
Nothing about today hinted that it would be a disaster. I woke up happy. Excited to take Jax and Krystal out. Where we could all just hang out, chill and eat ice cream.

Jax has been sad these past couple of weeks. Sebastian not being around has had him on edge and he missed his father.

The whole thing has been driving me nuts because nothing I did seemed to cheer him up. Sebastian still had a day or two to go. So I hoped taking Jax out would help in cheering him up.

"So what are we going to do with Sebastian?” Midnight asks out of the blue.

Blue immediately chimes in. “I was wondering about that too?”

Why are they wondering about him? To be honest I was getting tired of hearing his name. Can't I have peace? A peaceful place where Sebastian doesn't exist?

"Chill woman! We are just asking so that we are on the same page concerning him okay? Not that we are taking his side” Blue says

“I second that. I mean sure, the man is hot as hell, and don't get me started on Fang. He's the most dominant son of a bitch I've ever come across and I wouldn't mind some sexy time with him, but there's a code. Girls before sex right?” Midnight adds with finality.

Man, I am screwed. Having two wolves who are horny as hell is dangerous. I can't even count the number of times I've had to use my dildo this week. It was beginning to get embarrassing how horny I was.

"First of all, we are not girls. We are sexy ass grown women" Blue crisply states.

Oh no. This was the beginning of their banter. One that I didn't have energy for.

"You know what I mean” Midnight explained unbothered.

Blue snarls “No I don't”

“Yes you do” Midnight fires back.

I decide to interject. They were starting to give me a headache. My focus right now should be on the boy downstairs who is down like a rainy weather.

"Will you two stop it! You both behave like little kids sometimes”

They humph in irritation before they both go to their respective space. Giving me the silent treatment.

I pick my things up and head downstairs. Where Jax and Krystal were waiting for me. I plan to make it a memorable one for both of them. I will make sure that by the end of this day, they will be so tired nothing will register in their minds.

Just as I was about to cross to the living room Phoebe’s voice stopped me.

"Where are you taking my grandson?”

I internally groan. She always ruins my moods whenever we cross paths. Would it be rude if I just ignored her?

I thought that maybe she treated Lilly the same. That notion was quickly shot down when Micah and Lilly came the weekend before. She treated Lilly like she was an angel sent from above while I was a demon.

If I was being honest I expected her to treat me better. Now that she knew my connection to the goddess. That expectation also went horribly wrong. In fact it seemed that she now hated me more. Especially after Sebastian's sentencing.

“I'm waiting” she interrupts my musings.

Her hands were folded and she was tapping her foot against the hardwood floor. The action was fucking annoying me.

“To the woods so I can devour his tiny body” I sarcastically reply.

The shocked look on her face is satisfying. Bet she didn’t not expect me to talk back to her. Without wasting any time, I leave her standing there and head to the living room.

I find Krystal and Jax all dressed up waiting for me. I would be damned if I allowed Phoebe to darken my day.

"You guys ready to go?” I plaster a smile for their sake.

Krystal replies immediately. The excitement in her voice.

"Yeah" she screams, jumping up and down. Just as Jax replies “Not really” with less enthusiasm.

I hold their hands as we head outside and towards my car. The lack of enthusiasm should have been my first warning that today would end badly.

“So, what do you want to do first?” I ask while driving.

They were both seated at the back. Krystal was chattering happily while Jax just stared outside the window.

“Can we have ice cream first?” Krystal shrills. Her voice full of glee.

“We can have ice cream but we will have lunch first then we can do the fun stuff” I look at Jax through the rearview mirror. “Is that okay with you baby?” I ask him.

He doesn't say anything at first. But then I see his lips wobble. His voice catches when he speaks.

“I miss dad so much. When is he coming back?” he asks in a small voice.

It breaks my heart seeing him like this. Despite everything that happened between me and Sebastian. I couldn't deny that he is a good father. Otherwise Jax wouldn't be feeling this strongly about him not being around. Which says a lot given I've never heard him ask for his mom.

“I know sweetie, but he will be here soon. Two more days and he will be here” I try assuring him. We lied to him that Sebastian was on pack business. That he couldn't communicate with him during his time away because where he was going there wasn’t Wi-Fi. That the cell phone reception was also lacking.

“Really?” he asks. His voice hopeful.

“Yeah. He will be back next week"

I see him smile and it eases the tension inside me.

“Finally! Now Jax can stop being sad all the time.” Krystal screamed before addressing me. “Mommy, when can I see daddy?”

I sigh. I didn’t know what to tell her given Darren is ignoring me. He doesn't answer my calls, texts or emails. Krystal has been asking more about this. Wanting to know when Darren will come to see her.

“I don’t know honey. He is busy right now but he told me to tell you that he loves you and that once he is free he'll come to pick you up for a daddy-daughter day” I lie in one breath.

Goddess knows how many times I have had to lie and make up excuses for Darren. The one thing that prevents me from busting his balls, is knowing that he truly loves Krystal. That's the one thing he and Sebastian have in common. Their love for their kids.

My mind travels back to that day in prison. Darren believed me but I don’t know what to do with that. Is it enough to forgive him for everything he did?

The pain, the cheating, taking me for granted? Darren broke my heart in more ways than one. I am just starting to realize just how much he damaged me. How he never respected me or loved me.

On the other hand there is Sebastian. He didn't believe me and his punishment isn't enough to make up for that. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed very much seeing him being tortured by Sylvia. Some may say it's sadistic of me but oh well. We will have to agree to disagree. Bottom line is, he is far from making things up to me. I don’t see myself letting this go anytime soon.

We reach the restaurant and get out. I had booked in advance so we were immediately seated. It was the same restaurant where I attacked Miranda. That should have been the second clue. That when I am in this particular restaurant things always go to shit.

"What do you guys want to eat? Pick anything” I smile at them and laugh at their excitement.

“I want mac and cheese” Krystal answers.

“Fries and chicken nuggets” Jax responds.

We place our orders and wait. We chat and I am happy to see that Jax doesn't look as sad as before. It seemed like by telling him that Sebastian is coming home soon, a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

Our orders come and we dig right in. By the time we were done my ribs were hurting from laughing so much. The stories these two tell me are hilarious.

It was time for us to leave. The kids wanted us to go to an amusement park. I had packed my car in the back since the front parking lot was full. We leave through the back door. It was unlocked and it would be quicker to get into my car.

We had just gotten outside the door when a puff of blue powder was blown in my face.

"What the hell?” I shout, but immediately start feeling funny.

The smoke clears and I see a man standing there. He had a shaved head and three scars across his face. I presumed the scars were from claw marks. Fear starts gripping me when he starts advancing on me. I push Jax and Krystal behind me. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Jax, take Krys and go back inside. Don't come out till I come get you and don't leave with anyone you don't know okay?” I struggle to get the words. Panic and fear gripping me.

“La-Lauren? The man looks scary” the fear in his voice is clear. I needed them to get inside. I would die a thousand deaths if something were to happen to them.

“Please listen to me, Jax. Go inside and don’t come out until I or someone you know comes to get you. Am I understood?”

"Ye-yes” he stammers.

Seconds later I hear the door open and close behind me. By this time the man was almost onto me. Without a second thought, I turn left and start running. Or at least I try to. My mind was sluggish and so were my movements. I felt dizzy and disoriented. My vision was blurry. I couldn't clearly see where I was going.

I tried accessing Blue and Midnight but for some reason I couldn't.

I heard the man walking towards me. I guess he didn't need to hurry given he had drugged me. He knew I couldn't get far.

“Stop running. There's nowhere to run to. Make this easier for me. I promise to finish this quickly. You won't even feel any pain” his voice is gravelly, sending chills down my spine.

He was right though. There wasn't a place to run to. I had backed myself in a corner with nowhere to go. I face him

"please I have children" I beg.

With my blurry sight I see him raise his hand and point something at me. A gun. I struggle to keep myself standing. Knowing this time my nine lives had run out.

"Not my problem lady. I am just doing what I was paid to do"

Was this seriously how I was going to die? Drugged then shot. While Jax and Krystal waited in the restaurant. It seriously sucked balls.

I hear the click and booming sound of the fired gun. I close my eyes accepting my fate. At least Jax and Krystal were safe. The staff at the restaurant will keep them safe and call someone from the pack to come get them.

The piercing pain I expected doesn’t come. Shocked I open my eyes and see a blurred body lying on the ground. Unmoving

Seconds later I start to fall. I hear shouts but I am too far gone to know whether it's real or just my imagination.

As I fall into unconsciousness I smell a familiar enticing scent.

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