The Admiral
Just Us

Arden Lexington

The last thing I want is to stain James with blood on my clothes. I look down at my blood-speckled shirt and back up at him, but it seems James has plans of his own.

His stormy eyes darken as one hand pulls me closer while the other slips into the front of my pants. I smirk at the idea he’s not wasting any time, I almost expected him to coddle me after what I just did to those men, but he’s not. I think I’m starting to understand James a little better; when he looks at me, he doesn’t see a rank, just me, a woman. Right now, in this cabin, we are not Admiral and Master or Arms, just Arden and James. What’s more terrifying and even exhilarating is that I’m starting to believe him when he says he’ll never leave me. It's on paper now.

James watches me intently as his fingers work to pleasure me, dominating me, and I feel the wetness pooling in my core. One look is all it takes from James, and I could be ready for him. Though his size takes some getting used to. I imagine the more we practice the easier it will be, though I will say I do enjoy the sting. It really is a fine line between pleasure and pain.

We slowly move backward until I feel my desk against my ass, and he holds me there, between my desk and his erection pressed into my hip.

My hand grips James’s shirt as I feel the buildup within. The way he watches me squirm at his touch is so intense. I feel my eyes drifting closed, but the way James pulls me into him snaps my gaze back to his. I almost want to pull away from how good this feels, but he doesn’t let me and holds me in places as I squirm in his grip. As I come onto his hand James’s lips pull into a wolfish grin. His fingers don’t stop moving as I come undone, prolonging the pleasure until he finally kisses me, and our hands work furiously to remove each other’s pants.

James moves me back to sit up on my table as he takes off his shirt and lifts my legs around his waist. I feel his desperation for me in his touch, his lust matches my own, and the suddenness with which he enters me only adds to my neediness for him. I want him to ruin me, to possess and break me, right before he puts me back together again. The raw power in his flesh makes me feel so small and weak, yet I know he would never hurt me.

I lay back on my deck, sending objects and documents falling to the floor as James continues to fuck me. The way his muscles move as holds me in place while he buries his entire length into me, again and again, drives me over the edge. I stifle my moans of pleasure into my hand as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over me. James groans as his entire body spasms, and I feel his seed spill into me as he buries himself one last time. I feel tears streaming from my face as if a vault hidden away deep was suddenly cracked open by James and his key. I quickly wipe them away as we both try to catch our breath.

“Did I hurt you?” James’s voice is deep and raw, but I can hear the concern clear as day.

I shake my head, “No, this was...amazing. How people manage to do anything other than fuck all day is beyond comprehension.”

James leans down to hover over me, keeping himself inside me the entire time.

“I don’t think it’s always like this,” he smirks before his lips sear their love into mine. My limbs wrap around James on their own and when he straightens up to stand he takes me with him.

James’s massive hands lift me up, and he slowly lowers me back down onto his cock, “Holy mother of Jesus, do that again,” is all I manage to mutter.

James laughs making me bounce in his arms before he obliges me, and we start up all over again.

I was another hour before we had to put a stop to the fucking. I hadn’t eaten all day and we had information to move on. If I’m not careful James is going to be one big, beautiful, blissful distraction from my duties. I watch him from my bed as he gets dressed, and once he’s done, he helps me get my clean change of clothes on.

“I’ve noticed you never wear your rank, on your clothes,” James says as he holds my boot as I slip my foot into it.

“I don’t like jackets,” I say matter-of-factly. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Nor hats,” James looks up and smirks, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a hat.”

I feel myself smiling as James reaches for my other boot and helps me put it on, “I detest them.”

James chuckles as he gets to his feet and holds his hand for me to take. He holds it all the way until we reach the galley and have to squeeze through the tables to sit at the Officer's table. By the look in their eyes, most of them are already happily drunk. They make some room for us to join them.

“Where have you been?” Eve winks.

“Heaven on Earth,” I say flatly as I sit in the space between Eve and James.

There’s no point in being shy about it or denying anything, it’s plainly obvious what we’ve been up to. My hair is always a mess but after sex, it seems to have another mind of its own.

Jack brings us a plate of food each and I start to eat mine at record speed as everyone seems to go back to their conversations.

“Did they tell you anything?” Charlotte asks solemnly.

“Oh yes, lots of things,” I say into my drink as I take a sip.

“Put enough holes in anyone they’re bound to give up something just to put an end to the pain,” Giddeon mutters, “The trick is knowing when to stop.”

“Why?” Eve asks.

“At some point, the body stops feeling pain,” James answers.

I watch him as he casually gathers food onto his fork. I’d hate to think he’s had to be in my shoes and inflict pain on another human. James has always seemed like a caretaker, a protector. Even when it comes to battle, his choice of weapon is that of a rifle, almost as if to watch over and keep our men safe from a distance.

James sees me watching him and nudges me playfully before resuming eating.

“So, what did you find out?” Charlotte presses.

I look up at Charlotte and smirk, “Everything.”

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