Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 26

Today is the party. And Alec is acting weird.

“Alec? Talk to me! What’s wrong?” I asked and he froze next to the door.

“Emily? Just promise me that you won’t leave me?” He turned around, looking at me

“I won’t Alec? Why?” I stood up and he walked closer to me.

“You promise right?” He whispered leaning his forehead on mine.

“I promise” I looked up at him and he kissed my cheek.

“Good.You get ready, and I’ll be downstairs helping everyone” he turned around but I grabbed his hand.


“Hmm” he looked at me

“Did you do something wrong?” I asked and he shook his head

“I just don’t want to lose you” he mumbled

“You won’t lose me Alec. Just because I’m the princess, doesn’t mean I’ll forget you” I said and he nodded and let go of my hand

“Now can I go?” He smirked

“Yep..wait!” I stopped him at the door.

I walked closer to him and leaned up to his ear.

“I love you Alec. Don’t forgot that. And you look hot today” I whispered and he groaned


“Sorry” I moved back and he chuckled

“I love you too. I’ll send Nat to get you later okay?” He said opening the door, pecking my lips and I nodded

He walked out the room, closing the door behind him.

“What’s wrong with Alec?” I sighed walking to my closet.

Yesterday Nat couldn’t find anything good for the party, for me, so we went to my mom’s closet. And she picked out this baby pink dress covered in flowers. It looked amazing, but it was to big in me, so she tightened it up for me.

I had a quick shower, and got dressed (outfit on side ) I blow dried my hair and curled it a little just as Nat walked inside.

“You look beautiful” we both said at the same time and she smiled

“Thank you” she smiled and I nodded. Nat was wearing a baby blue gown but it wasn’t puffy like mine. She said that all the women will be wearing gowns or dresses. It’s a really big formal party.

“Sit down, and I’ll do your makeup” she pulled a chair closer to me. I sat down on it and closed my eyes.

After a couple of minutes she told me to open them, and when I did, I was shocked.

“Thank you Nat. I look lovely” I stood up and she nodded

“You do. Now wear these and we’ll go” she handed me my shoes.

For my makeup Nat, did just a winged eyeliner and nude-type lipstick. I quickly wore my shoes, and stood up.

“I’m wearing heels as well. And our feet are going to hurt at the end of the day” she groaned

“Shall we go?” I smiled and she nodded

We walked to the door, and she opened it.

“After you my lady” she bowed and I rolled my eyes and walked through the door slowly.

“Natalie, what happened to Cameron and Ben?” I asked quietly as she locked the door behind her

" Ben sacrificed himself when Liam was about to get attacked and which Cameron?” She muttered


“The Cameron that kidnapped you, escaped. Liam told me that he told everyone to attack at once so Alec couldn’t get to him. And our-asshole Cameron, is dead. Alec killed him” she told me and I nodded

“Don’t think about it Emily. This is a big day for you. Just be happy” she said and I smiled

“I am” I pointed to my smile and she rolled her eyes

“Come on” she said and I nodded.

I walked to the centre of the room, and looked down to see the whole place was full.

“We’re taking the right stairs” Nat said behind me and I took a deep breath and nodded.

I walked to the steps with her, and just as we touched the first step, everyone looked up at us.

I felt weird today, like something is going to happen. And I know that Alec knows what it is.

“Emily” Nat whispered and I looked to see she was already on the third step.

“It’s okay. Just take a deep breath. You’re going to meet Alec down there as well” she whispered and I nodded.

I followed her down the steps slowly as everyone stared at me.

When we reached the end, Alec was standing there smiling at me.

“You look beautiful Emily” he smiled

“Thank you” I blushed as he held my hand.

“Come on. We have to go on the stage” He said quietly and we walked through the crowd, that had parted for us, and to a big stage.

While I was walking, I saw my parents.

“Dad!” I shouted running towards him. I hugged tightly and everyone laughed.

“Emily. I always knew you were a princess” dad chuckled as I blushed, when everyone laughed.

“Why don’t you go on stage?” Dad said as everyone started talking to each other.

I let dad go and waved at mom and Oli.

I turned around to see Alec smirking at me.

“You coming?” He asked and I nodded

I walked towards him and we both walked onto the stage.

“You sit down. And I’ll talk?” He mumbled and I nodded.

I sat down on the gold chair as he walked towards the microphone.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming today. I am happy to announce that our princess has returned” Alec turned to me and everyone bowed down, and then stood up

“The dance floor is opened, and the food will be served. I hope you enjoy your time” Alec said and walked back to me

“So all I do is sit here?” I asked and he pulled me up

“Nope. You can do anything you want. I have to go talk to Liam but I’ll be back. Why don’t you go to your parents?” He said and I nodded.

He kissed my cheek and walked off the stage.

I walked to steps, and pulled my dress up a little just as a guy walked towards me.

Hot Ava yelled in my mind.

Shut up Ava

“Let me princess” he held his hand out and I smiled

“Thank you. And you can call me Emily” I put my hand in his to feel sparks. I pulled it back out and he smiled at me.


“Beloved” he smiled at me.

“No! I already have a mate” I mumbled walking back on the stage.


“No! I said no!” I shouted and everyone looked at me.

All of a sudden dad was by my side and Alec running towards me.

“What’s wrong Emily? What did you do Hunter?” Dad growled at the guy.

“Nothing Jaxon. She’s my mate” he smiled again as Alec stood infront of me.

“She’s MINE!” He growled and turned to me.

“Emily. Are you okay?” He asked softly and I nodded

“This isn’t true right?” I asked and he sighed.

“I- Jaxon. Can you tell everyone to leave. I need to talk to Emily” he said to dad and dad nodded, walking off the stage.

“Follow me Emily” Alec held my hand and we walked off the stage.

“Princes-” Alec growled at Hunter.

Alec took me back upstairs, to our room. I sat on the bed and looked up at him.

“Alec? This isn’t true right? I mean you only have one mate” I mumbled and he sighed

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Emily. I was scared you would leave me.” He walked towards me

“But Alec.. This can’t be true. Nobody get two mates. It’s impossible” I stood up

“It’s not Emily. Your mom had to mates. Bethany?” He said and I was shocked

“No-” there was a knock on the door and mom and dad walked in.


“Can you guys leave. I need to talk to Emily. And don’t hurt Hunter” mom said to Alec. Alec and dad left the room and mom turned to me.

“I had two mates as well Emily. It’s okay. My first mate was my best friend, Jake. When we found out he was my mate, at that time I didn’t want a mate, but I still thought I should have one. I mean I didn’t know I was going to get Jaxon as well....But Jake, he liked Layla, you know aunt Layla? Her. And she already had a mate. That’s when he rejected me.” Mom said and I nodded

“Why didn’t you tell me mom?” I asked quietly sitting on the bed.

“Because you were only 6 when you were taken. I couldn’t tell a 6 years old all of that could I? I’m just saying that Hunter isn’t a bad guy. Hunter is the Sire of the Golden Clan. Like the Alpha? And he’s Oliver’s friend as well.”

“But mom, I love Alec” I whispered sighing

“I know sweetie. But if you rejected Hunter, who knows if he will get another mate or not. I know Alec is your mate, but you have two mates. I thought Alec must have told you because he has the book, about the princess...There was only one made, and your real parents gave it to his dad” she explained sitting down on the bed next to me.

“He didn’t tell me” I whispered leaning my head on mom’s shoulder.

“I don’t know why he didn’t tell you Emily. It was his right to tell you. We couldn’t say anything about it.” She said

“Hunter? I don’t know Hunter at all mom”

“Get to know him Emily. I know you love Alec, and don’t lie to me, but I know that Alec hasn’t been good to you the first time you came here. Remember I have smart Alec...Shit! Smart Alec. And he’s called Alec as well.” She laughed and I giggled

“I didn’t want to tell you. I knew dad wasn’t going to listen to me. But Alec was cursed and if I left, he would have died”

“But that’s not how mates are Emily. They don’t ignore you, they don’t lock you up in a room, telling you to never leave the house. That’s not what love is”

“It isn’t?” I questioned confused

“No Emily. That’s not what love is. Love is when you smile just thinking about your mate. When he makes you laugh” she said smiling at me.

“But mom Alec’s changed. He does love me?” I muttered

“I know he loves you Emily. I can see it. But what he did when he bought you here, wasn’t what mates do. And don’t lie to me, but he had a girlfriend right?” She asked raising her eyebrow and I nodded

“Yeah. Anna” I muttered

“And did he leave her for you, the moment you reached there?” She asked and I shook my head

“I’m not saying Alec doesn’t love you Emily. I know he does, because I can see it in his eyes. But what he did before, wasn’t right. I’m not going to tell your dad, because I can see you love Alec. But just give a chance to Hunter as well. He’s a really great guy” she stood up

“Now you get changed and then come downstairs. Me and your dad won’t be leaving today. I think I need to stay with you” she smiled and I nodded

“I’ll be quick” I said and she nodded and left the room.

I stripped out of the dress, and walked to my closet. I wore some leggings and a big sweater and wore flip flops.

I so look like a princess I thought sacarastically and walked out the room, to see Hunter’s hand up and was about to knock.

“Oh sorry. You mom sent me here to take you down. Is that okay with you?” He asked smiling at me and I nodded

“Sure” I mumbled closing the door behind me.

“I don’t think we have been introduced properly. My name is Hunter Evans” he held his hand out.

“Emily Rose Perry Gray” I shaked his hand slowly and felt the sparks. I pulled my hand out and he chuckled

“It’s okay. I don’t bite” he sighed and I nodded

“Shall we go downstairs?” I asked and he did a little bow

“Of course my lady” he smirked up at me and I giggled

No! I thought trying not to laugh.

“Let’s go” I walked downstairs with him behind me.

We walked to the dining room, and I saw Alec, clenching his fists on the table and taking deep breaths.

“Emily. Why don’t you sit down?” Dad made me look at him.

“Hmm. Oh yeah” I sat down next to Alec and he grabbed my hand tightly and interwined our fingers together.

Hunter sat down next to me and rubbed his hands together.

“What’s for dinner? I didn’t eat today” he smiled taking his concentration off me and Alec

“Well there’s rice, steak, chips, and burger-”

“I want a burger!” I exclaimed and mom laughed

“Okay Emily”she said and I nodded

“Do you like burgers? Cheese burger?” Hunter asked and I shook my head

“I don’t like cheese. I like chicken fillet burger” I said and he gasped

“Me too! I don-” Alec growled

“SHE’S MINE!” He shouted standing up

“Look Alec, I know you’ve spent more time with her, but she’s my mate too. And I’ve been waiting for years. Don’t you think I should at least have my mate too!” Hunter shouted standing up

“I fucking said she’s mine. Okay! She’s my mate. She’s my Emily” Alec growled

“Alec stop!” I shouted standing in between them.


“No Alec. We were just talking about burgers. Just stop okay” I whispered and walked out the room and to the kitchen. Waking out of the kitchen I reached the garden.

The palace garden was bigger than Alec’s garden as well. I walked to the forest just as I saw someone’s shadow behind me.

“What do you want Hunter?” I sighed

“Emily. I just want to talk” he walked closer to me as I sat under a tree. He sat opposite me and looked at me then smiled.

“Your face glows in the moonlight” he smiled

“Thank you” I smiled knowing my face was heating up

“No! I’m being honest. You’re really beautiful Emily” he said

“You can stop Hunter. I bet you use that on every girl ” I sighed

“What no! I actually waited for my beloved- mate. I’m proud to say I am a Virgin” I chocked on air.

“What!” I said and he nodded

“I am. Yes I had a girlfriend when I was younger. You know when all your friends have girlfriend or boyfriends, and you’re the only one left? Well that was me. So I did date a few girls but I never had sex with them” he smiled and I shook my head

“Why are-”

“Why am I virgin? Because I waited for my mate. I’ve read that some females wait for their mate, so I thought I could do it too. I could wait for my mate as well” he explained and I shook my head.

“I’m not a virgin Hunter” I mumbled and he nodded

“I know about your whole story Emily. And I’m not going to force you to tell me about it. You can tell me in your own time.”

“I was pregnant with Alec’s baby as well.” I looked to him to see if he was going to get angry. He clenched his fists together and gave a forced laugh.

“He got before me” he muttered and I held his hand.

“Hunter? Calm down. Please” I interwined our fingers together and he took a deep breath.

“I’m calm” he whispered closing his eyes.

“I don’t know anything about you Hunter. You know everything about m-”

“No I don’t. I don’t know the real you Emily. The only Emily I know, is the one everyone knows. I want to get to know you” he smiled opening his eyes and looking at me.

“Me? There isn’t much to tell you about me” I said just as mom ran to me.

“Emily! You need to come and calm Alec down. He’s going crazy” she exclaimed and I stood up


“Yeah. Come quick” mom said running back.

I turned to Hunter and he nodded

“I understand. You go ahead” he mumbled smiling sadly at me.

“Hunter I-”

“Just go” he mumbled sighing and standing up. He walked further into the woods.

I shook my head and ran inside, straight to the dining room, to see the table broken in half and dad sat, leaning on a chair in the corner with mom.

“Oh no. Go ahead, and break everything” dad shouted as Alec picked up a chair and flung it towards me.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed the chair and threw it on the floor.

“Emily” Alec whispered confused

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I heard Hunter shout standing in front of me as dad stood up

“I-I didn’t-” Alec walked out the room.

“Are you okay Emily?” Hunter turned to me as I stared shocked at the door.

“Yeah” I walked past him and out the room.

I ran upstairs to my room to see Alec, there crying on the floor.

“We’re you really going to hurt me Alec?” I asked closing the door behind me.

“Emily-” he stood up and walking closer to me

“Stop Alec. Answer the question” I put my hand out and he stopped walking.

“I wasn’t going to. I didn’t-”

“But what if it did hit me? Why were you angry?” I asked confused

“Why was I angry? Really Emily? I was angry because you were with that asshole. You are MINE!” He shouted and I shook my head

“I’m no one’s Alec. I’m not an object. I’m not a thing to be shared Alec” I told him and he nodded

“I know Emily. But you are mine”

“No Alec! No I’m not!” I exclaimed

“Yes!” He shouted

“No Alec! No” I shouted back

“You’re my wife my gi-”

“Wife? Alec? Are you crazy?” I took a deep breath Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m going to bed. And don’t sleep next to me” I mumbled walking past him and towards the bed.


“No Alec. We’ll talk in the morning. Not now” I muttered laying down in bed

“Close the door behind you Alec” I whispered and heard him close the door behind him.

What’s wrong with you Alec? Why are acting weird?

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