Staring at the door, Marxus’ eyes watered. He didn’t want to weigh her young shoulders with all that he’s built, or dealt with, even now. Worrying it would consume her life, he had worried if it would become too much for her to handle alone, but at the same time doubted the stone’s decision. Returning to his desk, opening the box where the stone was hidden, he removed it, holding it in the palms of his hands, speaking to the soft whispers within it, wanting answers, but all that he received was silence before the stone grew angry, taking on a red hue before hovering in front of him. Flying around, it was as if it searched but in a more aggressive manner, something that worried Marxus greatly, for he couldn’t make sense of its actions, or reactions.

“What…what are you trying to tell me?!” Marxus questioned, approaching the stone hovering near the bookshelf that led to the hidden chamber, “Tell me, please!” he loudly pleaded.

“Do not beg, Immortal. It is beneath you.” a voice answered from the stone in a muffled male voice, “It is done, and all of the actions that have taken place cannot be undone. She is the ONE that I have searched for, and no power within the small universe that you know, can change that. The events must be allowed to play themselves out, she must go through tests in ways that only she can persevere through and you, Immortal, are no longer the holder, so allow her to become.”

“Become?” Marxus argued, “Become what?!” he demanded, as he turned around, scanning the study but only an eerie, and deadly silence, answered. Worrying greatly, watching as the orb slowly hovered toward the desk, returning to its box, the lid snapped itself closed. Leaning on the back of the couch, his thoughts consumed him, for he was lost for the first time in a long time, and there was nothing he could do or anywhere to turn. He wasn’t even sure if Axeon would have answers.

“Marxus… the dragon suddenly summoned telepathically, “we must speak, there is no time to waste!”

Frowning deeply, Marxus turned, venturing to the dragon, and as he appeared in the cavern, he gazed upon the mythical creature that stood with his wings stretched out and his long tail slithering behind him along the ground.

Jonathan was exiting the dining hall, carrying a smoothie in a cup with a secure lid, when he bumped into the young woman descending the staircase.

“Hey.” he smiled.

“Hey.” I grinned, “Late night snack?” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yeah, couldn’t help it.” he shrugged, “You heading home?”

“Absolutely, it’s been a long day.”

“Can I walk with you?” he gestured ahead.

“Sure.” I nodded, looping my arm through his in friendship.

Walking across the estate, I asked if when he sees Erik again, if he could tell him that I was worry for any part I might have had in the argument that took place earlier in the day.

“Yeah, sure.” Jonathan agreed, then changed the subject, “By the way, you did really good today during your training.” he offered a friendly pat on the back.

“Thank you.” I appreciated, “So, tell me about your family.” I listened as he spoke proudly, and affectionately about them.

“They’d love to meet you.” he gushed, then realized how that must have sounded from her point-of-view, hoping it didn’t sound like he was going to bring her home to meet the family, “Um, I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant they’d be happy to meet you, a friend, you know?” his face turned red, “And of course, your mum too, I think your mum and mine, have a lot in common, she’s a level 3 Demon, that’s where I get it from.”

“Cool, I’ll talk to my mom about it, I’m sure she’d love to.” I smiled, “And Jonathan, there’s no need to blush, even though you are irresistibly adorable.” I nudged him.

“Ha, yeah right.” he ran his fingers through his hair, “Thanks, though.” he didn’t seem to believe her.

“Jonathan, I mean it.” I looked into his blue eyes, “You’ve got that whole…Australian-cowboy vibe, but you’re a beautiful person. In here.” I pointed at his chest, “Sarah is a lucky woman, I hope she knows that.” I took a step back, “Anyway, thanks for walking me home.” I patted his arm then turned, heading inside.

Jonathan stood, feeling confident after hearing her words. He kept his word, returning to his dwelling, stopping in the hall by Erik’s room. Knocking softly, his friend answered the door, and after relaying the message, word-per-word in her voice, which was very unsettling to hear, receiving laughter in reply, he too, returned to his room.

After closing and locking his door, Erik walked over sitting on his bed, staring at his feet. Nodding, knowing what to do, he reached into the drawer retrieving a pen and notepad, then thought of the right words to say and once he found the flow, he quickly scribbled them down. Folding it quickly, writing her name on one side, he left, appearing outside her room and slipped it under the door. Hearing her wolf growl, sensing his presence, he quickly backed away then disappeared.

Shuffling around, after a hot shower, I watched as Zanzabarr stood by the door growling, sensing something or someone, outside in the hall. There was a folded parchment laying near his paws and as I walked over, picking it up, it was addressed to me. Raising a curious brow, I opened the peephole, glancing out into the hall, but I saw no one there. Closing it quickly, I turned, unfolding the note, seeing it was another letter written in a neat script, but they still spelled my name wrong, there was only L not two:


I’d like to apologize for my behavior earlier today. I truly am sorry if I might’ve hurt your feelings, please know it wasn’t my intention to do so. As you stated, you get defensive around here, well so do I. Again, I’m sorry and I hope we can start fresh, and become friends. Now, I’m sure right now, you must be thinking I’m a jacka** writing this letter, instead of just coming to you in person, but maybe tomorrow we can get things straightened out. Goodnight, Yzavella with a YZ and a V in between.

-Erik with a K

I smiled, lowering the letter, laying it on my table. Staring at it, watching as the parchment folded itself, I thought, “ERIK WITH A K, YOU SURPISE ME, BUT YOU’RE STILL A JACKA** BUT NOT THAT BAD.” and shaking my head, I leaned back against my pillows and drifted off to sleep, then I groaned deeply feeling Zanzabarr jump upon my feet, finding his place.

During the night, it started raining, but that didn’t seem to stop the Boar-wolves from roaming around the island and the outer perimeter of the wall. They endlessly searched for some way in, and they wouldn’t surrender their search, squealing and howling throughout the night. They gave no peace, and the leader of the beasts walked near the front gate, trying to break through the bars, but it jumped back burning its skin and tough hide against the iron. Being shot with silver and iron bullets, or arrow heads, as well as blasts of colored arcane magic from the Guardians, it squealed loudly in pain and rage, retreating into the fog. With its red eyes, it leered and snarled its long snout and slathered its tusks; its tall bulk blended with the thick trees before disappearing completely from the sight of the Guardians upon the wall.

Hearing Zanzabarr howling loudly, replying to what lurked beyond the wall, I woke up, leaning against my pillows, and watched as he stood before the balcony doors; his head was thrown back, communicating with the Boar-wolves. Leaning forward, calling him back over, patting the bed, he ran across the room jumping on the bed, snuggling close. Holding onto him like on large soft pillow, we both drifted off back to sleep.

Over the next few days, Erik and I came to an understanding, and leaving things in the past where it belongs, we continued my training, and according to him, and Jonathan, I advanced.

There were moments, in between weapons training with Erik, Jonathan, and Anthony, where I learned from the purebloods, and other half-breeds willing to help, further arcane spells that I was capable of performing. I admired each of their techniques and was grateful, but also mesmerized because I had never known such magic existed.

Marxus, however, stood out of view, observing her push the limits of what she was capable of and he was pleased, but also worried. Tugging at his vest, he took a slow walk toward the training yard, greeting Guardians and trainees, who backed away, nodding with respect as he passed. Standing there, he waited until the training warriors spotted his presence, before he felt it was necessary to interrupt.

“Marxus!” Anthony waved past her shoulder, “Over here!” he watched as the Immortal nonchalantly strolled toward them.

“Good afternoon, I see everything is progressing nicely.”

“Very.” Erik praised.

“She’s doing great!” Jonathan cheered.

“She’s a fast learner.” Anthony chimed in smoothly.

“Oh, please stop it…” I teased, fluffing my hair teasingly.

“Mm, yes well, as lovely as this is, it’s good that the three of you are in one place, makes this much easier.” Marxus clasped his hands behind his back. Looking at the four curious faces, he explained that he arranged a journey involving the young woman and others that she could trust, “That is…” he raised an inquisitive eyebrow, “if your mother will be all right with me taking you to the mainland, especially after everything that’s already happened.”

“Um…” I looked around, “I’ll have to talk to her about it. She knows, and understands, everything I’m doing and learning about my new position, so I don’t think there’d be much of an issue but where will I, or we, be going?” I wondered.

“You will find out soon enough.” Marxus answered, “And fear not, you will not be alone. There will be others accompanying you, including those present.” he referred to Erik, Anthony and Jonathan who grinned, liking the idea of an adventure off the island.

“And when will we be leaving?” Anthony questioned softly.

“In four days.” Marxus answered casually, “Meet me near the garage early Friday morning, and I mean early, just after the Boar-wolves retreat within the forest. Now…” he bowed, “if you will excuse me.” he turned, walking away.

“What just happened?” I turned to the three men behind me.

“I have learned a long time ago, that we should never ask any questions when it comes to Marxus. It’s pointless, but you’ll get used to it after a while.” Anthony added softly.

“Yeah, it’s normal around here, Keeps.” Erik interrupted.

“K-Keeps?” I asked, looking at him.

“Well, I think it’s better than calling each other jacka** and piss ant all the time, don’t you think?” Erik shrugged casually, “If it’s too personal, I could…”

“No, no it’s fine.” I smiled.

“Okay then, Keeps it is.”

Anthony and Jonathan rolled their eyes, looking at each other, before the Italian announced that he would take his leave.

“Anthony, wait…” I turned to him, “don’t go.” I bit my lip, cause the truth was, I didn’t want him to leave, “Would it be all right if you showed me more of your dual handed sword techniques, please?” I watched as he turned, with his dark, and expressive eyes lighting up, “Hmm, Musketeer?” I teased, giving him a nickname of his own.

This time, Erik rolled his eyes, “OH PLEASE.” he thought.

“Of course.” the Italian nodded, gesturing toward the training yard, “After you, little Yza.” he smiled charmingly, leaning in whispering softly, “And Musketeer, huh?”

“Well…” I shrugged, looking at him, “you remind me of one. The way you fight dual handed, and you have that whole…” I thought, feeling flustered, “that whole charm.” I nudged him.

“I’ll take it as a compliment then, as long as it’s Aramis.”

“Well, of course.” I laughed, “The lover, and the fighter.” my eyes scanned his features, watching as he grew wide smile. I hoped I wasn’t leading him on with the innocent flirtation so I changed the subject, wanting to know where he learned his fighting skills.

Anthony smiled, knowing she was growing flustered. Softly, he explained that he and his brother, Thomas, took fencing and Renaissance sword classes in their earlier years back in Italy, but watching the hype and the sissy bravado that came with it, neither of them felt it was right for them, so they left and kept up the training. Practicing everyday, morning and evening, growing in techniques, and having nothing against learning new techniques for both himself and Thomas, it was not until after he was turned Lycynian, that having the extra stamina and endurance, pushed him to be harder, how words.

Coughing, having a naughty thought in mind, I looked away.

Erik frowned, slowing his pace, feeling jealous and it wasn’t a good look for him. Looking at Jonathan, who walked next to him with a wide, goofy smile, he pushed him like an annoying brother.

“So after you became a Lycynian, is that when you and your family came here?” I wanted to know more about him.

“Not right away, but since being what I am, made things a bit difficult for Thomas and his wife Louisa to settle down in the town, I wanted to come here on my own, but Thomas didn’t want me to be alone. It’s always been us, since our madre and padre died, so we’ve always looked out for each other, even in the most rough and violent circumstances.” he smiled, before looking away as if feeling a sense of regret from rehashing his past.

“Well, it sounds like you’ve had quite the life, Thomas too.” I offered a friendly, comforting smile.

“As nice as this is, are we going to train or talk all day?” Erik interrupted, quickly brushing past her and the Italian toward the training yard.

The afternoon seemed to get away from everyone; some had plans that were never seen through, while others fulfilled daily exercises, routines and contributions, not to mention in RP&V where business never seemed to cease.

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