Sins Among Royals
Chapter 16

Indie tolerated being dragged around by Ebony and being told to try on different things and as the day wore on she found her anger disappearing only to be replaced by joy.

It wasn’t too often that Indie enjoyed shopping but despite the rocky start to the morning it seemed to balance out.

She found no matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t bring herself to stay in a mood. Shopping as royalty was something completely different that was an experience in itself.

“It’s too bright,” Indie protested as the poor seamstress that had been attending to her brought out many swatches and rolls for the girls to look over and critique. It was Indie who was harshest of all.

“You can’t walk around wearing black everywhere. You aren’t attending a funeral.” Ebony seemingly pouted at Indie as she pushed away prints and colored fabric she thought were beautiful.

“I won’t just be wearing black.” Indie retorted quickly, “I just don’t want anything made that will make me feel uncomfortable.” She knew what she liked and unfortunately for everyone else it was quite limited.

“What about this?” The woman attending to Indie held up a rich, dark purple that looked like a night sky at dusk.

Standing on the spot awkwardly Indie shifted her weight from side to side. “I don’t mind it.” She replied casually.

“Good! Make a fitted dress, a fitted skirt and a matching blazer that ends below her waist.” Ebony jumped to rush her orders.

“Hang on,” Indie protested. “I vote for a drop waist dress with a white collar, a pleated skirt and a fitted blazer.” Casting a glance towards Ebony she noticed the eye roll that seemed to be her signature.

“What she said I guess,” Ebony conceded as she crossed her arms over her waist. It was better than nothing.

“Well what are we doing now that is sorted?” Indie questioned quite happily. She was glad that the trauma of picking clothing was done but it had barely taken three hours. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“She isn’t done yet Indie,” Ebony smiled coyly as the woman disappeared with the fabric only to return with a myriad of measuring tapes. “She needs measurements first.”

Indie gulped audibly as the seamstress looked at her with a large smile spread across her aged features. After what felt like an eternity Indie had been measured, poked with pins and had almost every part of her body looked over and scrutinized for the clothing she would receive before leaving.

Ebony and Indie left the store as the security fell in line before and after them. Ebony stopped suddenly and turned to Indie with a rather large smile plastered on her face. “I was thinking of having a little party this evening and inviting a few people over. It would be nice for everyone around here to see Noah again and for them to meet you.” Though Ebony seemed genuinely enthused by the idea of it all Indie heard was everyone. How many people was everyone?

Indie stumbled through her words as her brow furrowed and unfurrowed in confusion, “oh,” she began slowly. “I guess so? I mean its your house isn’t it?” Indie replied with another question as Ebony smirked like she had won a tiny battle.

“It’ll be a casual event so no need to dress in anything too fancy,” smiled Ebony as they continued walking to the vehicle. In a flash Ebony had her phone out and was calling many people. Indie knew instantly it was far too many people to just be a casual invite.

“The fanciest thing I own is a t-shirt with a crown on it.” She giggled climbing into the far side of the vehicle.

The drive back to Ebony’s home was largely quiet for Indie as she stared out the window at the passing trees. She loved being outside but the further she got from home the more she noticed the changes in environment. She was used to thick, lush evergreen forests but her final destination seemed like something completely different. Almost desert like.

Ebony finally pulled her phone away and placed it in her lap. “This should be interesting,” smiled Ebony knowingly.

Ignoring her comment Indie thought back to the little girl in the corridor and a curious thought struck her. No one had mentioned the little girl but she seemed so real that there was no way Indie could have imagined her.

“Who is the little girl?” Indie blurted out quickly trying to get it over and done with. Noah and his family seemed to have no problem keeping secrets and Indie didn’t know how to go about it. Being forward was her only answer.

She noticed Ebony clench her phone so tight in her lap that her skin whitened. She heard her grind her jaw and suck in a deep breath. She heard Ebony turn slowly with a forced smile on her face. “little girl?” She questioned in return.

“Yeah she’s little, got dark hair.....looks maybe five or six?” Surely Indie wasn’t imagining the whole thing.

Indie noticed Ebony’s features contort in discomfort as she processed the question slowly. Almost as if she were trying to think up a lie to tell her.

With a sigh she shook her head, “her name is Heidi.” She began slowly as she thought of how much to reveal to Indie. “She is Lori’s daughter.” She continued with a sigh. It seemed she was having trouble speaking the words she did

“Who is Lori?” Indie pressed gently. She couldn’t even comprehend what she was about to hear and it only further cemented the idea in her head that the family she was now part of had serious issues.

“Lori was our little sister.” Ebony sighed with great sadness.

“Was?” Indie couldn’t help but reply instantly. The look from Ebony made her shrink in her seat.

“Like I was saying,” Ebony began again. “Lori was our little sister but she died giving birth to Heidi.” The mood in the car dipped significantly as Ebony dwelt on the memories.

Indie thought it was odd that no one had mentioned Heidi yet and that she seemed almost forgotten.

“What about her father?” Indie questioned curiously.

“Heidi is an orphan.” Ebony replied with a suspicious look on her face. “You needn’t concern yourself with Heidi.” There was a sense of finality to her words that made Indie re think what she was about to ask.

Pulling into the driveway the house came into view and Indie sighed with delight. She would finally get a breather from Ebony.

As the vehicle pulled up Indie was more than surprised to see Ebony bolt out of the vehicle, up the stairs and into the house. She imbued out the other side and felt a little put off.

Had she said something wrong?

The house was very quiet still and she had no clue as to where anyone was or where Ebony had gone. She walked back to her room as quietly as possible and saw no others as she opened the door and closed it behind her gently. Closing her eyes and leaning heavily against the wooden door she felt like she was being watched again.

With a deep sigh Indie opened her eyes expecting to see nothing but was instead greeted by the mysterious little girl she had seen earlier that morning.

“Oh.......hi,” Indie smiled awkwardly as she tried not to jump at the sight of Heidi. “How did you get in here?” She questioned the child quickly.

Heidi ignored the question and reached her arms up to Indie. Awkwardly Indie stooped down and scooped the child up in her arms. The girl eyed Indies face and stared at her fine features. A look of innocent wonder took hold over the girl as her fingers traced around Indies face. For what felt like a long time Indie stood there just holding Heidi as the little girl looked up at her with all the wonder a child could muster.

Indie moved and sat on the bed with little Heidi in her lap, the child’s curiosity was insatiable as she pulled and tugged at every inch of Indie’s face. Indie took it all in her stride as she sat there wincing through the small bouts of pain inflicted by the curious girl.

So enthralled was she by the mysterious child that she didn’t hear the knock that sounded at the door but she heard the gasp from the person that opened it.

“Heidi!” Ebony shouted seemingly annoyed. “What are you doing in here leave immediately.” Ebony stormed into the room and snatched the child by the arm.

Indie protested and stood from the bed as Ebony dragged the struggling child towards the door.

“She’s not a nuisance and she isn’t annoying anyone.” Indie tried to step between the two when Ebony turned towards her with an unbelievably angry look on her face.

“No one asked your opinion!” She shouted loudly before dragging Heidi out into the hallway beyond leaving Indie standing there more than a little dumbstruck.

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