Sins Among Royals
Chapter 15

The morning progressed slowly as Indie sat with Noah, Ebony and the two boys on the back patio eating brunch at their own pace.

“So what are you two planning for your day?” Ebony queried casually as she took a bite-sized piece of melon between her teeth.

Her question didn’t so much startle Indie but it stirred curiosity within her. “I thought we were heading on our way today?” She turned to look at Noah who averted his gaze and picked up another pastry.

Ebony caught the awkward glance and spoke up. “I apologize Indie. We don’t get to see my brother too often so I sort of twisted his arm into letting the two of you stay a couple more nights.”

At the revelation, Indie couldn’t help but clench her fists around her cutlery. In a flash all she wanted to do was take her knife and plunge it into Noah’s chest before burning down Ebony’s house, stealing a car and returning to her life in Aspen and Stoneden. At least when enforcers went hunting for her she’d go down in a blaze of glory.

“It’s fine,” Indie replied through her blood boiled and a raging fire burned within her she held her composure not wanting to let her seething anger get the better of her while in front of the boys.

“She doesn’t look fine,” mused the dear of the two boys as he looked at Indie with a slightly worried expression glued to his face. “Uncle Noah,” he whispered harshly, “She looks angry.” It bothered Indie more that a child was willing to acknowledge it but Noah wasn’t. What kind of coward was he?

“Timothy!” Ebony growled, “have you forgotten your manners?!” At that Timothy shrunk on his seat while Ryan teased him. “Indie, I would like to get to know you more and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to town?” She then looked Indie over from head to foot in one swoop. “Perhaps we could go shopping for more clothing?”

A sharp look from Indie almost made Ebony shrink on her seat. She looked fierce and extremely mad but the longer Ebony and Indie held each other’s gaze the more I.die realized she might have been overreacting a little.

“That would be lovely,” she lied through her teeth wondering if there was a way for her to severe her bond with Noah. In her moment of anger, she didn’t care if it hurt her she would rather suffer the pain than be joined to someone like him for the rest of her life.

As the group awkwardly finished their brunch with the odd remark from both Timothy and Ryan they all got up and left the table.

Indie herself followed suit till she looked back and returned to gather her dishes. If she’d have left everything for her mother to do there would be hell to pay and she didn’t want to forget her manners just because of who she was supposed to be mated to.

“It’s fine Indie dear, just leave them the dishes,” she heard Ebony call from the distance.

Gathering as many as she cod Indie smiled as she walked past Ebony who looked more than a little confused. “How else am I supposed to show my appreciation?” It was a false smile as she placed the dishes in the sink and began running the tap.

“We have dishwasher dearest?” Ebony smiled awkwardly. She wasn’t used to guests lifting a finger in her home and found it rather embarrassing that Indie, her soon to be queen was washing dishes like a commoner.

“Oh sorry,” She replied with a shrug, “Don’t know how to work one of those. My family isn’t rich enough.” Her answer left Ebony stunned as she turned and left bewildered and a little enraged.

Before long Indie finished and wiped her hands on her dark shirt leaving wet marks everywhere. Looking down at her wrinkled fingers she shrugged her shoulders returned to the hallway and the room she was staying in. It seemed no one else was around but she couldn’t help but feel she was being watched.

Placing her hand against the door handle Indie got the urge to look up suddenly and when she cast her gaze to the far end of the corridor down past Noah’s room she saw a figure standing there innocently.

The little girl smiled and waved warmly at a very confused Indie. Returning the gesture Indie noticed the girl place her hands behind her back and sway from side to side. She was deathly pale and had dark hair. She was dressed in a simple smock and looked no older than five or six.

“Indie dearest!” Ebony called as Indie rolled her eyes and turned to face her. “Would you still like to accompany me?”

With a smile and a nod, Indie motioned towards the door,“let me just get my wallet and coat!”

“I’ll just wait outside shall I?” Ebony called back quickly as Indie waved and nodded her head.

When silence fell over the corridor again Indie turned to look at the little girl again but saw that she had disappeared.

“This place is weird,” she mumbled to herself as she entered her sleeping quarters and picked up what was needed before running back out to the front of the mansion.

Spying Ebony standing on the porch she smiled, “Alright. Ready to go!” Indie almost shouted enthusiastically. She didn’t know what was in store for her but she knew it would be interesting. It seemed that Noah and his family were not just inconsiderate but also strange.

The drive into town was surprisingly quick as the vehicle wound its way down narrow wooded roads and into a small but posh looking village of shops that was similar to Stoneden but nicer.

“Come Indie I’d like to take you to buy clothing.” At her soon to be sister in laws enthusiastic proposition Indie felt uneasy.

Following behind Ebony Indie cast her eyes around the streets of the town and noticed people staring. “You’d think they’ve never seen a stranger before,” she laughed nervously as they walked past a pair of gossiping women.

“Well,” Ebony smiled coyly. “You aren’t what anyone was expecting. Get used to it,” she offered no sympathy to poor Indie. “It will only worsen when you reach your new home.”

Indie couldn’t help but groan as Ebony ushered her into the first store. Security followed closely behind and stood out the front. It would be a sight Indie would never get used to.

“Every time I see security I wonder where Beyoncé is,” she chuckled at her wits quickly. Indie knew she was amusing and that was something no one could make her change. It was a dorky sense of humor largely influenced by Poppy.

Looking towards Ebony she was greeted with a dumbfounded stare. “I find myself wondering just what your gibberish means sometimes.” Though she seemed utterly serious there was a hint of a smile threatening to spread from the corner of her lips. It seemed that Ebony liked for people to think she was more serious than she actually was. Or so it seemed. “As you will be going into talks with mother and father right away I suggest we find you something a little more fitting.” The look on Ebony’s face rather annoyed Indie. Though it seemed playful. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So this is all part of me being me while being a better version of me?” Indie questioned quickly.

A look of utter confusion pressed against Ebony’s features as her brow furrowed deeply. “Well yes.” She replied with a matter of fact tone. “Mother and father are very traditional. I expect they’d not take kindly to you presenting yourself like a homeless person.”

Indie couldn’t help but frown.

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