Sins Among Royals
Chapter 17

Noah lay on the bed in his room, exhausted from keeping his two nephews entertained. The two energetic boys needed constant attention and when Raif finally returned from his errands Noah handed both boys back to their father.

Many things ran through his mind and it all circled back to Indie.

She was lively and carefree and though many things about her appealed to him but what was holding him back was his past. He knew that there was more to her than met the eye but getting over the frustrations of his past kept him from appreciating the present. It kept him closed off to someone who would one day soon require a lot of attention from him.

His thoughts were soon interrupted when he heard muffled voices. Pulling himself up from the plush surroundings of his bed he strode quickly to the door and pulled it open harshly. Taking a step out the door his bare feet fell against the cold wooden floor in quick succession as he stepped quickly towards Indies room.

He heard Ebony yelling as Heidi was pulled roughly from Indies room.

“No one asked your opinion,” he heard Ebony yell at Indie as she protested against removing Heidi.

“What’s going on here?!” Noah demanded as his sister stopped dead in her tracks. He hadn’t even known that Heidi was in the house. “What is she doing here?” He questioned his sister as the colour visibly drained from her face.

What was going on?

“You’d best start explaining yourself Ebony,” the tone of his voice was threatening as he saw the fear in Heidi’s little face.

“Explain what Noah? She was told to stay upstairs and she disobeyed me.” Ebony seemingly tightened her grip as Heidi winced and whined in pain.

“Let her go for goodness sakes. She’s just a child.” Noah had always been very fond of his niece and it pained him to see her in pain. At such a young age she had already been through so much.

“She is under my roof and under my care,” Ebony stomped her foot on the floor trying to make a point.

“I can change that in an instant sister,” Noah sneered at her. She was acting oddly and it more than piqued his interest. Ebony had always been fiery and feisty but it seemed he could now add unstable to that list too. “I may be your brother but I am also your King,” Taking a step towards her she soon released her grasp on the girl and watched as she ran to Noah in tears. “Apologise,” Noah demanded quickly as Ebony grew red in the face.

Indie observed the silent stares between Noah and his sister and saw the struggle for dominance in Ebony’s features. Indie thought it strange and peculiar that Ebony would not immediately do as her brother ordered. It showed that Noah was not safe in spot and Indie didn’t like that.

After a long silence Ebony turned to Indie quickly and narrowed her eyes at her, “I apologise for my behaviour.” Without another word she turned from the pair and walked briskly down the corridor disappearing into unknown recesses of the home.

Noah turned to Indie with a frown. “Are you alright? Did she hurt you?” His words genuinely caught Indie off guard but she liked that he seemed concerned about her.

“It isn’t me that got roughly handled” She motioned towards Heidi who clung to Noah tightly. “She was pretty rough,” Indie mumbled as she stepped towards the pair.

Heidi lifted her head and looked up at Noah with a weak smile, “Unkie Noah we go now?” She placed her hand against his cheek and looked up into his eyes just like she had done to Noah.

Looking down at Heidi made Noah sad and made him realise just how much he missed Lori. They had been very close when she was alive and he felt suddenly responsible for the situation Heidi had found herself in. He had entrusted her father’s parents to care for her and suddenly found himself with a lot of questions that needed answering.

“We will leave in the morning okay?” He assured her with a hug and a kiss on her forehead. Noah then cast his gaze towards Indie and noted the apprehensive look on her face. He saw the silent questions in her eyes and the slight stench of fear she gave off. “I’m sorry. We’ll be on our way in the morning. It was a mistake staying longer than one day.”

Noah was annoyed and irritated that his sister would behave in such a childish manner in front of Indie. She usually kept her temper in check but it seemed that she snapped in record time.

“I apologise for my sister’s behaviour.” Noah again turned to Indie with a frown. Her breathing was deep and seem laboured but she smiled through her fear, “she becomes unreasonable when she feels she isn’t heard.” He knew her very well and knew that Ebony often threw larger more extreme tantrums when they were younger. At least she had calmed down a little bit.

“Like I said,” Indie began again, “I’m fine. It’s Heidi I’m worried about.” Indie was mad at herself that she didn’t do anything more to help Heidi.

“When did you arrive Heidi?” Noah turned back to his niece and questioned her gently.

Heidi simply shrugged her shoulders, “Nana and Pop went bye, byes.” Her little words were somewhat muffled against Noah’s shoulder and they worried him. What did she mean? He found himself wishing and hoping that Heidi’s grandparents were fine. They had really stepped up when Lori died and her mate Rogan disappeared. They had loved Heidi like their own child so for them to give her up sent alarm bells racing through him. What had Ebony done?

“Ebony has a small get together planned for tonight,” Indie broke the silence as she tried to ease whatever worries Noah had but all he did was sigh.

“Her get-togethers are never small.” He mumbled quietly. “Don’t go through too much trouble trying to dress up,” he turned and walked away leaving Indie standing there with mixed feelings. “none of them will appreciate it.” He called before walking past the door to his room with Heidi. He needed to reassure the little girl and calm himself. Though he seemed calm on the surface there was a storm raging beneath the surface.

The afternoon hours ticked by slowly for Noah as he contemplated his sister’s punishment. He still didn’t know what Raif’s involvement was but if there was anything suspicious happening he would find out about it and he would deal to both of them as he saw fit.

When finally the sun began sinking and daylight began fading did guests start arriving. Ebony busied herself with flowers and setting the back patio as lavishly as she could. His sister was complex and loved showing everyone just which family she belonged to and what they could do but she refused to sit in the same room as their parents for too long.

Noah handed Heidi to one of the minders and ordered her to be redressed. He himself did the same thing before knocking on Indies door.

She opened quickly and looked a little bewildered. “Hi! You look decidedly casual,” she commented on his jeans and buttoned shirt quickly. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A smile cracked across his lips as he took in what Indie wore. It was perhaps a better version of what she usually wore but oddly suited the kind of mood he was in. “I think you may need to take me shopping with you for casual clothes. You seem to do it so effortlessly,” he smiled warmly down at her and noticed a slight blush rise in her cheeks.

Such innocence and uncomplicated beauty. Though the feelings he had felt instantly for Indie we’re stronger than he’d expected them to be he’d promised himself that after Medea he would take things slowly.

So enraptured was he by Medea’s beauty that he decided there could be no other reason for it than them being mates. She urged him on with his declaration and fooled him into thinking that it was true love. That she was the only one for him. He was left heartbroken and more than a little embarrassed when he found her kissing another man. As punishment, she was locked away for the foreseeable future.

There was his true mate standing before him with so much promise and potential and all that occupied Noah’s thoughts was the ghost of his past.

“Where is Heidi?” Indies voice broke him from his trance instantly and brought him back down to earth.

The misty memories of what he was thinking seemed to fade away to reveal a very curious Indie. “She’s with the minders. She will join us shortly.” He smiled and held his arm out for her.

Indie took his arm cautiously as they began walking down the corridor towards the backyard. As they drew closer she could see people gathered and their manner of dress was so far beyond what Indie thought of that she felt embarrassed. Noah placed his hand over hers and gave it a gentle squeeze, “you look fine. If you want you can lend me one of your shirts so we match?”

It was a sweet gesture that Indie appreciated more than he knew as she shook her head and motioned for him to move along with her.

It was a turning point for both Indie and Noah as they came to have a new appreciation for each other.

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