“I’ll go get them. Come on guys” dad ran with his pack out of the forest.

“Emily? What’s wrong?” Nat asked

“Nothing” I mumbled and walked to the castle. I went inside, and was on the steps, just as Nat grabbed my hand.

“What are you hiding Emily?” She asked


“Tell me. I know its about Alec. And why don’t you know where Alec is?” She asked not letting my hand go

“He’s with Anna!” I shouted and she wa shocked

“No! I don’t believe that Emily.”

“You would when you see it with your own eyes, Nat. He doesn’t want me! I knew it from the start, I was just making myself believe it. But he doesn’t. He still loves Anna!” I cried sitting on the step

“He doesn’t Emily. I know Alec wouldn’t do that. And you know too. Alec loves you so much” I shook my head

“He doesn’t Nat. He doesn’t love me. Everything he says to me is just a lie. All of it is a lie” I whispered as she hugged me

“Let him come home and we’ll talk about i-”

“There’s nothing to talk about Natalie. I saw it. With my eyes. He was kissing Anna” I pointed to my eyes

“I think you need to sleep” she helped me up

“No Nat. Pleas-”

“Emily you look sick. Just go upstairs and lay in your bed and I’ll get you some food” she walked down the steps and towards the kitchen.

“Nat why aren’t you believing me?” I screamed

“Because I know it’s not true Emily. Alec wouldn’t do that to you” I heard her voice and I shook my head.

I walked upstairs to my room. As soon as I opened the door, I felt dizzy.

“Nat” I whispered before falling to the floor and falling into darkness.

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