Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 27

I woke up to a knock on my door. I sat up in bed just as mom came into the room.

“Emily? What happened yesterday. We heard shouting?” Mom asked sitting on the bed.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with Alec” I muttered tying my hair in a bun.

“He’s just jealous Emily. You and Alec have fully mated now. So he’s going to be more protective, more angry. It’s how mates are. Especially Alpha’s” she explained and I nodded

“I’m going to get changed”

“You should. And always remember to wash your make up off every night. Don’t go to sleep with it” mom shook her head and walked out the room.

I had a long shower and got changed into black skirt and a baby pink top. I walked out the bathroom, to see Hunter sat on the bed with a tray of food.

“I bought you breakfast in bed! Well something like that” he said and I smiled

“Thank you Hunter, but I want to eat with everyone downstairs. You can join us” I said and he nodded, standing up

“I understand. I will be leaving today Emily. My Clan needs me” he told me and I nodded

“Let’s just enjoy today?” I said and he nodded

We walked out the room, just as Alec opened the door to the opposite room, and looked at me.

“Emily can we talk? Please?” He asked walking towards me.

“Be careful. I’ll be-”

“Careful? Why? She’s my mate! I’m not going to hurt her!” Alec growled at Hunter

“Didn’t seem like it yesterday” Hunter rolled his eyes and walked downstairs.

“You believe me right Emily? I wouldn’t hurt you” he looked at me

“What do you want to talk about Alec?” I asked

“About yesterday! I swear Emily I didn’t know you were going to come in. I didn’t know you were behind me. I’m so sorry Emily. You beileve me right?” He walked closer me and cupped my face.

“You believe me right?” He whispered, his peppermint breath fanning over my face.

“I believe you Alec.” I said to him and he smiled and kissed me

“Thank you Emily. I love you so much” he mumbled against my lips

“But it doesn’t mean I’m not upset. Alec you knew I was going to have two mates, but you didn’t tell me?” I stepped back and walked to the steps.

“Emily wait!” He shouted and I shook my head.

“I don’t want to spoil today Alec. I don’t know what’s wrong with you. You’re acting like how we met. Pushing me away! And I don’t want that Alec. I’ve been pushed away a lot.” I told him and carried on down the steps. I got to the bottom to see Nat waiting for me.

“Morning Nat. If anyone asks, I’m going to be outside” I mumbled and turned to my left.

“Emily do you want to talk about it?” She asked stopping me

“There’s nothing to talk about Natalie” I sighed and walked out the door.

I walked to the forest when all of a sudden I crashed into someone. Sparks. I looked up to see Hunter smirking at me.

“Why do you keep following me?” I asked looking at him.

“What can I say? You’re just a magnet. And you attract me” he smirked and I rolled my eyes and walked around him.

“I want to be alone Hunter. So please” I stated as he followed me to a clearing

“This is a nice place. Do you come here often?” He asked ignoring my last statement

“Hunter please?” I asked and he shook his head

“Emily. It’s my last day and I know you’re not going to accept me. It’s okay I understand. Just please let be with you for one day?” He asked and I nodded

“I hope you get a good girl for you Hunter. I love Alec, and I understand that he isn’t the perfect guy, but I’m not perfect as well?” I laughed a little

“Are you going to reject me?”

“Do you want me to do it now?” I asked and he nodded

“But I hope we can still be friends right?” He said and I nodded

“Of course. I, Emily Rose Perry Gray, reject you, Hunter Evans, as my mate” I said

“I, Hunter Evans, accept your rejection, Emily Rose Perry Gray” sighing he closed his eyes

“Are to okay Hunter?” I asked quietly and he nodded opening his eyes.

“Just a little pain” he mumbled sitting down on the floor. I sat down next to him, and laid my head slowly on his shoulder

“I hope you find the best girl for you Hunter. You are really nice guy” I mumbled and he chuckled

“There is one girl.” He whispered and I gasped, looking up at him.

“Who?” I questioned smiling

“She’s my best friend. She doesn’t have a mate. Her mate rejected her as well. But she’s a really nice girl. My second in command, like your lots Beta? He told me that she likes me. Obviously I tried to ignore it for my mate. But now I think I can give her a chance right?” He asked and I nodded

“Of course! What’s her name?” I asked laying down on the grass.

“Scarlett” he smiled and laid down next to me.

“Her name is beautiful.” I said and he nodded

We stayed silent, just looking at the sky.

“Do you ever think that people pressure you?” Hunter asked quietly

I turned my head slightly and looked at him.

“Most of the time. I feel like if I don’t do the thing they ask, the outcome won’t be good” I mumbled thinking about Cameron

“For me too. Especially that I am Sire. But I mean for you, it must be hard. You’re a princess” he smiled and I rolled my eyes and nodded

“It’s hard. But I have Alec to help me now.” I smiled back and he chuckled

“You love Alec right?”

“I do” I smiled and he nodded

“Good. Make sure you invite me to your wedding!” He sat up

“My wedding. You have to be there Hunter. The wedding won’t be possible without you” I said and he laughed

“You love me that much?” He chuckled and I sat up and pushed him

“N-” Alec walked towards us.

“Alec?” I questioned standing up

“I’m leaving” he muttered and shifted into his wolf and ran away.

“Alec!” I shouted

“You better go after him. I’m going to head back to my own land. Goodbye Emily” Hunter said hugging me quickly

“Goodbye Hunter” I hugged him back and then let him go. I ran quickly, as fast as I could, behind Alec.

I saw Alec’s wolf infront of a tree. He jumped up, held onto a branch and pulled it off. He bit into the branch and kept shaking his head. He’s angry

“Alec? What’s wrong Alec?” I asked and he turned around with a big branch in his mouth.

“Drop it” I muttered and he did. I smiled slightly, getting down on my knees as he walked towards me slowly.

He sat down and laid his head on my lap. I rubbed his fur as he purred.

“What’s wrong Alec?” I asked and he stopped and stood up.

He walked behind a tree.

“Alec” I muttered and he came out dressed in shorts.

“Why did you follow me Emily? You don’t love me. You going to get married to that asshole” he mumbled and I giggled

“I don’t find this funny Emily. You were meant to get married to me! I was going to propose to you soon. I thought that we could live our life together. How people live they life! I was think we could have at least 4 kids, I mean I understand that it’s hard and painful, but I would be there with you. And I wanted to get married, go on our homeymoon- and hold you tight every night. But no! You want to get married to Hunter! I don’t know what you see in him. I mean I’m way better than him. And you said you love me? And I said I loved you too Emily. And I do! I love you so much that it hurts. You know, right here. My heart? That’s where it hurts” he shouted looking at me

“Why are you blushing?” He groaned turning around, and running a hand threw his hair.

“Because I love you too Alec. I love you so much. I never said I was getting married to Hunter. Hunter was talking about us getting married. Me and you! And 4 kids? Really? Okay? I don’t mind 4 kids. As long as you’re there with me. And Alec, you look after so good. I don’t think Hunter would wake up most of the nights, to stop me from having a nightmare. I don’t think he would help me with a bath when I can’t walk, and help me get dressed. Hunter is a sweet guy Alec, but you- you are the perfect guy for me! And were you really going to propose to me?” I asked

“Of course I was Emily. I mean I love you so much, and what’s the point of delaying it. I want everyone to know You’re my wife. So if it also means humans, fuck yeah, I would marry you!” He exclaimed turning to look at me and I stood up

“Emily I want you so badly, you don’t understand. I need you. I want you Emily. But you, you don’t even want me. Do you love me? Being honest?” He asked walking closer to me.

“I love you Alec. A lot” I whispered as he held my face

“Then why are you making me angry? Why were you talking to Hunter. I don’t want you to like him. I want you to like me” he whispered leaning his forehead on mine. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Why are you possessive?” I smiled

“I am! Really bad. I get jealous quickly. I’m sorry Emily. About yesterday. I didn’t know you were going to come in the way. If I knew, do you think I would have done it?” He whispered tears in his eyes

“Why are you crying Alec?” I asked quietly

“Because it’s killing me inside Emily. If I knew you were going to come in the way, I swear Emily, I wouldn’t have thrown it.” He whispered tears rolling down his face.

“I’ve never seen you cry” I wiped his eyes slowly. He closed his eyes and as I touched his face.

“Cry Alec. Let it all out. Have you ever cried?” I asked and he shook his head

“Not even when your dad died?” I asked

“Alpha’s don’t cry. I only cried once, with Nat” he mumbled and I shook my head

“Everyone cries Alec. You can cry I won’t judge you Alec. Do you judge me when I cry?” I asked and he shook his head and hugged me tightly

“Please don’t leave me Emily. I love you, and I won’t be able to live without you” he whispered hugging me tightly

“I’m not leaving you Alec. Never.” I mumbled and he tightened his hands around me.

“I love you Emily” he whispered

“I love you too Alec” I said

We stayed quiet, just hugging each other for about 10 minutes.

“Emily? You don’t tell anyone about this okay?” Alec said still hugging me


“Because I don’t want anyone to know” he mumbled letting me go and wiping his eyes

“To know what? That their big bad Alpha cried to his mate?” I asked smiling at him and he rolled his eyes

“Yes! I made you something Emily. Let’s go get it” he interwined our fingers together.

“What did you make me?” I asked as we walked out the forest slowly.

“Something. I know you don’t like surprise, but just let this one be a surprise. It’s not something big, but I think you would like it” he smiled at me as we reached the palace.

We opened the back door to see mom and dad in the kitchen eating a chocolate cake.

“Hey! That was for Emily!” Alec exclaimed as mom and dad froze.

“Well you should have wrote her name on it then.” Dad rolled her eyes taking another bite.

“Jaxon stop. We are so sorry Alec. We just saw it in the fridge and we didn’t kn-”

“It’s okay Bethany. I’ll make another one” Alec mumbled and dad picked up the plate with the cake and walked out of the room.

“Jaxon!” Mom shouted and ran after him.

“I-” mom came back inside and grabbed the spoon.

“I’m just going to stab this into Jaxon” she smiled sheepishly and walked back out the room.

“I think everyone in my family loves your cake” I smiled and he nodded.

“I know. We’ll the surprise is ruined. But I’ll make you another one” he said and I nodded

He grabbed a pink apron from the wall and wore it, as I sat on a stool.

“Emily! I think you should do what it says on the apron” Alec turned around smirking at me.

I looked at the apron and read it. ‘Kiss the cook’

“Really?” I asked as he walked closer to me

“I think you should” he mumbled against my face. He trailed kisses on my jaw to my neck.

“Do you want to kiss you or are you going to kiss me?” I wrapped my hands around his neck as he looked up at me.

“You” he whispered leaning down towards me.

“Okay” I whispered back and leaned up to touch his lips. I kissed him slowly and he picked me up from the stool, as I wrapped my legs around him. Our lips moved in sync, as he turned us around and my back hit the wall.

I bit his lip slowly and he growled.

“Do it again” he mumbled against my lips and I bit his lip again, slowly.

“God Emily. You’re going to kill me” he groaned on my neck. He trailed kisses down my neck, towards my mark. He kissed it softly, as I moaned quietly

“You are definitely going to kill me baby” I could feel his smirk on my neck.

“You’re definitely going to kill us!” I heard Liam shout. I opened my eyes to see him covering Nat’s eyes.

I quickly jumped down from Alec as he rolled his eyes.

“Not like I haven’t seen you guys kiss.” Alec muttered running a hand threw my hair and smiling at me.

“Yeah. But we don’t-”

“Shut up Liam. Come on Emily” Alec muttered walking to the counter.

“What are you guys making?” Nat asked as I sat down on a stool, and Alec pulled out a few bowls

“Alec’s making me a cake” I giggled and she rolled her eyes.

“A cake? That’s it. Only if Liam knew how to cook, I would make him make everything. You are so lucky your mate knows how to cook” Nat groaned and Alec smiled at me.

“I’m lucky to have Emily” he said and I blushed

“Aww! You don’t say that to me” Nat slapped Liam on the head.

“What! God Alec. You’re getting me into trouble. Nat baby, I say you’re beautiful everday” Liam exclaimed, pulling Nat onto his lap.

“Yeah. But thats normal. What Alec said was so sweet” she wrapped her hands around his neck

Liam’s eyes glazed over for a while before he smirked at her.

“I fall in love with you every time, I look into your beautiful eyes” he said and Nat jumped off his lap

“Alec told you that! Now say something to me without anyone telling you, or else you’re not sleeping next to me!” Nat exclaimed

“What! Nat!” She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Okay fine! I-I love you. Always will” he shrugged and she rolled her eyes, sighing, and sat down on his lap again.

“You’re useless” she muttered smiling at him

“Why don’t I have a nickname?” I questioned looking at them.

“Because Emily your name is beautiful. It doesn’t need changing.” Alec smiled at me, putting the mixture in a bowl

“Aww! I swear Liam. You are so useless!” Nat slapped Liam

“What the hell man! Why are you getting me in trouble!” Liam shouted at Alec.

“Oh am I? Emily if you held up 11 roses in the mirror, you’d be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world” Alec smiled leaning over the counter, towards me.

“It would be 13, with you” I blushed and kissed his cheek.

“Look at that-”

“Have you ever said anything to me?” Liam asked raising an eyebrow

“No! Because you don’t say it to me! I hate you!” Nat stood up and walked out of the room.

“Not at night, you don’t” Liam shouted running after her.

“Alec! What have you done?” I muttered as he smirked

“Nothing. I was just saying nice things to you” he said putting two tins in the oven.

“Hmm” It’s hot when the person you love, is cooking.

“Are you even listening to me Emily?” Alec turned around and walked towards me.

“No” I whispered and grabbed his collar, pulling him down.

“What are you doing Emily?” He smirked wrapping his arms around me.

“Something” I muttered and crashed my lips on his.

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