Returning to the cottage, everyone again, took desperate showers then all gathered downstairs for a meal that wasn’t as comforting as we all hoped, but it was food. Slowly, stirring my spoon through the thick, chunky stew, I had thoughts of everything that’s happened on this intense, and insane, ride through Scotland. As I looked around, watching as everyone picked at the stew, a chorus of voices echoed loudly in my mind, and glancing at both Erik and Jonathan, from the look on their faces, I’d say they too, heard the voices, for Jonathan covered his ears for a moment before shaking his head.

“Are you two okay?” I reached out to them telepathically.

“Yeah, just tired.” Jonathan answered, looking at her.

“Same here.” Erik grinned tiredly.

“Tell me about it.” I groaned, glancing down at my bowl.

I knew this must have been difficult for them, because the two Demons were away from the island and its security and rules, preventing them from accessing deeper, stronger magics, but since they were home-away-from-home, it felt rather good, it was intoxicating for them as they clenched their fists tightly. I glanced at my own hands, knowing that I too, used more of my demonic abilities than I ever had before and like them, it felt good, and powerful.

“I can’t wait until we get back to the island.” Sarah whispered, “I’m so tired of bloody stew, I miss Burt’s cooking.” her blue eyes looked around at those that were familiar with the man in question.

“Oh man, tell me about it. I could totally go for one of those big burgers and fries Burt’s known for.” Nathan muttered bluntly, pushing his bowl away.

Finally, Marxus returned to the cottage hours later. Stepping through the door, startling those sitting around in the living room, or some that paced in the kitchen, he reassured them all they were safe, and free from any more unwanted visitors. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Dare we even ask what that means?” I wondered.

“You may ask.” he looked at her sternly.

“And Axeon? How is he?” I worried about the dragon.

“He’s, uh…” Marxus looked around, “he’s fine.” he grinned.

“Now what?” Sarah squeaked from her seat by the fireplace.

“I’ve made certain arrangements for you, so once you arrive at the border, there shouldn’t any issues.” Marxus announced, “Take these and keep them with you.” he handed Thomas and Anthony thick stacks of paperwork and receipts, that showed the phony purchases of everything stacked in the trucks that were parked outside.

The Giovanni brothers nodded, tucking them in their bags.

“Now, it’s getting late.” Marxus glanced at his watch, “So you should all get some rest, the next few days are yours to enjoy.” he nodded, then elegantly rushed up the stairs. Listening as a series of voices spoke downstairs, he grinned, then continued upward, making his way into the room that both Yzavela and Sarah shared. Slowly opening the door, he was surprised to see her wolf laying on the bed guarding her bags and yes, the black rock that was tucked in a bag of its own with its flap left open as if recently inspected, “All right easy there…” he backed away, watching as the wolf stood, slowly crawling off the bed, stalking toward him, “easy big boy, you’re forgetting who you’re threatening!” he stood tall, taking on his real form, rolling his shoulders and neck, then shivered hating Marxus’ stuck-up form for long periods of time. As the wolf continued stalking closer to the door, Molock’s dark brown eyes flashed red, and his hands glowed in a faint shimmer before hearing a set of footsteps coming up the stairs behind him. Turning around, closing the bedroom door, listening as the wolf thumped his paws against the inside, he rushed across the hall, stepping into one of the bedrooms, standing behind the door. Peeking through the crack along the hinges, he watched as Jonathan entered the bedroom across the way, slamming the door, “That was too close, Molock…you’re losing your edge.” he told himself then disappeared.

Just as Yzavela was last to head up the stairs, she felt hands wrap around her waist from behind, and a soft kiss land on her cheek, followed by a sensual voice whispering in her ear.

“No goodnight kiss?”

Turning around, wrapping my around Anthony’s neck with a smile, I stood on the steps making me several inches taller, but it didn’t stop me from leaning in, sharing one last kiss of the night, before pulling away. Hearing heavy boots nearby, I looked toward the door where Nathan stood, smoking one of many new cigarettes he confiscated from the Hunters.

“Goodnight.” I ignored Nathan’s presence, looking deep into Anthony’s dark eyes.

He grinned, then gestured for her to head upstairs.

“Goodnight little Yza, I’ll see you in the morning.” he winked.

“You bet, Musketeer.” I returned the wink, then disappeared.

“Enjoy the show?” Anthony turned, leering at Nathan.

“Not really, your whole lovey-dovey bullsh*t is quite gross, and nauseating to be frank.” the young man groaned, flicking the ashes outside, “But it’s good to know she has a thing for wolves, and like I told Erik, maybe I’ll try her out once you get bored.” he scoffed, “Some wolf packs share their women.”

Anthony growled, taking heavy steps toward the young man, pulling him forward. Turning around, tossing him onto the kitchen table, he reached for one of the unused knives that lay nearby, placing its blade under Nathan’s chin.

“Say something like that, and I swear by Mother Mary, I will kill you!” the Italian growled, flashing his yellow eyes, before plunging the knife into the table, grazing Nathan’s left ear lobe on a deliberate, and aggressive strike.

Pulling away, Anthony huffed, combing his hair back, then he turned, approaching the couch of which he claimed as his own sleeping area, sitting next to his bags, leaving Nathan to tend to his injured ear.

During the days at the cottage before returning to the island, the only positive outcome from this trek it seemed, was that my rock decided to hatch, yes hatch! It was one evening while I lay on my bed staring at it, following all of the Amber streaks and flecks, when Sarah was downstairs outside shooting a round of arrows into one of the trees. Laying on my bed, the rock started jumping in place, like a giant jumping jelly bean, before glowing in a bright ruby red hue, turning into a small, most unexpected creature. Pressing my back against my pillows, large bat-like wings began spreading themselves out, while a head lifted itself from a tucked position, followed by a body, tail and feet stretching as if it slept for a long period of time.

Opening Amber eyes, it looked around then caught her gaze.

For minutes, it mesmerized me, for there it was, a beautiful small black dragon the size of an adult Raven with scales that were blacker than night, with Amber eyes centered forward on its baby lizard-like face and snout, framing its small face. As it stretched out its wings with a two-foot wingspan from tip-to-tip, a small thumb-like claw at the tip would be used to move about. Small horns, looking more like protrusions or rough bumps, were visible along its jaw-like and around its eyes. It also had a spinous dorsal-like fin running down the length of its back, tapering to the tip of its three foot long tail, with what looked like an arrowhead-like spear. As it crawled, it was wobbly legged at first, then attempted flapping out its wings, but fell a few times, until gaining the strength needed for flight, and once grasping the concept, the dragon returned to the foot of my bed, walking on its hind legs, using its vast wings and thumb-claws to support the front of its small body. I gasped softly, catching its immediate attention and gaze. As it stared at me, it released soft, but soothing purr-like roars. I smiled for not only was it absolutely beautiful, but it was just too adorable at the same time, especially with its sweet, baby face that hadn’t matured. How could this have been mine, and what was the real purpose of being in my possession and care?

Hearing the strange squawking roars, Zanzabarr emerged in swift steps out of the bathroom, watching as the creature flew around the bed. Thinking it might have been attacking his pack mother that shielded her eyes from his massive wings, he barked chasing it around the room, before it landed on the foot of her bed, whipping its tail toward the hellhound, as if it were trying to protect itself; four spikes from its tail, flew through the air and into the wall opposite the beds.

“Zanz, that’s enough!” I commanded, glancing at the wolf and then toward the wall where the spikes could seen, looking as if Sarah broke the arrowheads from the shaft of her arrows. I quickly stood, yanking them from the wall, holding them in my hand examining them, “What the hell?” I frowned, for the spikes were rough and harder than bone. Looking at the small dragon that stood on the ledge of the bed, purring softly, my Zanzabarr heeled, for he, nor I, knew what the small beast was capable of. Approaching the bed, watching as it crawled forward closer to me once I sat on the ledge, the dragon did the cutest thing that melted my heart when speaking to it; the head tilt. I chuckled softly, then reached out petting the soft black scales on its snout, “It’s all right, little one…it’s all right.” I reassured the mythical beast and as my hands still stroked its soft scales, it was then I felt that same strong, and powerful surge of energy race through my fingertips and up my arm, then throughout my whole body. Overwhelming, in that moment, would have been the perfect term to describe this encounter, “Whoa…” I pulled my hand away, then I looked around, hearing a boys voice enter my mind that sounded distant, as if trying to connect, “This is crazy, I’m going crazy.” I sighed, “But then again, Axeon is allowed to speak to me.” I looked around, “And now I’m sitting here, talking to myself. Yep, Yza…you’re definitely losing it.” I combed my shorter hair back.

“No, you’re not going crazy.” the voice answered, “For I’m the one speaking to you.”

Looking around once more with wide eyes, thinking it might have been Sarah, or even Jonathan playing a trick in the hall, I saw no one.

“It’s none of your companions.” the voice observed.

Glancing down at the dragon, my eyes continued to widen.

“Y-you’re talking to me?” I pointed at him.

“I am.” he answered, nodding his head, “We are now bonded.”

Zanzabarr walked over, startling the dragon that released yet another roar-like squawk, sounding like the baby dragons of GAME OF THRONES but this wasn’t fiction or fantasy, this was real. Fluttering into the air, carefully landing in my arms, he curled himself into a ball, wrapping his wings around his body as if trying to protect itself.

“Easy there, little guy.” I stroked the scales that ran down his head, “Zanzabarr isn’t going to harm you, he’s just saying his version of hello. He, and I, have never seen your kind before.”

The dragon lifted his head, looking at the hellhound then up at her, staring into her dark eyes. Making eye contact, he was sensing that she was struggling to find a name suitable for him.

“Anything you choose, Mother.” he spoke, blinking his eyes.

“Mother?” I whispered, and just then, I glanced down the hall, hearing Sarah’s voice laughing with Jonathan and when the dragon saw her, he became frightened, returning to his rock form that awkwardly plopped into my lap.

“Um, are you seriously cuddling with your rock?” she mocked, “Really Yza, I didn’t think you were the sort, cause I thought you’d be shagging Anthony by now. Besides, I cuddle with a pillow.”

“First of all, that’s rude and none of your business.” I slowly moved the rock, placing it on the bed next to my pillow, “And I was just wondering what the significance of this rock really is, that’s all.” I glared at her, “Wait, you cuddle with a pillow? No stuffed wolf?” I mocked her, knowing that she knew, that I meant something else by that slur of words.

“Piss off!” she barked, grabbing clean clothes from her bag, as she retreated into the bathroom she mumbled to herself.

“Dimwit.” I whispered, then told myself, “Yza, be nice.” then I waited for almost thirty minutes, hoping that at any moment, she would exit leaving some hot water for me too. Just before my knuckles could knock on the door, it swung open.

“Geez…” Sarah shrieked, taking a deep breath.

“Sorry.” I offered a friendly smile, “I was wondering if you’re done, cause you know, there are two of us sharing this room.”

“Right, sure. It’s all yours.” she swept past her, then turned, “I have a question.” she dried the towel through her hair.

“Yeah?” I turned to her, waiting for another stupid question.

“Do you think you could ever be romantically involved with a pureblood?” she lowered the towel, sitting on her bed.

“Why do you ask?” I folded my arms, carefully leaning on the bathroom door frame, “Having doubts about being with one, and I’m assuming you’re talking about Jonathan right?”

“Of course I am, who else do you think I’m talking about?!”

“It doesn’t matter. Are you having doubts about Jonathan?”

“W-well…” Sarah paused, thinking about it a moment, “I’m not sure, but I do know it’s better than getting involved with a Wraith or Lycynian, so you better make sure Anthony will be worth it all.”

“Excuse me if I don’t take expert advice from the one who has an intimate knowledge of Lycynians.” I remarked, reaching for my clothes.

“Excuse me?!” she stood, protesting bluntly, laying her towel in a jumbled lump on her bed.

“Nothing.” I shrugged, “But in answer to your question, again, I look at a man for the person he is, whether he’s a friend or more, as someone I can trust. Not because they are a pureblood of Demon or Lycynian, for that’s what they are, not who they are so yes, I could and am.” I snapped deliberately, “And it’s a choice I’m happy to admit.”

“Even someone like Anthony?” she hinted.

“Yes, especially someone like Anthony.” I bit my lip, wanting more of his kisses and tender caresses that we’ve managed to share, “All I’m going to say is that if you want Jonathan, go for it before someone comes along and takes him from you.”

“Someone?” Sarah spat, “Someone who?”

“I don’t know Sarah, I meant that figuratively and for god sake, hang up your towel, cause I’m not doing it for you. Again.” I loudly, and quickly, slammed the door, locking it to take my shower. As I felt the hot water soothe my nerves, I stared at the tile walls, wondering why the dragon was really given to me, and was I going to learn about something that I had never seen? I shook my head, closing me eyes, having more images of both Anthony and I, maybe even naughty fantasies of my own and just as I scrubbed my sponge along my stomach, I heard loud shrieks from the bedroom. Opening my eyes, turning off the shower, I quickly ran to the door, swinging it open to find Sarah pressing her back against the corner near the door; she stood with her eyes wide as Zanzabarr stalked toward her, “I don’t even want to know.” I grumbled, making sure my robe was tied. Clapping my hands, I ordered the wolf to take steps back, then after he walked away with his tail between his legs, I looked at Sarah, “Do I even want to know what you did to provoke him?” I complained, drying my hair quickly with my towel.

“I accidentally bumped into your bag with the rock, and when it fell out, I went to put it back but then your mutt jumped at me like something with rabies!” the young woman sneered at the wolf that growled at her as he lay near the bag.

“Well, thank you for thinking of putting it back but next time, just leave things the way they are, before you lose something vital like your…”

“Hand?” Sarah interrupted.

“I was going to say your head, but sure, a hand.” I smiled.

“Ugh, whatever.” she grumbled, then laid in her bed, turning her back to Yzavela, pulling the covers close to her chin.

Looking at Zanzabarr, I softly chuckled then asked for a paw. I offered him several treats and laying in my own bed, with a few pillows propped under my head, the rock morphed into the small dragon beneath the blankets concealing its glow, curling himself under my arm like some sort of toy, nudging his head against mine. Laying there, he let out soft purrs of contentment that helped me fall asleep and it wasn’t like I had much room with Zanzabarr at my feet.

The next morning arrived, and everyone sat downstairs for a normal breakfast that Marxus had magically put together, but their company was absent two, Yzavela and Zanzabarr.

“Where’s Yza?” Erik asked, “She’s late for breakfast.”

“She was still sleeping when I woke, cuddling with her rock.” Sarah mocked then looked at Anthony, “Probably dreaming that it’s you she’s shagging.” she shrugged.

“Sarah, really?!” Jonathan frowned.

“Well, if she needs rest, it’s well deserved.” Marxus advised.

Anthony sneered at Sarah, wondering why it was necessary to say such things when she was having problems with her own relationship with Jonathan, and Nathan, for he too, saw a few of the unnatural flirtations between the Brye siblings.

Hearing voices downstairs muttering my name, I glanced at my bed, wondering how I was going to introduce my dragon. As he stood perched on the ledge, he tilted his head side-to-side just like a canine would when begging or hearing a noise that attracted their attention, he was just too cute to keep to myself. Walking over, allowing him to crawl up my arm with his claw-thumbs and feet with short talons, he took claim of the niche on my shoulder, wrapping his tail around my upper arm for balance. Gripping Zanzabarr’s leash, I descended the stairs, deciding to just do it, show him off to the world, so to speak.

“Good morning.” I announced cheerfully, standing on the last step. Watching as everyone turned their heads, gazing in my direction, their smiles immediately faded seeing the dragon on my shoulder.

“What the hell is that?!” Jonathan exclaimed, jumping out of his seat, knocking it over.

“It’s a bat!” Sarah added, pointing at the black creature that let out a loud shriek, with a stretch of its massive wingspan, as if not liking her words.

“What is that?!” Erik humorously pointed, “Keeps, what is it?!”

Thomas and Anthony remained silent for they were at a loss for words, for the only dragon any of them had seen so far, or at all, was Axeon.

“My-my, what do we have here?” Marxus approached, “Hello there little one, where did you come from?” he walked toward Yzavela.

“My rock.” I announced bluntly.

“Y-your what?” Marxus asked, looking at her with disbelief.

“This is my rock, which wasn’t a rock at all.” I frowned, for in that moment, I realized how that sounded much worse, and weirder in my head, than aloud, “It’s wasn’t a rock, that’s all I’ve got.” I shrugged.

“I-I see, interesting. And his, or her name is?” Marxus raised a hand, cautiously reaching out to stroke the dragon’s black scales but as his hand grew closer, the dragon almost ripped it off. Withdrawing his hand, he apologized, “Feisty little thing.” he observed.

“I haven’t named him yet.” I looked at the dragon, “I can’t think of one that’s suitable for him.”

“I’ve got one!” Nathan raised his hand, “Sh*t with wings!”

“F*ck you, Nathan!” I cursed, steaming with perfect control.

“Anytime love, anytime!” he leaned against the table, giving a flirtatious, and smug wink.

“Enough!” Marxus’ voice boomed, “Unless both of you want your voices taken away?” he exchanged glances between the bickering young man and woman, “No? Good.” he turned.

Reaching for a muffin, and glass of juice, offering Anthony a bold kiss in front of everyone, I then excused myself, and sat outside on the step by the door. My dragon crawled into my lap before pushing himself in the air, flapping his massive, but beautiful wings. Glancing behind me, I smiled as Anthony sat next to me; I leaned against his chest resting my head against his shoulder, watching as the dragon stayed close by, chasing down a large field mouse that he quickly devoured, and once he swallowed the rodent, he flew around chasing the wolf in a playful manner. Both Anthony and I smiled, and laughed, as we found the moment to be sweet, and innocent, but then we looked toward the door where Marxus stood, as if needing a moment to speak with me.

“I’ll leave you to talk.” Anthony suggested.

“No, it’s all right.” Marxus reassured, “I was just coming out here, to inform Yzavela that she must name her dragon, for in order to be bonded to you, it must be given one.” he walked around Anthony, standing near the wall before leaning on it.

“Wh-why so soon, I mean it just hatched.” I gestured at him, “And besides, I don’t what species he is, or where he came, or why he was given to me.” I looked at Marxus, “All the man in the cave told me was that he’s a Zyphyn.”

“I must admit that, that still surprises me, for it was supposed to be an older woman waiting for you, not a man.” Marxus’ voice became blunt, “And as far as what he is…” he looked at the dragon that flapped around the wolf, “I can’t say, for the only dragon I’ve ever known is Axeon, and then of course, I am all too familiar with Drakuul’s fire-drake but I am sure there is something special about him, to have been given to you.” he looked down at Yzavela, still confused by her words, revealing that it was a man in the cave, not a woman like he had originally planned, for it didn’t make sense.

“He’s right you know.” Anthony added, looking at her, “But at the same time, not only was he special to be given to you, but you’re special too, to possess something so magical and…” he paused, glancing across the field, “small, just like you.” he gently tickled her, hearing her laughter.

“Perhaps, when we return to the island, you can find what you need in the many books I have in the library that might help you define his species.” Marxus glanced at his feet, “Now may I speak with you for a moment, Anthony?”

“Yes.” the Italian nodded.

Marxus nodded, then entered the cottage with Anthony, who kissed her once more then followed in after the Immortal.

I sat, sighing softly, then watched as the dragon returned to me, landing gracefully at my feet. Crawling into my lap once more, I asked him about what he knew about himself and where he came from, and it wasn’t much, telling me only what he knew, speaking telepathically as he stared into my eyes.

“I am a Zyphyn, which I suppose in your language and most common terms, defines as a shape-shifter. I have the ability to change my appearance to any form that I see, except for that of mortals, they are too difficult to duplicate, for they are not part my genetic code. I change at will if I see the need, or if you need me to, I will. However, I must see a form of any, or all shifts, for I cannot just morph into another form that I have not seen, and where I come from is unknown, but all I know is fire. The same fire that I sense within you.”

“A shape-shifter? Would you be able to show me?” I asked.

“As you wish, Mother.” he crawled out of her lap, then gave a quick flap of his wings.

Hearing the word MOTHER muttered from a dragons lips, whether verbal or telepathic, it was touching for me, because I made the choice to never having biological children of my own because of medical issues and obvious genetics. Pushing aside the distraction, I watched as he landed in the field, and glowing in a bright ruby hue he transformed into Zanzabarr’s identical form. Running over, howling and moving just like him, I laughed because this was amazing.

“That’s incredible!” I smiled, watching as two Zanzabarr’s ran around the field, chasing one another, “And what’s your size limit or morphing into another form.”

“I do not know, for I have yet to practice.” the dragon replied verbally, before returning to his natural form, crawling back into her lap.

With a smile, I relished in the dragon’s innocence. Not only will I become the next Keeper of the Isle, but now I’m to be a dragon Keeper? Or Mother? I felt like DAENERYS from GAME OF THRONES, a petite woman with her dragons, or dragon. What’s next, Queen? I hope not.

“Thank you for showing me. When we get back to the Isle, I am sure there must be something about your species written somewhere in Marxus’ books, and there are many. And there are also many animals, and another dragon on the island too, that you can practice shifting into, but they are not for eating.” I affirmed, petting a patch of scales beneath his chin, “Is that clear?”

“Of course, Mother. I like this island already.” he blinked.

“God, you’re just the cutest little thing.” I chuckled softly.

Tilting his head, blinking his Amber eyes once more, he then veered around her, hearing a male’s voice calling her name, announcing that it was time to leave the cottage.

Calling Zanzabarr, and carrying my dragon, I approached the doorway, but paused for I felt as if someone stood behind me. Turning around there was no one, but shaking off the feeling, I entered the cottage.

Before leaving, the sheets were changed and the furniture had been recovered, and once gathering outside, Marxus made an announcement,

“If all of you drive straight through without stopping, you’ll make it back to Heysham before nightfall. Once you arrive, I ask that you send word so I can alert the Guardians so that a portal can be opened within the wall, but please be careful on the drive home. I won’t be with you, so don’t stop for anyone, or anything except for the border. And if you have to, please contact me so that I’m aware of it, yes?”

“I think we’ve all learned to be all right without you for a few hours.” I admitted truthfully, “What could possibly happen?” I looked around with a friendly smile which faded for all of the looks weren’t as friendly, except for Anthony who winked.

“Mm-hmm, indeed, you have.” Marxus stood, studying all of the figures before him, admiring each of them for their bravery, courage and character. However, he grew a grin, watching as they kicked pebbles, looked around innocently, or scratched their chins with guilty expressions. He loved them as if they were his children, all except Nathan. Nodding quickly, he turned, climbing high on Axeon’s back once more, “I will see you back on the island.”

The powerful blue dragon pushed himself from the ground, straight into the air. Flying above, Axeon roared powerfully as he turned, soaring back toward the Isle, fully cloaked.

Watching in awe, we climbed into the hovercraft and the two trucks, then heading out, all sitting in our seats, we hoped we wouldn’t come across any more Hunters along the way, and would we be prepared for that, or worse?

“Wait…” Sarah shrieked.

“What is it?” Jonathan wondered.

“Marxus said to drive back the way we came, so doesn’t that mean we have to drive through the town with no name?”

She was right.

“Well…we just won’t look, and keep our eyes forward.” Erik suggested.

“Right…” she whimpered with a nod, “good idea, right.”

It didn’t take long before arriving at the borders of the town that was nothing but piles of rubble and dust, looking like as if they imploded within themselves, with dark scorch marks everywhere. There were no people, or bodies laying around, leaving all of us wondering what Marxus could have done to this place, for it was in total, and complete destruction, and in that moment, there was no doubt in our minds, that Marxus was the most powerful man we had known, not including the aid of Axeon.

Lady D, Thomas’ wife Louisa, both Sarah and Nathan’s uncle, Leonard Brye, and Erik’s father, Hiromi, all worried about their kids because they were gone for two weeks, with little-to-no-communication. Lady D asked Nick, who accompanied her to public places, if he had received word, but hearing the negative reply, caused a great panic. Meeting with Hiromi, and Leonard in the dining hall that morning in Ravenstone Manor, she spent hours mingling with them, learning about their backgrounds, and stories about their children, and it just at that moment, Nick appeared in the hall, startling all three of them at once.

“Bloody hell kid, don’t do that.” Leonard huffed.

“Sorry.” Nick grinned, “I just wanted to let you know I have just received word from Marxus, they’re all coming back later tonight. Once they reach Heysham, they’ll contact you.”

“Oh thank god…” Lady D sighed in relief, as did Leonard and Hiromi, “thank you, Nick.” she offered him a reassuring grin.

“No problem.” he bowed his head, then heard several loud, and persistent beeps coming from his radio, “Gotta go, you’ll be notified when they arrive on the island.”

“Thank you.” Hiromi appreciated.

“Thank you, lad.” Leonard waved.

“You’re welcome.” Nick offered a quick wave, and just as he turned, he disappeared in a burst of black mist-like essence, returning to his post on the wall among the other Guardians.

“All done?” Caleb questioned, approaching him.

“Yep.” Nick answered.

“Good.” Justin added, “Cause Marxus just called, he’ll be here in thirty minutes, give or take.” he shrugged, overlooking the vast island that led to RP&V.

“Thirty minutes?” Nick wondered.

“How is that possible, if he’s coming back with the others?” Caleb questioned curiously, “What’s he gonna do, appear in a magical bright light like a bloody wizard?” he teased.

“This is Marxus mate, you never know.” Justin looked at him, “He’s a bloody mystery within himself, yeah?”

“That’s true.” Nick smiled.

Marxus arrived on the Isle, thirty minutes on the button, and landing on the cliff side behind the forest on Axeon’s back, he thanked the great dragon for his assistance, then took steps back, watching as Axeon lept over the cliff, flying high into the air, before diving downward, returning to his cave hidden among the rear rock of the island. Turning, approaching the forest tree line, he vanished before making it to one of the tall trees, appearing on the wall.

“Yeah, I know man and I was just like…” Nick smiled, then paused, catching a glimpse of the Immortal appearing on the wall, wondering how he just was there. He knew Marxus was not a Wraith, or Demon that could teleport, and he certainly wasn’t a Lycynian that climbed the wall, so it always caught Nick’s curiosity, for he never heard of Immortals having the ability to teleport, portals or otherwise.

“Nick?” Caleb snapped his fingers in front his friend’s face. As he turned, following his gaze, he too, observed Marxus that took slow steps toward them, “Um, hello Marxus.” he looked around, “How did you get up here?”

“Good evening Nick, Caleb.” Marxus nodded, “How is it?”

“What?” Nick’s brown eyes widened.

“Up here, how is it up here?” Marxus looked at him.

“Oh, um…” Nick scratched his blonde hair dyed red, “quiet.”

“Excellent. I’m pleased to hear that.” Marxus nodded.

“Um, yeah hi mate…” Caleb waved his hands, “I’m right here.”

“Yes, I know you’re there Caleb, what can I do for you?”

“I wanna know how you got up here?” Caleb fretted softly, “I mean the wall is what…” he looked at Nick, “like sixty feet up with no ladder, or stairs, so what the bloody hell?” he placed his hands on his hips, taking a deep sigh.

Raising a curious eyebrow, Marxus remained silent, glancing at the young Wraith. Giving a friendly smile, before walking past him, he disappeared BOOM, just like that in a white, pale wisp.

Both Nick and Caleb stood dumbfounded, then looked at each other, scratching their heads and biting their lips before they jumped in place, hearing Justin’s voice on their radios. As the two Wraiths took a deep breath, sharing friendly smiles, they turned, returning to their posts and duties on the wall.

Arriving at Scotland’s border, there were two different guards posted at the gates. Pulling up near the shack, guards slowly approached the hovercraft that was parked ahead of the two, old trucks.

Erik, Jonathan, Anthony and I, with Zanzabarr, rode in the hovercraft with Anthony at the wheel. I sat next to him, with Erik and Jonathan riding in the seat behind us, while my large wolf rode in the trunk area with the door that had been repaired and renewed with the aid of Marxus’ magic. Nathan and Sarah rode in the first truck behind the van, and Thomas driving the third vehicle in line.

“Here we go again.” Anthony muttered.

“Be nice.” I smiled at him.

Before the Italian could completely roll down the window, it was one of the guards that ordered in a firm Scottish brawl, stringing the syllables and rolling his R’s.

“What brings you past our borders?”

“We’re returning from a geographical expedition.” Anthony’s smooth voice answered calmly, “Is there a problem…” his eyes scanned the man’s name tag, “Jimmy?” he finished as he raised his gaze, looking into the man’s small, squinting eyes.

“Paperwork of authentication and I.D. if you don’t mind, Sir?” Jimmy barked bluntly, without friendly conversation.

“Of course.” Anthony nodded turned to Yzavela, who reached into the glove compartment, handing him an envelope of our I.D. cards and other necessary paperwork that Marxus once more, conjured.

Watching as the young woman reached her petite hands into the compartment, Jimmy placed his hand on the hilt of a gun and club. Bobbing his head, catching glimpses of two young men in the backseats with something else moving around in the trunk area, he was beginning to feel uneasy by their large party.

Smiling, reaching past Anthony, handing Jimmy the envelope, the guard snatched them from my hand, beginning to quickly examine them after gesturing the other guards to inspect the other vehicles. Scanning the I.D.’s matching their faces with the three men and young woman in the hovercraft, he raised a curious eyebrow, then flipped through the paperwork; with a finger, he ran it down the pages, letting out a few low MMs and HMMs before lowering the stack of documents. Taking a few steps back, watching as his fellow guardsmen performed their duty, he waited until their searches checked out.

“What’s taking so long?” Sarah whispered.

“Shh…” Nathan looked at her.

“Excuse me, is there a problem?” Anthony respectfully asked.

“Yes, yes there is.” Jimmy’s voice boomed, “There’s someone in your party that’s missing, Professor Giovanni. Where’s…” he scanned the names on the documents, “Mr. Castillion?” he raised his gaze, looking deeply into the Italian’s dark eyes.

Caught off guard, Anthony was dumbfounded.

“Professor Giovanni?” I teased softly, placing my hand on his shoulder, then leaned in offering my explanation, “He wanted to stay back for a while to explore more of the area for one of his future expeditions, and will be taking another route home. We’re supposed to meet up with him in a few hours so I don’t think he’d appreciate us being held back from his precise, and specific schedule.” I paused, looking at the three men in my company, “I have a map here, showing the route that he’ll be taking if you would like to see it.” I reached my hand into my bag, pretending to shift through my contents, “Hold on.” my voice grunted, “Sorry, I have so much sh*t in here, hold on…”

“Does she speak for you?” Jimmy grew impatient, looking at Anthony, knowing how packed a woman’s bag could be, for his wife always had the same issue finding keys, “It’s all right lass, don’t worry about it.” he complained, “You don’t need to show me your entire lot there.” his hand gestured at her bag.

“It’s not a problem.” I smiled.

“No really, it’s fine.” Jimmy handed Anthony the envelope, “It appears everything checks out out Professor, so I’ll let you be on your way.” he nodded.

“Thank you, Sir.” Anthony nodded, handing the envelope to the young woman sitting next to him. Rolling up the window, driving forward, he teased, “You’re lucky he didn’t suspect anything.” he flashed her a sexy side-eyed glance.

“Well, I thought fast on my feet, he was about to ask all sorts of questions I’m sure we didn’t have answers to, so I’m sorry if I just saved our a**es back there. Besides, it worked didn’t it, because he totally bought my story…Professor Giovanni.” I smiled, pinching his side.

Anthony laughed, keeping his hands on the wheel.

“Oh please.” Erik whispered, then leaned forward, “But quick thinking there though, piss ant, but you don’t have a map in your bag. Not unless Marxus gave you another?”

“What happened to that map anyway?” Jonathan added softly.

“It got wet when I fell in that cave’s pit.” I turned in my seat, “And Jimmy didn’t have to know that, so pretending to shift in my bag was just part of the game.”

Jonathan nodded, accepting her answer then leaned back. He removed an iPod from his bag, beginning to listen to his long, versatile play lists.

“Professor Giovanni…has a ring to it, don’t you think?” my words purred telepathically as I looked at Anthony.

Releasing a deep growl, quickly flashing her his yellow eyes, he offered a sexy grin then paid attention to the road ahead.

“What would have happened though, if you don’t mind me uh, interrupting this little moment, but what would you have said if they asked more about Marxus’ absence? They could have thought we killed him, leaving him back there somewhere.” Erik added bluntly.

Turning in my seat, I looked at him, shaking my head.

“Always the optimist.” I spat sarcastically, “You’re welcome.”

Erik said nothing leaning back, looking out the window.

Driving for two and a half hours, we passed through Penrith.

Deciding to rest, having something hot to eat and cool drinks, there was plenty of enough time left in the day before it was nightfall, giving reign to the Boar-wolves. Parking the trucks and hovercraft outside the pub, it brought back memories for me when both my mom and I passed through on our way to the island. Leaving Zanzabarr in the craft with my dragon, I saw their faces peeking through the windows as I glanced at the vehicles parked down the street in a line of packed cargo.

Standing outside, Nikolaas, Steven and Roberto greeted those passing through their town, sharing friendly handshakes with both Erik and Jonathan, then offered nods to the rest in the company.

“Welcome back.” Nikolaas greeted Yzavela with a brief nod, “I see you’ve brought some friends this time around, hmm?” he looked around with his piercing dark eyes, “Lycynians too.” he eyed both Nathan and Anthony up and down, “You know I don’t allow mutts in my establishment. Especially ones that aren’t muzzled or leashed.” he mocked.

“I don’t blame you when it comes to Nathan, but the other is very kind and respects all.” I turned, looking at Anthony who pulled Nathan inside through the doors.

“You vouch for the other one?” Nikolaas looked down at her.

“I do, yes.” I affirmed.

“Very well. You will be responsible if anything happens.”

“Agreed.” I nodded.

“What brings you back here?” Steven walked alongside Erik and Jonathan, with Roberto trailing behind them, “And why are you in the company of Lycynians?” he glanced back at the two men, sitting in a booth by the door with another mortal.

“We’re coming back from a trek through Scotland and you…” Jonathan looked at the two Wraiths, “would not believe any of it.” he scoffed, “And the Lycynians are from the Isle, but it’s not the Italian you have to worry about, he’s a pretty cool guy. The other one however, you can kill.” he grinned.

Entering the pub with Nikolaas, I watched as Steven, Erik, Jonathan and Roberto stood at the bar, while Sarah, Nathan, Anthony and Thomas sat in one of the booths by the door, it was the very same one I shared with my mom.

As Nikolaas pulled two tables together with extra chairs, he made the blunt suggestion that the company should expand their comfort instead of being cramped into the booth seats, and he received no argument. Snapping his fingers toward the bar, grasping Steven’s attention, the Wraith sped around the counter, appearing by the table; his Wraith speed was swift, I couldn’t even see him move from one place to the other.

“So, what will you have?” he greeted everyone at the tables.

“What?” Sarah shrieked.

“To drink. What will you have to drink?”

“Um, water.” she mumbled then remembered the town with no name, “Actually no, do you have any fruit punch or even a pitcher of Lemonade?”

“Yes, we do.” Steven nodded.

“I’m allergic to lemons so I’ll take a fruit punch, thank you.” I smiled.

“I’ll take a Scotch, no ice.” Nathan barked.

“I’ll have wine.” Anthony added.

“Make that two.” Thomas ordered softly.

“And you two?” Steven looked at Erik and Jonathan.

“Beer.” Erik smiled.

“Same.” Jonathan nodded.

“All right, give me a few.” Steven smiled then turned away.

“Would you like something to eat?” Nikolaas approached as he carried menus in hand, “We make a killer, chunky stew.”

“No!” a chorus of anxious and fearful voices rejected.

Nikolaas took a step back, studying all of the horrified faces.

“No stew, please!” I shook my head.

“All right, no worries.” Nikolaas held his hands up.

“We’re sorry Nik, it’s just…” Erik added, “all of us had the most horrific experience involving stew, that’s all.”

“Stew? Really?” Nikolaas raised a curious eyebrow, “How so?” he pulled another chair over, sitting at the table.

“Where do we start?” Sarah whimpered, looking around at her friends and companions.

Leaning back against the chair, Nikolaas’ dark eyes widened, for the tale that was told, was something he only thought was fiction. Glancing at Steven and Roberto nearby, he could see that their reaction matched his own, but finally he understood the hesitation. Nodding, he slowly stood, pushing the chair back to its place among the table behind him, then announced that he’d have old fashioned burgers and fries served.

“And you?” the Hungarian leered toward the two Lycynians, “Raw meat, perhaps?”

“Burgers are fine, thank you.” Anthony groaned firmly.

“Don’t forget the fries, please!” Nathan sounded grateful for a moment, then removed a cigarette.

“Ah-ah, you smoke outside!” Nikolaas reached over, roughly yanking the cigarette out of the young man’s mouth, “Not in here!” he pointed toward the door, “Outside!”

Nathan huffed, quickly standing from the table, then stepped outside, reaching for another.

Steven retreated to the kitchen, preparing the orders, while Roberto paced behind the counter.

Excusing myself from the table, I slowly veered around the chairs, approaching Nikolaas who stood at the bar speaking with Roberto.

“Excuse me?” I softly announced.

Turning around, Nikolaas glanced down at the petite woman.

“Yes?” he wondered, “How may I help you?”

“I’m sorry if I’m interrupting.”

“Not at all.” Nikolaas bowed his head respectfully.

“Can I speak with you a moment?” I urged the Hungarian.

“Yes, of course.” Nikolaas gestured for them to step aside.

“I know this probably is not the best time, but it might be the only chance I get.” I muttered, then paused, staring deeply into his dark, mysterious eyes, “I wanted to thank you for the kindness when my mom and I passed through weeks ago.”

Sensing her half-breed status, Nikolaas scanned her presence, not in interest but observation and curiosity for he couldn’t pinpoint what it was that was different compared to all of the other half-breeds that he’s encountered.

“You don’t have to thank me, but I too, apologize if you and your mother felt you were danger during your previous visit. Penrith doesn’t get many pass through individuals.” he spoke softly, “And speaking of…” his dark eyes scanned the table, “where is your mother, I don’t see her.”

“She’s waiting back on the Isle, and worried sick I’m sure.”

“I’m sure she is, and forgive me for asking you this upfront in such a blunt way but…” he shifted his stance, “wasn’t your uh, hair longer before?”

“Yes, yes it was but things happen.” I ran my fingers through the shorter cut, “One more thing, if you don’t mind?”

“Within reason.” he affirmed.

“Can I ask you about your magic?”

That question caught him off guard, no one had ever asked. Adjusting his vest and sleeves, he gestured toward another table and chairs behind him. Pulling the chair out for her, he waited until she sat then took a seat across from her. Clearing his throat, he began explaining his use of the arcane, being a level 5 and as he moved his hands expressively, occasional and faint blue spark of blue Electrokinetic energy flickered in between his fingers.

“I am a level five and with that, I have no limits as to what I can, and can’t do.” he lowered his hands, laying them on the table, “Marxus I’m sure, has allowed you to explore his library in the manor, yes?”

“No, not yet. I mean, I haven’t visited it yet.” I answered him.

“Well, I suggest you that you do, he has many books on his shelves that explain all of the arcane magics that could be, or are, useful to you, and no, you don’t have to be a pureblood in order to learn them. I know many half-breeds that have…” he nodded, “advanced but still are not as excelled as purebloods. But you…you’re a fast learner, so it shouldn’t be difficult, not in the slightest.”

“Thank you.” I appreciated the compliment, “Once I get back to the island, I think that’s the first thing I’ll do, especially now that I…” I paused, “nevermind.” I dismissed my next set of words.

Reaching for her left hand, once making contact, a series of bright sparks ignited momentarily, causing him to pull away. Not in disgust, or fear, but it was more of an unnatural spark.

“Interesting.” he moaned with a grin, “That’s never happened.”

“I can’t say it’s happened either.” I examined my hands, “And speaking of books in Marxus’ library, has he shown you one of the books about the Barathous bloodline?”

“Barathous?” Nikolaas grew curious, “No, why do you ask?”

“No reason, I was just…” I studied his features and my god, he was Drayven’s doppelganger. Was he as powerful as the original Demon, of our race, both half-breeds and purebloods alike? I wasn’t sure if he knew about Drayven, and knowing he could read my thoughts I kept them locked away from his intrusion that I could feel stabbing my mind, “nevermind.” my eyes looked away as I shook my head, “I should get back to my friends and looks like the food is ready.” I quickly, and nervously stood, watching as Steven pushed a cart piled with plates.

Sitting there baffled, Nikolaas wondered, for the name that the young woman mentioned, was unfamiliar, but yet a tingle ran down his spine as he muttered it softly under his breath. He frowned, watching her, knowing there was something more to her than she realized, or revealed. Shaking it off, he stood, tucking the chairs close to the table, then approached the bar but bypassed it, ascending up the stairs to his office.

“Mm, that smells good.” Sarah inched closer to the table; she watched as Steven laid each plate in front of those that were in her company, followed by the beverages that were ordered.

Erik sat across from Yzavela, Anthony, Sarah and Jonathan, watching as they shared smiles and laughter, while having a set of soft words whispered in their ear. He grew jealous even though he and Yzavela had come to terms, being only friends. He pushed his plate away, then slowly stood, taking his glass with him as he sat in one of the booths, laying his feet on the seat while leaning his back against the wall.

I watched in the corner of my eye, as Erik caught the tender, but innocent moment between Anthony and I, but I paid no real attention as I gently slapped Anthony on the chest for his words were getting too intimate, but at the same time, I didn’t mind, biting my lip as I leaned in close.

It took a while before the plates were practically wiped clean, being piled up on the edge of the table. With stomachs filled, we enjoyed the peace and safety that Penrith offered, and just as Thomas and Erik were going to pay for the meal, Nikolaas said it was on the house.

“No, we couldn’t.” Thomas objected, removing his wallet.

“No, really.” Nikolaas affirmed.

“Thank you.” Thomas nodded respectfully, then grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair.

Steven and Roberto, with Nikolaas, escorted the group to the door, offering their farewells and safe travels home and just as Roberto and Nikolaas kissed Sarah on the back of her hand, she let out a soft giggle, feeling shy then turned away, then as they turned to Yzavela, she backed away, saying thank you for everything, while keeping her hands to herself.

Just as I stepped outside, I felt a hand tap my shoulder, and as I turned around, there stood Steven with slabs of raw steak wrapped in brown wax paper, tucked in a container.

“For your wolf.” he grinned with a soft, English voice.

This was the first time I was able to study him, before he had the chance to turn away. He was handsome, carved features with piercing blue eyes, and medium-to-dark blonde hair that was styled just above his collar with bangs combed back. His white shirt and brown trousers hugged his slender, but muscular build, while the apron was tied around his waist. He was stern, but carried the stature of a man that at some point, must have been a soldier for it was the way he stood.

“Thank you.” I appreciated the thought.

“You’re welcome, take care love.” he nodded before retreating back inside to tend to the empty plates and glasses.

“Oh my god, isn’t he gorgeous?” Sarah huddled close to her, referring to Nikolaas, going on and on about how gorgeous he was, but forgetting he was something she didn’t want to get involved with.

“But you’re forgetting something.” I confronted her.

“And what’s that?” she looked at her.

“He’s a pureblood, remember?” I put her in her place without being arrogant, or sarcastic. Turning away, climbing back into to the van, I left her standing there with her thoughts.

Jonathan sat in the seat behind Yzavela, hearing every word both verbally and telepathically for Sarah’s thoughts were pretty clear, and loud. He remained silent as she decided to ride with him in the hovercraft, and as he watched her turn to him, he just smiled and nodded casually.

I could tell, just by looking in the rearview mirror, that what Sarah said back there really bothered him. In my honest opinion, Jonathan was a real catch with his beautiful fiery red hair, big baby blue eyes, cute faint freckles, wonderful heart, but unfortunately felt insecure about himself because wasn’t the typical tall, dark and handsome guy women melt over. If only he could see that he was totally wrong, and unique in his own right.

“Jonathan…” I reached out telepathically, “I say this to you as a friend, because I care.” I shifted in my seat, “You’re one of the best men I have ever met, so do me a favor? Please do not let the actions, or words of an ungrateful woman like Sarah get you down. She’s too blind to see just how special you are.”

Raising his gaze, catching hers in the mirror, his eyes glazed over with tears. Sighing softly, flashing her a grin, he nodded in appreciation.

“Thank you.” he answered her.

“You’re most welcome, and I meant every word.” I reassured.

Evening rapidly approached; the three vehicles finally arrived at Heysham Port. The Guardians were different, they weren’t the same men patrolling the dock, but greeted everyone in a firm, but respectful manner. Both Erik and Jonathan stepped aside with them, all being purebloods.

Thomas stood nearby, unsure if he should interrupt them but he took the chance, stating that Marxus gave them all strict instructions to return to the Isle by portal.

The Guardians glanced at Erik and Jonathan, receiving nods in confirmation of the Italians revelation.

“Wait here.” one of the Guardians ordered. Backing away, he removed a radio-phone from his pocket.

“Is there a problem?” Thomas asked Erik and Jonathan.

“Hope not.” Erik worried, “I mean, those are the instructions.”

“I hope this isn’t another f*cking test, because I’m not in the mood.” Jonathan groaned, placing his hands on his hips.

“What’s going on?” I approached.

Turning around, Thomas watched as she approached with her wolf and Anthony.

“I don’t know.” Thomas answered, throwing his hands in the air, before slapping them against his side.

The Guardians stood gathered in a group, whispering among themselves then approached Jonathan and Erik.

“They’re expecting you.” one the Guardians announced.

“You think?” I snapped bluntly.

“Pardon, Miss…” the Guardian nodded, as did the others, “we didn’t realize you were among them.”

Erik, Jonathan, Thomas and Anthony all glanced at her.

“Um…” I stood confused, by the Guardian’s reaction and that of the looks on my friends’ faces, “surely Marxus mentioned it.”

“No, he did not.” another Guardian replied, “We’re sorry.”

“Forgiven?” I questioned, raising my left eyebrow, “So can we go now, or…” I pointed over my shoulder.

“Yes.” the Guardians nodded, then turned, scampering down the dock, approaching the ledge of the long bridge.

“What was that?” Thomas leaned in, looking at her curiously.

“I have no clue.” I shrugged, “But let’s not stand around here, arguing about it.” I looked at him, then squeaked loudly as I turned, feeling Anthony’s hands tickle my waist, “Stop it…” I giggled softly, looping my arm through his.

Once back in our seats, with the engines revving in place, we watched as the handful of Guardian Demons, began opening a much larger portal than before, that would be more capable of handling the amount of vehicles passing through. One of the Guardians broke free from his place, waving his hands in our direction, beckoning us forward and through. As Thomas honked the horn, he nodded through the window, then drove forward, leading the two trucks into the center of the portal; everyone held their breaths, and closed their eyes.

The Guardians stood by, watching as the portal engulfed the vehicles one-by-one, before the bumper of the last truck just slowly disappeared.

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